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Prison Masters 1

Hard Times
Ace Freeman is the president of Prison Masters, a BDSM club for
gay males. Hes in love with cellmate Tyler Chase and guard Paul
Ryder. Ace is Dominant, desiring to take both men as pets.
As an experienced sub, Tyler wants to give submission to two
Masters. He slips an explicit drawing into Aces notebook. Later, he
blurts out his affections for Paul. Tyler hopes his actions will gain
collars from both men.
Underneath Pauls shy and soft-spoken exterior lies a man who
lives the BDSM lifestyle. Paul is a switch. The guard desires a
Master who can fulfill his need for no limits, and a pet to
dominate. However, Paul knows his desires for Ace and Tyler have
the potential to cost his job.
A good Master cares for his pets. Ace believes that principle. Once
a triad begins to form, Ace needs to find a way to ensure their
love will survive even in the hard times.
Note: This book contains double anal penetration.
Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), BDSM, Mnage a Trois/Quatre
Length: 22,016 words

Prison Masters 1

Andrew Jericho



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IMPRINT: Mnage and More ManLove

Copyright 2015 by Andrew Jericho
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-369-6
First E-book Publication: May 2015
Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without
express written permission.
All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

A special thanks to my partner, John, and our children, for their
constant love and support.

Prison Masters 1
Copyright 2015

Chapter One
Sighing, Ace Freeman ran a hand though shoulder-length brown
hair. The thin mattress on the bottom bunk had taken getting used to.
The pillow wasnt any better. The sights and sounds of incarceration
tormented him. In prison all a man has is time. His thoughts drifted.
Lights out was at 10:30. Breakfast at seven. Dinner at noon. Supper at
six. Repeat.
Shower and shave were other rituals, as were groans in the dark.
Beating off, blowjobs, and quick fucks filled the night like random
images from a bad porno flick. In Tuckerville Unit you were either
someones bitch, or a master commanding them. Ace was in the latter
position. No one messed with him.
Fuck me, hard! a voice moaned from a cell across the hall.
Shut the fuck up, man! Some of us want to sleep! another
hollered several cells down.
I cant rest, a third voice mumbled from the top bunk.
Cmon down here, baby, Ace said.
He didnt ask a second time. Tyler was in his arms in a split
second. The man he was falling in love with laid his head on his
chest. Ace pulled a blanket over them. If there was any reprieve in the
drudgery of prison life, moments like these reminded Ace he was a

Hard Times

man. Otherwise, he was just a number in the Arkansas Department of

Correction database.
Should sleep like this every night, Ace suggested, rubbing a
hand over Tylers nude back. Sorry you cant rest.
For the third night in a week, Ace was tangling their legs. For the
first, he had placed a tube of slick and a condom beneath his pillow
before lights out.
Im falling in love. Ace moved his hand to Tylers hair. He
stroked the chestnut locks, caressing the younger mans scalp.
I love you, too, Tyler replied.
Ace rolled Tyler to his back. Hazel eyes stared into his. Ace
rubbed his thumb over full lips. They parted easy beneath his touch.
Wanted to kiss when you walked into my cell six months ago,
Ace said. Tylers breath warmed Aces mouth. If I want something
Ive got to earn it. Submission aint taken, only given.
And you want me? The submissive tone of Tylers voice had
Ace mad with desire.
Tylers dick was hard against Aces thigh. He untangled their
legs, and bent his lovers knees. Then, Ace settled between Tylers
parted thighs. Tyler was an artist, and a damn good one. Smiling, Ace
remembered the erotic drawing he found in his notebook earlier that
day. Tyler must have slipped it in when he wasnt looking. Their eyes
had met over the top of his lovers sketch book.
The drawing was of a Master and pet. Ace preferred those titles.
He realized in two seconds what Tyler desired. The pets hands were
bound over his head. His eyes covered with a blindfold. The Masters
lips were wrapped around the pets cock.
I can give you what you want, Tyler.
What is it you think I need?
You tell me. I dont play without knowing the stakes.
Thought you said you wanted a kiss?
Then fucking kiss me.


Andrew Jericho

Ace pressed his lips to Tylers mouth. He wrapped his arms

beneath his lovers body, pulling their chests close. Six months of
hard-ons, and coming against his palm once Tyler fell asleep, fueled
Aces kiss. His tongue slipped inside his lovers mouth. Tyler was
returning the affection. The moans from his lover had Aces dick
hard. The sounds were swallowed each time Ace moved his lips
against Tylers mouth.
A good Master cares for his pet, Ace said. Were not ready to
play. Soon.
Touch me?
No play tonight. Not upfront.
Quiet, pet.
Tyler bit his bottom lip, and closed his eyes. Umm. He shifted
beneath Ace.
Howd that make you feel?
When you talk that way it
It what?
Makes me
I feel what it makes you. A hard dick against my leg. Looking up
at me like you want something.
I want you, a Dominant.
A Master?
Tyler nodded.
Fuck! Tyler Chase was lying in his bunk, and a few kisses were
all they would share tonight. The look in his lovers eyes, told Ace
this was more than two men messing around. Tyler wanted to be
claimed, dominated, and most importantly loved.
Rolling off Tylers body, Ace pulled his lover back in his arms.
The groans from the cell block had quieted, and a lonely silence filled
the prison. Tyler laid his head against his chest.
I want to know about the drawing? Ace asked. Have you
played with a man before?

Hard Times


For how long?
About a year. Asshole sent me a Dear John two weeks after I
showed up here. He was my Dom.
Heard you crying that night. Is it over between you two?
You over him?
Didnt love him, if thats what youre getting at. I love you,
Ace. Tyler rose up, and pressed his lips to Aces mouth. That
drawing was my way of showing submission to you. What about you,
Ive fucked men. Made love, too. Been Master to several after I
got locked up. In here, theres a lot of fucking just to get off. Several
of the guys I run with have come to me. Were clean. They knew I
wouldnt rough them up. Aint into that shit. Past six months though,
havent been with anybody.
What about your guys?
Im not committed to them, baby. Told them I was interested in
someone. They take care of their own, like they always did. I can be
in charge without sticking my dick in them.
Do they know who youre interested in?
Sure they do by now, Ace replied, running a fingertip down
Tylers cheek. You got their protection, just like youve always had
mine. Other men know better than to look at you. No man should be
anyones bitch against his will.
Thank you for keeping me safe.
Dont go thanking me. My heart wanted to do right by you.
Besides, its your own damn fault you got a pretty face.
Tyler smiled.
Nice full lips, too, Ace continued, look like they were meant to
suck cock. Ace pressed his lips against Tylers mouth again. Dont
worry, I aint gonna leave you aroused.


Andrew Jericho

Ace rid Tyler of his boxers. He reached for the condom and lube
beneath his pillow. He tore open the wrapper with his teeth, spitting
the foil on the floor.
Do we need a condom? Tyler asked. Arent we both clean?
Can I trust you havent been with anyone in the six months
youve lived in my cell?
Cause were heading toward something where wed be exclusive.
Hell, we already are. I dont play games.
Tylers eyes softened. Ace threw the condom on the floor. He
caressed his fingers against his lovers dick.
Touch me like that a couple more times and Ill come, Tyler
Then come. Youve looked uptight and horny as hell for a while
now. Im taking the edge off, so we can talk about us tomorrow.
Beating off just isnt my thing. Only done it several times since I
got here.
Just aint the same is it?
Hell, no.
Ace squirted lube into the palm of his hand. He began to stroke
the shaft of Tylers dick.
Holy fuck, Tyler whimpered.
Ace rolled Tyler so they were facing each other. He held his lover
against his chest, separated only by the length of the erection in his
Look at me, Ace said. Talk to me with your eyes. You look
like a screamer. No screaming. This is between us.
I love you, Tyler said.
I love you, too.
Ace tightened his fingers around Tylers shaft. His lovers
trembling was Aces signal to stroke hard and fast. Tylers eyes
became fixated on his own. The rapid breathing rivaled his. The
flutter of Tylers heartbeat thumped against Aces chest.

Hard Times


When Tyler bit his lip, Ace knew it was to stifle a scream. The
young man shuddered in his arms. His lovers dick pulsated. Cum
coated Aces fingers.
I want to get you off, too.
Baby, dont worry about me. Im not much behind you.
Ace removed his hand from Tylers cock. He cradled the man
tighter against him. Then, he used Tylers cum as lube for his dick.
Wouldnt be much of a Master, Ace said, if I didnt take care
of your needs first. Theres plenty of time to worry about mine.
Aces desires were satisfied in a few strokes of his hand. Son of a
bitch, you get me hot! His cum and Tylers mixed. Ace ran a thumb,
with the combined semen, over his lovers lips. Taste it, baby.
Tylers tongue licked the smeared cum.
Ive seen the beginnings of Masters pet. You know when you
completely submit, Ill still continue the trust and love.
I didnt answer your question about my needs.
You did just fine. Get some sleep.
Ace rested his chin on top of damp hair. They fit, their bodies
almost the same height. At six-two, Ace was a few inches taller than
his lover. His muscular frame was an arousing contrast to Tylers
smooth and slender build. A thirty-year-old man was holding a
twenty-one-year-old twink in his arms. The young man murmured
incoherently, while sleep claimed him. Ace was left with his thoughts
Growing up in rural Helena life had been hard for the oldest of
three children. Ace never knew his father. His mama said he ran off
when they were little. Aces father had liked the cards, a gambler
always looking for a new game. Otis and Jolene had named their first
born son, Ace. Mama ended up a drunk. The liquor finally took her
two weeks after Aces eighteenth birthday.
After Mama died, Ace got custody of his brother and baby sister.
He dropped out of high school senior year to work two jobs. He loved


Andrew Jericho

his siblings dearly. When Mama was either too drunk, or sick to care,
Ace had been father and mother.
Trying to support a family on minimum wage didnt work. Sitting
in the kitchen of their shotgun house, deciding whether to pay shut-off
notices or buy food, Ace remembered the hopelessness. That was the
last night he had seen his brother and sister. After he got locked up,
social services sent them to foster homes. He regretted taking his
mamas pistol down to the convenience store two blocks over.
Aggravated robbery and involuntary manslaughter earned him a
fifteen-year sentence, ten years for the manslaughter and eight for the
robbery, both to be served consecutively. His time would have been
less because of first offenses, except for old man Driggers. The stores
owner had slipped out of fear, fell, and then hit his head. He died
several hours later.
Ace never forgot his first day in prison. He had been stripped, and
then cavity searched for contraband. His street clothes were taken
away. Ace was assigned a number, informed of rules and rights, and
then handed ADC clothes and bedding. After intake processing, he
had ridden the white bus, his hands and feet shackled. The ride took
him to the unit he would have to serve seventy-percent of his sentence
to be eligible for parole.
Stepping inside Tuckerville Unit, Ace had tried to ignore the cat
calls. A guard led him to Cell Block B. A buzzer chimed. The heavy
steel door swung open. The permanence of its closure was a wave of
terror. Ace walked into the sterile space. Gray tables and chairs filled
the common area. Three stories high, on either side, were rows of
A guard led him up a flight of stairs to the second story. They
stopped near the end of the walkway. In a cell, an older man was
lying on the bottom bunk reading a magazine. Ace was left standing
in the middle of the one-hundred-and-twenty-square-foot space. He
had crawled up on the top bunk. Tears consumed him. Ace had curled
into a fetal position, lying motionless until lights out. When a hand

Hard Times


touched his shoulder, he had fought hard. Twelve years later, he could
still hear the conversation between himself and Carlos Sanchez.
Calm down, hermano, Carlos said. Im not going to hurt you.
Everyone cries first night here. Best to get it out. Then, you start
I made a terrible mistake! Ive got to leave! My brother and baby
sister need me!
Lets get you through tonight. Bien?
I want to go home.
We all want to go home. Some of the young hombres miss their
I take care of myself.
Muy bien.
Dont understand your words.
Very well. My reply to you taking care of yourself.
Aint you gonna rough me up a little? Maybe take advantage of
Not all men in here are assholes. I only take whats freely given.
I dont give! Keep your fucking hands off me.
Within two months, Ace was sleeping in Carloss bunk every
night. One month later, the handsome Latino whispered, Te amo mi
amor siempre. Ace still heard his tender voice. That was the first time
another man had declared love. Ace had to eat his own words. The
same night, he gave his body to the one who would become Master.
Carlos had been twice his age, but neither man cared. Ill always
love you, Master. The sentiment filled Aces mind. Tyler stirred,
bringing him back to the present.


Andrew Jericho

Shh, baby, Ace said. Sleep. Youre safe.

For two years, Ace had felt safe in Carloss arms, too. The
Latinos gentle touch kept him sane. Carlos had given him the
freedom to explore sexuality. From puberty, Ace had wanted to kiss
boys. As he grew, so did his desires. Carlos became his best friend,
lover, partner, and Master. Then one day, it was all over.
Carlos had been in charge of the Prison Masterss club. He hated
the word gang. Carlos believed it incited violence. The group was
for gay men, including those interested in the BDSM lifestyle.
Submissives were also welcomed. A riot between Prison Masters and
White Aryan Resistance had broken out. Carlos was shanked. He bled
out in Aces arms. Ace still wore Masters collar. More memories of
the man he still loved filled his thoughts.
Ive taught you well, pet. Carloss voice quivered in pain. He
reached for Aces hand. Im so cold.
Youre all right. Master, stay awake!
Pet, youre in charge now. Youll make a good Master, because
youve known submission.
One last scene.
Anything, Master.
My last orderI bind your submission to me. Never give it to
Mi amour
Master? Master! Wake up! Dammit, dont leave me!

Hard Times


Sometimes ten years ago seemed like yesterday. At others, Carlos

was a distant memory. Ace didnt even have a picture of him. The
memories lived in his heart. He would always be in love with Carlos
Sanchez. Their final scene would be eternally played. Ace had never
given submission to another man. Carlos had symbolically bound
them in that dynamic forever. Out of respect for Master, he had never
spoken of that moment with anyone.
Ace had become a man in his Latin lovers arms. Carlos had made
love to him first. Then, several months into the commitment, they had
negotiated their first scene. BDSM had saved Ace, mentally and
physically. The positive effects counteracted the negativity of prison
life. While it wasnt completely negated, it made it bearable.
From the first time Carlos had put him in subspace, Ace craved it.
It hadnt just been the cuffs on his hands and ankles, or the way
Carlos flogged him, but his lovers dominant words. The euphoria
came slow, arriving like an evening tide. Once Ace surrendered to it,
every inch of flesh tingled. He experienced sensations of tunnel
vision. Carloss face was the only image visible. BDSM quickly
became their preferred form of lovemaking.
After Carloss death, Ace had assumed leadership of Prison
Masters. The clubs members accepted Ace without question. Even
though Ace had been Masters pet, he was now a Dominant man.
Since then, he had experienced Domspace, but subspace would
always find its way back. Many nights, Ace recalled Carloss final
order. Raw arousal burned through his body. He would cuff himself,
imagining it was Carloss hands buckling the leather. The memories
slipped him over the edge.
Some of the clubs older men defined him as a switch. Others saw
his dominance. Regardless he had earned their respect. Members from
rival gangs didnt lay a hand on anything belonging to Master.
One afternoon, six months ago, Ace had learned it was possible to
be in love with three menCarlos, Paul, and Tyler. The twink in his


Andrew Jericho

arms ignited his dominance in ways no other man had, except for Paul
Ryder. Paul started work as a guard a year before Carloss death.
The blond-haired, soft-spoken man still worked the midnight to
noon shift. He was a decent guy, just trying to do his job.
Prison Masters met each morning at breakfast. The group had
nearly two dozen members. Even though Paul was on duty, he always
seemed to be more interested in their meetings than guarding. Paul
had been friends with Carlos, so it was natural to continue the
camaraderie with Ace.
A year ago, Pauls Dom had passed away, leaving the handsome
guard an emotional mess. A few months after the mans death, Ace
had eased Pauls pain, making him feel like a submissive again. Two
months before Tyler arrived, both men admitted their love, but held
each other at arms length. Ace knew it would cost Paul his job to
become involved. What type of life would they have with Paul
dividing his time between prison and the outside world? Ace feared
the heartbreak.
Sure, he had been with other men besides Paul and Tyler. He had
fucked, made love, and even been Master to several during play. Men
transferred units, and some got paroled. Prison Masters provided a
safe, sane, and consensual place to play, but Carlos had whetted his
desires for more. While Carlos had awakened his submission, Tyler
peaked his dominance. Ace not only wanted to play with the young
man, he wanted a commitment again.

Hard Times


Chapter Two
Tyler woke to a delicious kiss. Aces lips were moving slowly
against his. His lovers hands stroked his body. He tried to speak. The
insertion of Aces tongue in his mouth was a pleasant silencer. The
tension between them had smoldered for months. Now, Tyler was
engulfed in its flames. Master had to claim him first. He was sure an
inferno would unleash when finally dominated. Only then would he
give his heart.
He was an experienced sub. At least he thought so, after three
lovers. Ace would be his fourth. He had experienced a Daddy, Dom,
and Sir. Now, all he wanted was Master. Ace was different than his
other lovers. Daddy played rough, sometimes ignoring safe words. Sir
played, but with no commitment. Dom? He was the asshole who
wrote the Dear John letter.
Tyler believed Ace a loving Master.
Tyler not only wanted to play, he needed to commit. He ached to
give submission, considering it a gift. The young man was in love.
There were other drawings in his sketch book, one which depicted
being collared by Master.
Lights be on soon, Ace said. Almost six.
Cant we stay in your bunk?
Sweet thought, though I was kinda looking forward to showering
with you after breakfast. Wash some of that cum off.
Ill just make more.
Not until I say so.


Andrew Jericho

Aces mouth returned to his in passionate assault. His lover

swirled his tongue, caressing his own. When Master sucked, Tyler
moaned. Ace finally released his lips, and reached for the lube.
The lights.
Weve got several minutes, Ace replied.
What about the guards?
Trust methe first order.
Whats the second?
Ill give that when I find out how tight you are.
Ace lubed his index finger, and parted Tylers thighs. He rubbed
the tip against his rim. Tyler pushed against Aces digit. When it
slipped past his entry, he pressed down. Ace kept his finger still,
allowing Tyler to control the depth.
The second orderopen up. Fuck your tight ass on my finger.
Ace placed another digit against his opening. Tyler accepted it
into his body, and bit his lip to stifle a second moan. He hoped the
dim figure of the guard walking by would not hear his pleasure.
Trust, Ace said.
Its waking up.
You or the prison? Only interested in your response.
Holy fuck.
Bottom out now.
Is that another order?
Do you want it to be?
Umm. Tyler pressed his ass as far as it would go on Aces
Ace moved his digits in and out of Tylers body. Master had him
aroused. Tyler bit his lip again. He wanted to cry out, but remembered
the no screaming order. Oh, but it was fun messing around. Ace made
him feel like a little slut.
When Ace found his prostate, Tyler arched his back. Master
pulled both of his fingers out, and pushed them forward again. Again,
his lovers digits rubbed over his gland. Holy fuck!

Hard Times


Dont scream. Thats your final order.

The lights came on. Tylers eyes opened. Ace had him so fucking
Trust. Do you trust me? If those guards see us, they aint gonna
do a damn thing. Ive already made sure.
Their bodies were hidden beneath the blanket. Another guard
passed, but didnt turn his head. The warden discourages sexual
activity, but cant always prevent it. Tyler had rolled his eyes at the
rule. The thrill of Aces fingers fucking his asshole, combined with
the tender touch of hands, teased his body into submission. When the
buzzer sounded, Tylers dick shot cum against Aces lower abdomen.
I love you, Tyler.
I love you. I want to be your pet.
Good, because I only accept what is given.
Ace rolled away from Tylers body. He climbed down from the
bunk. Tyler did the same. Ace handed him tissues. Then, both men
retrieved their boxers from the floor. Ace picked up the condom and
torn foil, placing them in the wastebasket. He lifted the bag, and put a
twenty beneath it. Maintenance never discussed the contents of Aces
At breakfast, Im letting my guys know I intend to take you as
pet. They need to hear it from me.
Tyler smiled. Ive wanted to give you that gift for a while.
Ace cupped Tylers face between his hands. Tylers skin burned.
Soon well play.
Its been six months.
We werent ready until now. Remember, I dont play upfront.
Because of Carlos?
Aces hands left Tylers face. Master looked away, startled.
I heard you say you loved him in your sleep. Should I be
jealous? Tyler asked playfully.


Andrew Jericho

Aces eyes filled with love. He knew it was for Carlos. Tylers
heart pricked with jealousy.
Is he one of the men youve fucked?
Carlos and I never fucked.
Not even sometimes? Arent you gonna fuck me?
Do you wanna be fucked? Stick my dick up your ass with no
lube? Rough you up a little bit?
Do you love him?
Leave it alone, Tyler!
Do you love him?
I thought you wanted us exclusive. Tylers voice broke. Tears
stung his eyes. Im hungry. See you at breakfast.
Tyler quickly dressed, slipping on a pair of white prison scrubs.
When he tried to leave, Ace gripped his upper arm.
Stop, pet!
Dont tease me.
I said I dont play games.
No, but you lie! Told me you hadnt been with anyone in six
months. We didnt use condoms, either. Said we were going to be
exclusive. When I asked about your experiences, why didnt you tell
me about Carlos?
I did. I told you I had made love before.
Okay, whatever, Tyler countered, crossing his arms over his
chest. Will I have to share you with him? Are you his Master?
No. Forever his pet.
So youre a switch? Id have never guessed it, but
Dont be a brat, Tyler.
Are you going to punish me?
Youre not mine yet to punish.
At this rate, Ill never be.
Sit down.

Hard Times


No! Im going to eat.

Without me? Thats not smart.
I dont need you. There are other men in the club.
They wont touch you because youre mine.
Then Ill go outside the club.
Risk rape and STDs?
Do you have an answer for everything?
Fuck off!
Ace picked him up, and threw him on the bottom bunk. Tylers
dick hardened. Ace paced in front of him. Master raked his hands
through his hair. Pre-cum ran down Tylers leg in anticipation of
Aces next move. Tyler was fucking angry. He didnt like his body
betraying him. He sat up and crossed his legs, hoping Ace wouldnt
see his hard-on.
Brat! Ace repeated. Know your dick is hard, too.
Master pulled a chair from their desk. He turned it around,
straddled it, and then crossed his arms over the back. Tyler stared
straight ahead, watching prisoners pass in front of their cell.
Today we were to negotiate. Tonight, play. After your outburst
todayI dont play games with brats, only pets. There are several
Masters in the club who have submissive brats. Yet, this is about what
you need and what I want.
Tyler turned his head, staring into Aces eyes. They were the same
color as his hair, a dark chocolate. His lover wasnt dressed, except
for boxers which hugged his groin. So hot. Master was ripped in the
right places. His pecs and eight-pack had felt good lying on top of
him. The two men were as different as night and day.
Ace didnt look gay, but Tyler did. Hed always liked boys. His
parents kicked him out at eighteen because of it. No son of mine is
going to be romantically involved with men. Tylers father had thrown
his belongings on the front lawn.


Andrew Jericho

Homeless and alone, Tyler had resorted to prostitution to survive.

His pimp, the man he had called Dom, got him hooked on coke. Tyler
had been in an out of county on prostitution charges. His last john was
undercover DEA. He was arrested with ten grams of cocaine. Because
of priors, the judge had thrown the book at him. Tyler was sentenced
to ten years hard time.
He had been assigned to Block B because of overcrowding in the
cell blocks. The only empty bunk was in Aces cell. Later Master had
shared Paul felt sorry for him. Tyler had been placed with Ace
because the guard believed he would be safe. Paul had walked past
their cell earlier that morning.
Are you fucking your guard friend, too?
Got several friends who are guards.
Paul and I have made love. Weve played several times, too.
Is that why he looks at you like he does?
Not all guards are cruel bastards, Tyler. Hes just trying to do his
job. Were friends. I helped him through a rough patch when he lost
his Dom.
I think Pauls in love with you.
I know. Hes told me.
Are you in love with him?
Then youre saying
Dammit, am I going to have to share my entire sexual history?
You that insecure?
Tyler glared at Ace. So what are your rules for fuck, make love,
and play?
I dont rape. I dont rough men up. If that is what you mean.
Havent we already talked about this?
Ace got up from the chair, and joined Tyler on the bunk.
Its just
I know.

Hard Times


When I was fucking those men to survive, I imagined each one

loved me. It made it easier. If they got rough, I closed my eyes and
thought about
A man like me?
Id never hurt you. Im in love. I want a Master/pet commitment,
even in this place. Now, you going to be quiet long enough for me to
Tyler nodded.
Carlos has been gone for ten years. There was a riot. He died in
my arms. As far as Paul and I, yes we are in love. A commitment is
not fair. He knows it. I know it.
Tyler felt about a foot tall. This time it was embarrassment which
kept him from looking into his lovers eyes.
I didnt know.
Its all right.
Im sorry. Tyler reached for Aces hand, his mood softening.
Carlos will always be a part of my heart. Just like Paul. I took
Masters place out of respect.
I can learn to be Dominant if you need that.
All well ever be is Master/pet.
Pauls standing outside our cell.
Were not finished talking. Baby, well play soon. You havent
been with anyone in six months. Im not just going to take you.
I dont mind being taken.
I mind. It aint right.
Im not a virgin, you know.
Dont matter. This aint got anything to do with how many dicks
youve had up your ass. Trust, Tyler.
Are you guys going to the dining hall? Paul asked.
Tylers gaze drifted to the prison guard. Who could blame Paul
Rider for being in love with Ace. After all, Master was a bad boy with
a heart.


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Yeah, Paul, Ace replied. Were coming.

Tyler smiled because Paul was trying not to stare at Ace in his
underwear. The guard was handsome, and a little shy, but who wasnt
around Master. The clothes Ace put on matched Tylers outfit. As
they exited the cell, Ace stuffed a C-note into Pauls uniform pocket.
I cant take that.
Take the money, Paul, Ace said.
I dont expect it.
I know.
Once they left the cell, Tyler fell into step next to Ace. He still
loves you, Tyler said. Its all over his face.
Hes less than a hundred feet behind us.
Dont matter. He keeps his eye on you.
Baby, hes doing his job.
All right. If youd like to make love to Paul I wouldnt mind. I
see your love for him. Maybe we could be a mnage, even.
Its called a triad. I eased Pauls pain. Made him feel like a
submissive again. He knows it could cost his job to become involved
with me.
Im really happy for you, Ace, Paul said, after what happened
with Carlos.
Told you he could hear us, Tyler.
Tyler didnt care if Paul heard their conversation. Ace had
confirmed his suspicions. The guard was gay. The revelation had
created new questions. Before lock up, Tyler had heard stories of
abusive guards who forced themselves on prisoners. He never thought
about the ones who fell in love with inmates.
Paul wasnt your typical correctional officer. He was the first
guard Tyler had met when he arrived at the prison. Now, next to
Aces face, Pauls was the last he thought about before falling asleep.
Everything started to click in his mind. Ace and Paul had been
involved. Regardless of what Master said, the two were still hot for
each other. Only an idiot wouldnt pick up on their tension. Tyler

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wanted an exclusive commitment with Ace, but whos to say they

couldnt have a committed triad with Paul.
Ace was a Master. Had Paul been his pet? The handsome guard
didnt completely fit the submissive stereotype. What if he was a
switch? Two Masters to play with. Tyler smiled. He saw himself lying
between both men, giving submission equally. Other erotic images
invaded his thoughts. He wondered how the dynamics between them
would unfold in a scene.
Tyler was in love with Paul, too. Aces admission had made it
easy for the young man to open his heart. Had Paul known Tyler
could turn on the flamboyance? That would explain the guards
actions. Tyler was placed with Ace from day one. Did Paul pull
strings with the warden?
Paul had always acted professional, but laced with an underlying
tenderness which made Tylers dick hard. The guard was just as hot
as Ace, only in a different way. His blue eyes were level with Tylers
face, so they were the same height. Pauls blond hair was cut in a high
and tight. A close-cut beard, the same shade as his hair, framed his
face. The guards uniform didnt hide his muscular physique. Pauls
appearance spoke law enforcement, but Tyler was much more
interested in the man behind the uniform.
Tyler had felt a connection to both men from the beginning.
Perhaps it had something to do with his love for Ace, and then how
the bad boy loved Paul. Tyler didnt believe prison was a place where
you had to worry about the whys and hows of a love affair. Most
important was finding love in the hard times.
I want you to know how I feel about Paul.
Thought you were jealous? Aces hand rubbed over Tylers ass
cheek. Im sure Paul would like to know. Paul?
The men continued to walk in silence.
Hes not saying anything, Tyler said.
Tyler was enjoying the sexually charged conversation.
Paul is working, baby.


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Maybe he cant hear us.

He can hear us. Cant you, Paul?
Are you upset? Tyler asked.
About? Ace countered.
How I feel about Paul.
How do you feel? Ace chuckled.
Dammit, Ace.
Im not surprised, Ace said. Pauls damn hot.
I love you both, Tyler said.
I know.
I was jealous because I dont want you hiding your feelings
about other men. Besides, how do you know? Tyler asked.
Youre eyes. They tell me everything.
Tyler glanced at Ace, then back at the floor ahead of him. They
were approaching the dining hall.
Do you think Paul loves me, too?
All three men had reached the entrance. They were late. Most of
the inmates were already seated. The hallway outside the double
doors was empty. Tyler abruptly turned around. Paul almost ran into
Its all right, Paul, Ace said
Im working.
Yeah, I know. Were sorry.
Paul glanced around. Thats not what I meant, Paul whispered.
Stolen momentslove shouldnt be like this.
I love you, Paul, Tyler said. Tell him you love him, too.
Hes a brat, isnt he? Paul asked.
Im starting to think so, Ace replied. We need to talk. Come to
the showers after breakfast.
So much I want to say to both of you. If anyone hears me, it
could cost my job.

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Tylers heart began to pound. Pauls eyes were staring into his


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Chapter Three
Paul leaned against the wall near tables occupied by Prison
Masters. The dining hall was full. The sounds of conversations
mingled to a monotone. Meal times were a whos who of Tuckerville
Unit. Members of the Bloods, Crips, Dixie Mafia, and White Aryan
Resistance were a sampling of the larger gangs. Then, there were
smaller groups, such as Prison Masters, who wanted no part of the
The guards shift was over in five hours. Thank, God. He had been
fighting a hard-on half the damn night. Paul always walked by Aces
cell several times during his shift. The guard had seen bodies moving
erotically beneath a blanket. Then, the conversation in the hall had
produced a stream of pre-cum from his cockhead.
Ace sat at the head of Prison Masterss table. Pauls eyes drifted
to the man he loved. The president was engaged in conversation with
members. Ace also turned his attention to Tyler, covering the young
mans hand with his own. The action drew disgusted looks from the
WAR. Several members from the gang approached Aces table. Paul
and another guard moved closer.
Who you got there? the Aryan president asked. Hes pretty.
Bet hed think twice about flaunting ass once we got through with
Ace stood up. You know better, Carl. Look at him again, and Ill
break your fucking face! No one messes with whats mine.
Keep him close. Id hate anything to happen to your boy toy, or
the other butt fuckers. A whole fucking group teaching men to be with
other males.

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Ace came within an inch of the Aryans face. Better than your
Dont forget, you only got your head at that table because you
were fucking Carlos. Think your guys really believe youre in
Ace grabbed Carls shirt. Carlos and I didnt fuck, but if you
ever disrespect him again, youll feel whos in control.
Break it up! the other guard said, pulling Ace and Carl apart.
Its not worth it, Ace. Paul laid a hand on his shoulder.
Even got your guard pussy whipped! the Aryan screamed, while
being drug back to his table. Ill bet he takes it up the ass, too.
Paul, no one disrespects, Carlos, Ace said.
I know. Calm down.
Paul took a chance and whispered into Aces ear. Ill meet you
two in the showers. Calm down, before the other guard puts you on
lockdown and we cant.
Paul desired to give Ace submission twenty-four-sevena total
power exchange. How the hell could he share a Master/pet dynamic?
His job description said he was in control. The guard wanted Aces
dominance. Pauls heart fought constantly with his need for a
The floors of the prison had painted lines, dividing the center with
two feet of space near the wall. Guards walked the middle. Prisoners
hugged the wall. They should be walking opposite. Ace had stolen
Pauls heart, making him the prisoner.
He wanted to spend time with Ace away from incarceration. Paul
needed lovemaking in a real bed. The guard desired to play where
there was no fear of being interrupted. All they had shared was Pauls
lunch breaks, against a wall in a hidden corner of the showers. Paul
wanted forever, not just random hours.
The guard knew it was for the best, but his heart ached. He woke
up, drove to work, came home, and went to bed. Romance in the last


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six months consisted of a tube of slick and his hand. Lying in bed, he
would imagine his fingertips were Aces lips.
The guard was also a switch. He wanted to explore dominance
with Tyler. Ace would have to give permission. Tyler belonged to the
president of Prison Masters. Outside the dining hall, Paul had ached to
tell Tyler he loved him. He needed to be sure Ace was all right with
Paul hadnt intended to fall in love again. Loving Ace was the
hardest, yet most erotic thing, he had experienced. Then, Tyler
showed up on his watch. The young man not only captured Aces
heart, but Pauls, too. Tyler was kind and sweet. He had an infectious
smile, which warmed the guards heart. Tyler didnt belong in a place
like Tuckerville Unit. He belonged in the home of his Master, or in
this case Masters.
You okay, baby? Ace asked, bending down on one knee in front
of Tylers chair. Paul and I wont let him touch you.
Good thing the dining hall was clearing out. The other guard was
across the room, away from earshot of Aces words.
Dont worry, Paul, Ace said softly, no one can hear me but my
Paul secretly considered himself a member of Prison Masters. No
one knew he felt that way. Since his involvement with Ace, the guard
had attended every meeting. He didnt take vacation time. The
younger guys were more receptive to Pauls casual attitude. The older
ones stood reserved. Even though many of them knew Paul and
Carlos had been friends, they still didnt cross the boundary of guard
and prisoner.
The guard was their connection to the outside world. Paul
smuggled items for Prison Masters for many reasons. Sympathy and
compassion motivated him. The idea of forgiving men for their
mistakes justified his actions, too. Also, he wondered about the
wrongfully convicted, who lived their lives innocent behind bars.
Every week, Paul accepted a list from Ace.

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Ace had promised not to put him in the position of bringing in

weapons. The president had kept his word. Pauls list consisted of
food and toiletries which couldnt be bought at the commissary.
Books and magazines were second. Then condoms, lube, and BDSM
gear. Paul considered the items necessary to make his friends feel
I plan to take Tyler as pet, Ace said, still on one knee in front of
Tyler. Im in love with him.
Welcome to the club, Tyler, several members said.
Ace took his seat at the head of the table again. Paul pulled up a
chair and sat down. The dining room had cleared out, all except a few
members of smaller groups.
We dont have much time, Ace said. Need to thank someone
whos been a supporter of our group for over a decade. Without his
help, Prison Masters wouldnt survive. I know Paul Ryder is a guard,
but hes also a man who believes and lives the lifestyle. He puts
himself at risk of losing his job.
Pauls face flamed. He stood up, taking his position against the
wall. Ace was staring into his eyes.
Pauls just as much a member as any of us. Theres something
Ace hesitated. Pauls dick ached. The president of Prison Masters
had just publically thanked him, considering him a member. He was
motioning for Paul to come closer. Now the guard hesitated.
Ive denied feelings for Paul, Ace said. I dont want to do that
anymore. Turning to face the guard, he continued speaking. I love
you, Paul. I want to take you as pet, too.
Are you sure thats a decision a Master in your position should
make? Lakota asked. Lakota was Aces most trusted confidante, his
vice-president. He had also been Carloss second in charge. All of us
are thankful for Paul, but hes still a guard. Pauls walking the fence
between his job and devotion to the club.


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If Paul is ever put in a tough spot, I know hell make the right
choice, Ace replied.
I hope youre right, Ace, Lakota said. Id hate to see your heart
broken. Look, this is your decision. All of us will respect it. When and
if Paul becomes your pet, hell have our protection just like Tyler.
Just be sure.
I dont want to cause trouble, Paul said. The guard looked at the
tall Native American, whose black hair flowed to the middle of his
back. Lakotas collared pet sat close.
If you wanted to wear Aces collar, how would you do that?
Lakota asked. The warden barely lets our pets wear them.
Paul eyed the inch wide black leather collar on Lakotas pet. No
metal. No D-ring. No buckle. A snap held the collar in place. Aces
collar was the same. Carlos had made those arrangements with the
The guard didnt answer the vice-presidents question. He was
afraid of the answer. The thought of wearing Aces collar made his
dick hard. Not being able to always wear it broke his heart.
What about total power exchange. Most of us, but not all, share
TPE with our pets. How are you going to handle that?
Pauls face flushed again.
What about play, or even lovemaking? If a pet is not a cell mate,
they spend those nights in their Masters bunk.
Its all right, Paul, Ace interjected. Lakota, youre an
experienced Master and should know all dynamics aint the same.
Even in this club. I know you mean well, but this is my decision.
Lakota remained quiet, much to Pauls delight. Ace making a case
for their love, had Paul so aroused he thought he would explode.
Dammit! Breakfast had been over for two hours. Time clock read
nine oclock when Paul punched out for break. He had gotten hung up

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in a surprise staff meeting. The guard walked into the shower area,
expecting Ace and Tyler to have given up. Instead, both men were
nude beneath a waterfall of steam. Damn hot!
He watched the couple, not caring pre-cum was flowing down his
shaft. The room was empty except for the three of them. Aces arms
were around Tyler, kissing the young mans neck. Tyler arched his
back into Aces touch.
Paul cleared his throat. Sorry Im late.
After breakfast, we saw the guards gathering. Figured it was a
meeting, Ace said.
Yeah. Im here now. Thats all that matters.
Ace shut off the shower. He reached for two towels, handing one
to Tyler. Paul realized he was gay in high school when thoughts of
sucking off football players kept him awake at night. At thirty-seven,
he damn well enjoyed being gay. The nude bodies in his field of
vision were proof of that. The only thing the guard disliked was his
shyness. He had struggled with it all his life. Never knowing what to
say. Afraid of speaking the wrong thing. The first time he made love
with Ace, his lover had been patient, giving him time to open up.
The three men walked to an area behind a wall. The spot was not
visible from the showers. Paul theorized it was used as a drainage
corner, since it was depressed from the rest of the floor. In the middle
was a covered drain the size of a large plate. Out of the public eye,
Pauls body relaxed. Ace gently pushed him against the wall. His
lovers eyes met his. Aces hands were on either side of the tile,
pinning Paul motionless.
Missed you, Ace said.
Me, too, Paul replied.
Our agreement aint worked well. Holding each other at arms
Paul glanced at Tyler, standing close. Yeah.
Took the little brat to make me realize I needed you both. Fuck, I
need you, Paul.


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Dammit, I need you, too, Paul said. Both of you.

I think you owe Tyler an answer. He told you he loved you.
Aces lips were close to Pauls mouth. His face flushed. The
guards skin was clammy from the steam. Ace pressed their lower
bodies together. His lover was hard. Ace removed his towel.
Paul stared into his lovers eyes. I want to tell him whats in my
heart. Are you okay with that?
Okay with it? Hell, were here aint we?
I love you so much, Tyler. The words flowed from Pauls lips.
Ace released Paul. The guard pulled Tyler into his arms. He
pressed their lips together. Tyler moaned when Paul parted his lips
with his tongue. The guards lingual caress explored and teased the
warmth of Tylers mouth, circling and licking the moist flesh.
Paul. Tyler was whimpering.
So hot.
The shyness dissipated. He chalked that up to six months of
celibacy. Paul removed Tylers towel. He pulled the soft and smooth
body against his uniform. Damn he wanted to get naked with the
hottie in his arms. He couldnt take the risk. Pants down were easy to
pull up. Completely naked would take several minutes to cover.
While Paul kissed Tyler, Aces lips were on the back of his neck.
I dont have long, Paul said between kisses. Twenty minutes,
maybe? Damn, we need more time. A bed. All night.
The guard unbuckled his belt, and then slipped his slacks and
boxers to his ankles.
I love you both, Tyler said.
Baby, we love you, Ace replied.
The tension between them erupted. Ace joined Paul, kissing Tyler.
Three tongues tangled in unison. They caressed each other like
familiar lovers. Ace pushed Paul back against the wall. He mirrored
the action with Tyler. The young man laughed. Pauls cockhead
glistened with pre-cum. Ace was taking control. The president of
Prison Masters stood in front of Paul and Tyler.

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Pauls eyes drifted to his crotch. Aces hand was wrapped tight
around his swollen shaft, pumping fast. The guard glanced at their
lover. Tylers eyes were closed. His mouth opened in pleasure. Ace
was jacking him, too. Hard. So fucking hard.
Holy fuck. Tylers breath was coming fast.
Damn, Im hot, Paul said, but its just not happening.
Dont worry about coming. Itll happen, Ace said.
Im running out of time.
Youre almost there.
Dammit, Ace!
Tyler was whimpering. Holy fuck!
Come for Master.
Paul, Tylers cum is all over my fingers. Taste it, baby.
Are both of you clean? That was romantic. Paul tried to pretend
he hadnt asked the question.
What do you think? Now shut up, you think too much.
Paul licked at Aces fingers against his lips. He was trembling, out
of his mind with desire. Tylers cum was sweet. He continued to lick
the semen from his lovers fingers.
Open up, Ace said. Submit to me again.
I want to take you both home. Pauls voice trembled. To my
Sweet thought, but all we got is the three of us. Here. Now.
What can I do to help him? Tyler asked.
Get on your knees and suck his dick, Ace replied.
Tylers warm mouth wrapped around Pauls cockhead, and
enveloped the shaft. Smooth lips slid to the base. Paul groaned,
guiding Tylers head as he thrust his hips against the young mans
face. Ace had moved behind him. Two fingers circled his rim, and
then slipped inside his ass.
Relax. Your muscles are too damn tight.
Paul removed Tylers mouth from his dick. He sank to his knees.
Things were happening too fast. He glanced at his watch. Break was


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over in ten minutes. Paul pulled Tyler into his lap. The back of the
guards thighs were against his shoes.
Not how I expected our first time together, Paul said
Me either, but its what we needed, Ace replied. Love comes
first. Then play. Always.
I love you, Ace, Paul said.
Me, too. Now, lube him. Ace handed the slick to Paul. Be
gentle. He hasnt been with anybody since he got here.
Paul squirted lube onto his index finger, and then slid it inside
Tylers ass. He pumped several times. Fuck, yeah. Shit.
Pauls slipped his cockhead past Tylers rim. His lover pressed
down. Every muscle was opening against the pressure. Then, the
smooth flesh contracted back against Pauls shaft, hugging his dick
tight. The guard was between his Master and pet. While the hottie
continued to ride his cock, Ace was filling his anal cavity.
Burns, Paul said.
So tight. Its cause you aint relaxing. Feels like you havent
been with anyone for a while, either.
Not really. Hard to relax. Ive got ten minutes to share my heart.
Loved you both for six months.
The coolness of more lube calmed the burn, so did the tender
grind of Aces hips against him. Masters dick had finally brought his
submission to the surface. Aces cock inside him was the fulfilment of
fantasies. His lovers shaft, pressing against his walls, was a reminder
of what they shared.
The triad began to rock in unison, as a power exchange unfolded.
Paul thrust upward into Tylers tight ass. The guard was a Dominant
man, too. Pauls definition of a switch was being strengthened. Ace
had bottomed out. Tyler whimpered with each thrust of Pauls hips.
I can feel your submission, Ace said.
To no man but you, Paul replied.

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Better get to saying what we need to, weve got less than ten
In love with you both, Paul said.
Me, too, Tyler replied.
I want commitment, Ace said, with both of you as pets.
Are you claiming us? Paul asked.
Yes. Im in love with you both.
Tyler flashed Paul a sensual stare.
I didnt forget, Paul said. Im claiming you, too.
Forever my Masters, Tyler said.
Cum streaked Pauls uniform shirt as Tyler bucked in his arms.
Ace groaned. When Masters warm semen bathed the walls of his
ass, Pauls cum filled their young lover. Tylers eyes brimmed with
tears. The moisture spilled onto his cheeks. Paul kissed it away. Ace
was holding him close, sucking his neck.
Dont cry, pet. Youve made your Master happy.
Pauls own emotions were getting the best of him. It wasnt
subdrop. They hadnt played. But it sure fucking felt like it. Other
than Dom hed only had one other lover, an asshole who didnt do
aftercare. He had five minutes to get his pants back up, and clean cum
off his shirt. There was also the emotional affection he needed to
receive from Ace and give to Tyler.
It wasnt happening. There wasnt time. He was going to be late
punching back in.
Tears stung his eyes. Ive got to go. The trembling wasnt
because of his release. Abruptly, he removed himself from his lovers
embraces. Stolen momentslove shouldnt be like this. That was
the second time today he had spoken that heartbreak.
Let me help you, Ace said.
Pushing Aces hands away from his belt, Paul fumbled with the
buckle. I can do it myself!
You need care, pet.
What? A minutemaybe two? Im already late.


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They wont fire you.

Thats not the point. We need to bond.
Tyler was already in Aces arms. Paul hated the jealousy he felt.
Aces hands were stroking their lovers back.
Ive room to hold you, too, Ace said, at least for a few
And? You two can spend the rest of the afternoon in your cell
indulging in care. I cant. Damn, I cant even give pet what he needs
from me right now, or get what I want from you. Maybe I shouldnt
be anyones Master or pet.
Paul walked out from behind the wall, heading over to the sinks.
In the mirrors reflection, Ace and Tyler were standing behind him.
They both had towels wrapped around their waists.
This is not the place to talk about this, Paul said, turning on the
Several prisoners were using the showers. He hoped the sound of
running water would hide their conversation. Paul got his hands wet,
attempting to clean the cum off his shirt.
Ill make this work, pet, Ace said.
This is what I was afraid of. We decided not to commit for a
reason, Master. Now we are, and its why I have trouble opening up.
Look, Ive got to go.
Take lunch and both breaks together tonight. Two hours.
I dont know.
Youve done it before.
The earliest would be two.
Well negotiate, and then play.

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Chapter Four
A good Master cares for his pet. Those words had been in Aces
mind since he saw Pauls hurt after the three of them made love. Ace
was scared of the heartbreak, too, though he feared never knowing
Pauls true submission more.
Hell, the guard was right. Ace knew it. The three of them needed
time alone as lovers, away from fears of being caught. Play would
come. Their dynamics needed to connect. Paul wasnt the only one
who wanted lovemaking in a real bed. Ace needed to be completely
naked with the men he loved. That morning he had desired to give
Paul and Tyler aftercare. Not just a few caresses. It had gone against
everything he was as a Dominant man.
Ace ached to feel Paul nude in his arms. To dominate him the way
a Master should. Then, to hold him during subspace, giving the care
and attention needed to step down. Ace hadnt had a real relationship
since Carlos. He worried, even with Tyler, what they shared would
grow ugly because of incarceration
I wish you were here, Master, to tell me what to do. Im trying to
honor your memory and be a good Master to my pets. Aces thoughts
were why he was standing outside the wardens door. He cleared his
mind before the afternoon guard knocked.
Ace had left Tyler in Lakotas cell, promising the young man he
would be back soon. Then, he had requested the on duty guard take
him to see the warden. His escort waited for the door to open.
Ace Freeman, Warden Miller said, my secretary said you were
on your way to see me. So what do I owe this visit?


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An older gentleman stood in the doorway of his office. Ace

imagined he was in his early fifties. The warden was clean-cut. His
salt-and-pepper hair was always neatly styled, like he was fresh from
the barber chair.
Do you want me to unshackle him? the on-duty guard asked.
Yes. I trust Ace. He knows better than to try anything.
Ace rubbed his wrists when the shackles were unlocked, trying to
make the sting go away. He followed the warden into his office. The
man closed the door behind them.
Have you come to collect on my offer? Remember, since were
alone I expect you to call me Ross.
Yep, Ace replied, sitting down.
Ross took a seat, propping his feet up on the desk. You saved my
Hows Martha?
Pregnant. Eight weeks. Were a little old for another baby. Im
fifty-two and shes forty-five, but I want this child very much. The
baby is proof of our renewed commitment.
She was going to leave me last year. Had her bags packed. Id
never seen her that upset. I was a desperate man, Ace. I would have
done anything to keep her love.
I know. Why else would you have called the president of Prison
Masters to your office?
Talk gets around in here. I know everything which goes on in my
Not everything. Ace smiled.
We needed something in our marriage. I didnt know where to
go. The items you gave me are still contraband, yet I accepted them.
We still use the flogger and paddle. From the moment I told her what
I wanted she became my Domme.
Warden likes to get his ass paddled, Ace said in a playful tone.

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Haha! I think its why my wife and I fought all those years. We
were trying to live societys heterosexual roles. I didnt know how to
tell her what I needed. I was afraid Id lose her. Shed wanted it all
along, but didnt think I would submit. In public were the same, but
thanks to you our lives are very different at home.
I need a favor, Ace said.
All right.
I want use of one of the conjugal cottages.
How long?
Forty-eight hours starting tonight after midnight. After that, three
days a week.
Is this for the young man whos your cellmate?
Do you love him?
I claimed him as my pet today.
Ace, you know I discourage sexual contact among inmates,
unless they are approved for conjugal visits. Marriage is a
requirement. Good behavior on the part of the inmate. Willingness for
the spouse to comply with prison guidelines.
How much? Ace asked.
How much? Meaning?
Ross, every man has a price. How much?
Youre up for a parole hearing soon and trying to bribe a warden.
That must mean you love this man very much, if youd risk losing a
I love Tyler with all my heart.
Well, then. It would seem you are married to him. Youve been a
model inmate. Im sure this young man feels the same?
He does.
Then I believe you two meet the requirements.
A rush of dominance filled Ace. He had found a way for the three
of them to be together alone. It might not be the Hotel Ritz, but at
least there would be privacy, and a real bed. After he returned to his


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cell, Ace planned to wait until Paul woke up, usually around ten at
night. Then hed use a cell phone to call his lover. The devices were
contraband, but he couldnt use prison phones where every word was
monitored and picked apart.
Ace had his plan laid out. Paul would call in sick for two days.
Prison Masters would sneak him into the prison, and then into the
conjugal cottage. Ace would spend the next forty-eight hours
removing the hurt from his lovers face. There wasnt anything he
wouldnt do for the men he loved. If the plan failed, Ace would take
full responsibility.
Thank you, Ace replied.
No. Thank you. Id rather keep this low key, between us and
whatever guard I choose to inform.
All right.
Now, Ive got a request.
Keep my prison running the way you always have. Less trouble
for me to deal with.
That means a lot to me.
I want this kept quiet. I mean it. Your visits will have to occur
after midnight. Only one guard will be assigned, Paul Ryder. Hes
familiar with your cell block. I trust him. Hes been here the longest.
Ill have my secretary type up a memo informing him of your request,
my approval, and what weve discussed.
Ace hoped Ross didnt see the panic which filled his body. Only
one guard will be assigned, Paul Ryder. The wardens words echoed
in his ears. There was no way Paul could be assigned. If Ross found
out Paul was calling off for two days, he might delay use of the
cottage until he returned. When Paul returned, how the hell could he
be in two places at once?
Why Paul? Stay calm. Wouldnt another guard be better? One
who isnt familiar with us. Might keep it more low key.

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The warden smiled. Ace silently panicked. Why the hell was Ross
quietly staring at him?
I wish youd been honest with me, Ross said. The warden stood
up. Youre one lucky inmate. Remember when I said Id do anything
for you, because you brought everything back to me?
I was honest with you.
Hes not in trouble. Im not even going to reprimand him.
Who? Fuck! Ace knew who. His heart began to pound. How the
hell did he find out?
Paul. Its all right. Hes my nephew. Not many people know that.
Id prefer to keep it like that. Paul is my oldest brothers son. My
sibling and his wife died in a car crash when Paul was sixteen. He
came to live with Martha and me. He looks just like his father. Hes
also my best friend. I gave Paul a job when he couldnt find work
anywhere else.
The pounding in Aces chest continued. Wait and see what he
knows. Ross turned his back to Ace, and faced the window.
Paul came to my office this afternoon. He looked like hell. Broke
down in tears. Took me half a damn hour to calm him down. Ive
known Paul was gay since he lived with me. Shy young man. Never
did have a lot of friends. He told me he was resigning. I also found
out he had bought a gun. He planned to commit armed robbery. That
way he could spend all his time with the men he loved. I love my
nephew. Hes like a son. I told him wed figure something out. Now,
youve beaten me to it.
Ross turned around silencing Ace when he tried to speak. Hush.
All my life, Ive been the man whos done everything by the book. It
got me a wife who almost left me. Three children emotional detached
from their father. When I said I know what goes on in these walls
hell yeah I do. I may not know whos always fucking, but I know
fucking is going on. Drug trafficking, rape, bullying, too. What Im
allowing for love is a small infraction.
Youre nephew and I have been involved for a year.


Andrew Jericho

He told me.
Did he tell you anything else?
About the love the three of you share. Yes. I had suspicions six
months ago, when he asked me to allow Tyler Chase to bunk in your
Please dont punish him or Tyler. This is my fault. Punish me.
If circumstances were different, all three of you would be
punished. I cannot in good conscience do that. Just dont hurt my
nephew. He loves you very much.
I love him. I asked about the cottage for him, too, you know.
Havent felt like this since Carlos Sanchez.
I suggest you and Tyler get some sleep this afternoon. Ill be in
touch tonight.
How will this go down?
Im sure youll contact Paul by cell?
Well, I
I am many things, but not nave. Dont let my other guards find
the device.
Tell him what weve discussed. Let him know not to come to
work tonight. Ill see him about eleven at his apartment.
Ive got to do some thinking. Just know Paul will be waiting for
you in the cottage after midnight. The same guard, who brought you
to my office, will come to your cell and escort you both.
What will he know?
That I have approved a conjugal visit between you and Tyler.
Nothing more. Ill worry about the rest of my guards later.
Can you trust this guy?
Yes. Hes got issues in his performance file which will keep him
tight-lipped. Remember, if anything goes wrong the governor will
have my ass.

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Are you upset, Paul was inside me first?
What kind of question is that? Ace asked. Paul is your Master,
too. Were a triad.
I dont know. Youve been awful quiet since you saw the
I was the one who told Paul to be gentle with you.
He was.
I saw him. He loves you, too. Lot on my mind about tonight.
Ace pulled Tyler close in his bunk. There was nothing to do after
lights out but wait. Two duffel bags sat near the cell door. Clothing
and toiletries hid Aces BDSM gear. He had packed a little bit of
everything for his pets.
He had played with Paul several times. The guard preferred
bondage and sensory deprivation. Pauls lunch breaks had not
afforded time to fully explore their dynamics. The man he loved
couldnt relax. Half-clothed, and in fear of getting caught, were no
ways to play.
Paul enjoyed his wrists bound behind his back with nylon rope. A
ball gag made the guard rock hard, as did swats from a wooden
paddle against his ass cheeks. They also enjoyed role playprison
guard turned sex slave by rioting prisoner. According to Tylers
drawing, his other pet desired some of the same things, just in
different form. During negotiation, if either pet had new fantasies,
Ace hoped to make those come true.
After his visit with Ross, Ace disclosed everything to Tyler. The
smile on the young mans face had been worth any risk. Later that
night, he had called Paul. His lover listened, but was distant. Pauls
voice was full of hurt. While the guard said he would consider what
his uncle had to say, Ace worried Paul would not be at the cottage.
What you did for the three of us with the warden was romantic.
From the heart of a Master.


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Paul will be here soon. Its almost eleven.

I hope so. Ace rolled Tyler to his back. Right now, weve
something to settle.
What about later?
Ill be ready again. I want to make love to my pet. And how
many times have you come today?
Its about to be four.
Ace removed his boxers, and then Tylers underwear. Pet was
already hard.
Look at me, Tyler. The young mans eyes met his own. Well
play tonight. Trust and lovemaking had to come first.
The johns I was with took whatever they wanted.
I only take what is given.
Ace moved down Tylers body. He spread his lovers thighs,
pushing his legs against his chest. Ace rubbed the pad of his thumb
over Tylers rim, before he sank his tongue inside. Tyler rubbed his
hands through Aces hair, grabbing fistfuls in his palm. Aces tongue
was buried inside Tylers body. He pulled it back, and sank deep
again. The young man moaned.
The johns wanted quick fucks. No one spent the time you do.
Tylers words hardened Aces dick. His tongue slowed,
mimicking what he planned to do with his cock.
Damn, Ace.
What are you supposed to call me?
Thats better. Ace pushed his tongue back inside Tyler.
Eventually, Ace covered Tylers body with his own, looking down
into his pets eyes. I care. So does Paul. I promise one day all this
will be over, the three of us together outside these walls.
Dont make that type of promise. Youve always said all we have
is now.
Yeah, but the three of us will have a future. Now hush.

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Ace wrapped Tylers legs around his waist. His cockhead pressed
against Tylers anal opening. Grabbing the lube beneath his pillow,
Ace smeared the slick against his palm. He reached his hand between
them, and applied the gel to Tylers rim. He coated his dick with the
When he entered pet, the young man bit his lip. Sexy. Once his
cockhead slipped past the first ring of muscles, Ace placed his full
weight upon his partners chest. One arm was around Tylers back,
and the other cradled the back of his head. Ace sucked the skin of his
lovers neck, and continued to press further.
Relax. Always trust first.
I trust you, Master.
Good boy.
The shaft of Aces dick thickened inside Tylers body. He thrust
his hips. Half of his cock was now inside his lover.
Hurts, Tyler said.
Shh. I love you. Ace stilled the motion of his hips. Wont go
deeper until youre ready.
Tyler nodded. Love you, too.
Fucking bunk, Ace murmured against his ear. Well be in a
bed soon. Remembering Tyler had rode Paul in the showers, he
flipped them over. Watch your head. Dont hit it.
Feels better.
Yeah, Ace replied. Son of a bitch, that opened you up.
Ace worked his hips in an upward motion. When his dick
bottomed out, Tyler bit his lip again.
Fuck me, Master.
Shit you get me hot! Tight ass wrapped around my cock.
Ace palmed both of Tylers buttocks in his hands. The young man
was trembling.
Pre-cum was all over Aces lower abdomen. His lovers dick
glistened with juice in the dim light. Keeping one hand on Tylers ass
cheek, Ace wrapped his other around his partners dick.


Andrew Jericho

Holy fuck.
No screaming. Close your eyes. Bite your lip for, Master. Son of
a bitch. Pet did as he was told. Sexy. So fucking, sexy.
Tyler had begun to move with him. The gentle rocking fueled
Aces need to come. Those were the last words either man said. A
series of groans followed. Ace flipped Tyler, and buried his dick so
far up his ass he believed they were one. The ache in his groin
increased. His cock swelled again. Aces hand was still between them,
stroking Tylers erection.
Mark and claim you, Ace said. He rapidly thrust his hips. I
love you, pet.
Love you.
Ace was still hard inside Tylers body. His cum began to flow out
of his lovers ass. He collected the semen with his fingertips,
wrapping his hand around Tylers cock. Come, pet.
Holy fuck. Tyler arched against him, burying his face in his

Hard Times


Chapter Five
Paul was lying beneath the bed in the cottage. His uncle had
instructed him to stay there for five minutes after he heard Ace and
Pauls voices. The door shut and his lovers were talking. The longest
five minutes of his life. He looked at his watch. Only thirty seconds
had passed.
The guard had arrived at the prison at midnight. Paul had been
concealed in the back floor board of his uncles car, covered with a
blanket. Security hadnt looked, letting the warden through the front
gate. His uncle offered an excuse of forgetting paperwork.
Four more minutes. Shit! Excitement wasnt half of what Paul
felt. Raw desire and passion fueled his emotions. The next forty-eight
hours would give him a chance to be a lover instead of stolen
moments as a prison guard.
When Ace had called at ten, Paul had been numb and emotionally
drained. The guard had been holding a 9 MM, entertaining thoughts
of armed robbery. Being unable to share more intimate moments with
the men he loved was too great a heartache.
At first, Paul hadnt believed Aces agreement was true. It wasnt
until his uncle arrived an hour later, that the guard made the decision
to go to the prison. If you dont go and be with them, youll regret the
decision for the rest of your life. Paul could still hear his uncles
words. Once Pauls uncle had snuck him into the prison, the warden
had parked his car as usual. Paul knew the placement and viewing
angles of the facilities security cameras. He made his way to the
conjugal cottage in darkness and shadows.


Andrew Jericho

Five minutes was up. Paul crawled out from underneath the bed.
He opened the bedroom door. Ace and Tyler were sitting on a small
sofa in the joined living and dining area.
Oh Paul, Tyler said, quickly crossing the room.
The guard took the young man into his arms, hugging him close.
Ace was standing near. Their eyes met. Then, the three of them shared
an embrace. Tylers body was trembling against his own.
Dont cry, Paul said.
Wasnt sure youd be here, Ace said.
Pauls gaze met Aces eyes. I wasnt, but my heart couldnt stay
away. I love you, both, and would risk everything for us.
Aces lips took his in a tender kiss.
I want to get naked with both of you, Paul said. Did you lock
the door?
Ace nodded.
Paul walked to the dining area and grabbed a chair. He jammed its
back underneath the doorknob. That will give me time to hide if
anyone tries to get in. Then, he turned off the lights.
Never seen you in plain clothes, Ace said.
Do you find me just as irresistible in a pair of jeans and polo
Master wants to play, Ace replied. Does that answer your
Paul picked Tyler up into his arms. Im sorry I couldnt give you
what you needed from me in the showers. Thats about to change.
The guard carried the young man to the bedroom, laying him on the
bed. Looks like a queen. Plenty of room for a triad.
Ace followed, placing their duffel bags in a corner of the room.
My stuffs in the closet, Paul said. Right now, I dont need a
damn thing, except your naked bodies against mine.
Paul pulled his polo shirt over his head. Once he got his shoes and
jeans off, he started work on removing Tylers clothes. Ace joined
him on the bed. Together they stripped Tyler.

Hard Times


Wasnt long before three pairs of arms and legs entwined. Tyler
lay in the middle.
Damn, this feels good, Paul said.
Finally see all of your body, Ace said.
Paul and Ace were lying on their sides, rubbing their hands over
Tylers skin.
Hot twink. Pauls lips grazed the side of Tylers neck.
Good to see you smile, Ace said.
Thats what was tearing me up inside. This is the man I am.
Uncle Ross is changing my hours. Ill work four days on, three off.
Those will be spent here. Hes putting his job on the line to cover this.
He told me what you did for his marriage.
Id have done anything to take away your pain.
Never felt this way before, Tyler said.
Youre in love, pet, Paul said
Wanna shower together? Ace asked.
I do, Paul replied. I didnt have time before I left.
Well negotiate in there.
Id like that, Master. Paul stared into Aces eyes.
Tyler was standing between both of his Masters. The hot water
was a welcome sensation from the lukewarm showers at the prison.
He didnt care he had already come four times since last night. The
three of them were going to play. That sparked a different arousal.
The passion which had begun in the showers continued to flame.
Dont know your safe word, Ace said against his ear, and that
drawing tells me you want to be cuffed and blindfolded.
How would you feel about our dicks inside you together? Paul
Think Paul wants to be Master, too, in our first scene.
Tyler smiled. Ace and Paul stroked his body.


Andrew Jericho

Safe word now, pet, Ace said.

How about love?
Love? All right. A first for me.
Hot twink. Paul laughed.
Ace nuzzled Tylers neck, while his lovers hands caressed his
upper arms. Tyler was being bathed by both men. Once the lather was
rinsed, Paul got down on his knees. Master took his dick into his
mouth. Tylers hands caressed the back of Pauls neck. He whimpered
when several of Aces fingers went up his ass. Tyler leaned against
Masters body. His head went back against his lovers shoulder.
Warm kisses were placed on his neck.
So tight, pet. Open up.
Pauls lips were still wrapped around the shaft of his cock. He was
so fucking hard. Pre-cum flowed from his cockhead. Tyler wondered
if blowjobs felt better now because he was in love.
Suck me, Master.
Damn, your pre-cum tastes good.
Aces fingers were moving in a lazy rhythm, pulling out, and then
pushing back in. When Master caressed his sweet spot, Tyler came
unglued. He pressed his body hard against Aces chest. Just a little
Hey, slow down. Aint time to come.
The sensation of Pauls lips and Aces fingers lulled Tyler into a
state of submission. He sexually went into overdrive. Tyler was
surrendering, giving his body to his Masters. They had earned his
trust and love, and now he wanted to give his heart. Tyler ached for
an inferno to be unleashed in his body. The johns had just fucked
him. Daddy, Dom, and Sir had used him for their own needs. Tyler
had never experienced subspace while being in love.
Gonna bind you, Ace said. Bind your submission to us. Do you
want that, pet?
Tyler nodded.
Answer me?

Hard Times


Yes, Master.
Do you trust me, pet?
Yes, Master.
Pet, do you trust me completely? Paul asked.
Yes, Master.
I will cuff you, Ace said, and use restraints to bind you to the
headboard. Then youll be blindfolded. Is that what you want?
Yes, Master.
While youre bound with Aces cuffs and restraints, would you
like me to tie up other parts of your body? Paul asked. My Dom
was a switch, too. He enjoyed rope bondage.
Tyler nodded.
Thought Ace told you to speak.
Yes, Master.
Is there anything else? Ace asked.
No, Master.
Good, pet.
Bind and fuck me.
Tylers eyes were closed. He was in a place where he trusted his
Masters would care for him.
Are you still with us, Tyler? Ace asked. Whenever subspace
comes, let it. Paul and Ill make sure youre all right.
Yes, what?
Yes, Master.
Hands were all over his body. Master had gotten off his knees,
and was giving him one hot ass kiss. Tylers tongue swirled with his
Damn hes aroused, Ace.
So fucking tight.
Why the fuck is your dick so hard, pet? Paul asked.
Master made it that way. Tyler smiled. I want to be spanked,
too, by both of you.


Andrew Jericho

I thought there was more. Ace pumped his fingers in Tylers

Paddle or hand?
How hard? Paul asked.
I want it to sting. Tell me Im a bad boy, too. Im a fucking slut.
How about hand first to warm up? Ace asked.
Yes, Master.
Masterss slut, Paul said.
One last thing, Ace said.
What, Master?
I love you, Tyler, and accept your submission.
Tyler, open your eyes, Paul said.
Tylers knees were weak. No man, other than Ace, had ever
looked at him the way Paul was.
Im in love with you, Tyler, and you, too, Ace.
Ace kissed Paul. I love you, too, Paul.
Fucking hot. Tylers dick ached as his two lovers shared a kiss.
Anything changed, pet, with play? Ace asked Paul.
Can you submit to me, while giving to Tyler?
Never done it like that before. Was either in control or
Like me to help you do both. We started it in the shower after
Yes. Damn that sounds fucking good.
Paul shut off the water, and reached for several towels hanging
over the sliding glass doors. Both men dried him off. Then, Tyler was
picked up into Pauls arms and carried back to bed.
Both of Tylers Masters were getting their gear. The sight had
Tylers dick rock hard. Pre-cum flowed in anticipation. Ace laid a pair
of black leather cuffs, restraints, a black satin blindfold, and a wooden
paddle on the foot of the bed. Paul had returned with his own paddle

Hard Times


and tan hemp rope. The guard placed several votive cups on the
nightstand and dresser. A soft glow filled the room.
Were going to go slow, Ace said. Im calling both of you pet
from this point on, even away from play.
Both of you are my Masters. Collars?
Paul laughed. Pets dont usually ask.
Im not your ordinary pet.
Weve noticed, Ace replied. Well talk about collaring later.
Right now, Master wants to play.


Andrew Jericho

Chapter Six
Tyler hoped his eyes reflected the desire in his body. Ace was
buckling leather fur-lined cuffs around his wrists. When Ace put the
first restraint through one of the cuffs D-rings, Tyler whimpered. He
arched his back off the bed.
Hold still, pet.
Ace finished threading the restraint through the D-ring. Then, he
slipped it around the gold metal bars of the headboard. He repeated
the process with the other cuff. Once Tyler was secured, Ace pressed
his mouth to his trembling lips.
Making that drawing come true, Ace said.
Both of you are my fantasy.
We know.
Tylers dick ached. His lovers dominance fueled his submission.
Tylers whimpers were muffled by a three-way kiss. Tongues tangled.
Lips moved against each other.
Paul finally broke away from the kissing. Always compared it to
a gentle hug, keeping me in submission. He wound a strip of hemp
rope around Tylers left forearm. Each twist created a neat row. The
guard tied the two ends in a center knot. Paul repeated the action on
the other arm.
The guard used longer pieces of rope on Tylers upper thighs,
repeating the same process. There are many styles of kinbaku. Paul
used the technique on his lower legs. He bound him from the knees,
down to his ankles, with rows and neatly placed knots. Dont want
your legs completely restrained together. Couldnt fuck.
Wed fuck, Master, Tyler replied.

Hard Times


Tyler had been restrained before, but never in the intricate

weavings of kinbaku. Paul was right, it was a gentle hug. The
sensation of the guards rope work, combined with Aces restraints,
pushed Tyler toward his inferno.
The young man couldnt decide who was hotter. Both men had
smokin physiques. As their skin brushed his, Tylers flesh tingled.
Ace and Paul were back between his legs. Two sets of hands caressed
him. Lips skimmed his neck, shoulders, and chest. Paul took a nipple
into his mouth, teasing the hard peak with his tongue. Tyler cried out.
Aces hand smacked his ass.
Get you warmed up, Ace said.
And worked up, Paul said.
The guard moved down his body. His lover bent his legs against
his chest. Paul licked Tylers rim, circling the opening.
Holy fuck, Tyler said.
Paul sank his tongue inside Tylers ass. Are you Masters slut?
Pauls tongue teased his rim again. Expect you to answer me, if you
want it back inside you.
Yes, what?
Yes, Master.
Dont forget again.
The fullness of Pauls tongue pressed back inside. The guards
fingertips kneaded his buttocks, keeping the cheeks apart. Tyler
whimpered. Aces hand spanked his ass again. Paul mirrored the
action on his other hip.
Tylers dick was rock hard, laying at an angle against his
abdomen. Each strike of his lovers hands produced a stream of precum. Ace was licking the juice from his cockhead.
Put me in your mouth, Master, Tyler pleaded.
Ace hesitated, teasing his swollen head with his tongue.
Dammit, put me in your mouth!
Pets dont make demands.


Andrew Jericho

Tyler smiled. Im a brat, remember?

Yeah, we know, Paul replied. The guard resumed fucking
Tylers ass with his tongue.
Ace wrapped his mouth around his shaft. Tyler writhed on the
bed. He pulled at his restraints. The young man arched his back off
the bed. Ace pushed him back down.
Love you, Master.
I love you, pet.
After several swirls of Aces tongue on the shaft, Tylers cock
was removed from his lovers mouth. Tyler protested, yanking at his
Yeah, youre a brat, Ace said, a brat whos going to watch me
get his other Master aroused.
Tyler was trembling. A warm sweat broke out over his skin. The
base of his spine tingled as his release built. The smack of hands on
his ass cheeks, elicited another moan. He didnt know how he would
survive watching Ace fuck Paul, but he damn sure knew it would
keep the inferno smoldering hot.
Ace pulled Paul to the center of the bed. Both men knelt in front
of Tyler. Hot. So fucking hot. Aces tongue inside Pauls mouth kept a
steady stream of pre-cum running down Tylers shaft. The guards
moans sent electrical current to Tylers dick.
Fuck him, Master.
Pet doesnt like to just be taken. Have to break that wall of
Aces hands were caressing Pauls body. Fingertips smoothed the
guards muscles. Tyler bit his lip when Aces tenderness turned to
smacks against their lovers ass. Pauls eyes closed in pleasure.
Master, Paul said.
Submit, pet.
They touched each other with familiar affection. The dynamic
Ace shared with Paul went beyond Dominance and submission. The
couple shared a private passion. Tyler recalled his own intimacy with

Hard Times


the president of Prison Masters. Right now, that same man was giving
what another needed.
Those needs I couldnt satisfy before wont go unmet, Ace said.
He placed a finger against Pauls mouth. Dont speak.
Paul brushed a hand against his eyes. Tyler knew it was to hide
I love you, Master.
I love you, pet.
Holy hell. Sweet Jesus. Ace put a ball gag in Pauls mouth. Tyler
must have missed Ace dragging that out his duffel bag, as well as
white nylon rope, and the black flogger on the foot of the bed.
Ace turned Paul around, binding their lovers wrists behind his
back. His partner was whispering into the guards ear, with each twist
of the rope. What was said was not important, but the look on Pauls
face was. Damn. Holy Fuck. Paul was a little slut, too, in Masters
Paul nodded. Ace picked up the flogger. Tyler expected to see
hard lashes against their lovers back. Instead, Ace wielded the
implement in gentle strokes. The tails caressed Pauls back in erotic
Restrained and bound, the fantasies of Tylers drawings were
coming true. Seeing his two Masters play was even better. Paul was
the hottest switch Tyler had ever known. The man slipped from
Dominance to submission smoothly. Tyler already had a taste of Paul.
He wanted more.
Ace quickly put the flogger down. He had started to remove the
ball gag.
Whats wrong? Tyler asked.
Pet squeezed my hand. Hes red.
Is he all right?
Pet, youre okay, Ace said. Paul sank into his arms.
Im too close to subspace. Pet needs me.
Ace caressed Pauls body. Focus on your Dominance.


Andrew Jericho

I made him a promise.

I know you did, and youre going to keep it, Ace replied.
Master was giving up his own needs to take care of him. The
thought made Tylers knees weak. His heart began to pound. It was
damn romantic.
Both men were now between his legs. Tylers thighs were spread
as far as they would go. Lips and fingertips roamed his body. The
inferno was claiming him.
Fuck me, Tyler said against the pairs of lips hovering near his.
The slap of a paddle against his left hip mingled with his groans.
His cheek stung, just like he asked for. Again, the same sound filled
the room. Except this time it was his right buttock which burned.
Slut, Paul said.
Tyler was trembling. His skin was warm and cold. Goosebumps
covered him. His Masters had earned his trust and love, but Tyler had
to be sure. He was ready to give his heart, when bad memories crept
in. Daddy, Dom, and Sirs hurtful play was the darkness that kept him
from commitment. Tyler closed his eyes to stop the tears.
Hes a bad boy and a slut, Ace said. I thought Master told you
to open your eyes.
Yes, Master. Tyler opened his eyes.
The paddling continued. First Ace, then Paul, smacked his ass
cheeks in sensual rhythm. Warmth spread from his ass to his cock.
The sting evolved into carnal pleasure. Tyler smiled.
The desire in his Masterss touches crumbled his emotions.
Love, Tyler said his safe word, as tears claimed him.
Ace and Paul stopped immediately.
Pet, youre okay, Ace said.
Im right here, pet, Paul said.
The tears flowed harder.
Im removing the restraints, Ace said. Cut your ropes, Paul.
The guard reached for a pair of surgical scissors on the nightstand.
No, Master, Tyler said.

Hard Times


Are you sure? Ace asked. I heard your safe word. I wont play
with you like this.
Neither will I, Paul said.
Im removing just the restraints, Ace said.
No, Master, Tyler replied.
Im your Master, and will respect your wishes, but you will tell
us whats going on.
Otherwise, the play stops, Paul said. Nothing happens between
us, unless youre all right.
Tylers tears continued.
Dont cry, Paul said. The guard was rubbing his thumb across
his cheeks, wiping at the moisture. I love you, pet. Everything about
This triad is more than just play, Ace said. Whats going on
now is proof. Im in love with you, pet. That aint gonna change.
If you remove the restraints, will you put them back?
Only if you want them, Ace replied.
Yes, Master
Ace released each of Tylers wrist cuffs from the restraints. Two
pairs of arms wrapped around him, pulling him close.
Both of you are hard, Tyler said.
Yeah, so are you, Ace said. Now get to talking.
I had to be sure.
Of? Paul asked.
That safe words wouldnt be ignored. That were more than just
play. That you wouldnt hurt me.
What did you find out, pet? Ace asked.
I want to give my heart.
Im sorry about the other men. They werent Dominant. They
were assholes, Ace said.
Were not assholes, pet.
Im an experienced sub. I know what a Master/pet relationship
should be, and what it isnt. Were right. This is right.


Andrew Jericho

Damn right we are, Paul said. Were all that matters.

The guards lips were on his. Pauls mouth caressed and tugged
his bottom lip. Open up.
Tyler complied, parting his lips. Pauls tongue caressed his before
it danced alongside his own.
Play is a form of lovemaking, Ace said.
Make love to me, both of you.
Yes, Master.
Pauls passion continued. Tyler was swept into its flow. Ace had
his wrists above his head, once again securing the restraints around
the metal bar of the headboard. The guards hands were everywhere,
caressing his flesh. Tyler gasped when a finger slipped past his rim.
So tight and warm, Paul said.
The same finger was being pressed in and out of his body. Sweet
torture. Tyler pushed down. Aces finger slipped next to Pauls. Both
Masters were finger-fucking his ass. Delicious foreplay. Tylers body
was opening, matching his heart.
Forever my pet, Ace whispered into Tylers ear.
Accept me, Paul said, as your Master.
The guard fumbled in the sheets for the lube. He popped the cap,
smearing slick in his palm. He wiped it over Tylers ass. So hard.
Dont want to hurt you. Then, he rubbed lubricant down the shaft of
his dick.
The head of Pauls cock pressed against Tylers rim. The guard
thrust his hips. Tyler moaned and arched his back. Pauls cockhead
slipped inside him. Tyler continued to press down, allowing his body
to accept his lover. Paul quickly filled him.
Shit you feel good, Paul said. Are you going to join me,
Hell yeah, Ace replied. Right after I put the blindfold on our

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The caress of Aces finger inside his body ended. Pauls dick
made up for the loss. His lovers shaft swelled inside him. Once the
blindfold covered Tylers eyes, his other senses took control. The
groans of pleasure from his lovers echoed in his ears. Both of his
Masters scents intoxicated him. The goose bumps returned. Tylers
heart began to pound. Paul pulled back, leaving only his cockhead.
Then the guard pressed forward, buying himself.
I wanted to do this earlier, but couldnt, Paul said. Tell me you
accept me as your Master.
I accept you, Master.
The inferno in his body grew hotter. Aces breath was now against
his other ear, whispering a string of filth. Tylers face flushed at
Masters dirty words.
Fuck me, Master, Tyler said.
Im going to fuck you with my hard dick.
Ace pushed Tylers left leg back further against his chest. Paul
pushed the other. Sweet Jesus. Tyler wanted to come. His dick was so
damn hard.
Relax. Aces voice was deep with desire. Push down on both
of us.
Tyler did as he was told, and pressed his muscles outward. The
sensation of being filled with two dicks was different and hot as hell.
The three of them were about to be joined. Tylers rim began to burn,
followed by intense stinging. Aces cock was slipping inside him.
Hurts, Tyler said.
Keep relaxing, Ace said. Remember trust.
Trust, pet, Paul said.
The blindfold was pushed back. Aces eye met his. You okay?
Yes, Master.
Pauls deep inside you, pet. Im almost there.
Tylers eyes were covered again.
Fuck! It hurts!


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I promise its going to feel good, Paul said. Move with me,
Both of Tylers lovers were slowly thrusting in rhythm. Each man
had an arm hooked beneath his knees holding his legs open. Master
was right, the burn had faded. He was filled was a consuming
pleasure as the inferno raged.
The smack of paddles returned. With each thrust of hips, also
came a paddling. Over and over, the rhythm continued. He couldnt
form coherent thought. The sting of the paddles became pleasure.
Come, pet, Ace said.
The two dicks inside him swelled. Fuck that hurts. Tyler
Ace groaned. Son of a bitch. This time I better hear your fucking
Fuck, yeah. Shit, Paul said. Hes so tight.
So mother fucking good, Ace said.
The inferno was there. It had consumed Tyler, pushing him into a
place where nothing else mattered but release. Two hands were
around his dick. Fingertips stroked his shaft.
So easy. Paul groaned. The guards body was trembling. He
thrust faster. Just. To. Fucking. Come. Ace was pushed away from
Tylers mouth. Pauls lips were the only ones on his. Forever. One
hard, final slap of a paddle grazed Tylers right ass cheek.
One of Pauls hands was still wrapped around his cock. The other
was rubbing everywhere. The guard tugged hard at the ropes around
his arms and legs. The pressure of the hemp against his flesh felt
damn good. Pauls cum was inside him. His lips moved to Tylers
Ace was trembling. This is it, both of you are minemarked and
Tyler was full of cum. Ace bucked against him several times,
before the president of Prison Masters slowed his thrusts.

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The caressing wouldnt stop. Tyler believed he would go insane.

The smack of a paddle on his left ass cheek brought a scream from his
The ropes were pulled tight again. Tylers screams continued.
Fingers coated in cum jacked his dick. Tylers release hadnt brought
subspace. He was so close, but it wouldnt take him. Tears started
Love, Tyler said. He began to yank on his restraints.
Cut him loose, Paul.
The blindfold was off Tylers eyes. His restraints removed, as
well as the cuffs. Paul was cutting the ropes.
It didnt happen, Tyler said, trying to stop his tears. Im sorry.
Nothing to be sorry for, Ace replied. Youve pleased, Master.
I wanted it so damn bad.
It doesnt happen every time, pet, Paul said.
But you and Paul?
Paul and Ive played before, Ace said. The three of us havent.
It will come, pet.
Ace and I can still give you aftercare. Paul moved back between
Tylers legs. He looked down into his eyes. I know youve pleased
me. Youre submission is right here, in my heart. The guard grabbed
Tylers hand, placing it against his chest.
But I wanted you both to put me in subspace.
And we will, Ace said.
They were giving him aftercare all right. Tyler lay between both
men. Three bodies tangled together. Ace pulled a sheet and bedspread
over them. Tyler didnt know how long the three of them kissed. Both
of his Masters whispered words of satisfaction and love. Ace and Paul
soothed the sensitive skin of his buttocks with their touch. Sleep
wasnt far away. Everything Tyler wanted was right there.
Try to rest, Ace said. Weve got the next two days to figure
this out.


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Well get you there, pet, Paul said.

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Chapter Seven
Ace followed the smell of food from the bedroom. He found Paul
in the kitchen. Walking up behind the guard, Ace placed his arms
around his waist. He kissed the back of Pauls neck. His pet leaned
into his touch.
Smells good, Ace said.
Me or the food?
Uncle Ross stocked the fridge yesterday afternoon. You were
stirring when I woke up. Tylers out cold. Thought Id make an
omelet for two.
The guard put the spatula down, and turned off the range. Ace
opened several cabinets until he found plates. Paul put an omelet and
piece of toast on each dish.
Im not much of a cook, but I can do eggs, Paul said.
I had to learn how to cook. Mama was too drunk to care. Had to
feed my brother and baby sister.
Im sorry.
For what?
You must miss them.
Not much I can do in here to contact them. Dont even know if
theyd want to hear from me.
Ace sat down beside Paul at the table. The small kitchen and
joined dining area was intimate. The two men ate in silence. Finally,
Ace reached for Pauls hand. Their eyes met.
I forgot the orange juice. Paul tried to get up.


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I can see it in your eyes. Ace placed a hand on the guards

Paul stared at his plate. Ace caressed his lovers cheek with his
fingertips. Paul blushed. Aces dick hardened. He moved his chair
closer to Paul. The guard closed his eyes.
I want you, Ace said. Im going to put an end to that shyness
with me for good. Youre going to sit and wait while I get my gear
out of the bedroom. Then, Im going to put you in subspace.
I dont know. What if Tyler wakes up?
He can join us.
Ace didnt give Paul time to respond. He walked to the bedroom,
retrieving his gear from the bedroom floor. Tyler was out. The young
man lay on his stomach snoring softly. He covered his lover with the
sheet before leaving the room. The clock on the nightstand read noon.
It had been after four before they had fallen asleep.
When Ace returned, Paul was still sitting at the table. The guard
was picking at the rest of his food. Ace pulled his lover to his feet. He
took Pauls lips in a passionate kiss. He rid them both of their boxers.
Their dicks rubbed together. Ace led them to the carpeted floor of the
living room.
Kneel, Ace said.
Paul obeyed. The guard sank to his knees in front of Ace.
Youre my pet.
Yes, Master.
Paul lifted his face. Eyes full of love and submission met Aces
No men touch you except Tyler and me. Do you understand?
Yes, Master.
Tell me who you belong to?
I belong to you, Master.
Ace retrieved the ball gag from the floor, and placed it in Pauls
mouth. He sank to his own knees, and then turned Paul around. Ace
bound his hands above his head with the nylon rope. He picked up the

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flogger and ran the tails down Pauls back. The guard moaned. Ace
repeated the action several times.
Youve told me before no limits. Still true, pet?
Paul nodded. Ace turned his lover around. The guards eyes
glassed. The tears were not of pain. Paul was so close to subspace.
Ace pushed Paul to his back. He spread his partners thighs. Then,
Ace lubed the entire length of his shaft, applying extra slick to his
Do you trust me?
Paul nodded again.
Ace slipped a lubed finger inside Pauls ass. He glided it several
times. Then, he removed the digit, and replaced it with his dick. Aces
cock bottomed out with one thrust of his hips. The guard bucked
upward against him.
Hell fucking yeah! Ace said. Instead of the paddle, he reached
for his black leather crop. No limits mean Im going to spank the hell
out of your ass. Several lashes against Pauls ass almost made Ace
come inside his partner. Submit, pet. I love you.
Paul arched his back again. His lover was trembling, covered in
sweat. The muffled sounds of Pauls pleasure fueled Aces
dominance. A hand squeezed his. Not once, but twice.
Its all right. Youre safe. Right now with me. Aint no one else
here. Ace released the ball gag. He untied Paul hands. The guard was
trembling. Its ok. I love you.
Master, Paul whispered in his ear.
Im here. Im so here. Aint going anywhere. Dont fight it.
Fuck me, Master, Paul said.
Ace pulled his hips back. He sank his dick again into Pauls tight
heat. Oh, pet! Fuck!
He repeated the action again.
I love you, Master.
Yeah, love you, pet.
Fuck me hard!


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Ace lifted Pauls legs to his shoulders. He leaned forward,

pressing their chests tight. Forever my pet. Ace arms went around
Pauls torso. Their lips met.
The needs of his pet became his own. Ace complied with his
lovers request. The firm thrusts of his hips pushed Paul over the
edge. The guards cum streaked his lower abdomen. Ace released his
own inside his lovers body. Pauls eyes closed. Ace had never seen
his lover in subspace. He had got him close many times, but Paul had
always backed away. That was in the prison, now they were alone.
I love you, Ace said. Let it come. Im right here to catch you.
Master. Pauls voice was a soft whisper.
Yeah. Hell yeah, Ace said.
Paul hit subspace hard. The guard broke out in a cold sweat. A
sweet smile lit his face. Ace pulled his partner close, cradling Paul on
the carpet.
Youre all right. So all right. Ace wrapped his arms and legs
around Paul.
Feels. So. Good, Paul said slowly.
I know.
Pain. Pleasure.
Yeah. I smacked you pretty good with my crop.
The guards breathing was rapid. Ace longed to provide deep
subspace. He craved it. Being able to put another there had long since
become a desire he needed. Now, that was being fulfilled.
Ive thought about this moment since the first time we played,
Ace said. I wanted to put you there. Hated it when I couldnt. We
were living on stolen moments. Fuck, I love you Paul Ryder.
Paul was still trembling, curled in his arms. His lover hid his face
against his chest. Ace didnt try to talk to him. He figured Paul
wouldnt be able to coherently answer. Instead, Ace held him close,
stroking his back.

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Youve pleased Master. Months of endless foreplay, brought us

here. Right fucking here.
Ace stood. He picked Paul up into his arms. Taking care of you,
baby. He walked the short distance to the couch, and laid his lover
down. Then, Ace lay now and pulled Paul close. Ill always be here
for you. No more loneliness or pain.
Paul was still quiet. Ace knew he was alright because the guard
was still breathing. Paul was lost in a place Ace hadnt experienced
since Carlos. Yeah, he could bind himself, get lost for a while in
memories, but nothing like the Latino had provided. The subspace
Ace now created for his lover was enough to sustain him he supposed.
The guard stirred against him, clutching his back. He wrapped his
arms tighter. Shhits all right.
Master. Pauls voice was still a whisper.
Will you accept my collar? Ace asked.
The romance of the moment was broken by the loud slam of a
door. Paul jumped.
Our brats not happy. Paul mumbled the words.
Go to him.
Not until Im sure Ive stepped you down.
Paul smiled. I havent been this all right in a long time. Go.
Whats wrong? Ace asked.
Tyler was packing his duffel bag. The young mans face was
flushed. His hands were shaking.
I asked you a question, pet.
Right now I dont feel like submitting.
Thats going to earn you several spanks.
No, youre wrong. Im not really your pet. I was never asked.


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Accepting your collar. A total power exchange. Paul lying in

your arms like
Like what? Ace interrupted. I was stepping him down.
Yeah, from a subspace Ive yet to findwith either one of you!
Itll come.
What if it doesnt?
Dammit, pet.
I want you to collar me, too. Both of you.
It was the right time for me to ask him.
And not me? When were you going to ask me?
I had thought about coming into the bedroom and waking you
up. Asking you then.
Fuck you!
Tyler slung his duffel bag over his shoulder. The young man left
the room. Ace followed him into the living room. Paul was blocking
the door.
Youre not going anywhere, brat, Paul said. If you open that
door, this ends. Not just for you, but the three of us. I wont let that
Paul melted Tylers attitude with a passionate kiss. After a few
moments of struggling, the young mans body relaxed into the guards
embrace. Trust me, pet. Theres plenty of time to collar you.
Ace walked several feet to where his lovers were standing. He
pressed his body against Tylers back. Ace placed tender kisses on the
back of Tylers neck.
Master, Tyler whimpered.
Settle down, Ace replied. All three of us been running on pentup desire. I aint the only one whos been hot and horny. That aint all
we are. Your fit made that clear.
Were much more, Tyler said. I need more. I need to be a
submissive again. I need to be collared.
Thats why I set this up with the warden. I aint rushing things,
neither. We aint spending this entire two days fucking each others

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brains out. Paul needs a break. He hit subspace hard. I plan to collar
you both tonight after play, and not before.
Im sorry if Ace and I upset you, Paul said. I guess we got
carried away this morning. The guard blushed and looked at the
Ace placed his finger beneath Pauls chin. He lifted the guards
face. Their eyes met. No, baby, Im breaking walls. Trying to get
you to open up. Know you havent had a lot of lovers.
I havent, Paul said. Just Dom, and before him another man
who Pauls voice trailed quiet. He looked away.
Im here, Ace said. Were real. The three of us. Both of your
needs are mine. Ive no hang-ups about going as far into this triad as
need be. Dont ever be afraid to tell me your need. Ill give it, no
The perfect, Master. Tyler turned around. His eyes also met
Aces stare.
Not perfect, just devoted to each of you.
Tyler was in Aces arms. The young mans head was against his
Baby, youve got to understand this is Pauls only time with us.
For the other four days of the week, hell have to sleep in his own
bed. You and I share a cell twenty-four-seven.
I just want
I know what you want. I know everything you need. Now, will
you accept my collar? I love you with all my heart.
Tyler nodded. The right time.
Come here, Ace said. He pulled Paul back into his arms. I love
you, too.


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Chapter Eight
Paul was on his knees next to Tyler in the bedroom. The three of
them had been alone for an entire day. The best twenty-four hours of
his life. Certainly, the most erotic. The clock on the nightstand read
one oclock. Another late night. This time, they were really
committing. Paul was becoming a collared pet. He was naked, hard,
and unashamed of letting his arousal show.
Tyler was nude, too. The guard glanced at his young lover.
Tylers skin was flushed. His pale completion gave away his
emotions. Tyler would have another reason to flush. After Ace
collared them, Paul would do the same with the flamboyant twink.
Ace was so fucking handsome standing in front of him. The
President of Prison Masters was everything the talk circulating in the
cell blocks claimed. Ace was a loving Master. A different breed of
Te amo mi amor siempre, Ace said, looking into Pauls eyes.
I love you, my love, always. Paul translated the Spanish
Yes, and you, my love, Ace said again. This time his hand
caressed the side of Tylers cheek. Te amo mi amor siempre. Both of
you. My pets.
Ace was holding two black leather collars. Paul had seen them
many times on the pets of Prison Masters. He never believed himself
lucky enough to receive one. Now, he was an object of Ace
Freemans affections. Paul wanted the collar. Craved it. He desired
everything Master offered.

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His Master had been right. Paul hadnt experienced many lovers.
No one, not even Dom, had gotten him to open up like Master. Paul
was on the brink of allowing his deepest desires to become Masters
needs. .
No limits. He had enjoyed the rush on the living room floor. Not
knowing how far Master would push him. The crop striking his ass
was pain and pleasure. He wanted more. Harder. Paul wanted Master
to inflict pain, help him cross to pleasure, and then give him the
permission to fall into subspace.
I want a total power exchange, Ace said. Do you accept, pet?
Yes, Master, Paul replied.
The black leather touched the skin of his neck. His cock ached.
Pre-cum began to flow from the slit. Masters fingers snapped the
collar in place.
Pet, Ace said, addressing Tyler. A total power exchange with
Tyler nodded.
Answer me, pet, Ace said. Do you want a TPE with me?
Yes, Master, Tyler replied.
Good boy.
Paul expected play next. He was surprised when Ace knelt in front
of them. Master put his hands on his cheeks. He touched their
I want you to take him, too. As yours. As your pet. Then, I want
you to fuck him. Love his body. Put him in subspace. Ive had time
alone with him. You havent.
Master, I
Ill be close. Im going to watch. Right over there in that chair.
Paul averted his eyes to a recliner in a corner of the bedroom. Ace
pressed his thumb against Pauls lips. The guards words were
When hes close, Ace said. Ill help you get him over the


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I dont know. I want you with us, too.

Pet, its an order.
Yes, Master.
Ace divested himself of his boxers. Walking naked, he then sat
down in the recliner. Ace draped a leg over one arm. He began to
stroke his cock. Get to playing, pets.
Paul smiled. He reached onto the bed and retrieved a black leather
bracelet. The design was similar to the collar. Master had told him
about it that afternoon, while Tyler napped. When a pet belonged to
two Masters in the club, they wore a collar and a bracelet. The guard
already knew what it meant. He had seen several pets wearing both
pieces of submission.
Rules in there only let me give you this, Paul said. Tylers eyes
met his own. I knew I wanted to protect you from the moment you
walked into that awful place. Thats why I had my uncle put you with
Tylers big green eyes met Pauls face with a boyish
apprehension. The young man leaned forward, placing a brief kiss
against the guards lips. Tyler backed away.
Hot twink, Paul replied. And a tease.
His lover held out his arm. Paul snapped the bracelet around
Tylers wrist. Youre mine. The other Masters will know it, too. Ill
make damn sure of that. The look on your face belongs to me.
Oh, Paul.
No. Oh, what?
Paul pulled Tyler into his arms. In high school, not only did I
think about the football players, but boys like you, too. Always
wanted a twink. Men like you and Master never gave me the time of
And now one wants you to fuck him, Tyler said seductively.

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Paul didnt have to be told twice. He lifted Tyler into his arms,
and placed him on the bed. Then, he covered his lovers body with his
I love you, Master.
I love you, too.
Tyler wrapped his legs around Pauls waist. I want you inside
Master said we werent going to spend these two days fucking
each others brains out, Paul said. I think thats debatable. Those
negotiations from last night still the same?
Tyler nodded.
Trust me to mix it up a little bit? Paul asked.
Yes, Master.
Paul flipped to his back, taking Tyler with him. He pushed himself
against the headboard. The guard positioned his lover in his lap. Now,
he not only had a view of his hot-ass twink, but he could see Ace
jacking his dick in the recliner.
The guard reached for the blindfold on the bed. He placed it over
Tylers eyes. Paul slapped his hand against Tylers ass. The younger
mans head fell backward in pleasure. A soft moan escaped Tylers
Like that, slut? Paul asked.
Yes, Master.
Of course he likes it, Ace said. Hes so fucking aroused. Dont
think its gonna take much to get him there.
Think so? Paul asked. The guards voice was a tease. He knew
it, too. Think pets going to let us put him in subspace?
Shit, Ace said. Better hurry up. Son of a bitch Im hot!
Paul picked up a pair of leather cuffs, joined together with a
connector, off the bed. He placed Tylers hands behind his back, and
buckled his lovers wrists in each cuff. The guard grabbed his hemp
rope, and then bound Tylers chest and torso in the familiar rows and
knots. Once Paul was finished, Tylers chest had disappeared from his


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pecs down to his waist. He left just enough slack in the rope to be able
to pull it tight when need be. The guard lubed an index finger. His
hand circled Tylers body. Paul parted his lovers buttocks. The digit
went up the young mans ass. Tyler bucked in his arms.
Shh. Shh. Paul whispered the sounds. Opening you up.
Open up for me.
Paul glided his finger several more time. Then he lifted Tyler and
set his lover down on his dick. The guards cockhead slipped easily
into the warm ass. Ride me.
Tyler had begun to tremble. Pauls hands were covered in his
partners sweat. The young man was slipping toward subspace. Paul
moved one of his hands beneath the ropes on Tylers chest. He pulled
the cords tight. Tyler moaned. The guard used his other hand to guide
the movement of his lovers hips. A tight ass had him sheathed.
I know youre mine. Paul murmured the words against Tylers
shoulder. Feel so good.
Is it just us?
Yeah, its just us.
Paul smiled. He glanced again at Ace. The man returned his smile.
Turning his attentions back to Tyler, for a moment he forgot Master
was watching them. The movements of Tylers body slowed to a
sensual grind against his pelvis. Paul wasnt just playing with the
young man in his arms, they were making love.
Master. Tylers voice barely above a whisper.
I know. Give yourself to me. I promise youll never be hurt by
any man again.
PaulI mean.
Its okay.
Subspace was claiming his lover. Paul motioned for Ace. Master
joined them on the bed.
Shit, Paul said. Tylers rocking had been too much for the
guards dick. Fuck. He pulled the ropes tighter against the young

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mans body. Pauls semen bathed the walls of Tylers ass. Now
come, pet.
Hes almost gone, Ace said.
That is for not calling me Master, Paul said. The guard
delivered several rapid slaps onto Tylers ass with his black leather
paddle. Goose bumps appeared on Tylers body. The young mans
flesh was hot. I love you, pet.
Paul discarded his paddle on the bed. Ace picked up the wooden
one nearby. Master began to slap Tylers ass repeatedly. The guard
tightened the ropes against their lovers flesh.
Ahhfuck! Tyler moaned. Cum shot from his dick onto Pauls
Fuck him, Master.
Ace picked Tyler up off of Pauls dick. He laid their lover against
the sheets. The guard held the ropes tight, while Master spread their
twinks thighs.
Son of a fucking bitch! Ace groaned. Hes so full of our cum.
Hes also in subspace.
Hell yeah, Ace said.
Paul began to cut Tylers ropes, while Ace released their lovers
wrists from the cuffs. The guards ego swelled. Subspace was damn
hot on Tyler. Knowing he had been responsible for putting their lover
into euphoria was almost as good as the Domspace he was
Do men giggle? Paul asked.
I dont know, but he sure as hell is.
Ive got him, Paul said. The guard lay on his side, spooning
Tyler against his chest. His lover curled close. Tylers hands were
clutching his flesh. Youre all right.
Ace was facing him. Their lips met. Six months of loneliness had
been worth every minute. The three of them were together and
committed. The dynamics of their triad were real. As Master lips


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moved against Pauls mouth in a passionate kiss, the guard stroked

Tylers back.
Youre a good Master, Ace said, almost as good as me.
Paul smiled at Aces lighthearted tone. The guard pulled a sheet
over their bodies. He turned Tyler so the young man was lying on his
back. Together with Master, Paul began to sooth Tylers body. He ran
his hands over smooth flesh, still damp from their lovemaking. The
guard glided his fingertips over the sensitive skin of Tylers ass. The
pink stains of the paddles still visible. Much of his actions were
mirrored by Ace, as the two men soothed their pet.
Cold, Tyler said.
Still riding high, arent you, baby? Ace asked.
Tyler nodded.
Hell, I think we hit subspace with you, Paul said, laughing.
I dont want it to end, Tyler mumbled before a wave of tears
claimed him. I dont want to go back. I want you with us, Paul. The
tears turned to sobs. I need you, too.
Let it out, baby, Ace said.
Paul held the young man close. His own heart broke. It had to be
near three in the morning. The guard knew at that time the next night,
he would be separated from the men he loved. This was what he
feared the most.
Remember my promise? Ace asked. One day all this will be
over, the three of us together outside these walls.
Paul raised up and blew out the two votive candles on the
nightstand. He curled Tyler closer into his arms. Ace did the same.
Tylers tears were fading. The guard closed his eyes, as several tears
clouded his own.

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Chapter Nine
Forty-eight hours had passed too quickly. Ace sat on the couch,
holding the men he loved in his arms. In thirty minutes, it would be
Theyll be coming for us soon, Ace said.
I know, Paul replied. The guard looked away.
Hey, dont, Ace said. He turned Pauls face back to his own.
Even when you wear that uniform in there, I know the truth. This
commitment between the three of us is all that matters.
Paul was trying to hide tears. The guards voice trembled. I want
to go back to the prison with both of you. Not to my lonely fucking
apartment. I cant stop my heart.
We better get to saying what we need to, Ace said. He tried to
remain strong.
Paul was an emotional wreck. Tyler hadnt said anything. The
young mans actions spoke for themselves. Tyler moved his head to
Pauls chest, and clutched the guards polo shirt in a vice grip.
Pet, Paul said, smoothing Tylers hair away from his face,
please dont cry. Every beat of my heart carries you in it.
Tyler began to sob. He clutched Pauls shirt tighter. I want you to
come with us.
Stop crying, Paul said. The guard began to kiss away the tears
on Tylers cheeks. The bracelet you wear means you belong to me.
We share a total power exchange, just like you and Master. I want you
to stop crying.
Thats not an order. Tyler sobbed.
I can make it one, Paul said. Your tears break my heart.


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Aces own heart was breaking at the exchange between Paul and
Tyler. He still had to say his own goodbyes to the guard. That would
be hell.
Come here, pet, Ace said, pulling Paul into his arms. You just
remember what that collar means. I dont make commitments like this
every day.
I want no limits. You and me. The guard blushed.
There aint none. Next time Im taking us even deeper.
With Tyler cuddled against Pauls chest, Ace still took the guards
lips in a passionate kiss. When they separated, he put his finger
beneath Pauls chin. Ace stared into his lovers eyes for a long
moment without saying a word. When Paul tried to speak, Ace
silenced him.
Thought I wanted to say goodbye, Ace said. I cant do that. Ill
never do that. Not to you or him. Ace pulled Tyler back into his
arms, too. Damn, being locked up wasnt the hardest thing Ive
faced. Leaving you for the next four days is.
The three of them shared a kiss. Both Ace and Paul were
exploring Tylers mouth. Their tongues tangled, rubbing against each
other. The ding of Pauls cell phone quickly ended the affection. Real
life was setting in.
Its my uncle, Paul said. Hell be here with a guard in ten
minutes. Ive got to go.
No! Tyler said. Please!
Tylers hands clutched Pauls shirt again. I cant go back without
you! I wont!
Come here, baby, Ace said. He tried to pull Tyler into his arms.
No! Tyler clung to Paul.
Pauls eyes filled with tears.
Baby, this is hard enough for Paul, Ace said. He needs to go.

Hard Times


With Pauls help, Ace pried the young mans fingers from the
guards shirt. Tyler hid his face against Aces chest sobbing. Its
going to be all right. I promise.
Paul disappeared into the bedroom. The guard shut the door. Ace
and Tyler were left in the living room.
We can talk to Paul, Ace said, pulling Tyler away from his
chest, when we get back to our cell. He smoothed the damp hair
away from his lovers face. Well use my cell for a few minutes to
tell him goodnight. Okay?
I dont want a few minutes. I want forever.
Baby, if you dont stop crying the guard thats coming with Ross
is gonna think something is wrong.
Something is wrong. We cant be with the man we love.
Remember, all we got is the three of us. Here. Now. We cant put
that at risk.
It hurts so badly. Tylers tears had stopped. The young man was
still curled in Aces arms.
Pauls hurting, too. So am I.
We can hold on to each other tonight. Whos Paul got?
Tyler was right on that account. His lover was looking up at him.
Dammit, those big green eyes, and he had no answer. Instead, Ace
pulled Tyler back into his arms. He kissed the top of his lovers head.
Well text him for little while, too, Ace said. Maybe we can do
that some when hes away from the prison.
Thats supposed to be a substitute for his hands on me? His eyes
looking into mine? I want
Youve still got me. Ace caressed Tylers cheek with the back
of his hand. When were away from him, Ill do everything I can to
ease your pain. We can work on us.
Whos going to take care of you?
Making sure you both get what you need is my care.
A soft knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Ace
removed the chair Paul had wedged under the doorknob. He opened


Andrew Jericho

the door. As expected, Ross and the same guard who had escorted
them forty-eight hours ago, were there to return them to their cell.
So hows it feel being my collared pet? Ace asked.
Lying in his bunk, Ace rubbed his hand down the length of
Tylers arm. Once they had gotten back to their cell, Tyler curled
himself in a fetal position on Aces bunk. Ace had gotten in bed
beside his lover, spooning him close. He had been the one to remove
both of their scrubs, down to their boxers.
The young man, usually a chatterbox, had been quiet since they
left the conjugal cottage. The only response to his question was
Tylers body inching closer to his.
My collar looks damn hot on you. Pauls, too.
Be quiet, Ace, Tyler replied.
Ace flipped Tyler to his back. He searched his lovers eyes. They
were still clouded with hurt. Be quiet, what? Because weve still got
us to work on. The pain youre feeling will eat you up. I aint letting
that happen.
Yes, Master.
Good boy. I miss him, too. Keep asking myself how Im gonna
be a good Master to him locked up in here. I dont have all the
answers to the questions I see in your eyes. Remember trust, baby.
Trust me.
Ace pulled a blanket over their bodies. He brushed his nose
against Tylers. Then, his lips skimmed over the young mans
forehead, trailing to his closed eyelids, and gliding the bridge of his
nose. Sex was one thing. Affection was another. In Tuckerville Unit,
human touch was the most important. Just knowing someone cared
meant the difference between living and hanging ones neck through a

Hard Times


When Ace got to Tylers lips, he rubbed his thumb over the plump
flesh. He used his thumb to part Tylers mouth. Im so sorry, Ace
Tyler closed his eyes. I still smell him. I taste him.
So can I.
Ace pressed his lips to Tylers mouth. He gently moved against
his lovers flesh. Right now, all he cared about was giving Tyler
affection. Aces tongue caressed the inside the Tylers mouth. He
stroked along his partners jaw line. Aces lingual caress brushed over
Tylers teeth. The young mans mouth was warm.
I love you. Aces voice was a whisper.
I love you, too. Tyler smiled. Feels good to be Ace Freemans
collared pet. You know youve got other men in the club looking at
Do I?
Yeah, I see them all the time. Some outside, too.
Ive got what I want.
Me, too. Im a very resourceful twink.
Really? You did come on to me. Though, I would have taken you
I want to call Paul.
Ace raised up and looked at their clock on the desk. Lets give
him another thirty minutes. Its just one oclock. I want to make sure
he got out and home safely.
Paul lay in the dark. Getting out of the prison had been easy. The
hard part had been his uncle dropping him off at his apartment. The
guard hadnt bothered to get undressed. He took his shoes off, and
then climbed into bed. He was afraid if he removed his clothing his
lovers scents would dissipate.


Andrew Jericho

His apartment was quiet and lonely, like always. He reached for
his cell phone on the nightstand. Lying on his back, he opened the
photo gallery. He smiled through tears at the images there. He rubbed
his thumb over the picture of Tyler, wishing his hands were soothing
the young man to sleep.
I love you, Master, Paul said to himself. He was now staring at
Aces photo. Damn his Master was photogenic. So hot.
Paul fingered the leather collar around his neck. He ached to feel
Masters hands on his body. His bed was big enough for the three of
them. The guards finger brought up a selfie of the three of them. Paul
had made the image right after they had put Tyler in subspace. The
love in that photo hardened his dick. However, Paul wasnt in the
mood to beat off. Hell no, not after the last forty-eight hours. He
would never regard masturbation the same again. Self-pleasure paled
to Master and pet beneath his fingertips.
The ringing of Pauls phone startled him from his thoughts. He
recognized the number. I love you, Paul said, answering the call.
Me, too.
Masters voice soothed his pain. Unable to control his emotions
any longer, Paul broke down in tears. Dont let him know. Pet
doesnt need to hear me like this.
I wont. He wants to talk to you.
In a minute. I
I said everything with my eyes back at the cottage, Ace said.
I know, Paul replied.
Well be together soon. Keep that first in your mind.
Four days, Paul said.
Im giving the phone to Tyler.
Im here, Paul replied. I can still smell and taste your sweet
Im sorry about my behavior.
Ive never had someone begging to be with me before. I liked it.

Hard Times


Yeah. Hurt though. Seeing your tears. I want you to do
something for me.
Whats that? Tyler asked.
Take care of our Master. Hes got feelings, too. You cant be
wallowing in self-pity and missing me. Youve got another Master
who needs you. Promise me?
Yes, Master.
In four days, well catch up again.
The call was over as quick as it had started. Paul knew they
couldnt risk another guard finding Aces device. That phone was
their only link outside the prison. Before Tyler had hung up, he told
Paul the most important thing was finding love in the hard times. If
this triad was to work, all three of them would have to keep that love
centered in everything they did. The guard vowed nothing would ever
come between the three of them.



Andrew Jericho is a ManLove erotic romance author for SirenBookStrand Publishing. As a long supporter of LGBTQ rights, he is
thrilled to be able to reflect this in the publication of his books, which
explore the lives of gay men in real situations of life and love.
Andrews writing proves love and erotic attraction are the same
regardless of gender and/or sexual orientation. Often his characters
select themselves, as they are provided with a literary voice. Once a
story develops, Andrew is compelled to see it through to completion.
His characters make sure of that fact. Love and eroticism are two very
important and powerful emotions that drive not only Andrews
characters, but his style of writing as well. In their purest forms,
Andrew has seen those concepts transform characters into better
Andrew is a gay transgender man, who lives with his partner, John
Jericho, and family. When not writing, expect to find him enjoying
spending time with family, photography, eclectic tastes in music and
the arts, and browsing the local library and art galleries. All of
Andrews work can be found on his website.

For all titles by Andrew Jericho, please visit

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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