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The Goshorns Step by Step

June 2015

Full House
We have a full house and are enjoying it! Daniel and
Audrey arrived safe and sound in early May, and
their stomachs are still adjusting and slowly getting
better:) They jumped right in and are going with us
on Wednesdays to help with kids games and Bible
lessons in Tynarri, and also to the orphanage twice a
week. It never gets old when we see the kids smile
and laugh on movie night.
We are still busy preparing for our construction/
Kids Club team in June. There is a lot of work to be
done when having a team, but it is very worth it. We
purchased the first load of material to start building
the church building. The pastor of that church came
to Huancayo and traveled back with it.
We also traveled a couple of hours back into the
mountains to visit a town called Comas. We had a
meeting with the mayor about having a possible
medical team come to their community in 2016. We
were told there are approximately 17,000 people in
the district. He is very excited about this idea and
said he will do what ever we need to make this
happen, so we need to start now to find doctors and
nurses who would be willing to serve the Lord on a
medical mission team. If you or someone you know
could help us out that would be awesome.
We have a big prayer request. For some reason we
have had a bit of trouble working with the orphanage
the past few weeks. When we have shown up the last

With the Mayor of Comas


few times, weve been told the kids were busy or

some other silly reason why we could not enter.
The kids wonder why we arent there more often,
so we know they still want us to come. Jennifer and
I noticed that this started around the time we had
our first kids club. We did have permission ahead
of time to have Bible lessons and Christian songs,
but it seems to have changed the directors attitude
toward us. We are here to share Christ , so please
pray that we can continue doing this work with the
children and staff at the orphanage.
Psalm 9:9-10
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name trust in you,
for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

We humbly thank you for your

continued prayers and financial
support. If you havent yet, we ask
that you would prayerfully consider
financially supporting this ministry in
Peru. Without more financial partners
this ministry can not continue to
grow. We love you all and thank you
for being part of Gods work in Peru.

Building site for the church

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The Goshorns Step By Step

As I mentioned on the first page, the pastor from the community
that our team will be serving traveled to Huancayo in order to
ride back with the material for the church we're building. After
the material was paid for and loaded, I noticed tears running
down his cheek. I was a little surprised because he never seemed
to be the emotional type. We were told that the pastor and the
people in the community never really believed that people would
actually pay for the material and travel to Peru just to help them.
All the buildings here are adobe, and they say this is their first
modern building because its brick. This project cost more money
than they would ever make. You also have to keep in mind that
we are the first foreigners to travel to this area in 70 years, and
for many it is their first experience with North Americans, so it
wasnt until we actually bought the first load of material that they
all believed we were going to do what we said we would do. I
also found out that the pastor is nervous about speaking in front
of our team. I said there is no reason to be nervous, and he then
responded, but I dont have any formal training. Jeremiah 1:5
says, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you
were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the
nations. Acts 1:8 says you will receive power when the Holy
Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. He is
doing exactly what the Lord wants us to do. This pastor has
stepped up and is sharing Christ in his community with no formal
training. I wont tell the pastor this, but I feel a little like he does.
Nervous. Who am I to guide these people? It is not I, it is the
LORD. It is true, if you think your not qualified, but are willing,
God will qualify you.
There are about 20 churches within a few hours of this location,
and none of the leaders have had training. The reason for
building this church is not so they can have a building to worship
in, because we all know you dont need a building for this, but it
is to build relationships. We mentioned to someone that we would like to start up a discipleship
group in this area, and he said it would be a good idea. Pastors would come and many people in
the community also. We will need to raise money in order to purchase the materials for this
ministry, so if you feel led to help with the purchase of this material, please let us know. This is
something that God could use to multiply and grow His church in spectacular ways.

Please pray that the team and the people of this community will work together to in
order to serve the Kingdom. Pray that discipleship groups will form and spread the
word of our Lord.

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The Goshorns Step by Step

P raye r R e q u e s t s a n d P ra i s e s
Continued physical, emotional and
spiritual protection.

Prayers for the team and safe travels.

Continued financial and prayer

support, as well as new financial and
prayer partners.

Prayers that relationships at the

orphanage will grow.

Saftey as we continue to explore

ministry opportunities.

Prayers for prison ministries

That we trust in the Lord for

everything and stay strong in our faith
in Him.

We are thankful for the body of Christ.

We are thankful for our health.

For Jennifers mom, Joan

Prayers that discipleship groups will

grow and spread the word of God.

Praises for the people in Peru so

willing to help.

Prayers for discernment about new

ministry opportunities.

Pa r t n e r w i t h u s
God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be effective ministers of Gods word without your prayers and financial support. Please consider partnering with us to further Gods Kingdom in

All tax deductible donations may be made to:

The Mission Society
PO Box 922637
Norcross Georgia 30010-2637 USA
Designate gifts to: Goshorn Support 5/540
Or online at:

At the bottom of the page will be a way of donating online.

Or visit our website at:
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

Please share this with

whomever you wish.

2 Timothy 2:2

And the things you have heard

me say in the presence of many
witnesses entrust to reliable
people who will also be
qualified to teach others.

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