Canals of Pakistan M

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Department of agronomy

Faculty of crop production Sindh agriculture

university tandojam

River system of Pakistan

Submitted by

submitted under kind

supervision of

Moomal Kumbhar

Madam Mehmooda buriro

Important Canals of Pakistan

Before looking at the irrigation & canal system of Pakistan, firstly what a canal is? Canal can be
regarded as a man made waterway that serves the functions of drainage or irrigation. Canal
takes the water from the river and transports it to field area where utilization is made. The
canals come out of rivers, dams, and barrages. Water, a finite commodity, has a direct
bearing on almost all sectors of economy. In Pakistan its importance is
more than ordinary due to the agrarian nature of the economy. Pakistan has the widest
irrigation system in the world. There are five major rivers of Pakistan which are filled by
several small rivers. The most widely spread canal system is of great importance and
supplement to the agriculture of the country. Among the available resources of water in
Pakistan, the river water is the biggest one. There are five major
The Indus: The creation of the embryonic Indus river system, the main source of
surface water in South Asia, most likely began 50 million years ago when the Indian
plate, Gondwanaland, first collided with Eurasia, Angaraland and formed the Himalayan
Mountains in the Mesozoic era. The Indus River system comprises of three major
reservoirs, 16 Barrages, 2 head-works, 2 Siphons across major rivers 12 inter link
canals, 44 canal systems(23 in Punjab, 14 in Sindh, 5 in Khyber P and 2 in Balochstan)
and more than 107000 water courses. The aggregate length of the canals is about
56073 km. It originates from singikahad near Manshwar Lake. Important engineerings
Tarbela Dam and Gazi Brotha Hydro Power Project.
Length Of Indus River 2700 Km.
Catchments area 404220 Km.
Annual Average flow 48 MAF.
The Chanab river originates in the Kulu and Kangra districts of the Himachal pardesh,
provinces of India. The two chief Streams of Chenabthe Chandr and the Bangrrise
elevation of 16000 feet. These join at Tandi in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Feed by
inumerable tributaries on the long journey from its headwaters, the river gains immense
power region above Kashmir. In enters Pakistan through Sialkot near Diawara Village.
Length in Pakistan 724 km
Important Engineerings Marala Barrage khanki Barrage
Catchmeet Area 41656 km
Annual Average flow 12.38 MAF
The chenab flows through the alluvial plains of the Punjab province. It is then joined by
the Jehlum Riverat at Trimmu, 64 km downstrons of Trimmu, the river Ravi joins it. The
Satluj joins Chenab upstream of Punjnad and finally at above 64 km below Punjnad it
meets of river Sindh at Mithankot. The river Chenab has Marala, Khanki, Punjnad,
Trimmu and Qadirabed Barrage and Marala Ravi link Canal. India has constructed Salal
Dam in Jammu about 40 miles upstream of Marala Barrages.
River Sutlej longest of the rivers that give Punjab (meaning Fiver River) originates in
western Tibet in the Kailas mountain ranges. Flowing Northwest and West South West
through Himalayan gorges, it crosses Himachal Pardesh state (India) and enters the

Punjab plains in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab state.

Total length 1450 km
Length in Pakistan 526 km
Important Engineering Dialpir canal, Islam Barrage, Sulemanki Barrye
Catchment Area 65932 km
Annual Average flow 0.021 MAF
Continuing Southwest in a broad channel, it relieves the Beas River and from 105 km
Indo-Pak border before entering Pakistan and joining the chenab river west of Bahawal
The Jhelum is a large eastern tributary of the Indus. It rises from a deep spring of
Vernag, in the Indian-held Jammu and Kashmir state. The river moves North-West ward
from the Northern slope of the Pir Panjab range to Wular Lake. At Mazaffarabad, the
Jhelum joins the Kishanganga river and then bends Southward forming part or the
border between Azad Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. Near Mangla, it breaks
through the Siwalik range into broad alluvial plains. At Jhelum town the river turns
South-West ward to Khushab and then bends Southwards to join the Chenab river.
Total length 725 km
Length in Pakistan 379 miles
Catchment Area 21359 miles
Annual Average flow 11.85 MAF
The Mangla Dam is one of the biggest dams of Pakistan built on Jhehlum river and its
reservoir irrigates about 3,000,000 acres of land and has an installed capacity of 300
MW of electricity.
The Ravi is the smallest of the five main eastern tributaries of Indus. It rises in the
Himalauans in Himachal Pardesh (India) and flows west Northwest past Chamba,
turning Southwest at the boundary of Jammu and Kashmir. It flows past Lahore and turns
west near kamalia, emplying into the chenab River South of Ahmadpur sial after a
course of about 764 km.
Length in Pakistan 675 km
Important Engneerings Balloki and Sindh nai head works.
Catchment Area 25185 km
Amnual Average flow 1.47 MAF.

The total length of canals of Pakistan is 64000 km. River Indus, Jhelum and Chenab are
the math sources of water for Pakistan. These rivers have maximum quantity of water during
summer but minimum during winter season 84% of the total water flows in these rivers in
The Canals of River Ravi
Upper Ban Doab and lower Ban Doab are two important canals of river Ravi. These canals
are very important for the production of summer crops. The upper Bari Doab is and old canal
which was constructed in 1868.
The Canals of River Chenab
The upper Chenab and lower Chenab irragate the area of Rachna Doab. The haveli system of

canals is also located in this Doab that comes out from Trimmu Head Works.
The Canals of River Jhelum
Chaj Doab has two important canals i.e. upper Jhelum and lower Jhelum. These canals
irrigate a large part of the Triple Canal Project and have increased agricultural production.
These two canals along with lower Ban Doab link the three rivers i.e. Jhelum Chenab and
The Canals of River Sutlej
There are three Head Works on river Sutlej i.e. Feroze-Wala, Sulaimanki and Islam, whereas
fourth is on the Puhjnad. These canals irrigate the area of Nili Bar and Bahawalpur.
The Canals of River Indus
The canals from Jinnah Barrage near Kalabagh irrigate the desert area of Thar for
agricultural purpose. Districts of D.G. Khan and D.I. Khan are irrigated by a link canal from
Chashma barrage, Taunsa barrage and Guddu barrage also have canals which irrigate vast
areas. Following are imporatant canals from river Indus for NWFP.
1. The Canal of River Swat.
2. The Canal from Swat River Irrigates.
3. The Peshawar area.
4. The Warsak Project.
A project in the north west of Peshawar at Warsak is important for the local requirments of
the region.

Canals of Sindh
Canal which serves as a main conduit for irrigation water.

Nra Canal (0km)

Rohri Canal (0km)

Rice Canal (2.5km)

Ddu Canal (2.5km)

Northwestern Canal (2.5km)

Eastern Nra Canal (2.5km)

Mr Wh (3.8km)

Khairpur Feeder West (5km)

Khairpur East Canal (5km)

Palh Wh (5.7km)

Kalhori Minor (8.8km)

Kabri Minor (10km

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