Mrs. Caruso's Class: Church History Chapter 4 Notes

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Church History

Chapter 4 Notes
Mrs. Caruso’s Class

Marks of the Church:



Liturgical Calendar:



Gregorian Chant:

Church Buildings:
• When persecutions ended, Christians built churches as
___________________ and ______________ representing their faith.
• Used __________________ to convey what Christianity at the time
stood for:
– .
– .
– .
– .

Marks of the Church:

• Converts from different regions brought with them different
• Church leaders felt the need to formalize beliefs and practices;
only a united Church could claim to be one, holy, catholic, and
• Marks of the Church:
– .
• ______
– It has one Lord, one Baptism, forms one Body enlivened by
the Spirit, and one Hope in salvation
• ________
– God, its author, is Holy, Christ died to make it Holy, its life
comes from the Holy Spirit
• ________________
– Proclaims the faith to people around the world, it is
• __________________
– Founded on the Apostles, Christ governs through the
successors of Peter and the Apostles

Major Christian Centers:

• Largest cities became major ______________________, leaders of
which were called _______________.
• Patriarchates, cities with patriarchs:
– .
– .
– .
– .
– .
• Bishop of Rome continued to be viewed as the head of the
____________ Church, but the Patriarch of ____________________
held a place of prominence in the ________.
• From the 5th Century on, the gap between East and West
continued to grow:
– Eastern Churches used ________, Western Churches use
– Over time, leaders could no longer understand each other.
– Differences in Church practices and spirituality also
created tension between East and West.
• Ex: differences in rules about fasting, about the kind
of bread used for the Eucharist, about priests
marrying, and even about priests having beards.

The Christian Experience:

• Most influential thinker in the West was
– Wrote extensively on the topic of ________.
– “Grace is a participation in the life of God.” (CCC #1997)
• Christians of the time found grace everywhere. Their lives were
___________________ from birth to death. Seasons of the year were
Christianized into the ____________________________.
– Liturgical Calendar was divided into the seasons of
__________, ________________, _______, ______________,
__________, ______________________.

Developments in Church Practice:

• Though a set list of Sacraments did not exist until ________,
various sacramental celebrations were definitely viewed as
means of __________.
• ___________ and ________________ had buildings designed
exclusively for their celebration.
• Church design imitated that of public buildings popular at the
• ________________________ was introduced and used in the Liturgy.
• Were it not for missionaries, places like Ireland, England, and
Germany would not have become the strongholds of Christianity
that they did.
• Missionaries engaged in a contest: Christian God vs. other gods.

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