Nsa Research Proposal

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Freeman 1

Spies Among Us: A Research Proposal on NSA Surveillance

Justin Freeman
In June of 2013, Edward Snowden revealed to the press and the world that the NSA was secretly
tapping into phone calls, personal computers, and taking similar actions in order to keep an eye
on the general public. Snowden also exposed countless classified documents describing the
measures that the US government was taking in order to keep an eye on the population. The NSA
committed these invasions of privacy in order to make sure terrorists werent being harbored
within US borders and to try and uncover any terrorist plots being routed through the US.
Described in the documents leaked by Snowden, the NSA has intercepted and interpreted the
communications of over a billion people worldwide. The NSA uses cellphones to track millions
of people as they travel around the planet as well as capture private messages sent to and from
people in order to obtain information. I plan on researching what kind of information the NSA
covertly intercepted and what their purpose for doing so was. I also plan on investigating to find
out if the NSA has actually accomplished anything with this invasion of privacy, as well as
investigating view points from both sides of the controversy.
This topic is important to me because I will likely be working in cyber security in the future,
particularly with Northrop Grumman (which is often contracted to do work for the NSA). I
would like to research this topic so I can learn what the NSA does in terms of morally grey
actions. I would also like to learn more about why the NSA takes such actions and whether or not
these actions can be justified. This is important to others because the NSA is suspected to watch
almost everyone in the country, so those who are being watched may want to know more about
how/why theyre being watched. It can also be important to others because the information that
the NSA obtains can also be used to stop terrorist and anti-American plots before they can be
carried out, and whether or not this justifies the immoral invasion of privacy.
Work Plan
I plan on researching this topic by viewing some of the documents Snowden leaked as well as
news articles pertaining to the NSA leak. I will search the internet for documents and interviews
with Snowden as well. I may be able to interview my uncle (who works very high up in Northrop
Grumman) to gain more information. In the end, I will compile the information I have found into
a well written report.
March 23-30: Read and research Snowdens documents and other sources
March 31: Compile collected research into a plan for a paper
April 1-2: Write and turn in Memo
April 2-8: Write Rough Draft
April 9: Turn in Rough Draft
April 10-16: Edit Rough Draft and form Final Draft

Freeman 2
April 17: Construct Change Matrix
April 18: Write Grade Reflection
April 20: Turn in Final Draft

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