Chapter 3 Electric Flux Density

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(1)An empty metal point can is placed on a marble table, the
lid is removed, and both parts are discharged (honorably)
by touching them to ground. An insulating nylon thread is
glued to the center of the lid, and a penny, a nickel and a
dime are glued to the thread so that they are not touching
each other. The penny is given a charge of +5nC, and the
nickel and dime are discharged. The assembly is lowered
into the can so that the coins hang clear of all walls, and
the lid is secured. The outside of the can is again touched
momentarily to ground. The device is carefully
disassembled with insulating gloves and tools.
(a) What charges are found on each of the five metallic

(b)If the penny had been given a charge of +5nC, the dime
a charge of -2nC, and the nickel a charge of -1 nC, what
would the final charge arrangement have been?

(3)A non-uniform surface chare density of ( p2 +1)

nC/m2 lies

in the plane z = 2 wherever < 5; s = 0 for > 5.

(a) How much electric flux leave in the circular region < 5,
z = 2?

(b)How much electric flux crosses the z = 0 plane in the

az direction?

(c) How much electric flux leaves the cylinder = 3 in the

a direction?

(5) A point charge of 6C in located at the origin, a uniform

line charge density of 180nC/m lies along the x axis, and a
uniform sheet of charge equal to 25nC/m 2 lies in the z = 0
(a) Find D at A(0,0,4)

(b)Find D at B(1,2,4)

(c) Calculate the total electric flux leaving the surface of

4m radius centered at the origin.

(7)Uniform line charges of 20nC/m each lie in the z = 0 plane

of x = 0, 1, 2,, 5.
(a) Find the total electric flux leaving the spherical surface

(b)Find D at P (0,2.5,4)

(9)The spherical region, 0 < r < 10 cm, contains a uniform

volume charge density v = 4C/m3.
(a) Find Qtot, 0 < r < 10 cm

(b)Find Dr, 0 < r < 10 cm

(c) The non-uniform volume charge density v =

r + 0.001

nC/m3, exists for 10 cm < r < ro so that the total charge,

o < r < ro, is zero.


Let v = 0 for < 1 cm and also for > 3cm. In the

region 1 < < 3cm, v =


108 cos 50 C/m3. Find D

(13) Cylindrical surface at = 2, 4 and 6m carry uniform

charge densities of 20 nC/m2, -4nC/m2, and s0, respectively.
(a) Find D at = 1, 3, and 5m

(b) Determine s0 such that D = 0 at = 7m.

(15) Uniform surface charge densinty of 100, -60, and 50

C/m2 lie in x = 0, y = 0, and z = 0 planes, respectively. Find
|D| at point 2.5 m from every coordinate plane in each of the
eight octants.

(17) Let

D=( 8 x + 4 x 3) ax 2 y a y +2 z a z


(a) Use Gauss law to determine the charge enclosed in the

cubical region, a< x , y , z< a

(b) Use Eq.(8) to obtain an approximate value for the above

charge. Evaluate the derivatives of the center of the

(c) Show that your answers agree in the limit as a becomes

very small.

(19) Let

D=12 xyz ax + ( 6 x 2 z +6 yz ) a y +(6 x 2 y +3 y 2 )a z

C/m2 and find

the increment amount of charge in a volume of 10 -10 m3 located

(a) (0,0,0)


(c) (4,y,-3)

(d)At what location in the cubical region

0 x , y , z 2


the volume be located to contain a maximum charge?

(21) Calculate the divergence of G at P(2,-3,4) if G = :


x a x + y a y + z az


r ar


(d) 6 r sin ar +2 r cos a

(23) The electric flux density

0 r< 1

D=10 r 3 ar

C/m3 in the region


(a) Find the v at r = 0.4m

(b) Find Dr at r = 0.4m

(c) What total charge is contained in the region

(d) If v = 0 for r > 1 m, find Dv for r > 1m.

0 r 0.4

(25) If

D=4 x a x 2 z a y 2 y a z

C/m2, find

(a) . D


at P(x,y,z)

(c) The total charge lying withing the region

1< x , y , z <1 .

(d) The total charge lying without finding v first.

(27) Within the cylindrical region

density is given as

5 3 a

4 m, the electric flux


(a) What is the volume charge density at = 3m?

(b) What is the electric flux density at = 3?

(c) How much electric flux leaves the cylinder, = 3,



(d) How much charge is contained within the cylinder, = 3,

|z|2.5 ?

(29) If D = 0.1rar C/m2 for


r 0.4 m, and

ar for r 0.4

(a) Find , v at r=0.2 and 0.5m

(b) What point charge could be placed at the origin to cause D

to be zero for r 0.4 ?

(31) Given the field


sin2 a +sin 2 a )
2 (
C/m2, find the

( )

total charge lying within the volume,

two different methods.

1<<2, 0< < , 0< z <1



(33) Let

D=x a x

and find the value of

surface of the shphere r = 1.

D . dS

over the

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