ShyQ #35scoring

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Please indicate, for each of the statements below, how characteristic the statement is of you, that is, how much it
reflects what you typically think, feel, and do.
1. not at all characteristic 2. Somewhat 3. Moderately 4. Very 5. Extremely characteristic


_____I am afraid of looking foolish in social situations.


_____I often feel insecure in social situations.


_____Other people appear to have more fun in social situations than I do.


_____If someone rejects me I assume that I have done something wrong.


_____It is hard for me to approach people who are having a conversation.


_____I feel lonely a good deal of the time.


_____I tend to be more critical of other people than I appear to be.


_____It is hard for me to say no to unreasonable requests.


_____I do more than my share on projects because I cant say no.

10. _____I find it easy to ask for what I want from other people.
11. _____I do not let others know I am frustrated or angry.
12. _____I find it hard to ask someone for a date.
13. _____It is hard for me to express my real feelings to others.
14. _____I tend to be suspicious of other peoples intentions toward me.
15. _____I am bothered when others make demands on me.
16. _____It is easy for me to sit back in a group discussion and observe rather than participate.
17. _____I find myself unable to enter new social situations without fearing rejection or not being noticed.
18. _____I worry about being a burden on others.
19. _____Personal questions from others make me feel anxious.
20. _____I let others take advantage of me.
21. _____I judge myself negatively when I think others have negative reactions to me.
22. _____I try to figure out what is expected in a given situation and then act that way.
23. _____I feel embarrassed when I look or seem different from other people.
24. _____I am disappointed in myself.
25. _____I blame myself when things do not go the way I want them to.
26. _____I sometimes feel ashamed after social situations.
27. _____I am usually aware of my feelings, even if I do not know what prompted them.
28. _____I am frequently concerned about others approval.

29. _____I like taking risks in social situations.

30. _____If someone is critical of me I am likely to assume that they are having a bad day.
31. _____If I let people know too much about me they will gossip about me.
32. _____I think it is important to please others.
33. _____People feel superior when someone is socially anxious.
34. _____I spend a lot of time thinking about my social performance after I spend time with people.

_____I am satisfied with my level of social support.

Items 10, 29, 30, and 35 are reverse-scored. That is, 1 = 5, 2 = 4, 3 = 3, 4 = 2, 5 = 1. Change those scores; then take the
mean of the items as the Shyness Quotient, or ShyQ. The average score for college students is 2.5 with a standard deviation
of .6. A score of 3.1 or above indicates that the person is in the top 15% in relation to a normative sample of college students.
Therefore, shyness may be interfering with meeting goals and developing satisfying relationships. The reverse-score of the
ShyQ. Mean is the Social Fitness Quotient. The reverse of that score, for example, 3.6 = 2.4 (you compute the reverse score
by subtracting the score from six).

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