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Food for thought. BIBLE STUDY SHARE GROUP - BSSG - 14th AUG 2009
It is only the fear of God that can deliver us from the fear of man. We are TOPIC: FEAR
much better off fearing God who can give us what we deserve than fearing Matthew (14:22-31)
men who can give us what we don’t deserve and withhold what we do deserve
“...The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…” Franklin Delano.
but are unable to harm us in a permanent way.
The story here in Mathew shows that Jesus needed some time alone. So he
Every opportunity to fear is an opportunity to trust God and move from the instructed the disciples to get onto the boat and go ahead of him to the other
cliff of fear across the bridge of faith to the cliff of courage. The bible repeat- side of the lake. Sometime during evening hours a storm came up and the
edly encourages us not to be afraid. When Jesus speaks, he often begins boat was buffeted by the waves and wind. Later (about he fourth watch, Jesus
“FEAR NOT” we are told that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of came walking toward them, he was walking on water. They were terrified at
power, love and self discipline (2 Timothy 1:7) we are even told that a man the site of him thinking he was a ghost. Fear gripped them. Immediately, Je-
who fears has not been made perfect in love(1 John 4:18) sus said “take courage, it is I, don’t be afraid”.

Fear not!! Be of good courage this week, until we meet again, May Blessings Fear, fear!!! Oh fear. Webster’s dictionary defines fear as an agitated state of
follow you. God guide you by cloud during day and fire at night. mind that cripples us from looking any further than the hardship itself.

*********************************************************** “...Every human struggles with the emotion of fear; fear of failure, fear of re-
jection, fear of a certain disaster, fear of men, fear of the future, fear that God
has abandoned them. Fears of all sorts elbow their way into the out stream of
“...We fear that we are inadequate, but our deepest fear is that we are powerful conscious thought, while some fears are constructive-many heroes are born
beyond measure. by their reaction to a life threat. Most fears handicap men…” Patrick Morley
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask our-
We all fear or have been afraid one time in our lives. What are you afraid of?
selves:”Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?"
Is it job jitters? Are you afraid of disappointing your boss, workmate, friend,
Actually, who are you not to be these things?
parent, pastor? Do you have a disabling illness, do you fear God has aban-
You are a child of God.
doned you, do you fear that your future is uncertain.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people around To all those troubling queries lies a pathway to hope, led by none but JESUS
you won't feel insecure. “take courage! It is I, Don’t be afraid” he says (Matthew 14:27) lets jump
We are all meant to shine as children do. straight into bible study and find out how we can gain courage, and how we
We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. can overcome fear.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission
to do the same.
1. What is the biblical understanding/perspective on fear?
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically releases
others…." - Marriane Williamson, from 'A Return to Love'.
© 2009 All Rights Reserved - Bible Study Share Group - Bugolobi - Issue 12 _____________________________________________________________
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DAY 2 d) How is faith important in our Christian walk.(Heb. 11., Mat. 21:21)
2. All humans struggle with the emotion of fear!
Agree Disagree ______________________________________________________________

b) Explain your answer. DAY 4

Godly Fear versus Other Fear.
One of the most misunderstood principles of the bible is the fear of God.
c) What troubled the disciples?(vs. 26) What is the difference between the fear of God and other fears with which we
_____________________________________________________________ struggle? Often the fear of God is dismissed as a translation problem. It is
suggested the fear of God is merely reverent thinking about him, actually,
_____________________________________________________________ the fear of God involves understanding of who God really is, and a hatred of
everything which is not of God. (Proverbs 8:13) to fear the lord is to hate
d) Do you have any fear? What causes you to fear? evil, a man must be able to differentiate between good and evil. We fear men
_____________________________________________________________ for a practical reason. Men have the power to give us what we don’t deserve
or withhold from us what we deserve.
_____________________________________________________________ We should fear God for an equally practical reason; God doesn’t have the
capacity to do the wrong thing.
4) What are the advantages of fearing God (Proverbs 29:25, 1:7, 9:10, Psalms
3) Fear not! Jesus encouraged the disciples. Why? Relate it to. 2 Timothy. 111:10, Romans 8:28).
1:7. _____________________________________________________________
b) Peter was prompted to walk on water, what eventually made him to start
sinking? 5) What have you learnt about fear?
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c) Whom do you call on when you are in fear.” and have started sinking” b) How can you overcome fear?
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