Compare-Contrast Non-Fiction Text On Polar Animals

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Title of Lesson: Comparing and Contrasting Nonfiction Texts on Polar Animals (2 nd Grade)

Essential Question(s):

Lesson Objective:


What are the main points in this

nonfiction text? What can I cite as
evidence from the text?
The student will be able to compare and
contrast the main points from two
nonfiction texts on the same topic.
RI 2.9 Compare and contrast the most
important points represented by two
texts on the same topic.
Language arts, Science

Content Area(s):



Activity Overview:

Nonfiction article on Polar Bears and

Nonfiction article on leopard Seals. 2nd3rd grade complexity.
Blank Venn Diagram. Enlarged version of
the texts for modeling (or and ELMO)
Evidence, main idea, detail, cite,
compare, contrast, Venn Diagram,
captions, headings, bold print
The librarian will model his/her thinking
aloud as she reads a nonfiction text on
Leopard Seals. The librarian will
underline the main ideas in the text and
students will read along and underline at
the same time. The students will then be
asked to underline the main ideas or
important points in a second nonfiction
text about Polar Bears. The librarian will
read the text out loud while students
follow along and underline. Students will
then get with a partner to compare what
they have underlined. The students will
then work with a partner to compare and
contrast the two texts citing evidence
from the text. The librarian will circulate
making sure that the students are only
writing down facts on their Venn diagram
that are explicitly stated in the text.
Students will then come back together
and the librarian will call for volunteers
to share different things that the
students put in their Venn diagrams. Can
the students show where they found the
evidence in the text?As an exit ticket,
students have to write down a question
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that can be answered by evidence in the

Created and Submitted by:____Christine Smith, Lockeland Design Center_____________________

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