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How do I know if a person is


The following methods of lie detection could be useful for

managers, employers, and just in everyday lifeThey will help
you distinguish where truth and lies and not become a victim of
fraud. But remember that sometimes ignorance - it is bliss.

External signs

Usually, this liar may be accompanied by the following features:

- A nervous cough;

- Stuttering;

- Yawning;

- Blink;

- Tremor in her voice;

- Change the color of a person;

- Heavy breathing;

- Dryness of the lips;

- Dry mouth;

- The appearance of droplets of sweat.

Gestures, body language

1. Gestures liar uncertain and limited.

2. A man who lies, avoiding eye contact.

3. Liar constantly touching their face, neck, mouth, etc., while

he rarely touches the chest of the heart.
4. When a person lies, his gesticulation becomes unnatural,
sometimes even fussy. He can pull at the edges of clothing,
shakes off the dust, remove small particles (real or imaginary),
fingering, rubbing his hands, straightens her hair.

5. Liar can nervously snapping his fingers, banging his foot on

the floor, and so forth - are symptoms of anxiety, for which a
liar for sure there are reasons.

Contradiction gestures and emotions

1.Very often in the first second after your question on the

human face shows what he really thinks. If his face expressed
surprise, confusion or doubt and while he says his confidence is

2. If the rate has slowed gestures, probably a man thought for a

moment, to come up with a plausible answer.

3. The lie can be accompanied by a mismatch between words

and gestures (nodding his head in the negative responses,
rocking his head with negative responses).


1. A man who lies selects a defensive position, while the man

who speaks the truth goes on the offensive.
2. Liar does not feel comfortable standing in front of his
interlocutor, he can turn away from you in another direction or
how to hide away from your field of view (lean on the cabinet,
while actually hiding behind them, lying on a chair, driving it to
him under the table, etc.)

3. Liar can unknowingly arrange between them and your foreign

objects (book, a cup of coffee, apple, etc.)


1. Liar, answering your question, use your own words. "For

example: "Did you eat the last cookie?" - "No, I did not eat the
last biscuit!"

2. Liar gives the answer in abbreviated form. For example, "This

is not me!" instead of "I did not do it!"

3. Liar, trying not to make direct statements, evasive answers,

and makes allusions, rather than speak directly.

4. Liar can be more than natural, adding extra unnecessary

details to convince you. He stops and tries not to pause in his

5. Liar could lose control of timbre and tone of voice: a high

tone indicates a person experiences stress, as well as the voice
of high volume; monotonous speech may be an attempt to lull
the interlocutor.
6. It liar may be strongly distorted, mainly affects the syntax
and grammar.

Other signs for which you can find the lie

1. If you think that someone is lying to you, change the subject,
a liar willing to support you and calm down. Guilty people will
want to translate the conversation into another channel, the
innocent would want to sort things out until the end.

2. A man who lies, uses a lot of humor and sarcasm in his


Naturally, the presence of some of these signs does not make a

man a liar. So finding them in your friend, do not hurry to write
it in turn. Compare them with his usual behavior.

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