Kobold Angol Intermediate 4: © Kobold Műhely Bt. 2009

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Kobold Angol Intermediate 4

Make sentences with the correct form of have to.

a. We work every day.
b. Helen work hard in the office.
c. Children not go to school every day.
d. Susan not wake up early.
e. George meet somebody yesterday.
f. We not work last week.
g. My friend not buy anything last weekend.
h. Pam write 5 letters since 9 oclock.
i. Paul not wear a suit since his wedding.
j. My husband work next Friday.
k. What you do in the morning?
l. Why Helen work hard in the office?
m. Where she go yesterday?
n. Who he meet this afternoon?
o. your boss shave every day?
p. you be in the office before 8?
q. you wait a lot yesterday morning?
r. your kids go to school next Monday?
s. you ever organize a conference?
Kobold Mhely Bt. 2009. fnymsolhat photocopiable

Kobold Angol Intermediate 4

Make sentences with the correct form of be allowed to.

a. We ___________________________________(not wear) jeans in the office.
b. Nobody ___________________________________ smoke in schools today.
c. Our dog ___________________________________(not sleep) in our bed.
d. Teachers ___________________________________ smoke in schools when I was a child.
e. Their kids ___________________________________(not watch) Cartoon Network.
f. Office workers ___________________________________(not use) the Internet since last Monday.
g. ___________________________________(girls) wear short skirts at that boarding school?
h. ___________________________________(you) get home late when you were a teenager?
i. Why ___________________________________(he) use his fathers car?

a. A gyerekeimnek nem kell mindig 8-ra mennik az iskolba.
b. Nem szabad elksned a vacsorrl, mert mindenki pontos szokott lenni.
c. Nem kell felhvnod, ha nincs r idd.
d. Tilos mobilt hasznlni vezets kzben.
e. Ebbe az pletbe tilos belpni.
f. Nem kell neked megvenned az ajndkokat, majd n megcsinlom.
g. Hova kell mennned munka utn?
h. Mirt nem kellett rsztvennik a versenyen?
i. A hszas vekben az Egyeslt llamokban tilos volt akoholt rulni.

Kobold Mhely Bt. 2009. fnymsolhat photocopiable

Kobold Angol Intermediate 4

a. We have to work every day.
b. Helen has to work hard in the office.
c. Children dont have to go to school every day.
d. Susan doesnt have to wake up early.
e. George had to meet somebody yesterday.
f. We didnt have to work last week.
g. My friend didnt have to buy anything last weekend.
h. Pam has had to write 5 letters since 9 oclock.
i. Paul hasnt had to wear a suit since his wedding.
j. My husband will have to work next Friday.
k. What do you have to do in the morning?
l. Why does Helen have to work hard in the office?
m. Where did she have to go yesterday?
n. Who did he have to meet this afternoon?
o. Does your boss have to shave every day?
p. Do you have to be in the office before 8?
q. Did you have to wait a lot yesterday morning?
r. Will your kids have to go to school next Monday?
s. Have you ever had to organize a conference?

We arent allowed to wear jeans in the office.

Nobody is allowed to smoke in schools today.
Our dog isnt allowed to sleep in our bed.
Teachers were allowed to smoke in schools when I was a child.
Their kids arent allowed to watch Cartoon Network.
Office workers havent been allowed to use the Internet since last Monday.
Are girls allowed to wear short skirts at that boarding school?
Were you allowed to get home late when you were a teenager?
Why is he allowed to use his fathers car?


My kids dont always have to go to school by 8.

You mustnt be late for the dinner because (ususally) everybody is punctual.
You dont have to phone me if you have no time.
You mustnt use a/your mobile while driving.
You mustnt enter this building.
You dont have to buy the presents, Ill do it.
Where do you have to go after work?
Why didnt they have to take part in the competition?
It was prohibited to sell alcohol in the USA in the 20s.
Selling alcohol was prohibited in the USA in the 20s.

Kobold Mhely Bt. 2009. fnymsolhat photocopiable

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