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It is difficult to let go of what we deeply love. What could be more
proper than to love your only child?
When we obey God despite the circumstances, the spiritual benefits
of his blessings will always outweigh our sacrifices.
Have you ever withheld your time and love from him?
Notice the Parallel between the ram offered on the altar as a substi-
tute for Isaac and Christ-offered on the cross as a substitute for us.
Whereas God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, he did not
spare his own son, Jesus Christ from dying on the cross. God sent his
only son to die for us so that we could be spared eternal death we
deserved and instead gave us eternal life.
Genesis 22:1-18
1. Briefly describe what transpired between Abraham and God?

1 A book of books (5)
1 There are 66 of these (5)
4 Shortest book in the Old Testament (7) 2 Behold (2) 2. a) Why do you think Abraham agreed to sacrifice his only son?
7 The number of chapters in Philemon (3) 3 Revelation comes in this part of the New ______________________________________________________________
8 This testament contains 39 books (3) Testament (3)
9 Jesus' brother, who wrote a letter (5) 5 Donation of money to the poor (4)
11 In authority before the kings (6) 6 This letter lists the faithful (7) ______________________________________________________________
12 His epistle contains one chapter (4) 9 He prophesied of the 'day of the Lord' (4)
13 Successor to Queen Vashti (6) 10 A faithful Moabitess (4)
14 David wrote many of these, set to music (6) 13 He foretold the regathering of Israel in
b) If you were Abraham, how do you think you would have responded
17 Wrote about the restoration of the temple (4) prophecy of dry bones (7) to God’s instructions?
18 Originator, writer of a book (6) 15 A prophet who was a herdsman (4) ______________________________________________________________
21 Number of letters written by John (5) 16 One of the gospel writers (4)
23 Number of chapters in 13A (3) 19 A prophet, reluctant to go to Nineveh (5)
24 Galilee, Dead, for example (3) 20 Adam and Eve ate from this in the garden ______________________________________________________________
26 Paul wrote many of these (7) (4)
27 He prophesied the birthplace of Jesus (5) 22 The border of a garment (3)
25 Joshua writes about this city near Bethel (2)
c) Have you ever found yourself in a situation with similarities to
that of Abraham? What was your response?
Courtesy crossword on Books of the bible
© 2009 All Rights Reserved - Bible Study Share Group - Bugolobi - Issue 7
2 3

Mere obedience 5. a) Was King Saul honestly accepting his mistake or its because he
had lost his Kingdom?
1samuel 15:1-23 _____________________________________________________________
To obey is better than sacrifice
Did Samuel mean that sacrifice was not important? No he was urging
Saul to look at his reasons for making the sacrifice rather than at
b) How does God respond to sin in the New Testament? (Challenge)
the sacrifice itself. _____________________________________________________________
A sacrifice was a ritual transaction between a person and God that
physically demonstrated a relationship. But if the person’s heart _____________________________________________________________
was not truly repentant, or if he did not truly love God, the sacrifice
was a hollow ritual. NOTE:
Religious ceremonies are to be performed with an attitude of love When God said he was grieved that he had made Saul king, was He
and obedience. saying He had made a mistake? An omniscient God cant make a
Being religious by going to church, serving on a committee, giving to mistake, what changed was His attitude toward Saul when Saul
charity is not enough if we do not act out of love devotion and obe- changed.
dience to God. Saul’s heart no longer belonged to God, but to his own interests
Why did God command such destruction of the Amalekites?
DAY 3  They were a band of Guerilla terrorists.
3 .Outline the chain of events in this story?  They lived by attacking other nations and carrying off their
_____________________________________________________________ wealth and their families.
 They were the first to attack the Israelites as they entered the
_____________________________________________________________ Promised Land and they continued at every opportunity.
 God knew that the Israelites could never live peacefully in the
Promised Land as long as the Amalekites existed.
4. a) What, in your understanding, was Saul’s error?
_____________________________________________________________  He also knew that their corrupt, idolatrous religious practices
threatened Israel’s relationship with him.
_____________________________________________________________  The only way to protect the Israelites bodies and souls was to ut-
terly destroy the people of this war like nation and all their pos-
b) From your answer in 4. a) above, What led him into it?
sessions including their idols.

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