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SUBJECT: Epistles Of John
_______________________________ SCRIPTURE: 1 JOHN 1-2:1-27

DAY 5. John states that he wrote to give assurance of eternal life to

those “who believe in the name of the Son of God” The uncer-
How does the blood of Christ cleanse a Christian of
tainty of his readers about their spiritual status was caused
sin?1John1:7 Read also Ephesians1:7 & Colossians
by an unsettling conflict the teachers of a false doctrine.
John refers to the teaching as deceitful and the teachers as
“false prophets”, liars and antichrists. They had once been
with the church, but had withdrawn and had “gone out into
_______________________________ the world” to propagate their dangerous heresy.
The heresy was a forerunner of second-century Gnosticism,
Are Christian’s sins forgiven automatically or must they which taught that matter is essentially evil and spirit is essen-
do something to obtain it? Explain. (Romans 10:9- tially good. This dualistic viewpoint caused the false teachers
11) to deny the Incarnation of Christ and, hence, the Resurrec-
_______________________________ tion. The true God, they taught, could never indwell a mate-
rial body of flesh and blood. Therefore, the human body that
_______________________________ Jesus supposedly possessed was not real, but merely apparent.
John wrote vigorously against this error.
“Gnosticism” is a word derived from the Greek gnosis, meaning
What are we to confess before God will forgive us
“knowledge.” Gnostics later taught salvation by mental
enlightment, which came only to elite spiritual initiates, not
to the ordinary rank and file of Christians. Hence, they sub-
stituted intellectual pursuits for faith and exalted specula-
_______________________________ tion above the basic tenets of the gospel. John again reacted
strenuously, declaring that there is no private revelation re-
© 2009 All Rights Reserved - Bible Study Share Group - Bugolobi - Issue 22 served for a few intellectuals, and that the whole body of
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believers possess the apostolitic teaching. John’s purpose in How is our joy made full according to John? Read also
writing than, was to expose the heresy of the false teachers Psalms 16:11
and to confirm the faith of true believers. Extract from ________________________________
New Spirit Filled Life Bible, 1 John introduction by Peter E.
Prosser, BA, B.Th, M.A, Phd.

Word of life :Read 1 John 1-10

Walking in the Light :Read 1John1:5-10
DAY 1.
To what time does the phrase “from the beginning” refer?
1 John1:1.
In your own words, explain the phrase, “God is light” John
Who is the “we” of verse one?
How does one “walk in the light”?
Define “fellowship” according to John 1:3

Can one “walk in the light” and “walk in darkness” at the
same time? Explain your answer.

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