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Aamod Kore

Computer Science & Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

DOB: July 01, 1994





CPI / %


IIT Bombay
Maharashtra State Board
Maharashtra State Board

IIT Bombay
D. G. Ruparel College
Don Bosco High School



Academic Achievements
Secured All India Rank 32 in IIT-JEE 2011 among about 485,000 candidates
Secured All India Rank 322 in AIEEE 2011 among over 1 million candidates
Currently pursuing a Honours degree in Computer Science and a Minor in Mathematics

Selected among top 35 students in India for Orientation-cum-Selection Camp (OCSC) for
International Olympiad of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) 2011
Qualified for Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO) 2011 (top 300 students in India) and for
Indian National Mathematics Olympiad (INMO) 2010
Bronze medal at the Mathematics Olympiad 2007, by the Mathematics Association, IIT Bombay
National Top 1% in the National NSEP 2010 and State Top 1% in the NSEC 2010

Scholarships and Awards

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) Scholarship (2008), awarded by NCERT, Govt. of India to
1000 students in India
Gold Medal in Homi Bhabha Young Scientist Contest 2008

Research and Internships

Translation Validation
Undergraduate Thesis (B. Tech. Project)
Guide: Prof. Amitabha Sanyal, Prof. Supratik Chakraborty
CSE Department, IIT Bombay

Study existing techniques for validation of code translation

Develop an algorithm for construction of Abstract Joint Transition Graph (AJTG) and asserting
validation based on its successful creation
Image Annotation using Keyword Extraction from Web
Industry Internship
(Summer 2014)

Mentors: Hyunku Jeong, Junwon Lee, Georgy Rusetskiy

Intelligence Solution Team, Software R&D Center

Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea

Created an Automatic Image Annotation Software for categorization of images

Using techniques of NLP and web crawling, developed algorithms to extract characterizing text
for images crawled from relevant web pages
o Annotated tags to over 35,000 images from standardized websites with high accuracy
o Implemented reverse search for images using tags and their relevance factors to images
Verification of relaxed memory model programs
Research Internship
(Summer 2013)

Guide: JProf. Dr. Roland Meyer

Concurrency Theory Group, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Developed a model for reachabilty checker for a Total Store Ordered (TSO) system of concurrent
programs using the EEC (Expand, Enlarge, Check) algorithm
o Developed and implemented simple regular expressions, essential for the EEC algorithm, using
binary decision diagrams (BDDs)
Server Problem on the Cycle Metric Space
Research Project
(Spring 2014)

Guide: Prof. Sundar Vishwanathan


CSE Department, IIT Bombay

Implemented the work function algorithm for the k-server problem on the cycle
Developed strategies for generating request, to analyze the general k-server conjecture and the
cost of the work function algorithm as compared to the optimal cost

Key Projects
Live Gesture Recognition
Institute Technical Summer Project (ITSP)
(Summer 2012)
o Designed algorithms to detect trajectories of moving objects and remove background noise
from the webcams input stream and compare gestures to find the best possible match
o Awarded the Best Programming Project award under the ITSP scheme
Turings Test and CAPTCHA
Artificial Intelligence (CS 344) Seminar
(Spring 2014)
o Delivered a seminar on Turings test as a test for artificial intelligence, the concept of reverse
Turings test and recent developments like CAPTCHA
Query Optimization for In-Memory Databases
Databases (CS 387) Project
(Autumn 2013)
Prof. Umesh Bellur

CSE Depatrment, IIT Bombay

Created a basic in-memory database processing and query execution engine

o Implemented query optimization techniques, mainly focusing on join-order

optimizations using statistical sampling of table data for cost estimation
Buffer Overflow on Program Memory Stack Computer Architecture (CS 341) Project
Prof. Bernard Menezes

(Autumn 2013)
CSE Depatrment, IIT Bombay

Analyzed the stack map and activation records of functions and used the vulnerability of
strcpy function in C to write past the memory assigned to the array
o Modified the return address to execute a malicious shell code loaded in the array
Virtual Memory Management
Operating Systems (CS 377) Project
(Spring 2014)

Prof. D. M. Dhamdhere

CSE Depatrment, IIT Bombay

Implemented virtual memory in Pranali OS, an operating system based on top of Linux
Implemented page-in, page-out operations, swap space, non-contiguous memory allocation, TLB
cache and second chance page replacement policy (clock algorithm)
Implementation of Web Search
Data Structures (CS 293) Project
(Autumn 2012)

Prof. Varsha Apte


CSE Depatrment, IIT Bombay

Parsed web pages and organized data into a standardized XML format
Implemented the PageRank algorithm for ranking web pages based on hyperlinks

Positions of Responsibility

Hostel Systems Administrator and Computer and Web Councillor

Teaching Assistant for PH 107 (Quantum Physics and Applications)
Teaching Assistant for CS 101 (Computer Programming and Utilization)
Hostel Secretary for Computer and Web Affairs

(2014 2015)
(Autumn 2014)
(Autumn 2013)
(2012 2013)

Technical Skills
Technical Skills: C, C++, Java, Python, Scheme(DrRacket), Assembly, Bash,
Web Development: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, SQL

Areas of Interests
Program Analysis, Formal Verification, Game Theory, Computer Vision and Graphics

Extra Curricular Activities

Won the inter-hostel Coding General Championship 2014

Stood third in the inter-hostel Logic General Championship 2013
Won the Under 18 Seconds Film Contest at IIT Bombay Filmfest 2012
Part of the IIT Bombay Rubik Clubs Guinness and Limca World Record for most number of
people solving Rubik's cube at one time in one place (18th March 2012)
Worked with National Service Scheme team of IIT Bombay (August 2011 April 2012)

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