Word Formation Enviroment

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Word formation

1a Read the text below quickly. What is the alternative source of power referred to
and why is it currently not being used so much?
1b For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in CAPITALS at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is
an example at the beginning (0)

The power of the tides

In recent years, a lot of international (0)___ attention___ has focused

on the idea that we should be aiming to meet the needs of the present


without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.

This idea is generally referred to as (1) ________________________


development, and an integral part of the wider aim is the use of so-called
(2) ____________________ sources of energy.
Tidal power, the (3) ____________________ of the movement of the


oceanic tides to generate electricity, has a part to play in this, especially

given the greater (4) ____________________ of tides compared to


other sources of power, such as the wind or the sun. Until recently,
however, tidal power has remained a largely(5) ____________________ TAP

source of energy, due to the relatively high costs involved. If this issue
can be addressed however, tidal power could represent an almost
(6) ______________ source of energy, and recent technological


(7) ______________________are beginning to make this into a


more realistic proposition. If costs can be brought down, then electricity

produced in this way could compete more(8) _________________ EFFECT
on the open market.

Word formation
The following verbs (1-10) have noun forms ending in ion. Write the noun form and
match the verbs to their meanings (A-J). Where is the stress in the pronunciation of
the noun forms?
1 contaminate
2 degrade
3 deplete
4 deteriorate
5 devastate
6 implement
7 irrigate
8 legislate
9 pollinate
10 rehabilitate

A become worse
B damage sth badly or completely
C enable a plant to produce seeds
D help (a person, an animal) to live a normal life again
E make changes that have been officially decided
F make a law
G make the condition of sth worse
H pollute
I reduce the amount of sth
J water land or crops

Word formation: verbs------- nouns ending in ion

The suffix ion when added to a verb refers to a state or process.
For example: operate-------- operation
Find the noun form of these verbs and complete the sentences
Discuss the meaning of any words that are unfamiliar.







1 Over________________, when we buy or eat more than we need to fulfil our basic
needs, will have to be curtailed in order to preserve resources.
2 It is doubtful whether the ________________ of native tribes into modern society
is desirable or beneficial to them.
3. When humans start building roads and bridges in the jungle, this can cause
severe ___________________ to the whole ecosystem of the forest.
4. The ___________________ of Antarctica is unlikely given the difficult living
conditions there.
5. Only a few communities nowadays live in complete __________________ from
the modern world.
6. Many multinational mining companies are involved in the __________________ of
gold, copper and diamonds from the worlds rainforests.

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