Nordic Dreamscapes (Still Waters Running)

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Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey

Nordic Dreamscapes
It was on one of those summer evenings,
A Nordic summer resplendent in profusion of light
When light of lingering day surpasses night,
Even when night is all light-

It was such a time,

When depth of night
Was still a languid lucidity of translucence-

Magic suffuses laconic air;

A quite activity that denudes,
Of that fairy faintness that drains mild souls sensitive,
Innocuous grating ire displaced that irritates,
Bestirring even the phlegmatic strong;
It was that kind of an evening-

He stepped out into coming chill of languid evening;
Long hours behind nondescript desk had left him listless,
Into cool air of evening's breeze he steps,
Soothing touch of mild breeze
Rubbing tired face into instant distraction-

Down silent path, across bubbling stream,

Into dark woods inviting in its shadowy calm
Into those foreboding woods,
In those woods
Where a deeper shade of cool evening light tints all
He enters with ease of mind distracted-

Here amidst soothing silence of nature’s impress,

Shadows dispersed,
Permeating through these ancient trees,
A presence, old of origin subsumes;
A thing, deceptive in its benignity-

An uneasy calmness of intense activity

Had oozed its way out of forgotten recesses
Gently subduing fading mundane-

Upon a circle of feathered grass,
Where ancient mould
Underlying freshly rejuvenated grass;
A gentle circle in perfection even a carpet laid,
Upon such a gentle knoll, eyes barely discerning,
He steps, sinking in-

Floating downwind a dribbling of sweet laughter,

Borne like feathers,
Motionless, yet all active, floating through charged air
Not unlike butterflies fluttering in their fragile airy dance
Delicate, inviting, desiring to be held,
Yet, at same time, beyond grasp-

A clinking most subdued

Of innocent laughter most tainted;
Trickling cascade of joy
Tinkling as though of sound dribbling
Like cold waters of remote waterfalls
Filling vacant mind receptive-

Strong pull magnetic

Ever so persistent in its surging heave
Of unnatural forces at one with nature
Drawing unsuspecting soul forlorn;
Attracting without resistance
Beguiled soul enthralled-

Curiosity inspired,
Is mind untangled from its foundation
Rooted in logic of realism,
A sudden desire to discover,
Reaching beyond reason-

Amiable smiles on milky faces
Blending with diffused filtered light
Vestiges of orange tinted sun sunk,
Colouring all,
Descending light in golden shears
Cutting swathes of luminesce
Dispersed through upright pinupa medicate-

Flit of gold trimmed robes,

Caught as afterthought of vanishing glimpse,
Of purest white, adorning form giving mist,
Catching deepening golden rays,
Flutters like blazing fires swung;
This dimming light of a long day expiring-

Drawn he was,
Borne along,
Leaving behind sense and sensibility,
At very turn of silent path
That took him into these deep shades-

Pulled along, he was enthralled,

Powers strange and ever strangely affectionate
Had overtaken him,
Mind's rationality no longer desired,
Undesired mind leaves rationality trailing
Sinking into deep imaginative states-

Transcendental trance transient transition

In higher mind state of mind’s descent,
Into illusions evoked reality
Whence he became a lone stallion
Prancing amidst frenzy of flowery outburst-

Sunflowers ethereally opening amidst strange vistas
To these strange northern lights of subdued translucence;
Marginal existence come into fore
As gentle touch of fleeting breeziness turns into
Arms that float with mind boggling gentleness
Senses gently twirled inwards to outward play

Transporting unwary soul treading ancient glen

Into worlds beyond world,
At a touch to expectant lips
Borne by these gentle arms
Bearing nectars of sweetest venom-

Into brilliancy of such intensity

Light fades into insignificance
As though into very Heaven’s beauty
Transcending contemplative acknowledgement
Unwary soul is borne-

On a petal of reddest hue

Grecian nectar of brightest pink dropped, by
Apparitions unto eager lips,
Sweet venomous nectar unto eager lips drop-

Swirling senses' gorged

Consumed with intensity unparalleled
Sink into oblivion of seemingly nonexistent worlds
Oblivious of fading day's light amidst darkening forest
Where noisy silence prevails-

Charm of ancient forest’s syrup,

Distilled from secret flowers; herbs,
Sweet to taste beyond description,
Opening wandering mind to places far beyond susceptible
Awareness of things indescribable comes into awareness,
Into such ethereal realms of fantasy's evocation he delved-

Thus into gentle embrace of softest bosoms

melting as it were to feathery touch he gently unfolds,
. . . dreaming dreams on a quite stroll through
Ancient woods,
Journeying into places beyond time,
In time.

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