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JUNE 7, 2015

Our Purpose...
To reach people with the love of Jesus Christ, provide a safe and
supportive environment, proclaim the standards of Gods truth,
duplicate the Christian life in others, and celebrate the majesty
and works of Our Great God.

New to Salem Heights?

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite
you to seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me
badge. Through them you will find information
about the ministries of Salem Heights Church
and how to become involved. Please fill out a
Visitor Card and drop it in one of the offering
boxes as you leave or scan this code to go directly to our website
and fill out a visitor card. We have an excellent nursery and
programs for children newborn through high school. Any of the
ushers will be happy to direct you to the proper classroom. If
you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during
the service, the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for
parents with small children. There is a private room for nursing
mothers across the hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair,
changing table and portable crib. For your convenience, it also
includes a monitor to enable you to still hear and view the

Sunday Worship

Its All About M.E.

(Missions and Evangelism)

Acts 16:116:1-31
Presented by
Pastor Justin Greene
and after he brought them out, he said, Sirs, what must I
do to be saved? Acts 16:30

Info & News

Informational Haiti/Guatemala Mission Meeting
Are you interested in going to Haiti or Guatemala as part of Salem
Heights Church missions outreach? If so, we have an important
informational meeting today at 2:30 p.m. in the chapel. If you are
considering going on one of these upcoming trips or would like
information about a possible trip in the future, please plan to attend.
Cause Father/Son Backpacking Trip
There will be an informational meeting about the Cause Father/Son
backpacking trip, that is coming up this summer, today at 10:35 a.m.
in the chapel. If your son is entering 6th grade in the fall or older,
this trip is for you!
Vacation Bible School Volunteers
We need over 100 volunteers to run the amazing VBS program we
put on each summer. This event is a HUGE outreach to the children
in our community! We are looking for volunteers to help in a variety
of ways, from leading groups of children, to helping with snacks
and crafts. If youre interested, please fill out the bulletin insert, go
to the church website or call the church office (503.588.0403) to
sign up.
Vacation Bible School Registration
Registration is open for our upcoming VBS this July 13-17. Go to
the church website to register by clicking the banner for VBS. Our
theme is Zeros 2 Heroes, God taking ordinary people and doing
extraordinary things through His power. This is an awesome event
from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. for kids ages four through entering fifth grade.
Eastern Oregon Missions Donations
We are looking for clothing in good condition of all sizes to share
with the folks in Eastern Oregon during our June mission trips. We
are especially looking for new packs of socks and underwear of all
sizes. Please bring your donations to the church office. If you have
questions, contact Kate Denny at 503.569.2787.
Baby Bottle Boomerang
This fun and far reaching fundraiser for Hope Pregnancy Center
continues! Bottles are available for you to pick up and fill with loose
coins at each of the exit doors. Filled bottles are due back to the
church on Fathers Day, June 21. This is a wonderful way to
support women in making a healthy, life affirming choice.
Marriage Conference
Registration for the Salem Heights Marriage Conference continues!
Go to the church website or call the church office to register. Make
sure to join us for What Did You Expect? with Paul Tripp on July
10 & 11 as part of our 2015 Summer Series.

This Weeks Events

8:15 a.m.
9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
10:35 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.

Prayer - Room 205

Worship Services
Cause Backpacking Trip Meeting
Guatemala/Haiti Interest Meeting
Missions Meeting

7:00 p.m.

The Most Excellent Way

7:00 p.m.

Middle School Cause

6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.

Worship Team Practice

High School Cause

Upcoming Mission Trips

Our summer mission trips are quickly approaching. Be sure to be
praying for our teams that will be launching in the coming weeks.
Arizona, June 18-28
Eastern Oregon, June 20-27

Mexico Team 1, July 16-24

Mexico Team 2, July 24-August 2

Summer Series - Family Matters

We will be enjoying our annual summer series in July.
Justin Greene - July 5
Paul Tripp - July 12
Phil Howard - July 19
Donald Whitney - July 26

Important Upcoming Events

Arizona Mission Trip Departs, June 18

Eastern Oregon Mission Trips Depart, June 20
Lords Supper, June 21, 6:00pm
Summer Series Begins, July 5
Paul Tripp Marriage Conference, July 10 - 11
Vacation Bible School, July 13-17

Giving Update
The ministry of Salem Heights Church is funded entirely by the
generous giving of Gods people. You will notice that we do not
pass the offering plate; however, there are offering boxes in the
back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out
of compulsion. We believe from the Word of God that the Spirit
of God will lead people towards giving back to God of their first
fruits. ...God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7) and we know
He blesses those who take His Word seriously in every regard.
Thank you for prayerfully supporting Salem Heights financially as
we desire to reach the lost and disciple the Saints.
(Prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do.)
May 2015





May Weekly Need

Actual Giving Received

Week 1 $21,400


Week 2 $21,400


Week 3 $21,400


Week 4 $21,400


Week 5 $21,400


Fiscal Year to Date +/-


Current Balance $24,321

How Can I Serve?

Scan the coded icon below to view opportunities to serve the
body of Salem Heights Church.

VBS is fast approaching! If you are interested in

volunteering for this high impact, fun filled event,
contact Pete Potloff at 503.588.0403 or call the
church office.

We are also looking for people who can volunteer to fill in for
the summer months in Sunday morning teaching and childcare.
If you would be available, please contact Pete Potloff at

Justin Greene
Senior Pastor/Elder

Carl Chica

Lay Elders

Pastor of Family Life/Elder

Chuck Moore
Ted Ferry

Matt MacCollin
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

Administration and Staff

Ron Groves

Pete Potloff

Julie Bernard


Director of Family Life

Womens Ministry

Russ Libby

Jason Brownell

Gina Weigand

Director of Ministries

High School Ministries

Office Staff

Scott Hunter

Ed Reister

Christa Kahili

Facilities Manager

Community Connection

Office Staff

AJ Acker

Jay Duffus
Mens Biblical

Connie Libby

Music Ministry

Tim Saffeels

Laura Chica

Director of Student

Womens Biblical

Office Staff

Please see our Mission Boards in the foyer for
current active missionaries.
Salem Heights Church
375 Madrona Ave. S.
Salem, OR 97302
fax: 503-588-5338
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Sunday Worship Services:

9 & 11 a.m.
Message CDs are available in

the Registration Area for $4.

Please visit the desk in the
southwest corner to order
and pick-up your CDs.
You can also check the
website for our podcast.


(Missions and Evangelism)

Acts 16:1-31
Presented by
Pastor Justin Greene
June 7, 2015

Citing examples from television, pop music, and best-selling books, an

article in Entertainment Weekly noted,
Pop culture is going gaga for spirituality ... [However,] seekers of
the day are apt to peel away the tough theological stuff and pluck out the
most dulcet elements of faith, coming up with a soothing sampler of
Judeo-Christian imagery..., Eastern meditation, self-help lingo, a vaguely
conservative-craving for virtue, and a loopy New Age pursuit of peace.
This happy free-for-all, appealing to Baptists and stargazers alike, comes
off more like Forrest Gumps ubiquitous boxa chocolits than like any real
system of belief. You never know what youre gonna get.1
When people spend time with you, what will they get? Just spending a week with
Paul led those around him to investigate their own lives. Lets walk a short distance
with them and ask the question, What must I do?


(Missions and Evangelism)

Three Quotes
Why do the greatest miracle stories seem to come from mission fields,
either overseas or among the destitute here at home (the Teen Challenge
outreach to drug addicts, for example)? Because the need is there.
Christians are taking their sound doctrine and extending it to lives in
chaos, which is what God has called us all to do. Without this extension of
compassion it is all too easy for Bible teachers and authors to grow
haughty. We become proud of what we know. We are so impressed with
our doctrinal orderliness that we become intellectually arrogant. We have
the rules and theories all figured out while the rest of the world is
befuddled and confused about Gods truth poor souls.
I despaired at the thought that my life might slip by without seeing God
show himself mightily on our behalf. ~ Jim Cymbala

Throughout the course of your life, youre going to give your life to
something. You will. All people do. They give their lives to pleasure or to
possessions, to the attainment of popularity or to the acquisition of more
power. But always to something. ~ Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian

Those Wasted Years

I looked upon a farm one day,
That once I used to own;
The barn had fallen to the ground,
The fields were overgrown.
The house in which my children grew,
Where we had lived for years
I turned to see it broken down,
And brushed aside the tears.
I looked upon my soul one day,
To find it too had grown
With thorns and nettles everywhere,
The seeds neglect had sown.
The years had passed while I had cared
For things of lesser worth:
The things of Heaven I let go,
When minding things of Earth.
To Christ I turned with bitter tears,
And cried, O Lord forgive!
I havent much time left for Thee,
Not many years to live.
The wasted years forever gone,
The days I cant recall;
If I could live those days again,
Id make Him Lord of all.
~ Theodore W. Brennan

1. What have you given your life to?

2. Who has God called you to walk alongside?

3. Have you ever done something unnecessary in order to reach someone

for Christ?

4. Have you ever felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit?

5. Have you ever seen God open doors in an unusual way?

6. Have you ever encountered real opposition?

7. Are you drawn to a place of prayer?


What must I do...?

For Paul = What must I do ... to reach him?

For the Jailer = What must I do ... to be saved?

For Both = Believe ... Walk ahead in faith!


Gordinier, On a Ka-Ching and a Prayer, Entertainment Weekly, October 7, 1994.

JULY 13-17

JULY 13-17

Do you love children? Are you interested in sharing Christ?

How about outreach to our community?
Vacation Bible
School promotes these three areas of ministry for Christ ...
and more! Have fun playing games, creating crafts, teaching Scripture and praising our Great Lord through fun
songs. We are in need of many volunteers. Middle school
age students to adults are needed as Crew Leaders and
Helpers. This role includes Crew Leader training and 5 days
of VBS. Are you available? If you have any questions, please
contact Pete Potloff at 503-588-0403. You can also sign up

Do you love children? Are you interested in sharing Christ?

How about outreach to our community?
Vacation Bible
School promotes these three areas of ministry for Christ ...
and more! Have fun playing games, creating crafts, teaching Scripture and praising our Great Lord through fun
songs. We are in need of many volunteers. Middle school
age students to adults are needed as Crew Leaders and
Helpers. This role includes Crew Leader training and 5 days
of VBS. Are you available? If you have any questions, please
contact Pete Potloff at 503-588-0403. You can also sign up

I want to help with VBS 2015!

I want to help with VBS 2015!

Name_______________________ Phone____________

Name_______________________ Phone____________

Email: ________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________

Under Age 18 ______

Age 18 or over _____

Under Age 18 ______


T-shirt size: S

T-shirt size: S


(please circle one)

Age 18 or over _____




(please circle one)

Family Mat-

Sundays in July, 9 & 11 AM

Family Mat-

Sundays in July, 9 & 11 AM

July 5
Pastor Justin Greene

July 5
Pastor Justin Greene

Senior Pastor - Salem Heights Church

Senior Pastor - Salem Heights Church

July 12
Paul Tripp

July 12
Paul Tripp

President of Paul Tripp Ministries

President of Paul Tripp Ministries

July 19
Dr. Phil Howard

July 19
Dr. Phil Howard

Senior Pastor - Valley Bible Church

Senior Pastor - Valley Bible Church

July 26
Dr. Donald Whitney

July 26
Dr. Donald Whitney

Associate Dean - The Southern Baptist

Theological Seminary

Associate Dean - The Southern Baptist

Theological Seminary

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