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Verde Diana-Georgiana

Anul II

Marketing The four P`s

Popular, "marketing" is the promotion of products, especially advertising and branding.
However, in the jargon term has a broader spectrum of meanings that have a common element in
making customer focus. The products are developed to satisfy the desires of groups of customers,
and in some cases even of specific customers. McCarthy divided marketing into four segments.
Topology has become universally recognized and 4P's CCD became a term of language.
The four Ps are:
Product: Aspects of Product Management and Marketing handles products or product
specifications asset concerned, and how they relate to the needs and wants of the end user.
Price: Refers to the pricing of a product, including discounts.
Promotion: Includes advertising, public relations, advertising and personal selling, and
refers to the different ways to promote a product, brand or company.
Placement or distribution refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, the
placement at the retail point of sale or. This fourth P refers to the place where the product or
service is sold, eg geographic region or industry, and which is addressed segment (young adults,
families, companies, businessmen, women, men, etc.).
These four elements are usually called marketing mix. A trader can use these values to
draw up a marketing plan. The 4P model is especially useful when using a low-value product.
Industrial products, services and products with high value need small adjustments to this model.
Marketing services must consider the nature uniqueness services. Industrial or B2B marketing
must take into account the value of long-term contractual agreements that are specific
transactions in the supply chain. Marketing relations trying to do this on marketing by the value
of long-term relations only in terms of individual transactions.
As an opponent of this theory, Morgan, in Riding the Waves of Change (Jossey-Bass,
1988), adds "Perhaps the most important criticism that we can bring 4P approach, and should be
aware of, is that unconsciously embraces the view inside-outside (on the company's products),
whereas the essence of marketing should be exterior-interior views ". Even so, by building this
set easily memorable 4P theory is a quick guide that covers most of the major categories of
marketing activity and the framework within which they can be used.

Marketing-Cei 4 P
Popular, "marketing" reprezint promovarea produselor, mai ales publicitatea i
brandingul. Totui, n limbaj profesional termenul are un spectru mai mare de nelesuri care au
ca element comun punerea n centrul ateniei a clienilor. Produsele sunt dezvoltate pentru a
satisface dorinele unor grupuri de clieni, i, n anumite cazuri, chiar a unor clieni anume.
McCarthy a mprit marketingul n patru segmente de activitate. Topologia lui a devenit
universal recunoscut, iar setul lui de 4P a devenit un termen al limbajului.
Cei patru P sunt:
Produs: Aspectele de Managementul produselor i Marketingul produselor se ocup de
specificaiile bunului sau produsului n cauz, i la modul n care relaioneaz la nevoile i
dorinele utilizatorului final.
Pre: Se refer la procesul de stabilire a preului pentru un produs, inclusiv reducerile de
Promovare: Include reclama, relaiile publice, publicitatea i vnzrile personale, i se
refer la diferite metode de promovare a unui produs, brand sau companie.
Plasament sau distribuie, se refer la modul n care produsul ajunge la client; spre
exemplu, plasamentul la locul vnzrii sau desfacerii cu amnuntul. Acest al patrulea P face
referin la locul unde produsul sau serviciul este vndut, exemplu regiune geografic sau ramura
industrial, i segmentul cruia se adreseaz(tineri aduli, familii, companii, oameni de afaceri,
femei, brbai, etc.).
Aceste patru elemente sunt de obicei numite marketing mix. Un comerciant poate folosi
aceste valori pentru a ntocmi un plan de marketing. Modelul celor 4P este folositor mai ales
cnd se folosete pentru produse de o valoare redus. Produsele industriale, serviciile i
produsele cu o valoare mare au nevoie de mici adaptri ale acestui model. Marketingul
serviciilor trebuie s aib n vedere natura unicitii serviciilor. Marketingul industrial sau B2B
trebuie s in seama de valoarea pe termen lung a acordurilor contractuale care sunt specifice
tranzaciilor din lanul de aprovizionare. Marketingul relaiilor ncearc s fac acest lucru
privind marketingul prin prisma valorii pe termen lung a relaiilor dect prin prisma tranzaciilor
Ca opozant al acestei teorii, Morgan, n Riding the Waves of Change (Jossey-Bass, 1988),
adaug "Poate c cea mai important critic pe care o putem aduce abordrii 4P, i de care ar
trebui s fii contient, este c n mod incontient mbrieaz punctul de vedere interiorexterior
(privind de la produsele companiei), pe cnd esena marketingului ar trebui s fie punctul de
vedere exteriorinterior". Chiar i aa, prin construirea acestui set uor memorabil, teoria 4P este
un ghid rapid care acoper majoritatea categoriilor majore ale activitii de marketing, precum i
cadrul n care aceste pot fi utilizate.

Tehnici (metode) de promovare

Tehnici (metode) de promovare - nelegndu-se prin aceasta principalele modaliti prin

care produsele, serviciile i organizaiile sunt fcute cunoscute n masa larg a cumprtorilor;
Publicitatea care este o variabil de ordin calitativ avnd drept scop prezentarea indirect
(nepersonaI) - oral sau vizual - a unui mesaj n legtur cu un produs, un serviciu sau o firm
de ctre un susintor (plti tor) identificat.
Promovarea vnzrilor, fiind o variabil de ordin cantitativ, const n diverse aciuni
promoionale ce aduc consumatorului avantaje economice materiale imediate (reduceri de
preuri, oferte speciale, bonificaii, etc.)
Relaiile publice grupeaz o serie de activiti specifice, de natur calitativ i pe termen
lung, i sunt menite s mbunteasc imaginea produsului, serviciului sau firmei.
Marca reprezint ansamblul semnelor distinctive avnd rolul de individualiza un produs,
o gam de produse, un serviciu, o firm n raport cu cele ale concurenei, de a garanta calitatea
produselor i de a certifica notorietatea i prestigiul firmei.
Manifestrile promoionale, formate din manifestri expoziionale i sponsorizare,
constituie deopotriv variabile calitative i cantitative ce presupun utilizarea, pe perioade de timp
determinate, a ntregii game de tehnici i aciuni promoionale.
Forele de vnzare, au ca scop utilizarea personalului n aciuni de prospectare,
demonstraie, argumentare, negociere, ncheiere de contracte, vnzare efectiv a produselor,
consultan, asisten tehnic, toate fiind variabile preponderent cantitative, dar care nu exclud i
aciuni de ordin calitativ legate de formarea imaginii ntreprinderii pe care o reprezint.
Publicitatea direct (marketingul direct) este prezentat sub o varietate de forme: pota
direct (mailing), telemarketingul (vnzrile directe prin telefon), vnzrile telematice (prin
televiziunea clasic i prin cablu) vnzrile prin alte suporturi de mesaje electronice (Internetul).
n activitatea de promovare a produselor, serviciilor i firmelor pe pieele internaionale
se folosesc cu succes i alte tehnici promoionale cum ar fi: promovarea prin service, prin
contrapartid, prin leasing, consulting.

Techniques (methods) promotion

Techniques (methods) promotion - understood by the main means by which products,

services and organizations are publicized in the mass range of buyers;
Advertising that is a variable qualitative aimed indirect presentation (nepersonaI) - oral
or visual - a message about a product, service or firm by a supporter (pay tor) identified.
Sales promotion, is a quantitative variable, consisting of various promotional materials
that bring immediate economic benefits to the consumer (price reductions, special offers, bonus,
Public Relations brings together a number of specific, qualitative and long-term, and are
designed to improve the image of the product, service or company.
Brand is all badges with the role individualize a product, product range, service, a
company in relation to the competition, to ensure product quality and to certify reputation and
prestige of the company.
Promotional events consisting of exhibitions and sponsorship is both qualitative and
quantitative variables that involve the use in determined time, a whole range of techniques and
promotional activities.
Sales forces, they aim to use the prospect personnel actions, demonstration, argument,
negotiation, conclusion of contracts, the actual product sales, consulting, technical assistance, all
variables mainly quantitative but not qualitative excluded and actions related The imaging
company it represents.
Direct advertising (direct marketing) is presented in a variety of forms: direct mail
(mailing), telemarketing (direct sales by phone), sales of telematics (the classical and cable
television) sales of electronic messages through other media (the Internet).
In the promotion of products, services and companies on international markets
successfully use and other promotional techniques such as: promoting the service by
counterparty, leasing, consulting.

Dividendul reprezint o parte din profitul net care vine pentru o aciune emis de o
societate pe aciuni (societate de capitaluri anonim sau n comandit pe aciuni), care revine
fiecrui acionar n raport cu aciunile pe care le posed.
Dividendul mai este definit i ca o distribuire n bani sau n natur, efectuat de o
persoan juridic unui participant la persoana juridic, drept consecin a deinerii unor titluri de
participare la acea persoan juridic, exceptnd urmtoarele:
- o distribuire de titluri de participare suplimentare care nu modific procentul de deinere
a titlurilor de participare ale oricrui participant la persoana juridic;
- o distribuire n bani sau n natur, efectuat n legtur cu rscumprarea titlurilor de
participare la persoana juridic, alta dect rscumprarea care face parte dintr-un plan de
rscumprare, ce nu modific procentul de deinere a titlurilor de participare al nici unui
participant la persoana juridic;
- o distribuire n bani sau n natur, efectuat n legtur cu lichidarea unei persoane
- o distribuire n bani sau n natur, efectuat cu ocazia reducerii capitalului social
constituit efectiv de ctre participani.
Dividendele se distribuie periodic, fiind pltite n numerar, pachete adiionale de aciuni
n cadrul societii sau ambele i trebuie declarate ca venit n anul n care sunt primite, fiind
Etapele stabilirii valorii dividendului de plat sunt urmtoarele:
- previziunea fluxurilor de numerar (cash flow -urilor) suplimentare, rezultate dup
scderea fondurilor necesare pentru realizarea investiiilor, din fluxurile pozitive de fonduri
generate n mod normal de ctre firma, pe termen lung;
- plata unor dividende constante pe baza previziunii realizate;
- n cazul n care realitatea depete ateptrile, plata unui bonus sub forma unui
dividend suplimentar. Dac modificarea n nivelul cash flow - urilor are un caracter permanent,
se modific gradual nivelul dividendelor odat cu o politica de informare a acionarilor legat de
motivele i implicaiile acestei modificri.

The dividend
The dividend is part of net profit that comes for a share issued by a company limited by
shares (anonymous or capital company limited by shares), which each shareholder returns
relative to the shares they own.
defined as dividend distribution in cash or in kind, made by a legal person a participant in
the legal person as a result of the ownership of units of that person, except the following:
a distribution of additional units of which does not change the percentage of
ownership of the shares of any participant in the legal person;
a distribution in cash or in kind made in connection with the redemption of shares
in legal person other than the redemption that is part of a plan to repurchase does
not change the percentage of ownership of the shares of any participant in the
legal person ;
a distribution in cash or in kind made in connection with the liquidation of a legal
a distribution in cash or in kind, made at the capital reduction effectively
constituted by the participants.
Dividends are distributed regularly being paid in cash, additional packages of shares in
the company or both and must be declared as income in the year they are received, they are
The steps of determining the amount of the dividend payment are as follows:
forecast cash flows (cash - flow s) of additional results after deducting the
necessary funds for investment, the positive flows of funds normally generated by
the company in the long term;
payment of dividends based on the forecast made constant;
where reality exceeds expectations, the payment of a bonus as an extra dividend.
If the change in the cash -flow - s is a permanent, gradual changes with the
dividend policy to inform shareholders of the reasons for and implications of such

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