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Name: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

School: ______________________________________________ Teacher: ______________________________________

Arrange the series adjectives inside the parenthesis in correct order.

1. The (little beautiful three gold) plates.

2. My sister adopted a (white big beautiful) bulldog.
3. The library has (new old) books.
4. We live in the (green and white big ) house at the end of the street.
5. My friend lost a (leather black three ) wallet.
Write the homonyms of the following words.
6. stick
7. eat
8. hair
9. blow
10. cut

11. nose 12. low 13. sight 14. great 15. eyes -

Read the selection below then answer the question that follow. Write the letter of the correct
answer in the blank.


Today, in most cities, smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the health and well-being
of the people. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-products from gasoline burned in cars and
from factories.
Air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities. Smog consists of smoke and exhaust
fumes mixed with fog.To control air pollution, smoke ordinances have been passed. Smoke-belching
vehicles are checked and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating from them.
23. To lessen air pollution, the government
16. Smoke and exhaust fumes are usually
has passed ____.
abundant in ____.
a. Fishing ordinance
a. Cities
b. Logging ordinance
b. Farms
c. Smoke ordinance
c. Towns
24. Smoke-belching vehicles are banned from
17.Pollution is not good for our ____.
a. Health
a. Plying the streets
b. Mind
b. Picking up passengers
c. Spirit
c. Loading gasoline
18.Smoke and exhaust fumes contain much
25. Exhaust fumes are by-products of ____.
a. Burning gasoline
a. Oxygen
b. Plants and trees
b. Water vapor
Healthy people
c. Harmful gas
19. Air pollution can make us ____.
a. Active
b. Sleepy
c. Sick
20. When gasoline is burned, by-products are
given off such as ____.
a. Oxygen and nitrogen
b. Carbon dioxide and water vapor
c. Smoke and exhaust fumes
21. When smoke and exhaust fumes are
mixed with fog, we have what we call ____.
a. clouds
b. smog
c. fog
22. The government is doing its best to ____.
a. Totally remove air pollution
b. Encourage air pollution
Control air pollution

Arrange the instructions on How to Prepare Sweetened Bananas by writing 1 to 5 on your paper.
26. _______ Then put sugar and stir.
27. _______ Peel the bananas and cut each into 3 pieces, slightly slanted.
28. _______ Serve the sweetened bananas with pineapple juice.
29. _______ Next, boil the bananas in 2 cups of water until cooked and add more sugar as needed until
syrup turns light brown.
30. _______ Finally, add some calamansi juice or vanilla.
31. Earthworms ____ in the vertical holes in the ground called burrows.
a. lives
b. live
c. lived
d. leave
32. Light _______ us to see.
a. able
b. enable
c. enables
d. enable
33.. Turtles ________ their eggs in the sand.
a. lay
b. lays
c. laid
d. lie
34. Ted and Roy ______ to the mall yesterday.
a. go
b. good
c. goes
d. went
35. Felix and his friends _____ Rico in their house.
a. see
b. visit
c. visited
d. visiting
36. Mark and his classmates _________ about the class birthday party and program yesterday.
a. talking
b. talked
c. talk
d. talks
37. The dog ______ every time the people will pass by the house.
a. bark
b. barks
c. barked
d. barking
38. Jarius ______ to play under the heat of the sun.
a. loving
b. love
c. loves
d. loved
39. The children in the orphanage ________ in the swimming pool.
a. swim
b. swimming c. swims
40. My parents ____________ our electric bills.
a. paying
b. pay
c. pays
Add suffix or prefix to the following words.

approve -

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