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Christian hearts, in love united, seek alone in Jesus rest;

Has he not your love excited? Then let love inspire each breast.
Members on our Head depending, lights reflecting him, our Sun,
Brethren his commands attending, we in him, our Lord, are one.
Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1723)

New Beginnings
Moravian Church

In one of my favorite stanzas of my favorite hymns, there is the notion that brothers and
sisters in Christ who pursue a unity of love centered in Him can experience an enthusiasm which can
not only inspire but holds the real possibility of reshaping our understanding of life and faith in a permanent way whatever ones framework may be.
As I look around the body of our witness (The Church) it is with an encouragement and eagerness that we are called to follow this charge! Of course this attitude can be challenging to maintain in the larger setting of our stewardship when we hear from people who study such things that the
Church of Jesus Christ in North America is and has been on the path of great decline since the 70s.
Some say it is because for years, people have joined the church only in a marginal way and as with
other things that can vie for our attention in the postmodern world, the church and its mission can
get left behind or replaced. Some however see the current context as a great pruning. As with nature, it
is just a prelude to the beginning of new and exciting life for the next chapter to be written in the book
of Gods mission in the world, worked and developed through the hands of His people.
Whatever the case may be, in a few weeks we will open our new educational and office wings
here at New Beginnings Moravian Church in the midst of these realities, hopefully coinciding with the
recognition of our Nations Independence (July 4th) and alongside of the celebration of the 600th anniversary of one of the forerunners and communicators of our faith, Jan Huss (July 6th). Both pressed
into the headwinds of their day and emerged with vibrant new directions for people and their lives. All
natural reasons to be excited about where God has been, where He might be seen today, and ultimately
where He might be leading all of His children into the future.
As the hymn teaches depending on, reflecting on, and attending to Him, we truly are one
in Him and are poised to do great things for our Lord!
Serving together, pC

Well be celebrating dads and

all men of faith on
Fathers Day, June 21st
Our Childrens Chorus
will be singing during worship on
Sunday, June 21st (Fathers Day)


Following our
Moravian Music Sunday
Sunday, July 5th
Burgers & Dogs will be
grilled to perfection.
Sides & Desserts are needed.
Please sign-up to let us know
youre coming, AND to let us
know if youll be bringing a
dish to share.

Building a community guided by the Holy Scriptures, preparing it to reach out in word and deed, with faith, joy &
compassion, spreading the message of hope through Jesus Christ while celebrating Gods everlasting love & grace.

Page 2

New Beginnings Moravian Church

Bible School
Itll be a
Classes for every age.. take your pick!
Children, 0-4Nursery

around here!

Children 3-4 Toddler Time, during worship

Youth, K5th grade GPS, during worship,
except on Joyful Noise Sundays
Youth, Middle/High Wednesdays, 7 pm

July 19-22

5:30-7:30 pm

Children, ages 4 through 11

are invited to participate in the fun


Bible Stories * Recreation * Crafts

Adult Study9:30 on Sunday mornings

Bethel Class, 7 pm on Wednesdays

I will bless you so

that you will be a
Genesis 12:2
GPS children making
snack bags for Habitat for
Humanity work teams.

Music * Dinner
How much faith did it take Noah to build
an ark when there was no sign of rain?
Lots of Volunteers are needed,
so while youre signing up your child(ren),
please choose the area that you
would like to help with.
Sign-up sheets are posted in the FH.

Questions? Speak with Charlotte

This summer,
our youth will be
creating items to go
into our Operation
Christmas Child
boxes this fall.


Donations are needed of various items you may have at

home. If you can help, please drop your items in the box
provided in the fellowship hall by June 1st.
colorful, fun fabric
plastic soda bottle caps (see sample in FH)
thin rope (to be cut up and used as clothesline)
clothes pins

Page 3

Christmas in July
Saturday morning, July 18th
and youre invited to help!
The Goal?
to make take-aways for those in our community who
worship with us at our
Christmas Eve Lovefeasts

June 7th

What will you need to bring?

Congratulations to all of our

graduates, no matter the age!

Nothing but your willingness to help,

John Hus

June 28th

and your Christmas spirit!

Moravian Music Sunday

Sunday, July 5th
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all
ye lands. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with
singing. Psalm 100: 1-2

Many of our members serve the community, over and above what they do here at
New Beginnings. When possible, well be bringing you their story. If you serve in a ministry
outside of our church, and would like to share it with the rest of the church, please let me know.

Disaster Services
As a volunteer, I have trained in multiple programs for service both locally and during large national disasters.
My volunteer career began in Mass Care and Shelter Management which provides temporary housing and feeding for
people during catastrophic events.
Among the assignments that will always linger in my memory are deployments to NYC for the 9/11 attack
(Sept. 2001), the Pentagon in Washington (Nov. 2001), the devastation caused by tornadoes in Oklahoma (May 2003),
super Hurricane Katrina (August 2005), to total destruction of a 35 unit apartment building in Thomasville, NC (April
But the work I do locally is equally important. As a Red Cross volunteer, I serve the residents of Iredell and
north Mecklenburg Counties who have been affected by a personal disaster (such as a single-family fire). My position is
to administer tangible assistance in the form of financial grants and help each client develop a personal recovery plan
utilizing the diverse local community resource network. This month, Ill celebrate my 20th Anniversary with the Red
-submitted by Barbara Goroway

Page 4

New Beginnings Moravian Church

Around the Province . . .

Salem Band 2015 Summer Concert Series continues...June 9thCowboys; June 23rd Sports; Tuesdays,
7:30 in Salem Square, Old Salem Admission is Free
Meet and hear the story behind Vjollca Mazi and Dena Grillo, from Albania, who were instrumental in
starting the Lutheran-Moravian Church of Albania; July 1st, 7 pm in the FH at Friedlan Moravian.
Hus Legacy Celebration, July 19th at 3 pm at Home Moravian

National Mens Health Week

June 15-21, 2015

Each year, National Mens Health Week is celebrated the week leading up to and including Fathers Day, which is
June 15-21 2015. During this week, individuals, families, communities, and others work to raise awareness of ways
to promote healthy living and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.
What Men Can Do
Lead by example:
1) Eat healthy, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. They are sources of many vitamins, minerals, and
other natural substances that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Limit foods and drinks high in calories,
sugar, salt, fat and alcohol. Choose healthy snacks.
2) Be physically active. Adults need at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) every week and muscle strengthening activities that work all major muscle groups(legs, hips, back, abdomen,
chest, shoulders, and arms ) on two or more days a week. Spread your activity out during the week, and break it into
smaller chunks of time during the day.
3) Have regular check-ups by your doctor. Certain diseases and conditions may not have symptoms, so checkups
help diagnose issues early or before they can become a problem. Pay attention to signs and symptoms such as chest
pain, shortness of breath, excessive thirst, and problems with urination. If you have these or symptoms of any kind ,
be sure to see your doctor right away! Keep track of your numbers for blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol,
body mass index (BMI), or any others you may have. Be sure to ask your doctor what tests you need and how often
you need them.
4) Get vaccinated. Everyone needs immunizations to stay healthy, no matter how old you are. Even if you had vaccines as a child, immunity can fade with time. Vaccine recommendations are based on a variety of factors, including
age, overall health, and your medical history.
5) Be smoke-free. Quitting smoking has immediate and long-term benefits. It improves you health and lowers your
risk of heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and other smoking-related illnesses. Also avoid being around secondhand
smoke. Babies and kids are still growing, so the poisons in secondhand smoke hurt them more than adults.
6) Sleep well. Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. Also insufficient sleep is responsible for motor vehicle and machinery-related accidents, causing substantial injury and disability each year.
Sleep guidelines from the National Sleep Foundation have noted that sleep needs change as we age. In general,
adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep.
7) Manage stress. Stress can be harmful when it is severe enough to make you overwhelmed and out of control. Take
care of yourself. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Find support. Connect socially. Stay active.
8) Prevent Injuries. Violence and injuries can be prevented, and their consequences reduced. Become
educated and practice prevention in your daily life.
submitted by M. Hauser


Last month, your Board discussed:

car show beneficiary: Ronald McDonald House of


building update

July 5thMoravian Music Sunday, followed by Pot

Luck Luncheon

summer vacations discussed

no Board meeting in June; July 13th

review of Provincial Report Strategy

Training Meeting for

UshersScripture ReadersYouth Message
Sunday, August 16th after worship
August 22nd
9 a.m.11:30

Sept. 11th
6:30-7:30 pm


Avery Lantz
Chip Richardson
Herbert Spaugh
Susan Spaugh
Matthew Lawson
12th Barbara Sprinkle
15th Iris Goodrum
Don Mason
26th pChris
*If your name doesnt appear on this list, please let the
office know so the church records can be updated.

Treasurers Report April 2015

Regular Offering
Joyful Noise
Special Offering
Total Income


Christian Ed
Joyful Noise
Misc. (incl. advertising)
Office supplies
Special Offering (Unity)
Total Expenses:


Budgeted Income YTD

Actual YTD
Budgeted Expense YTD
Actual YTD


Change of schedule
or closure will be
announced on WBTV,
and when possible,
an email will be sent
out as well.
If you know someone
without internet, please
give them a call just to
be sure theyre aware
of the schedule change!

Our 2nd Annual Benefit Car Show will be held on

Saturday, Oct. 3rd all proceeds raised will benefit...

New Beginnings Moravian Church

PO Box 2278
201 Seagle St.
Huntersville, NC 28070-2278

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