IB Society at Fairfield U Schedule

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by Katie Dempster

Investment Banking Society at Fairfield University
Tentative ScheduleFall 2015
***all meeting times are 7:30pm unless otherwise indicated***
1st Meeting (Sept 14):
Introduction to the society, policies, & schedule for semester
Briefly intensive overview of path to IB
Intro to Bloomberg Certification (students have until end of
September to obtain it)
Hand out financial modeling part 1 (DCFs) materials for students to
read ahead for next meeting
2 Meeting (Sept 28):
Guest Speaker: Morgan Stanley
3 Meeting (Oct 5):
Financial Modeling meeting/workshop Part 1: DCFs
Excel functions of DCFs as well
Hand out financial modeling part 2 materials (LBOs) materials for
students to read ahead for next meeting
4 Meeting (Oct 19):
Financial Modeling meeting/workshop Part 2: LBOs
Excel functions of LBOs as well
Intro to a case study on a recent LBO
5th Meeting (Oct 26):
Guest Speaker: MTN Capital
Hand out M&A materials for students to read ahead for next meeting
6th Meeting (Nov 2):
M&A meeting/workshop
Case study
7th Meeting (Nov 9):
Cold-Emailing / Networking Day
Will be in Bloomberg room
8th Meeting (Nov 16):
Guest Speaker: Citi
Inform students about next meeting
9th Meeting (Dec 4 or 7):
End of semester dinner in NYC

Written by Katie Dempster

Board Trips to NYC

September 18th:
JP Morgan
Credit Suisse (TBC)
***More will be added once confirmed

Written by Katie Dempster



Expectations for Members Each Meeting
Attire: Suits are the required attire. This is a professional environment.
Environment: Conduct yourselves as you would in an investment bank. This
includes treating the board members with respect as we are here to
transform you into leaders ready for a career in IB.
Guest Speakers: For each guest speaker, each member must prepare (2)
questions and do adequate research. These guest speakers are going to be
alumni, treat them with respect.
Use of Cell Phones: Please turn them off, as this is not the social hour. Focus
is required out of you when the board is teaching you such things as
financial modeling.
Laptops: for using Excel only
Bloomberg Certification: First, obtain it. Secondly, have your log-in, as it is
essential for actually using the terminal, especially when we are conducting
our own financial models and need to pull numbers/information from
Be on time.
Reading Materials: Read the materials ahead of the meeting once
distributed to have an idea of what will be covered at the next meeting.

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