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Homework Troubles

3rd Person

Renesmee grumbled as she headed back down the stairs, a sheet of paper was held tightly
in her hand. She had tried to find her parents, but they where not in the large house. And,
unless she had someone going with her, she couldn’t go into the woods to get to the little
cottage. Sighing, she jumped the last two steps and landed on the white carpet, the noise
of the T.V reaching her ears.

Well, if my parents aren’t here, why not have anybody who’s at the T.V help me with
homework. Renesmee though cheerfully, skipping towards the couch.

When she rounded the corner of the couch, she paused. Emmett was lounging, remote in
his hands and watching the T.V. Renesmee remembered the last time she asked for help
from Emmett for homework. She got all the questions wrong, because she hadn’t realized
Emmett talked about the vampire wars. Lets just say, the teacher was not impressed. But
Renesmee didn’t know that people didn’t know about the famous vampire wars.

Now, with the assignment she was given today in class, Renesmee highly doubted that
Emmett would help her responsibly. Maybe she should look for Alice… or Rosalie. Maybe

“Hey Squirt, what’s up?” Emmett asked, looking over at his niece.

“Uh…” Renesmee bit her lip, swinging her hand with the piece of paper. Should she really?
“Do you know where Mommy and Daddy are?”

“Nope. Probably out hunting…” Emmett chuckled silently to himself, “Alone… in the middle
of the forest.”

Renesmee didn’t catch on. “What about Auntie Rose… or Auntie Alice?”

“Shopping?” Emmett asked back. In truth, he didn’t really know where they went. That
was though, the most reasonable explanation for their whereabouts.

“Uncle Jasper?” Renesmee asked, really hoping that she didn’t have to ask Emmett for
help on her homework.

Emmett shrugged, “You know where Jasper falls under the school system, right Nessie?”

“What?” Renesmee asked, “There is a place for somebody in school? Besides being a

“Yeap.” Emmett replied, turning down the T.V. “Come sit, and let Uncle Emmett tell you all
about it.” He patted the couch cushion next to him.

Renesmee clambered up onto the couch, and got comfortable, placing the page face down
on her lap. Emmett didn’t need to see what it was just yet.

“So, basically you have the student body.” Emmett said, placing his arm on the back of the
couch, “And within that student body, you have groups. Or cliques.”

“What’s a clique?” Renesmee asked, never hearing that in her life. “Is it like the friends
people make and hang out in at recess?”
“Sort of…” Emmett nodded slowly, “But in high school, they get even more important. And
it’s in your best interest to stay within your clique… for personal safety, and you shouldn‘t
make friends with others in a different clique.”

“Oh.” Renesmee didn’t know that Emmett wasn’t being completely serious. It was alright
to make friends from multiple cliques. Most people had many friends throughout the
school, just some they hung out with more than others.

“And when it came to your mother,” Emmett smiled, “She wanted to jump cliques, and join
the vampires.”

“Really?” Renesmee asked, “But that was good… right?”

“Nope… cause then your Daddy went all weird, and at first he turned even more emo-ish.”
Emmett suppressed a laugh as Renesmee looked at him with what he would describe as a
‘WTF’ expression.

“What’s ‘emo-ish’?” Renesmee asked.

“Uh… you don’t have to know about that yet.” Emmett said quickly, “Anyway, back to why
Jasper isn’t here. He is most likely at the library, or secluded up in his room in a dark
corner, because you know how Uncle Jasper is right… but he is probably reading a book or

“But that’s good, isn’t it?” Renesmee asked, seriously beginning to doubt what her Uncle
was saying.

“To a point, Nessie.” Emmett said slowly, “See, we… as in I… think that Jasper may have
some kind of boarder-line personality disorder. Or some kind of emotional problems,”
Emmett laughed, “And well, he likes to be alone.”

“But Uncle Jasper can feel emotions! It’s not his fault!” Renesmee got it into her head to
protect her Uncle Jasper when he wasn’t here… at least from her other Uncle’s
misinterpretations. And the family says Emmett is older than her.

“Okay, okay.” Emmett said, still laughing slightly, “Just saying.”

Renesmee harrumphed, and crossed her arms over her chest. She remembered the
homework assignment and wondered if she should just wait for her parents to come home.

“What’s that Squirt?” Emmett asked, after a small moment of silence.

“Oh this… it’s - hey!” Renesmee jumped at Emmett, as he snatched the piece of paper off
her lap, “Give it back Emmy!”

“Now, now, just calm down child. Jeez, we don’t want you to pass out with all that blood
rushing to your head.” Emmett said, nonchalantly, waving Renesmee to sit down.
Renesmee obliged, not realizing that she had blushed majorly when Emmett took the piece
of paper.

“Ah, good times, this was.” Emmett laughed, placing the paper back on the couch, “I have
the perfect channel to help you with that.”

“T.V knows about it too?” Renesmee asked, almost in disbelief.

“T.V knows? You bet Nessie. Now, sit back and pay close attention, I think Animal Planet
will do the trick.” Emmett chuckled, and started to switch channels. “Here, just watch.”
“’Kay.” Renesmee glanced from her Uncle, to the T.V.

In socio-biology and behavioural ecology, the term mating system is used to describe the
ways in which animal societies are structured in relation to sexual behaviour. The mating
system specifies…

Renesmee moved her eyes over to Emmett. He was holding a fist to his mouth, and
blocking out laughter. What was so hilarious about her homework. She turned her gaze
back to the T.V.

Here, we have a pack of wolves. Where only the alpha male and female mate. Where the

Renesmee’s eyes widened, and she froze. The paper fell out of her hands and down to the
white carpet below.


Renesmee’s sight was momentarily blinded, as her father’s hands wrapped around her
face, covering her eyes.

Emmett didn’t even look away from the screen, “Oh, hey Edward.”

Edward didn’t reply, instead, he glared at Emmett. Emmett looked over and shrugged.

“What? I’m helping her with homework.”

*Later with the Wolf Pack*

“You seem a little edgy today Nessie.” Emily said slowly, brining a huge plate of muffins to
the table.

“Well… I learned something today for school.” Renesmee said twisting a finger around the
table cloth.

“Oh, and what’s that kiddo?” Seth asked, reaching for a muffin.

Jacob grabbed a chocolate chip muffin and handed it to Renesmee. “It’s okay Nessie, you
can tell us.”

Renesmee looked around the large table at the wolf pack, who where now in their human
forms. “Well… I think it’s about the wolves… cause that’s how I kind of learnt it…”

“Really… so what has textbooks said about us?” Quil asked.

“Uh… it was the T.V.” Renesmee mumbled, breaking off a piece of the muffin top and
popping it into her mouth.

“Okay… but what’s wrong?” Jacob asked, “Does something not seem right?”

“Well… I uh… you see…” Renesmee turned to face Leah, “Are you an alpha female?”

“Uh… no… there is usually only an alpha male.” Leah replied, not sure what Renesmee was
implying, “Why… did those leeches say something?”

“Leah.” Seth said slowly, “They have names you know.”

Leah rolled her eyes, “So, what’s up girl?”

“Well… if Jacob is alpha, then who is his mate?” Renesmee asked slowly, recalling what she
saw… or heard this afternoon. “Wouldn’t that be Leah.”

Both Jacob and Leah choked on the muffins they where eating. “WHAT!?”

“I think I know what she learnt today!” Quil and Embry sang. Seth, Paul and Emily

“Oh God.” Leah moaned, placing her head in her hands.

“Renesmee, I want you to listen carefully, okay.” Jacob said slowly, turning to face
Renesmee, “We are different than normal wolves, and we don’t work like that.”

“Oh…” Renesmee frowned slightly, and ate another piece of her muffin, “So, I should
change all my answers with things about you guys then right?”

“How did that work out last time with History?” Seth asked.

“My teacher thought I was making things up. Cause I told her about the vampire wars.”

The whole pack burst out laughing, and Renesmee pouted even more, crossing her arms
over her chest.

“Sweetheart, you can’t really talk about mythical things like that in school.” Leah said,
“Humans just don’t understand.”

“But you guys are wolves!” Renesmee defended, “Why can’t I talk about you?”

“Because we aren’t real wolves. We are different than wolves, I mean, you don’t see
wolves getting as big as a horse do you?” Embry pointed out.

“Oh.” Renesmee said. She yawned and stretched her arms above her head.

“Come on Ness, lets get you home.” Jacob said, guiding Renesmee towards the door. She
held onto her muffin tightly, as they headed outside.

“Jacob.” Renesmee whispered as the got closer to the tiny Rabbit.


“I think you would be more happy, if you have an alpha female…”

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