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Mass media today is separated into two types , traditional media and
new media. Mass media reaches out to large audiences. In mass media
today , new media is used more often.
New media dominating the market, traditional media suffering losses .
Print like newspaper and magazine, records CD, books, DVD, television
and radio has been over taken by Citizen Journalism, online magazines,
e-books , online streaming , making ones own playlist or streaming
DJs. New media has cut costs for production but it has also impacted
many artists, record companies, Dvd and music retailers, authors ,
press companies and broadcasting stations negatively. It has harmed
their revenue from traditional methods and forced them to adapt to the
internet to survive in the entertainment industry.
Traditional media
Print and Books
Newspaper has been affected heavily. The presence of new media and
the Internet in particular, has posed a challenge to conventional media,
especially the printed newspaper. It has been concluded that the
newspaper industry in the U.S is having such a hard time that can be a
financial crisis. (Salman,Ibrahim,Abdullah,Mustaffa and Mahbob 2011)
This leads to U.S Newspapers seeking help from their government.
They were allowed to recoup taxes on profits they paid on profits
earlier this decade to help offset some of their current losses. This is
what they put forward to the Joint Committee of Congress.
With declining sales and production, newspapers also have to compete
with free content online by online journalisms and the ever trending
social media. Where as a newspaper comes out every day or every
week, New media news comes out rapidly and printed newspaper do
not have the luxury of the time of being produce so fast. People are
interest in news but by the time consumers purchase a physical copy it
is not news anymore but history.
The decrease of viewership has ceased to attract advertisers and
advertisers find it preferable to opt for online advertisements instead.

The print media industry could not compete with the competitive price
offered by online websites with increasing viewership.

Books have had a smoother integration to its electronic counterpart as

pros such as low production cost and it can fulfill to a wider range of
consumption in the market. An experiment by Kanna,Pope and Jain
have concluded the delayed release of the eBooks will cause a
insignificant change on hardcover sales but a significant decrease in
eBooks sales resulting more profit to the publisher.(Li 2013) To a
degree ,online piracy also had a positive effect for book authors.
Lesser and lesser people listen to the radio now and it has affected the
radio industries economy. Revenue, deflation of the value of radio
properties and potential job loss is becoming very real if broadcasting
radio industry does not do anything about it.
A scholarly research was conducted on young audiences. They leaned
towards new media over traditional radio in many cases. A study found
that traditional radio has a limited utility in the new digital environment
where young adults are used to flexibility and choice, including playlist
technology for music.(Abramson 2014) The interactive world leaded
them to prefer new media as websites like that can let
them customize their own playlists.
The film industry also has taken a hit economically but was not as
serious as the other traditional Medias. Local film industries lose out to
foreign film industries because of the availability and variety of content
the internet contains. There then came to the idea of Cable Television
that charges monthly subscriptions for the content outside local
television content.
Record and film
Straits times yet again reported another CD store has closed down. Out
of 9 stores, Gramophone is closing their final retail shop at Cathay
Cineplex. They have been force to close down due to lack of customers
and sales. (Hoe 2013)

CNN money reported the figure of the total revenue from U.S. music
sales and licensing plunged to $6.3 billion in 2009, according to
Forrester Research. In 1999, that revenue figure topped $14.6 billion.
(Goldman 2010) This is due to piracy that will be mentioned later.

Media consumption
Smart phones have replaced our mobile phones and in some cases,
computer. With a touch of our fingers we can excess information
around the world.
With connected portable devices like smart phones and tablets, people
can instantly access to the media. Consumers need not to rely on a
television, or buy newspaper and magazines to catch what is going on
in the world.
In Singapore 2003, from every 100 people, 53.8 people have access to
the internet
People have access to the internet. In 2013, from every 100 people ,
73.0 people have access to the internet. From 2003-2013 there is an
increase of 35.7% comparing the past 10 years and later.(The World
Bank) A Research was done to the efforts of media consumption and it
was found out ages, 18 to 36 spend an average of 17.8 hours a day
with different types of media. They only spent 33 percent of their time
on traditional media as compared to the heavy consumption in new
media.(taylor 2014)

Generally 85% of Singaporeans have smartphones and spend an

average of 40% of their time on online media each day.(Singapore
Business Review 2014)
Mobile broadband subscriptions have also grown by 45% annually over
the past four years.It is estimated that there are twice as many mobile
broadband, as there are fixed broadband, subscriptions. In terms of
coverage, by mid 2011, 3G services were available to 45% of the
worlds population; 2G services covered twice that volume. This growth
has set the foundation for increased access to social networks on
mobile channels. (IDA)
It seemed almost inevitable to have new media dominating the market
when figures only keep increasing and the world is being digitalized
every moment.
Birth of Peer to peer file sharing came from Napster, who made a big
impact in the music industry. People loved to notion of free media or
inability to have access to it geographically has lead to piracy. This has
affected the media industry, decreasing their revenue significantly.
World economic recession times caused piracy to boom as people were
less inclined to pay for content as they do not have the money.
However, there is little success in effort to thwart digital piracy. It has
left various stakeholders disgruntled due to either financial losses or by
impinging on ideology of consumer rights, free access and creativity
expression. (Vida, Irena; Mateja Kos Koklic; Kukar-Kinney, Monika; Penz,
Elfriede 2012)
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was not successful when the bill was
introduced. (Downes 2012) People were unhappy with the freedom of
speech restricted by the bill itself. People were also voicing that free
music is a right therefore piracy was not completely wrong.
New media then strikes again with an Invention called smart TV. The
idea of smart TV boxes is not illegal and this device itself is gaining
popularity. Many of these devices hold unlicensed content and have
affected cable TV industries. In 2010, Star Hub estimated that there
were 5,400 illegal users then with unlicensed content distributed smart
TV boxes, which amounted to a $2.6 million loss for the company. (Ho

2013)This creates legal issues to regards of copy right and trouble

licensed content holders.
Movie piracy causes a total lost output for U.S. industries of $20.5
billion per year, thwarts the creation of about 140,000 jobs and
accounts for more than $800 million in lost tax revenue.
For the music industry, entering it was easy fame and fortune once.
Now only Grammy holders, popular artists can make a fortune they
expect. Despite that it was as much as before. Electronic music is
generally cheaper than buying a record and the production fee for
producing a record was not high.
It did not go the same for books. Reimers suggested that someone who
reads a pirated version of a book title might recommend the book to
his friends, who then purchase legal editions of the book.(Reimers
2014) Bestselling Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho supports Reimers
statement , he shared that he had benefited from his work being
pirated online earning him more than 12millions of copies sold.(Flood
Business models nowadays often go outdate very fast and mobile
related business plans are the most effective as mentioned earlier on
media consumption by the Singapore Business Review. The media
industry should take this advantage to create their presence on the
web and let it known more throughout social media or link up sites.
Mobile applications will bring high viewership because of its
Music industry could stress on their loss and hardships to garner
support from fans instead of emphasizing loses that the company had.
The loss of talent is a human concern that can make empathy to
generate sales.
Newspaper needs to be more interactive than before and adapt to their
digital counterpart to create more presence of the news.
Mainstream radio not only playing music they have to announce, radio
questionnaires report real time live. Online Djs are increasing but
compared to the traditional radio it does not have the creditability of
an established station being able to .

Radio stations should use their advantage of roving, questionnaires

and real time live to attract listeners. By using social media
Digital releases should be encrypted. Media companies should have a
strong technology partner. Link ups and Collaboration with other media
outlets on their Web Pages can create series of interest in a
The media industry activities will be reduced but not shut down
completely as people need a reliable production outlet. If the industry
refuses to adapt, chances are it will fall to anonymity. It will also cease
official traditional mass media platform to connect people together for
important news and on goings. Traditional mass media have to survive,
it can be a contingency if the internet fails us one day or having no
access to the internet. The music industry would have eventually cut
costs and pay artists less. This will deter new artists from entering the
industry. The media industry will have to create new business models
to compete with free content.


Abramson, J. D. (2014). Radio:Reaching Young Adult Audiences, What are the

Challenges and Opportunities for Radio Programmers in Cultivating
Young Adult Audiences in the Current Media Environment? (Master's
thesis, San Jose State University). Retrieved from

A.Salman, F.Ibrahim, Mhd.Y.Hj.Abdullah ,N.Mustaffa and M.HMahbob. (2011).

The Impact of New Media on Traditional Mainstream Mass Media. The
Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 16(3), 2.
Retrieved from

Calisir, Fethi, (2003). Predicting consumer digital piracy behavior. Predicting

consumer digital piracy behavior. 13 (), pp.356-363

Downes, L. (2012, January 25). Who Really Stopped SOPA, and Why? Forbes
[U.S]. Retrieved from
Flood .A (2012). Paulo Coelho calls on readers to pirate books. [ONLINE]
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Goldman, D. (2010, February 3). Music's lost decade: Sales cut in half. CNN
Money[Newyork]. Retrieved from

Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). Social Media. [ONLINE]

Available at:
Hoe, P. S. (2013). Local music retailer Gramophone folds up. Hoe Pei Shan
[Singapore]. Retrieved from
Ho, D. (2013, September 5). Illegal set-up boxes: SingTel cries foul. The
Straits Times
Li, H. (2013). The Impact of Ebooks on Print Book Sales: Cannibalization and
Market Expansion. Retrieved from
Mahmud, S. 2009. Is the newspaper industry at death's door? Retrieved
October 30, 2009 from:
Straits Times. 22 October, 2008.

Reimers, I. (2014). The Effect of Piracy Protection in Book Publishing.

Retrieved from
Singapore Business Review. (2014, December 17). Welcome to the Internet:
Outdated local firms urged to spend more on online advertising.
Singapore Business Review. Retrieved from

Taylor, K. (2014, March 10). Millennials Spend 18 Hours a Day Consuming
Media -- And It's Mostly Content Created By Peers. The Entrepreneur.
Retrieved from
The World Bank. (n.d.). Internet users (per 100 people) | Data | Table.
Retrieved from

Vida, Irena; Mateja Kos Koklic; Kukar-Kinney, Monika; Penz, Elfriede. (2012).
Predicting consumer digital piracy behavior. Journal of Research in
Interactive Marketing, 6(4). Retrieved from

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