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Persenburg-Gtzdorf, June 05, 2015

HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, OSCAR I, by the Grace of God and the Will of the People, King of
Ruthenia, in respect of Article 7, Chapter I of our Constitution, do hereby decree and
promulgate the Civil Code of the Kingdom of Ruthenia, which reads as follows:

General Principles
1. Only through Law is established obligations or duties to the Ruthenian citizen
relation to Ruthenian State.
. It is considered abuse of power when the authority or public agency try to
coerce or force citizens to obligation or duty not provided for by Ruthenian Law.
2. Ignorance of the law does not excuse compliance and not serve as a mitigating for
legal penalties for non-compliance.
3. The law will take effect on the date specified in its own legal text, or on the first day
following its publication if it is not expressly provided the date.
4. A subsequent law will repeal the previous if the reception of the previous text is not
expressly provided.
1. The law cease to be in force until revoked or modified by subsequent law.
2. Law establishing rules and procedures in general does not repeal the law
which refers, as it comes to executive procedures only.
3. Having two or more laws incompatible with each other texts, should the
General Assembly of the Kingdom deliberate on the matter and decide by a single law
to remain in effect.
5. The law to enter into force not abrogate the right acquired final and unappealable
judgment or legal act already accomplished.

Citizens and Non-Citizens
6. It is Ruthenian Citizen who:
a. who is lawfully in citizen's condition on the date of enactment of this Act;
b. who is graced by double-citizenship duly recognized by the Government of
the Kingdom of Ruthenia.
7. Will lose citizenship, and all rights and acquired relevant and enjoyment, who:
a. renounce it publicly;
b. acquire citizenship without informing the Government of the Kingdom of
c. has been processed and judged by crime that results in expulsion.
8. The non-citizen in Ruthenian territory is subject to Act, unless diplomatic immunity
or other exceptional provision contained in international treaty.
9. To the legally established foreign in Ruthenia, is guaranteed:
a. right to property and inheritance;
b. right to ideological and religious freedom;
within the limits of the Ruthenian Law.
c. right to personal and familiar privacy;
d. right to the secrecy of phone records, personal e-mail address and any other
communication programs;
e. right to petition the public authorities in defense of himself or anothers right.

Civil Marriage and Family
10. Civil marriage is the official union of two people, Ruthenian citizens or recognized
micronation, and will be effective when signed in accordance with the terms of this
11. It is legitimate to celebrate the civil marriage any public official to request to the
Ministry of Interior the ratification and the deposit of the term of marriage signed in the
Ministry archives.
12. The spouses, once married, can adopt the surnames of each other in the way that is
convenient for them, or create a new family name, even if it is the junction of the
13. The civil marriage will cease by divorce, what will happen when:.
a. Consensual, when mutually agreed and duly ratified by the Ministry of
b. Litigious, when not mutually accepted and duly ratified by the Judiciary.
14. The divorced spouses may remarry both among themselves and with different
people, at any time after being ratified divorce.

15. For the purposes of this Act, family must be understood as a group of people who
have degree of kinship with each other and adoption as an act of adopting individual as
family member.
1. Kinship originating from extra-micronational relations will be recognized in
accordance with that Act.
2. Families and all acts related to it should be served and archived by the
Ministry of Interior.
16. Marriages and adoptions, in accordance with the law and with effect only in
Micronational Kingdom of Ruthenia, should only be performed by:
a. Ruthenian, born or naturalized;
b. Have its registration accepted by the Ministry of the Interior.
17. Acts of adoption can not be undone.
18. Adoptees may assume surname of a parent or sibling.
19. It is allowed to adopt children or siblings.
. This article and the law in its entirety, have its validity restricted to
micronational activities in the Kingdom of Ruthenia, not generating macronational

Final Dispositions
20. The other civil rights are regulated in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Ruthenia
and the rest will be regulated under specific laws.
21. This law will take effect on 8 June 2015.

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