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Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first.

1. On Friday, the main meal is usually cooked by my mother.

On Friday, my mother
2. My mother told me not to burn the rice.
My mother said Dont
3. Mary suggested having pizza.
Mary said Lets .
4. In the restaurant, Sue asked for burger with chips.
In the restaurant, Sue said Can .
5. He prefers using the car to walking.
He would rather..........................................................
6. Whose is this mobile phone?
Who does ..............................................................................
7. Technology confuses some people.
Some people ...............................................................................
8. The film was called 'Iris'
The name...................................................................................................
9. Arsenal won the match on Saturday.
The match........................................................on Saturday.
10. The teacher told them they could have a break.
The teacher said "You .............................................."
11. She has been a teacher there for five years.
She started to teach there........................................
12. Manchester United won more matches than Chelsea
Chelsea won..........................................................................
13. The exercise was very difficult, but I finished it
14. Speaking Spanish in English class is prohibited
You are ..........................................................................

15. Most students passed the exam.

16. This is more difficult than I thought it was.
This is not...............................................................................

Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.
1. My room was three floors up and looked over the street.
My room was on the ..and looked over the street.
2. There was a bath and a shower in the bathroom.
The bathroom had a bath as .. a shower.
3. A notice warned me not to leave anything valuable in the room.
A notice said: .. leave anything valuable in your room.
4. The hotel breakfast was the best Ive ever eaten.
The hotel breakfast was any other I have eaten.
5. I had to check out of the room by 11 a.m.
I was .. to stay in the room until 11 a.m.
6. My brother said I was going to bed too late.
My brother said You should go to bed . than you do.
7. He recommended eating more healthily.
He said You should eat a .. diet.
8. I dont like any vegetables apart from spinach and carrots.
I dont like any vegetables . for spinach and carrots.
9. I wont eat meat if its not grilled.
I wont eat meat its grilled.
10. I know I should eat less chocolate.
I know I eat . chocolate.
11. Tanya and Beth have been friends since primary school.
Tanya first . with Beth at primary school.
12. Tanya likes to talk to Beth about their schooldays and so does Beth.
Beth and Tanya like to ..other about their schooldays.
13. The other day, Beth asked Tanya if she remembered their fist teacher.
The other day, Beth asked ..... remember our first teacher, Tanya?
14. Tanya suggested going to visit him at school.
Tanya said Why . go and visit him at school?
15. They would like to meet their teacher as well as look round the school.
They want to look round the school in . to meeting their teacher.
16. You are told the situation in the instructions.
The instructions .. the situation.
17. Dont include extra information or your answer will be too long.
Your answer will be too long .. extra information.
18. Remember to write about all three points.
Dont .about all three points.
19. After the test, our teacher asked us if we had checked our work.
She said, your work?
20. You will lose marks if you write more than 45 words.
If your answer is too you will lose marks.

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