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A) Key Idea 4: Development is a highly regulated

process involving mitosis and differentiation
-Performance Indicator 4.1d: The zygote may
divide by mitosis and differentiate to form the
specialized cells,
tissues, and organs of multicellular organisms.
B) 1.B: Create original works as a means of
personal or group expression
1.C: Use models and simulations to explore
complex systems and issues
2.B: Communicate information and ideas
effectively to multiple audiences using a variety
of digital environments and media.
4.B: Plan and manage activities to develop a
solution or complete a project
4.D: Use multiple processes and diverse
perspectives to explore alternative solutions.


A) -Students will identify and replicate the 5 phases

of mitosis by the cellular components that are
-Students will differentiate the two parts of the
cell cycle: Interphase and Mitosis.
B) Students recognize the trend of the cell cycle
simulator and can imagine the simulator as a
alternate perspective on the cell cycle
-Students will design and invent their own study
guide using Microsoft Paint.


A) Bell Ringer-Teacher will write on board How do

we grow? What happens when we get a cut,
how come it doesnt stay like that forever? The
teacher will then ask the class to write down
their answer on a piece of paper. When finished,
the class will share their answers. The answer is
cellular division. The name for the process of
one cell forming into two cells is the CELL CYCLE.
Todays goals include learning the process of
mitosis (the steps of how it happens) and
differentiating between them (what makes them
B) We will be learning this through an INTERACTIVE
SIMULATOR where you will be the pilot of a cell,
in charge of leading your ship (the cell) to repair
a cut in the skin. After, we will be creating a
visual study guide for your upcoming test next

week. We will do this using the program

Microsoft Paint.



A) Teacher will quickly draw the overlook of the cell

cycle. This includes interphase and mitosis.
Teacher will draw very basically what happens in
each phase; Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase,
Telophase, Cytokinesis.
Vocabulary Review:
Interphase- Cell grows and DNA copies itself.
Mitosis- Process when cell divides
DNA- Long double helix ladder molecule in
nucleus that codes for all the proteins in our
Chromosome- DNA Coiled around itself and
packaged together in a rod or X shape.
Sister Chromatids- 2 identical chromosomes.
Centromere- holds sister chromatids together.
Spindle Fibers- Thin protein strands that hold
and move chromosomes.
Centrosome- Complex that controls spindle
-Students will complete their blueprint sheet for
Microsoft Paint.
A) Playing the simulator will help solidify and
familiarize the steps of mitosis. Teacher will walk
through beginning of game. The first step is to
hit enter and read the narrative aloud. When the
class gets to the cell cycle page, inform class
that the G1, S and G2 are just interphase as
discussed before. Also, ignore CDK and Cyclin,
you do not need to know this and it will not be
on the exam. Teacher will lead class through
game and checkpoints asking class for
assistance and insight when appropriate.
B) After game students will open up Microsoft Paint
and teacher will demonstrate the basic functions
of the program. Students will then be asked to
make each phase of mitosis and save each
individual file. In an ideal classroom the student
will have a thumb drive and classroom lab

access to finish slides for homework. Each slide

completed would be an additional point of extra
credit on the exam for an opportunity of up to 5
extra credit points.

of Results:


Methods of

A) Teacher will analyze participation and

B) Teacher will observe, survey, monitor and
provide feedback to students designing in
Microsoft Paint.
A) Teacher asks, Did these activities help you to learn
the cell cycle? Who can explain the difference
between interphase and mitosis? Which event do
you prefer, simulator or creating your own reference?
A) Completing the table of mitosis phases will allow
teacher to know if student can identify and
replicate each step of mitosis.
B) The final mitosis slides will indicate the dexterity
and skill in Microsoft Paint.
Additional Resources:
Real Life Matching Game

Additional Figures for Substitute teacher.

Mitosis figure:

Example of MS Paint Figure.

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