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Troubleshooting: Common Error Messages

The following table includes a list of common task errors and their causes.
Error Message


You installed the secure agent before you created

this task. For some reason, the agent is not
running anymore, either because 1) it was
The Informatica Secure Agent xxx used by this connection
uninstalled, or 2) the computer that you installed it
is inactive. Start the Informatica Secure Agent.
on is not currently available, or 3) there is a new
proxy server or firewall blocking its

The job failed. Please inspect the activity log entry to see
the error messages.

The login to failed with the following

message - com.sforce.soap.partner.LoginFault:
INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security
token; or user locked out.

Data xxx task failed to run. Another instance of the task is

currently executing.

This error can be caused by an invalid expression,

or other issue, in the task's mapping. If you see
this error when running a task that was previously
working, the problem is most likely due to a
change in the structure of one of your end points,
or a temporary network issue.
There is an issue with your login
credentials. Most likely, you need to add a security token or trusted IP addess
range. For more information, refer to the
following document: Integration:
Using a Security Token or Configuring Trusted IP
Address Ranges.
This can happen when you have assigned a task or
task flow to run on a schedule with a short repeat
frequency. The task (or first task in a task flow) is
still running when the schedule tries to start it
again. You will need to increase the repeat
frequency of the schedule. Another possibility is
that the task is hung. To stop a task, go to
the Activity Monitor and stop the task by clicking
the red "x" in the Actions column.

FR_3000 Error opening file [XXXXX]. Operating system

Most likely, you have the source or target file open
error message [The system cannot find the file specified.] or
in Excel or notepad. You need to close the file so
[The process cannot access the file because it is being used
that Informatica Cloud can read or write to it.
by another process.]

This means that the engine could not accomplish

the first step in your task. Generally, this indicates
that your source file or database is unreadable by
the engine (even though you could preview data).
[DTM_10004] The DTM process terminated unexpectedly.
Check your source columns for spaces, dashes, or
special characters. It could also mean that a virus
scanner, content filter, or proxy server is blocking
agent access to the source.
Target field [XXXXX] does not exist in the object

Did you delete a column from your file, database,

or remove a field from

The connection test failed. The directory [XXXXX] does

not exist.

Did you remove the directory you were using from

your computer? Did you install an agent on
another computer? Remember that the Agent has
to have local or network access to your files.

[FATAL] Upsert is turned on, but external Id is missing.

When your task operation is "Upsert", you must

map a unique identifier in your source system to a
field marked with the "external ID" property in
Salesforce. For more information on external IDs,
refer to this document: Relating Objects with
Informatica Cloud.

This error is caused by an invalid expression in the

TE_7002 Transformation stopped due to a fatal error in the
task's mapping. Open the task and use the
mapping. The expression [XXXXX] contains the following
Expression Editor's Validate button to validate any
errors [XXXXX]:
field expressions.
This is most likely a temporary problem with or your network. You can
There was an error connecting to
check to see if there are
any known server issues.
This happens when the source or taget file for your
File [XXXXX] does not exist.
task has been deleted or moved.
An authenticated user logged into the Informatica
The workflow for the job [XXXXX] was requested to be
Cloud application, went to the Activity Monitor,
stopped. Reason [User requested].
and stopped the task or taskflow.
This means that the secure agent for the task was
The workflow for the job [wf_dss_6204] was requested to either stopped manually, or encountered a serious
be stopped. Reason [Agent disconnected].
error. Check that the agent is running, and restart,
if necessary.
The query sent to failed. This can
happen if the query exceeds the 10,000 character
[FATAL] Query failed. User [XXXXX]. SOSQL [XXXXX]. limit that allows for a query. Edit
Fault code [XXXXX]. Reason [XXXXX]
your task and , exclude some fields. The "Reason"
portion of the error message should help you
determine what the issue is.
If the problem is with the target file, the last task
probably failed and corrupted your file. Overwrite
the file with your backup. If the problem is with
Header line does not exist
the source file, there is likely a problem with the
header line in the file. The header is the top line in
the file, and describes each column.

; nested exception is: null

There was an error connecting to web

There was an error connecting to web
service. XXXXX
RR_4035 SQL Error [XXXXX].
[FATAL] QueryMore failed. User [XXXXX]. SOSQL

This means that a catastropic network error

occurred. Stop, and then restart, the secure agent.
Most likely, this is a temporary error caused by
problems communicating with
Attempt to rerun the task in a few minutes. If you
continue to encounter this error, follow these steps:
1) Edit your task, 2) Go to the Field Mappings
page, 3) Click the Refresh Fieldsbutton, 4) Click
the Validate Mapping button.
There is a problem connecting to your SQL
database. This could be a temporary network
issue, or the schema changed in one of your tables.
This is most likely a temporary issue retrieving the
next set of data and retries were
exceeded. Rerun the task.

[FATAL] Cannot update or delete rows. You must connect

the ID column to update or delete rows.

If your task operation is "Update" or "Delete", you

must map the ID. If your source
file does not contain the Salesforce ID, try using
a Lookup (Field Mappings page) in your mapping.

[FATAL] Login failed. User [XXXXX]. Fault code

username, password, security token; or user locked out.

You have probably changed either your password or security token since
you last ran this task.

This is most likely a temporary problem with

[ERROR] Reattempt the Salesforce request [XXXXX] due or your network. You can
to the error [XXXXX]
check to see if there are
any known server issues.
You need to update the Service URL field in your
0 success rows, 0 error rows. [FATAL] login failed. User
Salesforce connection. Change the URL from the
[XXXXX] Fault Code [32] Reason [SOAP Error : [Version
default "" to your node name.
Error : Version Mismatch] Please Contact Informatica
To determine your node name, log into Salesforce
Customer Support.]
and examine the URL.
Error loading into target [Account] : Error received from
This error is usually caused when a required field Fields []. Status code
in your target object is not being populated with
data from the source. In this example, the user was
trying to populate the Account object in Salesforce

which has a required field of "Status Code". The

source file did not have any data in the Status Code
field. Populate the required field in the source file
and make sure that the fields are mapped correctly.
This error means that you have made too many
SFDC API calls over a 24 hour period.

0 success rows, 0 error rows. The login to

failed with the following message com.sforce.soap.partner.UnexpectedErrorFault:

This can happen when 1) the batch size (on step 6

in the Data Synchronization Task wizard) is set to
less than 200, or 2) too many Lookup calls to
Salesforce are running too frequently.
For the latter issue, if you are performing an data
initial migration, you might consider bringing
down the data from Salesforce to a flat file. You
can then run the migration looking up data from
the file. For ongoing integration, you can lookup
data in Salesforce.

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