Research About EDC Hotel in UUM

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We chose the hotel EDC to see the implementation of organization training in improving

performance. The result of our conversations with madam Iena isma bt Wan wan
kamarulzaman as exsecutive human resources was explain further training in EDC
implementation. To ensure that the training program run more smoothly and effectively
several things should be considered before implementing training programs.
According madam Iena is an exercise carried out by the elements needs or demands by a third
party organization or employee of a training program, followed by the provision of an
adequate budget or to carry out the training will take into account need to training.
competition in the market, rapid and continuous change, the problem of transfer of
technology, changing demographics. For example, the training needs of the training program
is required when a customer who visited most of the arab EDC then training to learn the
Arabic language should be developed.
Among the most important thing is having to setup training. Here coaches play a big role in
generating satisfactory returns organization. The results of the interview we did in the EDC
stated that the supply of training is very important to do a thorough and prudent. If inventory
is not done properly training the impact of training obtained unfavorable. According
gentlemen Iena among the most important preparation is preparation coach, according to him,
is also one of the coaches at EDC states that coaches should be prepared of the physical and
mental aspects before making a training program. Trainers need to increase personal power
available through how to increase their knowledge and skills in aspects of training and
professional. In addition, coaches need to set training goals, setting training objectives,
establish training methods and provide training materials before conducting the training.
The coach also needs to ensure that the objectives, goals, vision and mission of the company
in line with the objectives of the organization. If they are then conducted training was not

reached. There are several training methods implemented in EDC them are using on the job
training. where the training is held in EDC only. This exercise does not require a large
expenditure. This method is used in the habit of EDC for one-on-one training that takes a
short time. Job training conducted by EDC by placing new employees or employees who
were recently promoted to work together with more experienced workers. Semasakerja
training is also conducted through talks, lectures, short courses or yangdianjurkan by the
organization in the workplace during working days. Among the training programs that use
methods on the job training in EDC as housekeeping sevice quality managment, food and
baverage division, induction courses and so on. Employees will be sent kesesuatu place to
attend courses and constantly monitored by the coach to ensure that workers are actually
present in the course.
There is off job training, sending employees attend courses or workshops conducted by the
organization's own staff or by experts from outside parties. Between training exercise off the
job training is role play, simulation, in-house training. role play methods were also used, the
method involves inter department where each department to manage their departments. The
simplest example of the method in providing training to participants is how to answer phone
calls from customers. While in house training also is to call a speaker to give a lecture to the
participants. The majority of workers in the EDC will be involved in these training sessions.
Between training is conducted in house Bahasa Inggeris course for staff, first aid courses,
courses for food handlers and others.
According gentlemen Iena between training a clear impact on the organization is in house
training because participants do not be shy to ask questions to the coach as attending training
are among their own friends and operated by the organization. In addition, they can also
continue to practice what they have learned during the training. Examples such as first aid
training. They have the opportunity to practice what they have learned during the learning

session. But also learning how to run relaxed so that participants do not be shy to ask. This
exercise habits lasted for two days. Each training conducted is different for each employee.
For example, new employees and old employees in EDC training provided is not the same.
New employees more ways to customize with work and more to using on the job training.
Among them is the method of role play and simulation training more applicable to new
employees. It is intended to ensure the involvement of new employees in training conducted.
In addition, to ensure the effectiveness of training instructors must make latiahan planning,
designing training programs, providing training materials, ensuring the availability of
participants, rewards, participants' reactions.
Trainers need to design a training program in accordance with the needs of the organization
by researching the background of the mission and vision, as well as the principles of the
company. Examples course is a course designed for food handlers. According gentlemen Iena
before he designed this course examines his first vision of the company EDC, eg, through
products and services. Where vision is very committed to the principle of value for money
relationship. They will ensure best value for money for services rendered is best to get the
best effect. For example, if a customer complains about food cooked by the EDC is not tasty
or not cooked is the responsibility of the employee to change or re cooking new foods to
customers in order to meet customer requirements. If the customer is satisfied with the level
of service provided, the EDC will receive a boundary value of the services provided in
accordance with the motto of principled relationship value for money.
According gentlemen Iena before doing any training coaches need to plan training. The EDC
training to be carried out has been designed for one calendar year. This significant every
month employees will attend various training mengiukut their job requirements. The next
coach should ensure that the necessary methods they use. According to his coaches need to

use a variety of training methods in order; the training is more effective and participants also
not easily get bored when using multiple methods. Eg Bahasa Inggeris for hospitality training
conducted at EDC has used a variety of methods such as in training, lectures, games, video
screenings. By using multiple methods they will be excited and eager to learn english even
though most employees do not like the english language.
To ensure effective training of trainers should provide training materials necessary before
beginning any exercise carried out so as not to disrupt the concentration of training. EDC has
any training in modules. This module is required during the process of teaching and learning
so that the information presented is organized and structured.
In addition, the coach needed to ensure the availability of participants before attending any
training that will attend. According Iena gentlemen will let him three days earlier to the
employees who will be involved with training held outside the organization. It is intended to
ensure that workers involved with the training can attend the training. Next he will supervise
its employees by ensuring that employees actually reached the place of the exercise.
Next, to get the maximum impact using EDC also reward during training. Rewards given are
in various forms it aims to motivate participants to be involved in any organized training.
Examples of successful participants performed well in each training session will be awarded
a prize. Indirectly, they will compete to show good performance. Therefore, achieve training
goals to ensure the involvement of participants in the training.
According gentlemen Iena. Training effectiveness can be measured through responses of
participants through questionnaires and gave a talk after the training. He will distribute a
questionnaire to every training session conducted at EDC to identify effective or not a
training program organized it. While each of the selected participants to attend courses
outside the organization required to present any information acquired while attending the

course. It is also known as a session sharing experiment in EDC. In addition to evaluating the
effectiveness of training attended by participants it also can improve the shortcomings of the
Thus, it can be concluded that the training is very important to an organization for training
undertaken is to find a solution to the problem in the present and prepare the solution of the
problems that may arise due to changes to products, systems and ways of working in the
organization. In addition, the training also aims to ensure the achievement gap that exists in
an organization such as differences in the level of performance while the employee with job
performance that an organization can be eliminated, or at least the gap is reduced, add the
quantity of output, improve the quality of output, reduce waste costs and equipment
maintenance costs, reduce the number and cost of accidents in the workplace, reduce
employee turnover and absenteeism and increase job satisfaction among employees.
Therefore, effective training can improve employee performance.

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