Mikell Search Tool Comparison

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Brittany Mikell

FRIT 7235

Search Tool Comparison Assignment

1. What were your Search term(s)? What Search Tools did you use?
a. Search Term: R-controlled vowels
b. Search Tools:
i. www.yahoo.com (Directory)
ii. www.ixquick.com (MetaSearch Engine)
iii. www.google.com (Search Engines)
iv. www.bing.com (Search Engines)
v. http://www.beaucoup.com/ (Directory)
2. How many hits did you get from each search tool?
a. Yahoo: 215,000
b. IX Quick: 113, 607
c. Google: 295, 000
d. Bing: 213,000
e. Beaucoup: 65, 900
3. List the top five sites from each search tool.
a. Yahoo
i. www.phonicsontheweb.com/r-vowels.php
ii. blog.maketaketeach.com/r-controlled-vowels
iii. bogglesworldesl.com/rcontrolledvowels.htm
iv. rbeaudoin333.homestead.com/bossy_r_s_1.html
v. www.ling.upenn.edu/pri/pdfs/RR10.pdf
b. IX Quick
i. http://www.phonicsontheweb.com/r-vowels.php
ii. http://specialed.about.com/od/literacy/a/rcontrolled.htm
iii. http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/phonics/grade2_3/pg_142/begin_dia2.htm
iv. http://blog.maketaketeach.com/r-controlled-vowels/
v. http://www.mybreakfastreadingprogram.com/MBRP_01/glance_oj.htm
c. Google
i. www.phonicsontheweb.com/r-vowels.php
ii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY8bR9sRARQ
iii. www.ling.upenn.edu/pri/pdfs/RR10.pdf
iv. bogglesworldesl.com/rcontrolledvowels.htm
v. www.starfall.com/n/sorting/r-controlled/play.htm?f
d. Bing
i. www.phonicsontheweb.com/r-vowels.php
ii. blog.maketaketeach.com/r-controlled-vowels
iii. bogglesworldesl.com/rcontrolledvowels.htm
iv. rbeaudoin333.homestead.com/bossy_r_s_1.html
v. www.ling.upenn.edu/pri/pdfs/RR10.pdf
e. Beaucoup
i. www.phonicsontheweb.com/r-vowels.php
ii. www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY8bR9sRARQ
iii. bogglesworldesl.com/rcontrolledvowels.htm
iv. www.starfall.com/n/sorting/r-controlled/play.htm?f
v. blog.maketaketeach.com/r-controlled-vowels/

4. Are they the same sites?

i. Some of the websites were the same. Ix Quick was the only search engine that had three
websites that were not listed under the other search engines. One website,
www.phonicsontheweb.com/r-vowels.php, was listed as the top website under each search
engine chosen. The following websites, blog.maketaketeach.com/r-controlled-vowels/
and bogglesworldesl.com/rcontrolledvowels.htm, were listed in the top five websites of
four of the five search engines. The website, www.ling.upenn.edu/pri/pdfs/RR10.pdf was
listed under three different search engines. The following websites were listed under two
different search engines: www.starfall.com/n/sorting/r-controlled/play.htm?f,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY8bR9sRARQ, and
5. Are they in the same order?
a. The only two search engines that had the same list in the same exact order were Yahoo and
Bing. The other search engines websites were not listed in the same order.
6. What do you attribute these finding to?
a. This shows that all of the search engines, which were chosen by me, pull their websites from
basically the same database; however, because of the difference in the number of views that
each website received, the lists vary. I find it ironic how similar the websites of Yahoo and
Bing resemble each other; because of these similarities, I believe that there could be a
specific type of connection between these two search engines.

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