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Programa Nacional de Formacin Administracin PNFA

Departamento Bsica
Trayecto I Trimestre III
Unidad Curricular: Idiomas-Ingls I
Tiempos Verbales Voz ActivaPrueba Nro. 1 - 25%
Names /ID:________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________



*-Pre-Readings Activities:
IMPORTANT: Just use dictionary to look for the vocabulary you do not know.
Look at the text and pay attention to the pictures that accompany the text.
Read the title
Scan the text for names, dates, acronyms, numbers, or any other element that stands out.
Highlight vocabulary you know and understand.
What is the topic of the text?

Astor Industrial Corporation

Astor Industrial Corp. has been in the international trading business since 1979. While we specialize in hand
tools, electrical items, and hardware, we are also active in a variety of other industries providing OEM
solutions to our customers. We also provide Engineering Solutions and our engineers can assist you in your
new product development. Astor acts as a sourcing agent for our customers and provides an easy gateway to
Asian suppliers in various industries. With facilities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, Astor has a good
network of suppliers who can fulfill all of your requirements. Our experienced staff can perform, Factory
Audit, Contract Negotiations, Shipment Arrangements, and Inspections for you. Creating great savings in
time and money for your company! Please take a look through our website to see a sample of the products we
offer. Please keep in mind Astor's products is not limited to the items on our website. Send us any inquiries you
wish for us to investigate and we will be happy to assist you.
Contact Information:
Company Name: Astor Industrial Corp.
Contact Person: Elaine (Exporter, Buying agent, Manufacturer)
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer

*-Reading Activities

1.- Answer the following questions fully in Spanish with information provided in the text.
a.-When was Astor Industrial Corporation established?
b.-What do they specialize in?
c.-Who can assist you in your product development?
d.-Where can you find their subsidiaries or contacts?
e.-Why can their offer help you save money?
f.-Are all their products shown on their website?
g.-Who is the contact person?
2.-Translate these sentences into the correct verbal tense according to context. Then put them into verbal tenses
in parenthesis and translate into Spanish.
a.-Astor Industrial Corp. has been in the international trading business since 1979.
(Present Simple Tense)

b.-We are also active in a variety of other industries providing OEM solutions to our customers.
(Present Perfect Progressive Tense)

c.-Our engineers can assist you in your new product development. (Simple Past Tense)

d.-We will be happy to assist you. (Conditional Progressive Tense)

3.-Write a summary of the text. Make it no longer than 2 lines. (Provide answer in Spanish)

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