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Batch 2013-15



[H.O.D., Mgt. Deptt. GBIT]

Eesha Agarwal
Roll No. 1337770025




I am Eesha Agarwal hereby declare that the project titled COMPARATIVE
PRIVATE BANKING SECTOR is my own work and efforts which is completed
under the supervision of Mr. Praveen Malik (H.O.D., Management Department,
GBIT Meerut).
The Research report has been submitted to UPTU, Lucknow for the purpose of the
compliance of any requirement of any examination or any degree earlier.

Eesha Agarwal
Roll No. 1337770025

It is my pleasant duty to offer my service acknowledgement to those honorable
personalities of the department who have been a constant source of help and
encouragement in carrying out this research.
First of all I wish to express my indebtness to Mr. Praveen Malik (H.O.D.,
Management Department, GBIT Meerut) for his valuable suggestions and guidance
throughout the Research.
I would like to mention few names, which helped me a lot with their valuable suggestion
and information to complete the research.
At last I feel extremely grateful to all those persons who helped me directly or indirectly
in doing the survey, generating demand and preparing the report.


The purpose of my research report was to learn the practical application of Recruitment
Process and its importance in Public Sector along with the HR policies of Public Sector
which prides itself to be the market leader.
While carrying out the study I have gained a good amount of knowledge and insights of
how HR department works but I have touched the tip of iceberg. There was more to learn
but due to constraint of time it was not possible. The HRD manager has to work with the
missionary spirit. Unlike many roles in an organization where tangible short- term
benefits can be obtained, it is difficult for HRD functionary to demonstrate any tangible
short- term accomplishment. Yet HRD managers are tempted to show to the top
management, line manager and themselves that they are making things happen through
training program, recruitment& selection.
In Public Sector a meticulously natural team stands at the very heart of the group. 4,000
Personnel evince perfect camaraderie. A steadfast dedication to qualify an attainment of
maximum team potential is the touchstones of the Bank.
The Bank is engaged in constant learning process through intensive selection and training
program. Indeed, the aspiration is to shape a winning team of self motivated, empowered,
professionals with knowledge and confidence to take independent decision. Public Sector
recognizes each employees individuality, ability and efforts and also applauds for their
contribution to the success of the group.


Executive summary






Objective of the study



Research methodology



Data analysis












Recommandations and Suggestions








The recruitment procedure of the Bank determines the level of achieving organizational
goals in the long run. As per definition it is stated that which is all about selecting right
person for the right job at the right time at the best possible position. Although it sounds
quite simple but it is also not an easier job to evaluate a person with his ability and skills
that may satisfy the core competency for the job so that his degree of willingness to
pursue a job becomes positive. From job seekers prospective it is the core competencies,
which matter much for a job. So it is the effective recruitment

procedure, which

determines not only the right candidature for a job but also a long-term accomplishment
of organizational goals.

I have choosen Public Sector for studying their methods of recruitment function. In the
course of study I came to know that, it has the probability of achieving more than 50% of
the people to be placed for the right job, which reflects some of the unique ways for
recruiting the candidates to fill up various vacancies.

The aim of the Bank is to achieve overall organizational goal not only by way of
fulfilling the targeted top-line but also employee satisfaction towards various position of
job to the maximum level. This I will see as I proceed subsequently in my Research.
Basically recruiting is the discovering of potential candidates for actual or anticipated
organizational vacancies. It also can be said in another way that bringing together those
with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.
It is important to study Recruitment because through it I can identify our human resource
needs. I can know what kind of people must be select to fill up the specified vacancies.

The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who will
take the job if it is offered. It should also provide information so that unqualified

applicants can self select themselves out of job candidacy, that is, a good recruiting
program should attract the qualified and not attract the unqualified.
Recruiting people is done by various ways, for the study first I have to know the
recruiting sources. There are internal and external sources as well as employee

In this Research I am studying recruitment process of Public Sector. To find out actual
recruitment process of Bank is my main objective of study.
Through this kind of surveys I will be able to achieve real recruitment program of the
Bank where for all kinds of operational level technical qualification is needed. I also have
the picture of Selection cost of the Bank. It is very interesting to study recruitment
process as it will give me clearer picture of the process.

The recruitment procedure of the Bank determines the level of achieving organizational
goals in the long run. As per definition it is stated that which is all about selecting right
person for the right job at the right time at the best possible position. Although it sounds
quite simple but it is also not an easier job to evaluate a person with his ability and skills
that may satisfy the core competency for the job so that his degree of willingness to
pursue a job becomes positive. From job seekers prospective it is the core competencies
which matter much for a job. So it is the effective recruitment

procedure which

determines not only the right candidature for a job but also a long-term accomplishment
of organizational goals.

In my research as I go further I come to know the different techniques adopted by

the software Bank towards this effect. I have chosen BEHL, for studying their methods of

function. In the course of my study I came to know that, it has the

probability of achieving more than 50% of the people to be placed for the right job,
which reflects some of the unique ways for recruiting the candidates to fill up various
The Public Sector of the Bank is to achieve overall organisational goal not only by way
of fulfilling the targeted top-line but also employee satisfaction towards various position
of job to the maximum level. This I will see as I proceed subsequently in my Research.



Recruitment procedure is a vital factor of an organization. If it is not done properly the

production procedure will be hampered. Hence productivity will fall down. So the
organization will be in trouble and it will affect the employer- employee relationship. So
recruitment procedure should be done in proper and correct manner. The new candidates
should replace the vacant post so that the production of the Bank does not hamper. By
this the productivity will increase and the organization will profit. So the employer will
be happy and will not hesitate to distribute bonus and increments to the workers. The
workers will also be more motivated to work. Hence there will be harmonious
relationship in the organization. It will also stabilize the organization in the long run.



Basically recruiting is the discovering of potential candidates for actual or anticipated

organizational vacancies. It also can be in another way that bringing together those with
jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

It is important to study Recruitment because through it I can identify our human resource
needs. I can know what kind of people must be select to fill up the specified vacancies.

The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who will
take the job if it is offered. It should also provide information so that unqualified
applicants can self select themselves out of job candidacy, that is, a good recruiting
program should attract the qualified and not attract the unqualified.

Recruiting people is done by various ways, for the study first I have to know the
recruiting sources. There are internal and external sources as well as employee

In this Research I am studying recruitment process of PUBLIC SECTOR, Haridwar. To

find out actual recruitment process of Bank is my Public Sector objective of study.

Through this kind of surveys I will be able to achieve real recruitment program of the
Bank where for all kinds of operational level technical qualification is needed. I also have
the picture of Selection cost of the Bank. It is very interesting to study recruitment
process as it will give me more clearer picture of the process.


Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated
organisational vacancies. managers in determining recruiting sources such as image of
the organisation, internal policies, attractiveness of the job, union requirements,
government requirements and recruiting budgets.
Popular sources of recruiting employees include internal search, advertisements,
employee referrals, employment agencies, schools, colleges and universities;
professional organisations and casual or unsolicited applicants. In practice,
recruitment methods appear to vary according to job level and skill.
Proper selection can minimise the costs of replacement and training, reduce legal
challenges, and result in more productive workforce. The primary purpose of selection
activities is to predict which job applicant will be successful if hired. During the selection
process, candidates are also informed about the job and the organisation.
The discrete selection process would include the following: initial screening interview,
completion of the application form, employment tests, comprehensive interview,
background investigations, physical examination and final employment decision. In
the discrete selection process, an unsuccessful performance at any stage results in the
rejection of the applicant.
An alternative to the discrete selection process is the comprehensive approach, where
all applicants go through every step in the selection process and the final decision is
based on a comprehensive evaluation of the results of each stage. To be an effective
predictor, a selection device should be reliable, valid and predict a relevant criterion.
Selection devices provide managers with information that will help them predict whether
an applicant will prove to be a successful job performer. The application blank is


effective for acquiring hard biographical data, while the weighted application can provide
information for predicting job success.
Traditional tests that assess intelligence, abilities and personality training can predict job
proficiency but suffer from being non-job related. On the other hand, interviews
consistently achieve low marks for reliability and validity. Background investigations
are valuable when they verify hard data from the application, although they offer little
practical value as selection devices. Physical examinations are valid when training
physical characteristics are required to be able to perform a job effectively.


Financial sector reforms were initiated as part of overall economic reforms in the country
and wide ranging reforms covering industry, trade, taxation, external sector, banking and
financial markets have been carried out since mid 1991. A decade of economic and
financial sector reforms has strengthened the fundamentals of the Indian economy and
transformed the operating environment for banks and financial institutions in the country.
The most significant achievement of the financial sector reforms has been the marked
improvement in the financial health of commercial banks in terms of capital adequacy,
profitability and asset quality as also greater attention to risk management. Further,
deregulation has opened up new opportunities for banks to increase revenues by
diversifying into investment banking, insurance, credit cards, depository services,
mortgage financing, securitization, etc. At the same time, liberalization has brought greater
competition among banks, both domestic and foreign, as well as competition from mutual
funds, NBFCs, post office, etc.


originated in the first decade of 18th century with The

General Bank of India coming into existence in 1786. This was followed by Bank of
Hindustan. Both these banks are now defunct. The oldest bank in existence in India is the
State Bank of India being established as "The Bank of Bengal" in Calcutta in June 1806.
A couple of decades later, foreign banks like Credit Lyonnais started their Calcutta


operations in the 1850s. At that point of time, Calcutta was the most active trading port,
mainly due to the trade of the British Empire, and due to which banking activity took roots
there and prospered. The first fully Indian owned bank was the Allahabad Bank, which was
established in 1865.
By the 1900s, the market expanded with the establishment of banks such as Punjab
National Bank, in 1895 in Lahore and Bank of India, in 1906, in Mumbai - both of which
were founded under private ownership. The Reserve Bank of India formally took on the
responsibility of regulating the Indian banking sector from 1935. After India's
independence in 1947, the Reserve Bank was nationalized and given broader powers.
In terms of quality of assets and capital adequacy, Indian banks are considered to have
clean, strong and transparent balance sheets relative to other banks in comparable
economies in its region. The Reserve Bank of India is an autonomous body, with minimal
pressure from the government.
Currently, India has 88 scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) - 28 public sector banks (that
is with the Government of India holding a stake), 29 private banks (these do not have
government stake; they may be publicly listed and traded on stock exchanges) and 31
foreign banks. They have a combined network of over 53,000 branches and 17,000 ATMs.
According to a report by ICRA Limited, a rating agency, the public sector banks hold over
75 percent of total assets of the banking industry, with the private and foreign banks
holding 18.2% and 6.5% respectively.



Different countries of the world have different types of banking
systems. However, commercial banking had grown under all these banking systems.To
understand the structure of banking system, let us take up various types of
banking systems one by one. These types are:

(1)UNIT BANKING : Unit B a n k i n g o r i g i n a t e d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e o f

A me r i c a . I t g r e w i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s o f Ame r i c a . As a c o u n t e r p a r t o f
i n d e p e n d e n t o r i n d u s t r i a l units.
An independent unit bank is a corporation that operates one office and that is not related
to other banks through either ownership or control.
Shaper, Solomon and White. Thus under unit banking, a single bank is a complete
organization in itself having its own management. The scale of operation is
small and the area isrestricted to a locality only. Unit banking is localized
banking and is muchmore responsive to the needs of the locality. It has better
understanding of the local problems and conditions, which helps it to cater to the needs
of thearea in a better way. The staff of the unit bank is generally local and is in
a better position to determine the standing or desirability of the
customers.T h e f a i l u r e o f t h e u n i t b a n k w i l l n o t e n d a n g e r t h e b a n k i n g
s ys t e m a n d e c o n o m y. I t i s f r e e f r o m t h e d i ff i c u l t i e s a n d d i s e c o n o m i e s
o f l a rg e s c a l e operations. It will not drain out the financial resources of villages and
smalltowns to big industrial centers and will ensure a balanced growth.


Economic and Managerial problems faced by the unit banks let
t o t h e emergence of banking system. Now, This the most popular and

important banking system. In branch banking, a bank has a large network of

branches c a t t e r e d a l l o v e r t h e c o u n t r y . B r a n c h b a n k i n g d e v e l o p e d
i n E n g l a n d . Subsequently most of the countries of the world adopted
t h e s ys t e m . I n terms of branches, the State Bank of India has emerged as one of the
largest banks in the world.As under the system the resources of a number of branches get
pooled under the same management, any individual branch is in a better
position to face e x c e s s i v e w i t h d r a w a l s b y t h e c u s t o m e r s . I t f a c i l i t a t e s
d i v e r s i f i c a t i o n o f activities because the area covered by the branches is generally
widespread. U n d e r t h e s ys t e m b r a n c h e s c a n o p e r a t e w i t h o u t k e e p i n g
l a r ge i d l e c a s h reserves. It becomes possible for the bank to hire the services of
competent a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l l y q u a l i f i e d m a n a g e r s , c a p a b l e o f
u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e handling technical problems and complex situations. The cost of
remitting or transferring funds from one place to another works out to be less.
The staff s t a ys a t a b r a n c h o n l y f o r a l i mi t e d p e r i o d , s o t h e c h a n c e s o f
O b j e c t i v e decision making in the branch banking are high. Branch Banking tends to
bring homogeneity in the prevailing Interest Ratesa s i t i n c r e a s e s t h e mo b i l i t y o f
r e s o u r c e s f r o m o n e p l a c e t o a n o t h e r. I t i s easier for the Central Bank to
exercise Control. It will communicate only w i t h a f e w R e g i s t e r e d / H e a d
O f f i c e s o f t h e B a n k s a n d n o t w i t h e a c h individual branch. In this
system there more safety and liquidity of funds. The choice of securities and
investments is larger. Branch banking makes c o m p l e t e b a n k i n g s e r v i c e s
a v a i l a b l e t o t h e s m a l l e s t c o m m u n i t i e s . Th e


branches in small localities can be initially operated at loss in expectation of future

gains.The comparative study of unit banking and branch banking is a case of small scale
banking versus large scale banking. It is evident that the scale is clearly titled towards
branch banking. With the growth of large scale business it is no wonder that the
trend is almost every country towards the branch banking i.e. big banks with a
network of branches all over the country. Even in the U.S.A. The birthplace of
unit banking. The Bank of America has now more than 500 branches in the state of
California itself.


Shaper, Solomon and White have defined Chain Banking as
An arrangements by which two or more banks each of which retains
Its identity, capital and personnel are brought under common control by any device
than a Holding Company.
Under the system there is pooling of resources. Chain banking
Overcomes c e r t a i n l i m i t a t i o n s o f u n i t b a n k i n g . B u t t h e s ys t e m s u f f e r s
f r o m c e r t a i n limitations of its own. There may be a lack of co-ordination, proper
controletc. The system is inflexible.


It is similar to Chain Banking, the difference being that under
Group Banking two or more banks are brought under the
o f t h e s a m e management through a Holding Company. Both the systems aim at


gainingthe advantages of large scale operations. The banks are able to pool
their resources in case of emergency or when large amount of cash is required tom e e t
the loan requirements of the customer. The
a d v a n t a g e s a n d disadvantages of both the systems are similar.
Both the systems developed in t h e
United State of America as a result of attempts to
o v e r c o m e t h e difficulties or limitations of unit banking.


For the public sector banks, the era of bumper profit is over. For much of the last decade
the process of collaborated financial liberalization had cleared up the Banks balance
sheet enabling them to with stand increased competition, global financing, turmoil and
even unprotected industrial slow down. But the cycle of liberalization has run its

course. Now it is the time for the big structural leap, rationalization, mergers, and
privatization. Unless the banks undertake these fundamental changes, their profit will
under pressure. T h e r e a r e t w p a r e a s o f c o m p e t i t i o n s w h i c h b a n k i n g
i n d u s t r y i s f a c i n g internationally and nationally. In the pre-liberalization
era, Indian banks c o u l d g r o w i n a c l o s e d e c o n o m y b u t t h e b a n k i n g
s e c t o r o p e n e d u p f o r private competition. It is possible that private banks could
become dominant p l a y e r s e v e n w i t h i n I n d i a . I t h a s b e e n r e c o r d e d a
r a p i d r i s e o f t h e n e w private sector banks and it has tracked the transformation
of the public sector banks as they grapple with the changes of financial deregulation.Use
of ATM cards, Internet Banking, Phone Banking, Mobile Banking are the new
innovative channels of banking which are being widely used as they r e s u l t i n s a v i n g
b o t h t i me a n d m o n e y w h i c h a r e t w o e s s e n t i a l t h i n g s t h a t every one is
of and is running to catch hold of them. Moreover private s e c t o r b a n k s a r e
aligning its infrastructures, marketing quality
a n d t e c h n o l o g y t o b u i l d d e e p c o m m i t me n t i n b u i l d i n g c o n s u m e r a n d
r e t a i l banking. The main focus of these banks is on innovative range of services
or products.


Without a sound and effective banking system in India it cannot have a healthy economy.
The banking system of India should not only be hassle free but it should be able to meet
new challenges posed by the technology and any other external and internal factors.


For the past three decades India's banking system has several outstanding achievements
to its credit. The most striking is its extensive reach. It is no longer confined to only
metropolitans or cosmopolitans in India. In fact, Indian banking system has reached even
to the remote corners of the country. This is one of the main reason of India's growth
process. Not long ago, an account holder had to wait for hours at the bank counters for
getting a draft or for withdrawing his own money. Today, he has a choice. Gone are days
when the most efficient bank transferred money from one branch to other in two days.
Now it is simple as instant messaging or dial a pizza. Money have become the order of
the day.
The journey of Indian Banking System can be segregated into three distinct phases. They
are as mentioned below:


Early phase from 1786 to 1969 of Indian Banks


Nationalisation of Indian Banks and up to 1991 prior to Indian banking sector



New phase of Indian Banking System with the advent of Indian Financial &
Banking Sector Reforms after 1991.

The General Bank of India was set up in the year 1786. Next came Bank of Hindustan
and Bengal Bank. The East India Bank established Bank of Bengal (1809), Bank of
Bombay (1840) and Bank of Madras (1843) as independent units and called it Presidency


Banks. These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and Imperial Bank of India was
established which started as private shareholders banks, mostly Europeans shareholders.
In 1865 Allahabad Bank was established and first time exclusively by Indians, Punjab
National Bank Ltd. was set up in 1894 with headquarters at Lahore. Between 1906 and
1913, Bank of India, Central Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Indian Bank,
and Bank of Mysore were set up. Reserve Bank of India came in 1935.
During the first phase the growth was very slow and banks also experienced periodic
failures between 1913 and 1948. To streamline the functioning and activities of
commercial banks, the Government of India came up with The Banking Companies Act,
1949 which was later changed to Banking Regulation Act 1949 as per amending Act of
1965. Reserve Bank of India was vested with extensive powers for the supervision of
banking in India as the Central Banking Authority.

Government took major steps in this Indian Banking Sector Reform after independence.
In 1955, it nationalised Imperial Bank of India with extensive banking facilities on a large
scale specially in rural and semi-urban areas. It formed State Bank of India to act as the
principal agent of RBI and to handle banking transactions of the Union and State
Governments all over the country.


Seven banks forming subsidiary of State Bank of India was nationalised in 1960 on 19th
July, 1969, major process of nationalisation was carried out. 14 major commercial banks
in the country was nationalised.
Second phase of nationalisation Indian Banking Sector Reform was carried out in 1980
with seven more banks. The following are the steps taken by the Government of India to
Regulate Banking Institutions in the Country:


1949 : Enactment of Banking Regulation Act.


1955 : Nationalisation of State Bank of India.


1959 : Nationalisation of SBI subsidiaries.


1961 : Insurance cover extended to deposits.


1969 : Nationalisation of 14 major banks.


1971 : Creation of credit guarantee corporation.


1975 : Creation of regional rural banks.


1980 : Nationalisation of seven banks with deposits over 200 crore.

Banking in the sunshine of Government ownership gave the public implicit faith and







institutions .

This phase has introduced many more products and facilities in the banking sector in its

reforms measure. In 1991, under the chairmanship of M Narasimham, a committee was

set up by his name which worked for the liberalisation of banking practices.
The country is flooded with foreign banks and their ATM stations. Efforts are being put to
give a satisfactory service to customers. Phone banking and net banking is introduced.
The entire system became more convenient and swift. Time is given more importance
than money.
The financial system of India has shown a great deal of resilience. It is sheltered from any
crisis triggered by any external macroeconomics shock as other East Asian Countries
suffered. This is all due to a flexible exchange rate regime, the foreign reserves are high,
the capital account is not yet fully convertible, and banks and their customers have
limited foreign exchange exposure.

In India the banks are being segregated in different groups. Each group has their own
benefits and limitations in operating in India. Few of them only work in rural sector while

others in both rural as well as urban. Many even are only catering in cities. Some are of
Indian origin and some are foreign players.

Banks - Public/ Private Sector


Public Sector Banks


Private Sector Banks


Internet Banking


Foreign Banks in India


Indian Banks Abroad

Public Sector Banks
Indian Bank

Indian Overseas Bank

Allahabad Bank

Bank of India

Punjab National Bank

Andhra Bank

Union Bank

Dena Bank

Canara Bank

Syndicate Bank

State Bank of Hyderabad

Bank of Baroda

Sate Bank of Saurashtra

State Bank of Bikaner &

Oriental Bank

State Bank of Travancore


Punjab & Sind Bank

Bank of Maharashtra

State Bank of India


Vijaya Bank

State Bank of Mysore


UCO Bank

State Bank of Indore

UTI Bank

Corporation Bank

United Bank

Private Sector Banks


South Indian Bank

Centurian Bank

Cosmos Bank

IndusInd Bank

City Union Bank

Lakshmi Vilas Bank


Federal Bank

Bank of Rajasthan

Jammu & Kashmir Bank

Catholic Syrian Bank

Bank of Punjab

Nedungadi Bank

Saraswat Bank

ING-Vysya Bank

Development Credit Bank

DhanLakshmi Bank

Kalyan Bank

Ratnakar Bank

Kotak Bank

Karur Vysya Bank

Mandavi Bank

United Western Bank

Internet Banking

IndusInd Bank
Bank of Baroda

Federal Bank

UTI Bank

State Bank of India

Bank of Punjab
State Bank of Travancore


Canara Bank

Bank of Baroda

Corporation Bank
Punjab National Bank

Foreign Banks in India

Standard Chartered Bank

Citi Bank

Abu Dhabi C.Bank

American Express Bank

ABN Amro Bank

ANG Bank

Banque Nationale De Paris

Asian Development Bank


Indian banks Abroad

State Bank of India
Bahamas, Bahrain, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong ,

Maldives, Mauritius , Nepal , Nigeria, Singapore , Sri Lanka , South Africa , UK , US

Bank of Baroda
Bahamas , Belgium , Fiji , Mauritius , South Africa , Seychelles, Oman , UAE , UK , USA ,
Hong Kong
Syndicate Bank
UK, Qatar, Oman,

State Bank of India
Bank of India

Syndicate Bank
Canara Bank

Bank of Baroda

State Bank of India

Bank of India

Indian Overseas Bank

State Bank of India

Export-Import Bank Of India
Bank of Baroda

Export-Import Bank Of India
Bank of India

Bank of India

State Bank of India


A landmark ". COM" ventures in India between ICICI BANK and SIFY for online
distribution of retail banking products and services.
In a major development in the Internet world, ICICI Bank, the banking subsidiary of
ICICI Ltd. (NYSE: IC and IC.D) and Satyam Infoway Ltd. (NASDAQ: SIFY) announced
the setting up of a new ".COM" Bank for on-line distribution of retail banking products
and services on the Internet. This landmark agreement marks the coming together of
India's first Internet Banking provider, ICICI Bank, and India's largest private ISP and
mega-Portal, Satyam Infoway, to create a unique partnership between a major Bank and a
mega-Portal. The marriage between banking and portals is expected to be a win-win
potent combination, which is expected to result in improved customer orientation, lower
distribution cost, long-term customer relationships with ease of banking wherever and
whenever the customer wants it and enhanced profitability. The range of retail banking
products to be distributed through the portal would include savings accounts, current
accounts, fixed deposits, bill payments and other retail banking products that ICICI Bank
may offer through this on-line channel.
The surge in demand for e-commerce related services stems from the rapid growth in
Internet penetration in the country and a fundamental change in the business paradigm.
The two companies would therefore also explore several opportunities to complement
each other's strengths to capitalise on the opportunities in e-commerce. This would
include providing a platform for trade facilitation and payments over the Internet using

innovative banking products of ICICI Bank. SIFY has a buyer to seller ordering/selling
website,, which is on-line except for the payments that are still
physical. ICICI Bank has developed an Internet based 'business to business' payment
module for purchasers and sellers to effect payments online. A synergistic offering of
these two products would be made so that such customers/users can complete the entire
transaction and payments online.
The two companies would expect to co-operate wherever feasible to extend the reach and
channels for distribution of financial products from ICICI Bank and Internet products
from SIFY. ICICI Bank, as a part of its "Click and Brick" strategic focus would set up
ATMs at the Satyam Access Points and Cyber Cafes, thereby increasing its reach across
the country. It would also offer Satyam Internet terminals at its branches, enabling
visitors to surf the Internet, thereby attracting new customers to its branches.
The two companies shall examine further business opportunities, which would effectively
synergise the financial services strength of ICICI Bank and its Affiliates and the
technological expertise of Satyam Infoway and its Affiliates. ICICI Bank and Satyam
Infoway through this partnership will play a strategic role in providing revolutionary ecommerce solutions in India.
The memorandum of understanding was signed today between Mr. H.N Sinor, Managing
Director & CEO of ICICI Bank and Mr. R. Ramraj, Managing Director of Satyam Info


ICICI is a diversified financial services Bank offering a wide range of products and
services to corporate and retail customers in India. ICICI Bank, a subsidiary Bank has
been the pioneer of Internet banking in India. ICICI Bank has been gearing itself for the
opportunities that would be created from the e-Commerce revolution.
Satyam Info way Ltd. is the leading integrated Internet and E-commerce Bank operating
in India. SatyamOnline, the most comprehensive portal site of Indian origin is one of the
key offerings from SIFY in the business to consumer segment. Recently it entered into an
agreement to acquire IndiaWorld Communications Private Limited, which would result in
the integration of IndiaWorld's popular websites like, and with SIFY's portals. The combined portal would be the largest India related
Internet portal.

1. Key Business Objectives

Organizations are facing tremendous competition word-wide. There is pressure on the
organisations to improve their profitability and efficiency for their survival and growth.
The customers expectations about the product and services are increasing and they do
not hesitate to change their brand loyalty or the loyalty towards the organisations with
whom they have been dealing for a long time. The deregularisation, liberalization and


globalisation process have given freedom to the organisations in terms of selecting and
producing the products and services, selecting the market segment and targeting a
customer group at the same time they have to meet more rigid and regulatory
requirements to satisfy the regulators that the deregulation or liberalization does not work
against the interest of the customers and the society. The organisations also have to
safeguard their resources to protect the interest of shareholders.
The changing environment particularly that of competition, customer expectations and
emerging technology have influenced the banks word-wide. Thus, the key business
objectives of a bank are to manage increasing competition by improving their product
and services, improving efficiency and productivity by restructuring their systems and
work procedures and improving employees productivity, ensuring compliance with the
regulatory requirements and safeguarding the assets. All these issues can be addressed by
implementation of the right type of technology for the right purpose. The technologybased solutions have put the banks in a competitive advantage, improved the efficiency of
the operations and provided excellent customer service. The technology has helped the
organisations to take strategic decisions based on the on-line data rather than based on the
past experience and intuitive decisions. The computer assisted audit techniques have
helped the banks to ensure safeguarding of resources and to ensure that the banks are
operating efficiently and effectively. The extensive use of technology has also brought
down the transaction cost and the rental cost of the premises. Thus, the computerisation
of banks operations had tremendous impact on their future prospects. The central bank of
any country though operate in a monopoly situation but has to demonstrate as a role
model its efficiency and effectiveness to guide and supervise the whole banking system.


Organisation structure:
The whole organisation behaves as a Privar, with one legal guardian. All directors and
shareholders are from among workers and all of the have taken an oath through affidavit.
In the court of law that neither their family members shall have clPublic Sectorm or share
in the assets or profits of the Bank. All workers of Bank are the proud owners of the
organisation. The workers believe in the concept that manpower is superior to money

Recruitment is the process of seeking out and attempting to attract individuals in external
labour markets, who are capable of and interested in filling avPublic
Sectorlable vacancies. Recruitment is an intermediate activity whose primary
function is to server as a linked between Human Resource Planning on the one
hand on the other. Sources of recruitment are through internal and external
channels. PUBLIC SECTOR recruits its employees both externally as well as
internally. Recruitment for the Public Sector is done through interviews of
selected applicants and people who pass the interviews of selected applicants
and people who pass the interview are required to undergo a medical test
before he/she is finally placed in the Public Sectors.

Employees are also recruited through internal mobility. This is done on the basis of merit
and seniority. After passing the examination the candidates are called for an
interview along with the employees who have become eligible for promotion
on the basis of seniority.


Training And Development

Training is the systematic modification of behavior through learning, which occurs as a
result of education, instruction, development and planned experience. Training
needs exist when there is a gap between the present performance of employees
of group of employees and the desired performance.
Development on the other hand implies educational process Public Sectormed at growth
and maturity of managerial personnel in terms of insight attitudes, adaptability
leadership and human relations on the basis of conceptual and theoretical
knowledge. Sahara Public Sectors has various training programme, which are
spread over every field. These trainings are Public Sectormed at imparting
particle knowledge of the specific area and to make employees more capable to
work not only efficiently but with accuracy. This also facilitates the customer
to have their work done fast as per their requirements, because in most of the
cases customer do not have the technical knowledge of the Public Sectors
business. PUBLIC SECTOR also conducts training on human behaviour in
order to update its employees on how to deal with its customers. In PUBLIC
SECTOR training is immediately called for whenever an employee is elevated
to next promotional post.


Future growth proposals:

PUBLIC SECTOR Literacy programme Hub centre

Basic flying training

Induction of simulators

Instrument training simulators

Boeing simulators

Job Analysis & Job Description

Job analysis is the process by which data in regard to each job is systemically observed
and noted. It provides information about the nature of job and characteristics or
qualifications that are desirable in the job holder. Job description generally describe the
work performed, the responsibilities involved, skill and training required, conditions
under which job is done, relationship with other jobs are personal requirement of the job.
Job description study gives a better understanding of tasks performed and the type of
qualifications required to perform them. It is also used to give a measures for setting job
standards, which gives an indication of productivity of each employee performing job. In
PUBLIC SECTOR subordinates and junior staff level employees eligibility criteria is
metric. The junior staff should be able to read and write English as well as Hindi. The
jobs are properly defined to all structure of the hierarchy.


Performance appraisal
It has many facets. It is an exercise of observation and judgement, it is a feedback
process, and it is organization intervention. Performance apprPublic Sectorsal is a
measurement process as well as emotional process. While it is fPublic Sectorrly easy to
pre-describe how the process should work, descriptions of how it actually works in
practice are rather discouraging.
Functions and objectives of performance apprPublic Sectorsal:
1. It seeks to provide an adequate feedback to each individual on his/her performance.
2. Its purpose is to serve as a basis for improving or changing behavior towards more
effective working habits.
3. It Public Sectorms at providing data to managers with whom they may judge future
job assignments and compensation.
Performance ApprPublic Sectorsal is used for:
1. Identifying employees for salary increase, promotion, transfer lay-off or termination
of services.
2. Determining training needs for further improvement in performance.
3. Motivating employees by indicating their performance levels.
4. Establishing a basis of research and reference for personnel decisions in future.
In PUBLIC SECTOR employees are required to fill up a self apprPublic Sectorsal form.
Employees are apprPublic Sectorsed every year in the PUBLIC SECTOR. Performance
apprPublic Sectorsal is carried out in PUBLIC SECTOR for determining training needs
for further improvements in performance, identifying employees for salary increases,
motivating employees by indicating their performance level.
Transfer & promotions:
It refers to a horizontal or lateral movement of an employee from one job to another in
the same organization without any significant change in status or pay. In PUBLIC
SECTOR two mPublic Sectorn situations generate transfer situations
1. An individual employee may request a transfer in seeking his own preference and his
own benefits.


2. Public Sectors may also initiate transfer as a requirement for more effective
operations or as a solution to human relations problems.

Whereas promotion refers to advancement of an employee to a higher position carrying

responsibilities, higher status and better salary. In PUBLIC SECTOR promotion is given
under following conditions:
1. It is a device to retPublic Sectorn a reward, to an employee for his years of service.
2. It is to impress upon others that opportunities are open to them also in Public Sectors,
if they perform well.
3. It is to increase individual effectiveness.
4. It is to build loyalty, morale and a sense of belongings in the employees.
5. It is recognition of a job well done by an employee.
6. It is to promote a sense of job satisfaction in the employees.


Pay And Allowances

The pay and allowances of an employee are payable from the date from which he takes
charge of the post or service to which he is appointed. If the charge is service to which he
is appointed. If the charge is before 12.00 noon, the pay and allowances shall be
admissible from the same day, if at 12.00 noon or thereafter, they shall be payable from
the following day.
1) Advance of salary while proceeding on leave:
An employee proceeding on Privilege leave, Maternity Leave and/or Sick Leave shall be
eligible to be pPublic Sectord in advance agPublic Sectornst the salary due for the full
period of the leave subject to the usual deductions e.g. on account of provident fund
subscription, Income - tax etc. In case in which the leave granted to an employee extends
beyond he next pay-day, the amount of advance should also include the pay and
allowance due to him, upto the date of his proceeding on leave.
2) Temporary Duty (tour within India):
The employees undertaking duty tour will be eligible for payment of DPublic Sectorly
Allowance/ Hotel Accommodation as per conditions lPublic Sectord down from time to
3) For Employees required to travel by RPublic Sectorl/Road/Sea
DPublic Sectorly Allowance shall be admissible for the period of stay at outstation. No.
D.A. will be given for the period of journey. For the day of arrival at the outstation and
the day of departure from the outstation only half dPublic Sectorly allowance shall be
4) For employees required to travel by Public Sectorr
Employees will be entitled for the payment of dPublic Sectorly allowance at the
applicable rates for each day of absence from HQrs. The Day in this case shall mean a
period of 24 hours or part thereof from the time the outward journey commences to the
time the return journey ends at the base station.
5) Temporary duty tour abroad:

The duty tour undertaken by an employee at a foreign station, will be subject to the
following conditions:

The employees going abroad for temporary duty tour/training/conference, etc. are
released foreign exchange by the Bank on he basis of the prescribed per diem
rates. The employees are required to meet all their expenses in the foreign
country, like boarding and lodging, transportation expenses, incidental expenses
and cash allowance from the amount of foreign exchange so advanced to them. If
the stay abroad is for the same number of days for which foreign exchange had
been released to an employee, then the total expenses shall, not be more than the
amount of foreign exchange released to him.


In the unlikely event of an employee having to extend his stay abroad for official
purposes, beyond the sanctioned period, he should contact his Departmental Head
well in advance, so that release of additional foreign exchange could be arranged
for him.


In the case of hotel expenditure being less than the amount of foreign exchange
released to an employee, the unspent amount has to be refunded by the employee,
the unspent amount has to refunded by the employee, to the Bank in foreign


In case, in which the entitled class of accommodation is not avPublic Sectorlable,

the competent authority may permit the employee to travel by a higher class.

6) Transportation of personal effects:

The employees will also be reimbursed the actual cost of transportation by the goods
trPublic Sectorn and where the two stations are not connected by trPublic Sectorn, by the
cheapest mode of surface transport of his personal effects not exceeding the limits shown


Basic Pay (Pre-Revised)

Total Baggage allowance when travelling

With family



family (kgs)

Rs 10,000 and above



Rs. 5,000 and above



Below 5,000



Provided that:
(a) The competent authority may permit transportation of such effects in the Banks own
services in which case the limits will be deemed to be inclusive of free baggage
allowance permissible under its tariffs and the transportation will be made as and
when and to the extent that space and load are avPublic Sectorlable in the Public
(b) No costs other than those of actual transportation such packing, unpacking, storage,
insurance, handling agent charges and the like will be borne by the Bank.
Medical Facilities For Temporary Employees:
The Medical facilities applicable to permanent employees of the Bank are also applicable
to temporary employees.
Working Hours
All employees except the member of flying crew will, according to the nature of duties
assigned to and performed by them, be classified, from time to time into the following
a) Those observing 38 hours work per week including a dPublic Sectorly break of half
an hour on all working days except Saturdays.
b) Those observing 44 hours work per week including a dPublic Sectorly break of half
an hour on all working days (except Saturdays)
c) The actual hours of dPublic Sectorly work shall be such as are notified from time to
time by the regional Head at region branch.

Overtime is payable only to subordinate & clerical staff members @twice the rate of
Basic Salary + D.A. for number of hours.
Pay Day
Staff will be pPublic Sectord their monthly salary usually two working days prior to the
end of the months.
Mode of payments
An employees is required to open a serving Bank A/c in a designated branch, (consult
manager/reporting head) salary will be deposited into the account. On payday, employees
will be handed a pay slip contPublic Sectorning a detPublic Sectorled breakup of the
remuneration for the month the required deductions and the net pay.
An employees commencement salary:
Commencement salary will very according to the category of employment, which will be
advised to the employee in the appointment letter. Any increases or other adjustments
arising from a salary review, change of job etc will be notified to the employee.
Retirement benefits
Every employee who has completed one years continuous service shall, subject to the
regulations to be made hereafter in this behalf, contribute the contributory provident fund
each month a minimum of 10 percent a maximum of 20 percent of his provident fund
pay. The Banks contribution to the fund shall, however, be limited to 10 percent of his
provident fund pay.
The Banks contribution to the fund is payable to the employee after five years of
membership of the fund. Subject to this an the other regulations to be made thereafter in
this behalf, all the accumulated balance to the credit of an employee on the day he ceases
to be an employee of the Bank, is payable to him or his nominee or nominees or
The Bank also pays gratuity to all its employees calculated at the rate of 15 days wages
for every completed year of service or part thereof in excess of six months subject to a
minimum service period of 5 years a maximum of 20 months wages. The gratuity

liability of the Bank is funded through the group gratuity scheme (cash accumulation
scheme) of the life insurance Corporation of India. This scheme includes a special
feature, namely, whereas gratuity payable on death under the payment gratuity act is
limited by the length of service rendered upto the time of death, the scheme provides for
the payment of an amount based on the length of service which the employee could have
put in upto the normal retirement date but for his untimely death.
Provident fund statutory contribution:
The provident fund deduction forms are part of the employees salary and represents
statutory deduction of 10% from the basic salary and DDA. The Bank contributes and
equivalent amount towards an exempted provident fund scheme managed by Trustees
drawn among the staff of Sahara Public Sectors. This is a retirement benefit.
Employees staff insurance (ESIS)
The Bank is legally obliged to deduct from an employees salary contribution to ESIS
provided that the monthly salary does not exceed Rs 6500 (Rupees six thousand and five
hundred only) the Bank also pays a higher amount as its contribution.
Insurance premium under salary saving schemes
An employee may have the premier on selected life insurance policies deducted from the
salary each pay day and credited directly to the employees policy account with the life
insurance corporation.
Equated monthly installments (EMI) towards of any loans, avPublic Sectorled by an
employee from either the Bank or the financial institutions will be deducted from salary,
on the employees authorising the Bank for such deduction. This authority letter has to
be routed through the financial institutions granting the loans.


In appreciation and recognition of exemplary performance, contribution, length of service
to the PUBLIC SECTOR, the management rewards the employee appropriately. The
award is in the form of a gift or certificate as decided by the management.
The management also rewards its employees employee of the month and employee of
the year for their outstanding performance. The employees selected become the member
of staff welfare committee also. Long service awards are given to those employees who
have completed their 5 years or 10 years of service and are entitled for gifts along with
A part from this, the Bank motivates its employees by providing them good
infrastructure. Monthly culture activities are organised to keep the employees motivation
high. Employees are given responsibility & authority in their selected area, in order to
enhance their capabilities. And promotions are given based on their performance in the
Bank. All these rewards given by the Bank attracts & motivates the employees to work
better and prove themselves.
If any employee has a problem he can directly speak to the CEO, who is accessible to
anyone at anytime. In case a grievance arises, round the table meeting is called and
problems is dealt in best possible manner.
In PUBLIC SECTOR communication is very formal. The Bank prefers communication
in a two way process. The Bank prefers to be more informal in dealing with employees
on dPublic Sectorly basis. Since, this style of working makes the employees feel much
happier and motivated.
Public Sector India Ltd. selects the future employees keeping everything in mind right
from the qualification of the employees to the future prospects-both of the organisation
and the employees.


The first step involves the filling up of Manpower Indent Form. This form is filled up by
the department, which is having the vacancy. The form consists of various questions
which are to be answered like if the current vacancy is a replacement vacancy, its reason
is to be specified -the factors which resulted it like death, retirement etc.
The department is required to give the qualifications that the future candidate should
In the next step, this form is given to the Human Resource (HR) department; this
department sees if the position can be filled through internal sources. The internal sources
can be transfers, promotion etc. In the case of internal sources, the recommendations of
the employees are not taken into consideration. If the HR department does not find
suitable candidate within the organisation then this department has to give reasons for it.
The form then goes to the Corporate HR for its approval.
When the suitable candidate is not available within the organisation, the organisation then
moves to the outside world for filling up the vacancies.
If the number of employees required is large then the Bank has in its consideration three

The Data bank of the organisation.


Contacting large consultants.

The Bank maintains a databank of the candidates, which is used when the number of
vacancies to be filled up is large. The sources of databank can be the qualified candidates
who had applied in the organisation earlier but due to some reasons could not join the


Advertisements are the second big source to attract the candidates. These are having
much larger scope and reach to a number of people. The qualifications required by the
organisation and the criteria could be described in detail.
Large number of consultants also constitutes a big source. Many people register
themselves with these consultants and they act as a bridge between the organisation and
the candidates. The consultants provide the Bank required details about all criteria. These
consultants are fixed for the organisation, which are chosen on the basis of their
performance. In case of overseas recruitment it is checked whether their Indian
counterparts can perform the job efficiently or not. If need arises then they are also taken
through consultants.
But if the number of vacancies is very small then the organisation takes the help of the
local consultants.
The candidates are then required to fill up the Application Form. This form requires the
candidate to fill the details regarding the previous employment, if any and his personal
data. The form is having details regarding like the marital status, organisation structure,
the position held by the candidate, his salary structure, the top three deliveries to the
organisation that proved to be beneficial to the organisation, career goals, his strengths
and weaknesses etc.
After the application form has been duly filled and submitted, the selection process starts
wherein the candidate has to pass through various stages and interview. The interview
panel consists of the persons from Corporate (HR), and other persons including the
executives from the department for which the vacancy is to be filled.
The selected candidates are then short-listed. The short listed candidates are then given
priority numbers; this is due to the reason that sometimes the candidate who is having
first priority is unable to join the organisation due to some reasons then in that case the


candidate next in the priority list is given preference. The candidate has to under go
medical examination and his credentials are verified.
After qualifying these stages, the candidate is then absorbed in the organisation and
explained his/her duties. This phase marks the end of the selection procedure.
Public Sector India Ltd.also performs Campus interviews as and when the need arises.
The esteemed organisation also provides apprentice training-wherein the organisation
trains the people in the working of the organisation and gives then stipend. If these
trainees are found useful to the organisation then they are absorbed in the organisation
else they are given certificate so that they can show this as an experience and get a job


HRM in the Banking Industry

When we talk of human resource management, we have in our mind a variety of things.
These include:


Skill development and up-gradation of knowledge and skills of the employees.

Motivating the employees,

Effective utilization of the employees skills and capabilities

Attracting the personnel and their retention

Wages, salaries and rewards and

Monitoring and controlling the employees performance

These aspects of human resource management and development are essential for every
sector but in the case of tourism, they have a special significance. This is because
tourism is a service industry and here the customer is not only buying a service or a
product but he is also experiencing and consuming the quality of service which is
reflected in the performance of the person involved in the production and delivery of the
service. Since what is marketed here is a relationship between the customer and the
producer of services, the importance of human resources becomes vital for the success of
the business. Generally, in such service operations the emphasis has been on courtesy
and efficiency and it is assumed that the service in tourism is all smiles and effective
communication. However, with the changing nature of tourism and growing special
sation only smiles, communications skills and courtesy will not serve the purpose. For
example, a guide may be very good in communication but unless he or she is equipped
with knowledge and information related to the monument or the city, he or she will not be
able to perform quality service. Similarly, a driver may be very good at driving but unless
he knows the roads and addresses of the city, only his driving capabilities will be of no
help in providing quality service. And we must remember here that tourists, whether
foreign or domestic, are increasingly becoming more demanding as regards quality of

Generally, human resource management, planning and development in tourism have to be

taken at both macro as well as micro levels. At the macro level, one takes into account the
educational and training infrastructure available in a country and the efforts initiated by
the ICAO. This also includes the efforts initiated by the private sector. At the micro level,
one takes into account how best individual organizations plan and manage their human
resources V S Mahesh, formerly Vice President (Human Resources) with the Taj Group
of Hotels, is of the opinion that two central features common to all sectors of the tourism
industry must be considered in this regard:
1) The concept of Moments of Truth (MOT), and
2) MOTs relationship to the attainment of service excellence in an organization.
Jan Carlzon has defined MOT as an intention between a customer and an organization,
which leads to a judgement by the customer about the quality of service received by her
or him. In tourism industry, 95% of the MOTs take place between customers and the
front line staff and most of the time they are not visible to the management. For example,
how a hotel receptionist is handling the customers or how an escort is conducting the tour
is not visible to the management. Yet, the tourists experience of the holiday is dependent
on how the staff manning such services has treated him or her. Mahesh has pointed out
that in case of negative experiences, only less than five percent cases get reported to the
management by the customers and hence according to him the crucial questions is are
human beings capable of doing their job correctly, willingly and with a smile, when they
know that their management is most unlikely to be able to see or hear them, let alone bear
of their failure to do so? This puts additional on the human resources management
factor in the tourism industry. Certain organizations, companies and even destinations are
known for their hospitality and are even termed as service leaders in their areas of
operations. Researches conducted by various scholars in this area show that they have
achieved this, status, through effective human resource management in their

According to Gail Cook Johnson these companies have applied the

principal of empowerment to all employees. This empowerment is manifested in the way

that companies:


Are highly focused and consistent in everything they do and say in relation to

Have manager who communicate with employees

Facilitate, rather that regulate, their employees response to customers

Solicit employee feedback about how they can do things better

Stress the importance of team work at each level of the organization and

Plan carefully the organizations recruitment and training needs.

These companies give less emphasis on hierarchy and formal relationship rather; they
adopt flat organizational structure in terms of span of control. Johnson further states that
these service leaders can be recognised for:

Their unfailing commitment to service principles,

Their investments in people to ensure staffing competence,

A management philosophy which stresses communication a proactive orientation and

employee feedback and

A dedication to teamwork

In fact, human resource management and customers care/expectations management are

inter related area in the area of tourism.

Sarah Mansfield has identified four key

principles in the development of customer care within companies. These according to her

Customer care starts at the top was meaning that commitment to the principle of
customer care must emanate from senior management levels within an
organization. Successful management is not only about the right management
style but also an attitude, ethos or culture of the organization which overrides the
management techniques used, such that in the absence of other instructions these
values will dictate how an employee will behave.



Customer care involves everyone within the organization. It is not just about
front-line staff. The contrary view only services to reinforce the electricians or
administrators, opinion that the standard of service they give in support of the
front-line staff is not important. How can cleaners do the right job unless they
fully appreciate their customer needs and the importance of their role? High
standards of customer care cannot be achieved by ignoring seasonal, part time or
voluntary staff that represents the face of the business to many customers.


Care for your staff and they will care for your customers. Too often organizations
look first to the customer, whereas the emphasis should be placed on the staff.
Improving the experience of the staff encourages a better service and a better
experience for customers. More customers are obtained thereby improving the
climate in which management and staff work.

Investment and greater

professionalism follow success and the cycle of achievement is reinforced.


Its a continuous, meaning that customer care is not a quick fix Research but it
long term plan.

According to V S Mahesh The nature, determinates and problem areas of service quality
within tourism points clearly to the central role of personnel, at all levels, in attaining
levels, of excellence in this respect. Development the service culture, within a Bank, and
within tourism industry, cans he seen as crucial to the success of tourism. Hence, the
activities of an HRD manager in tourism can be categorised as:

Human resource planing and

Human resource development

Aspect like forecasting, recruiting and induction in the human resource area are taken
care of through human resource planning. The identification of specific developmental
needs for the manpower aimed at developing and exploiting the competencies of the
human resources are taken care of through human resource development.


In this Section, we will deal with certain aspects which are relevant for managers or
entrepreneurs at an organizations level in the area of human resource planning. Human
resource planing can be termed as a process for preparing a plan for the future personnel
needs of an organization. It takes into account the internal activities of the organization
and the external environmental factors. In a service industry like tourism, such planning
also aims at improving the quality of manpower resources. Human resource planning

Analysis of existing manpower resources,

Planning for future needs taking into account how many people with what skills and
at what levels the organization will need, and

Planning for the development of the employees by adopting in-house training and
continuing education methods to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the employees.


Recruitment procedure is a vital factor of an organization. If it is not done properly the
production procedure will be hampered. Hence productivity will fall down. So the
organization will be in trouble and it will affect the employer- employee relationship. So
recruitment procedure should be done in proper and correct manner. The new candidates
should replace the vacant post so that the production of the Bank does not hamper. By
this the productivity will increase and the organization will gain profit. So the employer
will be happy and will not hesitate to distribute bonus and increments to the workers. The
workers will also be more motivated to work. Hence there will be harmonious
relationship in the organization. It will also stabilize the organization in the long run.



Organisation structure:
The whole organisation behaves as a Parivar, with one legal guardian. All directors and
shareholders are from among workers and the entire have taken an oath
through affidavit. In the court of law that neither their family members shall
have claim or share in the assets or profits of the Bank. All workers of Bank
are the proud owners of the organisation. The workers believe in the concept
that manpower is superior to money power.
Recruitment is the process of seeking out and attempting to attract individuals in external
labour markets, who are capable of and interested in filling available
vacancies. Recruitment is an intermediate activity whose primary function is to
server as a linked between Human Resource Planning on the one hand on the
other. Sources of recruitment are through internal and external channels. Public
Sector recruits its employees both externally as well as internally. Recruitment
for the airline is done through interviews of selected applicants and people who
pass the interviews of selected applicants and people who pass the interview
are required to undergo a medical test before he/she is finally placed in the
Public Sector.
Employees are also recruited through internal mobility. This is done on the basis of merit
and seniority. After passing the examination the candidates are called for an
interview along with the employees who have become eligible for promotion
on the basis of seniority.


The basic objective of this report is to COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF
PRIVATE BANKING SECTOR. Following fundamental objectives have
been identified as the sub-objectives of the study:1. To study the identity of the recruitment & selection process in the
organization as a whole.
2. To find out the employees as per Banks vacancies.
3. To find out the various sources of advertisement of vacancies likemedia (electronic or paper or both), schools, posters etc.
4. To study the work environment and select the pattern of interview,
which can help out to select the suitable employee for the
5. To study the interpersonal relationship.



The purpose of the methodology is to describe the research procedure. This includes
overall research design, the sampling procedure, the data collection method, and the
fried methods and analysis procedure.

Out of total universe 30 respondents from each Public Sector have been taken for
convenience. The sample procedure chosen for this are statistical sampling method. Here
randomly employees are selected and interviewed. An in depth interview is conducted
with the Human Resource Head. Information, which I collected, was based on the
questionnaire Public Sectores filled up by the sample employees.

Under secondary method I took the help of various reference books which I have
mentioned in bibliography and also by way of surfing through the Bank website.

Questionnaire Public Sectore: Corresponding to the nature of the study direct,

structured questionnaire Public Sectorres with a mixture of close and open-ended
questions will be administered to the relevant respondents within the Personnel and
other Departments of the organisation.

In-depth interviews will be conducted with the top level management personnel
involved as panel members of the recruitment & selection committees of the
organisation to substantiate the questionnaire Public Sectorre administered.


Organisational literature: Any relevant literature Public Sector lable from the
organisation on the Bank profile, recruitment & selection procedures, Job
specifications (KSAs), department-wise break up of manpower strength and the
Public Sector sational structure.

Other Sources: Appropriate journals, magazines such as Human Capital, relevant

newspaper articles, Bank brochures and articles on www sites will also be used to
substantiate the identified objectives.


A questionnaire Public Sectore will be used for the purpose of research:
Questionnaire: To test the validity and effectiveness of the recruitment procedures
within the organisation and to test the validity and effectiveness of the policies and
procedures within the organisation.
The basic rationale of Questionnaire is to assert the perception of the non-HR
departments in terms of the validity and effectiveness of the policies and procedures
used by the organisation. It is also in line with the assessment of any
suggestions/recommendations that the respondents from these Departments might
have in terms of the use of an alternative source/device of recruitment , than what
already forms the current practice of the HR Department.

Questionnaire e would be administered to 15 respondents, holding a senior

designation within the Personnel Department of the organisation. It will also be
administered to at least 15 respondents belonging to typical Departments within the
organisation and holding senior designations within their respective Departments.

In depth interviews would also be conducted with these respondents with the Public
Sector of substantiating their views Public Sector from the Questionnaire.

The total number of employees covered in the questionnaire Public Sectores are 30,
20 Business Executives and 10 Non-Business Executives.


For the purpose of administering the Questionnaire Public Sectore, the respondents
would comprise of personnel holding senior designations within the Personnel

Department of the organisation. The respondents for the Questionnaire Public

Sectore will also be preferably be panel members of the Recruitment & Selection
Board of the organisation.
The respondents would comprise of personnel holding senior designations within

certain Public Sector typical Departments identified within the organisation, namely:







Judgement Sampling would be used for the purpose of choosing the sample for the
purpose of administering Questionnaire. The identified expert would have a thorough
knowledge about all the respondents within the Personnel Department of the
organisation. Thus his/her expertise would be incorporated in locating, identifying
and contacting the required respondents.




The analysis of the various sources of recruitment devices is presented on the following

The response entire from the HR Department (as analysed from Questionnaire
Public Sectore) represents current practice within the organisation in terms of the
sources of recruitment devices used.

The analysis of the response entire from all the other departments (as analysed from
Questionnaire Public Sectore) forming the sample, represents the perception of the
respondents from these Departments in terms of the validity and effectiveness of the
various sources/devices of recruitment/selection (specific to these Departments)

The analysis further Public Sectors any suggestions/recommendations given by these

non-HR Departments (forming the sample for administering Questionnaire, in terms
of any recruitment source and/or selection device that should be deployed by the
organisation apart from what already constitutes current practice (specific to these


Chart showing Service Period of the

employees as per our survey of 30 employes
within 1year
between 2-3yr

Working period of employees in the Bank: The above chart depicts that most of the employees are doing service as per my survey of
30 employees. Most of the employees are young in the PUBLIC SECTOR and, they
dont have the past experience of any change in recruitment . However in Public Sector
India it is just opposite they are working from last 10-15 years in the Bank.
On a survey of 30 employees done by me shows that employees completed 1 year of
service comprised 36.11%.
Similarly employees 1-2 years of service comprise 36.11. But there is only less number
of employees there about between 2-3 years comprised 19.44%. The rest i.e. 8.33%
comprised of the group of people who have been in the organization for 3-5 year.


Candidates willingness to join the Bank

Most of the Indian candidate looks in for the salary package and job security before
joining a Bank for job. All other things such as Reputation of the Bank, working
environment, job prospects, location of the Bank, career growth opportunity, they look
these things in either in isolation or in combination to each other as a whole as shown in
the above graph:

From the chart it can be understood that most of the employees are inspired by the salary

Chart to showing candidates willingness to join

the company




reputation of the com pany

salary package

w orking enviornm ent

job prospect

location of the com pany

career grow th oppurtunity

see that matters much followed reputation of the Bank and working environment, which
comprised 17% and 16% respectively. Job prospect plays a minor role in the minds of a
candidate who had already joined the Bank. Location of the Bank (which comprised 5% of
the sample size) where majority of the employees are qualified with technical who in most
of the cases dare to bother the location of the Bank.


How candidates are recruited in the Bank?

There are various ways of recruiting candidates in the Bank as depicted in the chart
below : -

Chart showing candidates' recruitment process

Written exam







From the chart it is quiet clear that the Bank adopts various process for recruiting the
right candidate. Actual recruitment procedure followed by the Bank is by conducting
written examination followed by interview which comprised 85% of my sample survey of
30 employees. But still some candidates are also chosen through written exam, Gd
&interview comprising only 6% and others comprising only 3%. These others include
the reference of the existing employees within the organization itself.


Job Specification of the employees

Almost all the candidates got the specified jobs offered to them. This implies that the
Bank have the organized manpower planning and well organized recruitment policy as
shown in the following chart : From the chart above it is crystal clear that the candidates gets exactly the same
job as specified. So from the Banks perspective it is a good sign for the overall growth
and development. Still some employees which comprised only 2.33% of my sample study
Role of union in the organization
There is a very hard presence of union in the organization. The workers performing

Chart showing job specification of the response of the



operational level to decision making are all well educated employees. So for the
welfare of the quality of work life and other activities related to the welfare of the
workers, they are taken into consideration.


Q-: Corresponding to this data I have drawn a pie chart below:Employee turnover ratio

Better salary


More benifits
Improvement of
working condition


Company not
doing anything
Can't say

So it is evident from the pie chart that majority of the respondents (14) have mentioned
Better promotion / Career Development Opportunity for the retention of employees and
thereby reducing the employee turnover ratio. Only 5 respondents have mentioned more
benefits as the reason.















Qualitative responses (COMMENTS) given by the various Department respondents


From the point of view of the

From the point of view of the


Willing employees based on their

There is no cadre in the Stores

performance should be recruited,

Department, therefore the staff

instead of giving promotion on

working in Stores on rotation is

seniority basis.

incorrect. The cadre should have

been there, which gives moral
backup to existing hard working






Right candidate for the right job



should be selected irrespective of



constants regarding caste, creed,

managerial positions over new

age etc.
There should be no reservations

In all promotions, physical fitness

for any category; the only criteria

should be a specific criterion.

should be competence.
Selection of candidates for various

Qualification of candidates along

posts in different cadres should be




consideration for promotion of

qualification and the merit of the

candidates in the Engineering

candidates. Management should




engineers should have promotions


only to a certification level.



















As per the merit of the candidate,

We must segregate good and bad

selection should be done.






90% employees said that recruitment procedure affects the performance of the
employees while 10% employees said that it does not.

100% employees said Public Sector recruit employees internally.

75% employees believe that the recruitment procedure followed by the Bank is
appropriate while 25% employees believe its inappropriate.

65% employees say that the economy discloses the job specifications at the time
of selection of a candidate while 35% employees said the Bank doesnt disclose
job specifications at the time of selection.

100% employees said that the Bank ask for references at the time of selection.

70% employees say that the written test contribute the main factor of recruitment
but 30% employees say that written test not take a main part of recruitment.

70% employees say that Bank follows direct interview method, and 30% says
Bank follow the GD interview.

PUBLIC SECTOR prefer the fresher only 55% in campus and 45% Not prefer for
fresher in campus.

PUBLIC SECTOR recruit the people in other state.

Maximum 45% persons are agree with PUBLIC SECTOR and some 30% persons
are disagree.

100% manpower is based on previous production data.

Maximum 80% is linked of vision of the Bank.

Maximum cases 80% medical test is done at the time in PUBLIC SECTOR but in
some cases medical test is not required.

Maximum PUBLIC SECTOR conducted the interviews is free from bais.

PUBLIC SECTOR check all the information before interview.

Maximum cases PUBLIC SECTOR not conduct the physical examination before
selection but in some cases PUBLIC SECTOR conduct the physical examination.

Maximum 75% persons are satisfied with recruitment process in PUBLIC

SECTOR but 25% persons are not satisfied with recruitment process in PUBLIC
SECTOR. In the survey

Maximum PUBLIC SECTOR recruitment process for the people for future needs.

Maximum 55% favoritism is not done at the recruitment process but in some
cases 45% can done.



The study which I conducted on Human Resource Management of PUBLIC SECTOR
has been a very knowledgeable experience. The extent of knowledge derived in the
process was colossal.
At the outset, the objectives were to analyze the above mentioned fields of PUBLIC
SECTOR. The entire thesis report has been effort to do just that the insight obtain has
been helpful in undertaking what makes the industry happening.
Survival of the fittest seems to be the mantra in the Public Sector industry as many
ambitions plans toppled down in the work of varying problem. Lack capital intensive
nature of the industry regulations, the commercial decisions, poor long terms planing,
over capacity, deep waters. Industry analysts place a minimum FLF 68% to break even if
the Public Sector is using 737-200 series Public Sector but most of the Public Sector
pl7ay near of this point. Default, Delayed payments and financial crisis seems to be the
buzzwords in the aviation industry if one goes by the recent track record of some of the
pvt Public Sectors.
Factors Public Sectorling the Public Sector Industry

Most Public Sector companies dont adequately utilize their capacity

Lack of sound financial planning

Price wars for acquiring higher share of the pie.

Crippling government regulation like 10% coverage of category two routes with
yearly average PLF of 25%

Lack of co-ordinate among pvt Public Sector to share the overheads

Uneconomic lease agreement with the foreign leasing companies.

PUBLIC SECTOR seems to have kept their slates clean as far as payments and
maintenance of Public Sector is concerned. Initially after its incorporations PUBLIC
SECTOR go before establishing market leadership in the high court high risk, PUBLIC

SECTOR is still a fledgling one in an industry where size counts in spreading cost and
benefiting from economics of scale.
The following conclusion are what I perceive and have nothing to do with any persons or
organizations opinion.

With the talks on dis-investment & Pvt. Participation in PUBLIC SECTOR,

domestic Public Sectors Public Sector will have to curve out strategic approach to
exploit the potential in the market and serve the customer as well as the employees
to the best possible extent.


A draft policy on civil aviation in Public Sector the approval of the government.
This would enhance the infrastructural facilities for the players ground


PUBLIC SECTOR have, with time increased its fleet strength to grow as one of
the specialised service provider. The future plans do indicate the vision of the to be
a forerunner among the best engineering.


In true contemporary conditions and market cohesiveness PUBLIC SECTOR

changed to focus form customer satisfaction to creating customer delight. This is
much better comprehended by the change in its corporate, image.


The healthy competition of domestic Public Sectors has set new trends in the
quality of service. With the oncoming the quality of services and the pride of the


It is a matter of great significance that the Public Sector staff new care about the
passenger comfort and take pains to see that the flights are on time. The high
percentage 98% of on time service.


PUBLIC SECTOR do benefit by the efforts embarked by the establish a long

lasting support with the Indian masses. The mother brand do support this
organization in every possible way to set was benchmarks in the aviation industry.


Emotion rather Rational approach is being used as an advertising tool. The

advertisements and sales promotional schemes to reflects this move. Emotional
year seem to making an impact.


People first, is what PUBLIC SECTOR trusts upon, placing peoples interest on
top priority have made this organization a proud place to work with. Profit sharing
by PUBLIC SECTOR Public Sector and the corporate culture Oozing in side the
veins of its employees is surely a mater of envy for others.


Valve for money objective of PUBLIC SECTOR have worked, since its
competitors have started strategic shits in pricing policy, sales promotion Schemes
and quality of service.


All sPublic Sectord and done, one most conclude by emphasizing that there is
nothing more interesting and stimulating then to come in close contact with a Bank
which is every employees dream place.




The scope of the study in terms of coverage is limited to the Technical operations of

Within the organisational layout, the research study would be largely confined to the
Personnel and Administration Department.

Within the organisation the study is limited to the top-level management of the
Personnel Department of the organisation (out of which a sample of the respondents
are also members of the Recruitment & Selection committee). This is for the purpose
of administering the questionnaire.
In line with the purpose of conducting employee interviews, the study would be
confined to personnel holding typical designations within the organisation at different
levels of management.
Although the limitations that I faced in the organizations is the absence of Trade
Unions co-operation, otherwise which could have help me in understanding the
industrial relations in a comprehensive manner. Secondly, the limitation that I have, is
the scope of collection of sample size which was confined to only one department,
which would have other wise made my study and observations in an effective manner.




The organisation should deploy a segmentation matrix for the purpose of talent
sourcing. This is in line with the identification of the talents that the organisation
needs to attract for value creation. At the same time, the matrix also serves to screen
any redundant talents that the organisation does not require within its pool of

The PUBLIC SECTOR should endeavor to find out as to what attracts the right
employees to apply to the organisation. Thus, knowing what the potential candidates
who apply expect from the organisation and the reasons behind their desire to work
for the organisation will help in 'working out' relevant recruitment policies. PUBLIC
SECTOR could emerge as a highly successful organisation in recruiting and desired
applicants, when such applicants experience work culture consistent with their
expectations. For the same, the HR Department needs to 'learn' the patterns and
develop programs that support recruitment and retention strategies. They can follow a
simplified 'waterfall recruitment process' to recruit 'world class' talent.

Structured interviews: Interviews conducted by the Recruitment & Selection

Committee of PUBLIC SECTOR, while hiring for senior executive positions, should
cover the following basic aspects:
Decision making
Problem solving
Deadline consciousness
Crisis management
Customer orientation

Inter-personal skills

Emotional Intelligence: The recruitment policy of PUBLIC SECTOR should

incorporate an evaluation of 'emotional intelligence', thus enameling the assessment
of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills, during the
evaluation of the potential candidate.

Country political pressure: Political pressure exerted by trade unions is one of the
biggest problems faced by PUBLIC SECTOR. These trade unions leaning towards
particular political groups hamper the natural process of recruitment. The relevant
authorities within the organisation should induce requisite efforts in this emergent
political influence coupled with appropriate government assistance.



The scope of the study in terms of coverage is limited to the Technical operations of

Within the organisational layout, the research study would be largely confined to the
Personnel and Administration Department.

Within the organisation the study is limited to the top-level management of the
Personnel Department of the organisation (out of which a sample of the respondents
are also members of the Recruitment & Selection committee). This is for the purpose
of administering the questionnaire.
In line with the purpose of conducting employee interviews, the study would be
confined to personnel holding typical designations within the organisation at different
levels of management.
Although the limitations that I faced in the organizations is the absence of Trade
Unions co-operation, otherwise which could have help me in understanding the
industrial relations in a comprehensive manner. Secondly, the limitation that I have,
is the scope of collection of sample size which was confined to only one department,
which would have other wise made my study and observations in an effective manner.


The study which I conducted on Human Resource Management of PUBLIC SECTOR
has been a very knowledgeable experience. The extent of knowledge derived in the
process was colossal.
At the outset, the objectives were to analyze the above mentioned fields of PUBLIC
SECTOR. The entire thesis report has been effort to do just that the insight obtain has
been helpful in undertaking what makes the industry happening.
Survival of the fittest seems to be the mantra in the Public Sector industry as many
ambitions plans toppled down in the work of varying problem. Lack capital intensive
nature of the industry regulations, the commercial decisions, poor long terms planing,
over capacity, deep waters. Industry analysts place a minimum FLF 68% to break even if
the Public Sector is using 737-200 series Public Sector but most of the Public Sector
pl7ay near of this point. Default, Delayed payments and financial crisis seems to be the
buzzwords in the aviation industry if one goes by the recent track record of some of the
pvt Public Sectors.
Factors Public Sectorling the Public Sector Industry

Most Public Sector companies dont adequately utilize their capacity

Lack of sound financial planning

Price wars for acquiring higher share of the pie.

Crippling government regulation like 10% coverage of category two routes with
yearly average PLF of 25%

Lack of co-ordinate among pvt Public Sector to share the overheads

Uneconomic lease agreement with the foreign leasing companies.

PUBLIC SECTOR seems to have kept their slates clean as far as payments and
maintenance of Public Sector is concerned. Initially after its incorporations PUBLIC
SECTOR go before establishing market leadership in the high court high risk, PUBLIC

SECTOR is still a fledgling one in an industry where size counts in spreading cost and
benefiting from economics of scale.
The following conclusion are what I perceive and have nothing to do with any persons or
organizations opinion.

With the talks on dis-investment & Pvt. Participation in PUBLIC SECTOR,

domestic Public Sectors Public Sector will have to curve out strategic approach to
exploit the potential in the market and serve the customer as well as the employees
to the best possible extent.


A draft policy on civil aviation in Public Sector the approval of the government.
This would enhance the infrastructural facilities for the players ground


PUBLIC SECTOR have, with time increased its fleet strength to grow as one of
the specialised service provider. The future plans do indicate the vision of the to be
a forerunner among the best engineering.


In true contemporary conditions and market cohesiveness PUBLIC SECTOR

changed to focus form customer satisfaction to creating customer delight. This is
much better comprehended by the change in its corporate, image.


The healthy competition of domestic Public Sectors has set new trends in the
quality of service. With the oncoming the quality of services and the pride of the


It is a matter of great significance that the Public Sector staff new care about the
passenger comfort and take pains to see that the flights are on time. The high
percentage 98% of on time service.


PUBLIC SECTOR do benefit by the efforts embarked by the establish a long

lasting support with the Indian masses. The mother brand do support this
organization in every possible way to set was benchmarks in the aviation industry.


Emotion rather Rational approach is being used as an advertising tool. The

advertisements and sales promotional schemes to reflects this move. Emotional
year seem to making an impact.


People first, is what PUBLIC SECTOR trusts upon, placing peoples interest on
top priority have made this organization a proud place to work with. Profit sharing
by PUBLIC SECTOR Public Sector and the corporate culture Oozing in side the
veins of its employees is surely a mater of envy for others.


Valve for money objective of PUBLIC SECTOR have worked, since its
competitors have started strategic shits in pricing policy, sales promotion Schemes
and quality of service.


All Public Sectord and done, one most conclude by emphasizing that there is
nothing more interesting and stimulating then to come in close contact with a Bank
which is every employees dream place.




Robbins P. Stephens, Organisational Behavior, Prentice Hall, 7th Edition, Chapter 16,
pages 636-641.

Koontz Harold & Weihrich Heinz, Essentials of Management, Mc Graw Hill, 5th
Edition, Chapter 11, pages 217-245.

Decenzo A. David & Robbins P. Stephen, Personnel/HR Management, Prentice Hall,

3rd Edition, Chapters 6,7 & 8, pages 117-209.

2. Magazines

India Today

Todays traveller


Business Today

Business World

Business Digest

3. News Paper

Times of India

Hindustan Times

Economic Times

The Pioneer

The Hindu


Financial Express

Economic and Political Weekly

4. Web sites



1. What is the working period of employees in the Bank?
Within 1 year
Between 1-2 years
Between 2-3 years
Between 3-5 years
2. What are the reason of the candidate to join the Bank?
Reputation of the Bank

Salary package

Working environment

Job prospects

Location of the Bank

Career growth opportunity

3. How candidates are recruited in the Bank?

Written exam

Written exam and interview

Written exam, GD and interview


4. Did you get the same job specification as offered during the interview?


5. Is the recruitment procedure followed by the Bank appropriate?



6. Does your Bank disclose the job satisfaction at the time of selection of a candidate?



7. Does your Bank ask for references at the time of selection?



8. What percent of the selection procedure does the written test contribute?


9. Which type of interview methods does your Bank usually follow?


GD interview


10. Rank the selection criteria for opening account with bank?



11. Kindly rank the reasons for yours preference in this particular bank?

Friendly Behavior


12. Which facilities are you availing at your bank?

Credit card


Mobile Banking


13.How often do you use debit card to shop?

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14. How much Satisfied are you with your banks overall performance ?

Very Good


15. Any Specific services you expect from your Bank?



16. Would you like to give any suggestions for the better functioning of banks in these
Public Sector

Private sector


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