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This chapter expands and elaborates the principles of biorisk analysis and biorisk management as

introduced in Chapter 1.1.3 Biosafety and biosecurity in the veterinary microbiology laboratory and
animal facilities. It is recognised that there will be a transitional phase in moving from the previous
concepts of risk groups of microorganisms, and containment levels for laboratory facilities,
towards a comprehensive biorisk management framework tailored to individual laboratories
Veterinary laboratories and animal facilities routinely handle biological materials that may constitute
or contain infectious agents and toxins. These may cause adverse health and economic effects due
to uncontrolled release within, or to the outside of the laboratory. The managers of laboratory and
animal facilities are responsible for providing a management system that ensures safe and secure
handling, storage, and transport of these biological materials (a biorisk management system). This
is needed not only to protect laboratory workers from inadvertent exposures and infection, but also
to protect the local and regional animal populations, human populations, and environment from
accidental or intentional release and spread of biological agents and toxins from laboratories.
These considerations should also apply to animals and potential arthropod vectors that are handled
in veterinary laboratories and animal facilities. The term biological material is used throughout this
chapter to include all potential sources of biological risk for which laboratory management may be
responsible. To classify the potential biological risk posed by the presence and handling of a
particular biological material, laboratory managers should apply a systematic and evidence-based
approach termed biorisk analysis.
Biorisk analysis is the process of identifying and characterising health, safety, and security risks,
followed by implementing, measuring the effectiveness of, and communicating the control
measures used to reduce those risks to acceptable levels (OIE, 2010a). Risk analysis has been
used effectively by individuals in business and finance, engineering, energy, and health industries
to characterise and control inherent risks associated with their business practices. This chapter
focuses on biological-related risks, recognising that additional health and safety concerns exist, and
should be controlled within the laboratory environment, such as radiation exposures, chemical
burns, or liquid nitrogen hazards. A laboratory biorisk management system includes the policies,
responsibilities, and operational procedures used to support biorisk analysis and the resulting
biosafety1 and laboratory biosecurity measures implemented to manage laboratory biorisk. As
different disciplines have adopted risk analysis and risk management system practices, the relevant
vocabulary has been interchanged and modified, at times making the terminology confusing or
difficult to translate across disciplines. The biorisk analysis approach typically used by health
professionals, and as provided in this chapter, is functionally not different from import risk analysis,
which is used to identify, assess, manage, and communicate risks associated with trade of animals
and animal products (Chapter 2.1 of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code and Chapter 2.1 of the
OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code).
Additional definitions and further explanation of the risk analysis principles and associated
laboratory biorisk management system approach presented in this chapter can be found in the OIE

Definitions for the terms biosafety and biosecurity can be found in the glossary.

Handbook on Import Risk Analysis for Animals and Animal Products (2010a) and in the European
Committee for Standardization (CEN) Workshop agreement on Laboratory Biorisk Management
(CEN CWA 15793, 2011 and CEN CWA 16393, 2012). Following the overview presented in this
chapter, a general guide for performing a risk analysis is included in Appendix

The practice of performing a formal risk assessment in order to identify specific laboratory biosafety and
laboratory biosecurity needs laboratories have tended to generically link particular infectious agents to pre-defined
biosafety (or biocontainment) levels. While the approach is quick, it does not provide a suitable level of
consideration and analysis of the potential biohazards, and frequently removes a laboratorys flexibility in adopting
mitigation measures appropriate to its individual situation. The practice of linking a biological agent to a specific
level of biocontainment arises from the concept of identifying biological agents and toxins as biohazards and
classifying the individual agents into one of four risk groups based on the potential to cause disease in an
individual and in a community. The criteria used in risk group classification schemes, which may vary between
countries, include pathogenicity, mode of transmission, host range, the presence of vectors, existing levels of
population immunity, availability of appropriate prophylaxis or treatment, density and movement of the host
population, and related environmental factors.
Independent of the biological agent risk group classification process, biosafety level designations were
historically developed to characterise laboratories based on a composite of physical design features, facility
construction, equipment, operational procedures, and laboratory practices required for working safely with the
range of biological materials that pose varying levels of risk to individuals and to a community. Laboratory facilities
have been designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as basic Biosafety Level 1 (basic teaching and
research), basic Biosafety Level 2 (primary health services, diagnostic, research), containment Biosafety
Level 3 (special diagnostic, research), and maximum containment Biosafety Level 4 (dangerous pathogens)
(WHO, 2004). The biosafety level classification system has been criticised in that uniform standards and
definitions are not used globally, therefore comparison of laboratories using the classification schemes of different
countries may not be equivalent or representative. Most significantly, the designation of a laboratory or facility as
being of a certain biosafety level, laboratory biosecurity level or physical containment level relates not to just
physical and engineering features but also to the procedures for managing the functions of that facility and the
procedures for conducting work within the facility. More recently, WHO (2006) has expanded the laboratory
biosecurity concepts introduced in the Safety Manual (WHO, 2004) to strike a balance between established
biosafety procedures and broader biosecurity concepts, by introducing the overarching biorisk management
It is critical to note that the classification of specific biological agents into risk groups was never intended to
equate directly with the similarly designated laboratory biosafety levels; instead, the link between a specific agent
and specific biosafety measures was intended to be determined by an assessment of biorisk associated with the
presence and handling of the individual biological agent in the particular facility or environment. It is the individual
biosafety and laboratory biosecurity measure or composite of measures, rather than a designated biosafety level,
which should guide a laboratory in the safe and secure handling of any individual biological materials. These
individual biosafety and biosecurity measures are identified during a biorisk assessment taking into consideration
a laboratorys organisation, the facility, and the surrounding environment in which the biological material is to be
handled. As noted earlier, over time the role of formal risk assessments in selecting appropriate biorisk mitigation
measures has been minimised, replaced by a sometimes rigid assignment of individual biological agents into
laboratories defined by one of the four biocontainment levels. The practice of globally linking a particular agent
based on its risk group to a specific biosafety level in the absence of individual laboratory biorisk assessments
has resulted in a loss of flexibility for laboratories to respond with the wide range of biosafety and laboratory
biosecurity measures that are available and appropriate to the country or regions endemic disease status,
environment, animal movement, trade arrangements, and geopolitical barriers.
It is the goal of this chapter to define the terminology and approaches used in biorisk analysis, and in doing so to
provide a practical approach for a veterinary laboratory and animal facilities to develop and implement a functional
biorisk management system.

Biorisk analysis includes identification of biohazards, a biorisk assessment followed by management of the
identified biorisks, and biorisk communication. For veterinary laboratories, biorisk analyses focus on the potential
for animal, human, and environmental exposures, including intentional and unintentional release of biological
materials from the laboratory. It is the laboratorys biorisk management system that ultimately provides laboratory
managers, as well as the veterinary health authorities responsible for disease control programmes, with a

structured process for assessing, reviewing and controlling biorisks. The laboratorys biorisk management system
includes the policies, procedures, and operational components needed for identifying, determining the extent of,
managing, and communicating disease and economic risks associated with a specific biological agent in the
context of how that agent is handled and maintained in the laboratory. It is the responsibility of the management
of the laboratory to ensure suitable methodologies for the allocation of actions resulting from biorisk assessments,
including timelines, responsible persons, and that the associated reporting and approval mechanisms are
identified, implemented, and maintained (CEN, 2011). This is accomplished through the development of a risk
management policy appropriate to the nature and scale of the facility, activities, and associated biorisks. The
policy (or policies) is designed to (a) protect staff, contractors, visitors, the community, surrounding animal
populations, and the environment from unintentional or intentional release or exposure to biological materials
stored or handled within the facility; (b) reduce to acceptable levels laboratory risks that may result in exposure to
or release of biological materials by conducting risk assessments of laboratory facilities and practices, identifying
appropriate risk control measures, implementing, and monitoring those measures for effectiveness, and (c)
effectively informing and communicating to employees and relevant stakeholders the obligations and findings of
the risk management system.
A successful biorisk management system will have clear and unequivocal commitment by laboratory
management, which ensures that roles, responsibilities, and authorities related to biorisk management are
defined, documented, and communicated to those who manage, perform, and verify work associated with
biological materials in the laboratory. This is facilitated by the appointment of a competent person (e.g. biorisk
management advisor, biological safety officer, or equivalent) who will have authority to lead the development and
implementation of the biorisk management system, be responsible for developing and maintaining documentation
for all aspects of the system, and monitoring of the system within the laboratory or facility. The designated person
will report directly to senior management and have the delegated authority to call for the cessation of work that is
not compliant with the laboratorys biorisk policies and procedures. Laboratory management will ensure (a) the
provision of adequate resources, (b) prioritisation and communication of biosafety and biosecurity policy, (c)
integration of biorisk management throughout the laboratory and (d) a robust process of monitoring and
evaluation that identifies opportunities for improvement, determines root causes where unsatisfactory situations
arise and revises policies and procedures to prevent recurrence. The ongoing verification and continual
improvement of a laboratorys effectiveness in managing their risks is a key component of a complete and
effective biorisk management system.
The key functions of biorisk analysis are (1) biohazard identification (i.e. what can go wrong?); (2) biorisk
assessment (i.e. how likely is the hazardous event to occur and how severe would be the consequence?);
(3) risk management (i.e. how can those risks be prevented or reduced to acceptable levels?); and (4) risk
communication (i.e. how was the risk identified, characterised and controlled?). In addition there is a need for
(5) verification and continual improvement (i.e. are the control measures effective and can they be improved?).
The organisational structure, responsibilities, policies, and practices that provide for these activities, comprise a
laboratorys biorisk management system. It is important that all relevant regulatory requirements are identified and
fulfilled within the biorisk management system. Legal requirements include any national, federal, regional, state,
provincial, city and local regulations with which the laboratory is obliged to comply.

The first step in the risk analysis process is identifying and documenting the potential laboratory biohazard(s). A
biohazard can be any biological materials with the potential for causing harm or damage, in isolation and in
combination with the laboratory processes involving these. The biohazard identification process has to consider
all elements of the biorisk pathway and include (1) the hazardous properties of the biological material, (2) the
characteristics of the laboratory processes that cause harm and (3) who or what can be harmed, namely
operators, the public, or the environment including animal populations in the environment and (4) the potential
attractiveness of the handled biological materials for malicious use. Appendix provides a summary of
typical aspects of the risk pathway elements, characterised and documented during the biohazard identification
process. It should be noted that laboratories must be critically aware of all potential aspects of hazards (any
source, situation, or act with the potential for causing harm) in the laboratory environment, and not just those that
are specifically biological in nature. Issues relating to utility failure, human factors, selection of suppliers, etc., may
not appear directly to link themselves to the biological materials, however these failures can result in their release,
as well as causing other harm. A laboratorys risk management system should be complete in identifying and
managing all hazards.

The risk assessment is the component of the analysis that estimates the risks associated with a hazard. Risk is
defined as a combination of the likelihood (probability) of the occurrence and the severity of harm (consequence);
the term biorisk is used where the source of harm is a biological material. In any risk analysis it is important to
consider all the possible pathways that could result in adverse outcomes. Consideration of the pathways will
include the possibilities of escape of the hazardous biological material inside or outside the laboratory and the
possibilities that this biological material will infect or otherwise harm an animal or person. Consequence can be

thought of as the biological, environmental, and economic impacts associated with a release of and exposure to
the biohazard. Consequences associated with animal pathogens and toxins will include human and animal
disease, as well as economic losses associated with local, national, regional, and international restrictions on
animal movement and on commerce associated with animals and animal products. At this point in the biorisk
analysis process (see flowchart 1), the laboratory, with the assistance of their biorisk management advisor, will
evaluate the individual facility, human resources, protocols, methodologies and procedures to determine how the
biohazard is to be handled, manipulated and secured in their specific circumstances, in addition to assessing the
surrounding environment, including identifying susceptible species and the specifics of the biological agents
transmission in order to determine the likelihood and severity of harm (see Table A). A comprehensive biorisk
assessment includes evaluation of both biosafety and laboratory biosecurity practices.


Identify biohazards
Could laboratory processes associated with any
available biological material result in unwanted


No biohazards identified
Close risk analysis
Proceed with work


No biorisk identified, close risk

Proceed with work
Audit/monitor for any associated
biosafety and biosecurity failures



Estimate the likelihood of:

intentional or unintentional release
exposure to animals, humans, or
the environment
Estimate the: likely biological,
environmental, or economic consequences


Risk unacceptable without control

Do not perform work with

the biological material

Identify and implement control measures to mitigate risk(s) to acceptable level:

Administration controls
Operational controls
Engineering controls
Personal protective equipment
- Audit/monitor for any associated failures in biosafety and biosecurity

Note: The biorisk management process should address all laboratory processes and procedures associated with the specific
biohazard. The biorisk assessment and development of the biorisk control plan should involve a team of individuals who
understand the organisational aspects of the laboratory, the biology and pathogenesis of the agent, and the impacts of
exposures and accidental or intentional release of the biological material.

The biorisk assessment may be quantitative, using mathematical models (OIE, 2010b) or may be qualitative
(CEN, 2011; OIE, 2010a). For the qualitative biorisk assessment approach discussed here, both likelihood and
severity are given a non-numerical score or ranking, which allows a form of quantifying the biorisk by using
qualitative definitions such as low, moderate, and severe; or other non-numerical equivalents. The rankings
determined for likelihood and consequence (severity) of harm will help the laboratory further characterise their
biorisks in order to determine proper control measure(s), the necessary redundancy in controls, and overall
financial investment that will be appropriate to mitigate their specific biorisks.

Where the biorisk assessment identifies unacceptable biorisk, the management of the laboratory is responsible
for deciding either not to handle or store the specified biological material in the facility, or to identify, implement
and maintain adequate and appropriate control measures to reduce risk to acceptable levels. The biorisk
management step requires documentation of the measures and their implementation strategies, timelines for
action, assignment of responsible persons, and the associated reporting and approvals. Depending on the
outcome of the biorisk assessment (likelihood and consequence rankings), the laboratory managers working with
the biorisk management advisor should identify which control measure(s) are appropriate and feasible for use

within their laboratory in order to prevent exposure to and release of the biological material. The principal routes
for release of biological materials from laboratory environments, with subsequent potential exposures, include:

personnel via surface contamination or infection,

intentional acts allowing release,
equipment and materials, such as fomites,
solid waste including carcasses, specimens and reagents,
release via live animals or vectors.

Four strategies based on administrative, operational, engineering, and personal protective equipment (PPE)
controls are used to manage biorisk by minimising accidental or intentional release of biological materials. The
components of the four strategies are complementary and are used in combination to accomplish appropriate risk

Administrative controls are delivered through comprehensive and clearly stated laboratory policies. For
example these will cover: employment of qualified and suitable personnel; regular and continuing training
and competency of staff in the safe and secure handling of biological agents and toxins, in applicable
technical procedures, and in use of PPE and equipment; health and safety programmes; prophylactic health
care including vaccinations; emergency response and contingency plans; incident and accident investigation
programmes; current biological materials inventory and inventory management requirements including
access of people, animals and vehicles, storage, transfer, destruction, and audit; waste management
policies; and security policies including facility security, personnel security, access to biological materials;
and information security.


Operational controls are delivered through Standard Operating Procedures. For example these will cover: all
safety and laboratory biosecurity-relevant processes including good microbiological practices; disinfection
and decontamination practices; transport procedures; general laboratory safety; Handling of sharps;
specimen and reagent handling and storage practices; emergency exercise drills; and accident/incident
reporting, response, and review of protocols.


Engineering controls consist of: physical features of the facility including barrier walls and shields, and
separation of incompatible activities; ventilation and air-flow, effluent and solid waste treatment and disposal
facilities, equipment and equipment maintenance, calibration and certification; and physical security such as
access restrictions, perimeter fences, facility and equipment locks with key control protocols, badge readers,
detectors and sensors (alarm systems), or biometric devices. The laboratory must have measures to ensure
that all changes to the facility associated with design, operation, and maintenance are documented and are
used to update prior biorisk assessments that may be affected by the change. Engineering controls include
the following principles of containment:



Primary containment layers are those that isolate the biological material within sealed containers or in a
Class I, II or III biosafety cabinet; or in the case of infected animals, enclose the animals by physical
containment, for example in specially constructed rooms where all wastes are treated and air is treated
by high efficiency filtration.


Secondary containment layers enclose infected materials and individuals working with infected
materials within a closed and controlled physical environment in which solids, fluids, and air are treated
using validated procedures that remove or inactivate live agents.


Tertiary containment layers are those designed to prevent contact between biological materials and
susceptible species using appropriate measures that physically restrict exposure to susceptible

PPE addresses: body protection (i.e. clothing), hand protection (i.e. gloves), eye protection, and respiratory

As an example of a combination of strategies to address intentional release by protecting biological material from
unauthorised access or use, the laboratory should consider security control measures that include policies,
procedures and physical features. In general, the components of laboratory security will include (1) physical
security (e.g. building structure, lockable doors), (2) personnel (including steps taken to ensure an employee does
not pose a safety or security risk), (3) material control and accountability (inventory control and storage records),
(4) information and information technology security, and (5) security of materials during transportation (ensuring
the biological material is not subject to theft or diversion during transportation within a facility or between

Biorisk management should be based on a solid foundation of good microbiological practices in the laboratory, to
which all laboratory work conforms. The essential requirements for any work with infectious agents, however
innocuous they may seem, are as follows:

The laboratory should be easy to clean, with surfaces that are impervious to water and resistant to
chemicals used in the laboratory. There shall be a wash-hand basin and emergency shower, including an
eye wash, in each laboratory suite as appropriate for the chemicals and other hazards present. Procedures
shall be established for frequent cleaning and disinfection during and at the end of the work period;


Personnel access to the work area should be restricted (security measures such as controlled access may
be necessary with higher risk agents);


Basic PPE such as long-sleeved laboratory coats or gowns, closed-toe footwear, disposable gloves, masks,
safety glasses, face shields, and oro-nasal respirators, as determined by risk assessment, shall be worn in
the laboratory and removed when leaving the laboratory;


The laboratory door should be closed when work is in progress;


While forced ventilation is not a baseline requirement, appropriate ventilation shall be provided for the health
and well-being of the operators and as required by risk assessment;


Food (including chewing gum, candy, throat lozenges and cough drops) and drinks shall not be stored or
consumed in laboratories; smoking or application of cosmetics shall not take place in the laboratory;


Pipetting shall not be done by mouth;

viii) Care shall be taken to minimise the production of aerosols;


Emergency response plans should be developed to deal with the biohazard of spills. Some of the items
addressed in the plans should include having effective disinfectants available for cleaning spills, removal of
and decontamination of contaminated protective clothing, washing of hands, and cleaning and disinfection of
bench tops;


Used laboratory glassware and other contaminated material shall be stored safely. Materials for disposal
shall be transported without spillage in robust containers. Waste material should be autoclaved, incinerated
or otherwise decontaminated before disposal. Reusable material shall be decontaminated by appropriate


No infectious material shall be discarded down laboratory sinks or any other drain;


Any accidents or incidents shall be recorded and reviewed with the biorisk management advisor to assist in
continually improving the biorisk management system.

The risk assessment process is used to guide the identification of the appropriate control measures required for
the biohazard (biological material) in question (see Appendix for an example of available biosafety and
biosecurity control measures). Dependent on the outcome of the risk assessment, additional agent containment
practices and engineering measures may be used.
Resource utilisation and financial investments in biorisk control measures should be cost effective to address the
biorisk identified in the assessment process. For example, one outcome of biorisk assessment may be a very low
likelihood score (e.g. unintentional release of the agent from laboratory containment via some specified process,
such as waste treatment), but with an extremely high consequence score (e.g. release of a non-endemic
biological agent with high transmissibility paired with high morbidity or mortality in a susceptible population, loss of
trade status, severe social and economic impacts). In such a case, the laboratory may determine that there are no
available mitigation or control measures that would be sufficient to justify handling or storing the biological
material in the facility. The same biohazard with a similar likelihood of occurrence in a country or region where the
agent is endemic may carry a significantly lower assessment of consequence, and hence of biorisk. This country
could justify an investment for determining and then implementing appropriate control measures to decrease the
likelihood of an unintentional release to an acceptable minimum level. At the other extreme, it could be
determined for a specific biological material that there is no consequence associated with exposure or release,
and no specific risk management procedures would be recommended.

Laboratory risk communication is a continuation of the risk assessment and risk management processes, and is
an integral component of incident or outbreak preparedness and response planning. With the understanding that
the laboratorys stakeholders and the public are entitled to information that impacts their own health and the
health of their animals, risk communications are designed to inform the laboratorys stakeholders about the full
range of decisions and practices used for handling biohazards and for responding to incidents that may arise from
exposure to or release of those biohazards. As laboratories handling animal pathogens, disease vectors and
toxins are a critical component of a countrys or regions veterinary infrastructure, it is critical that the laboratory

biorisk management process be thorough, objective, transparent, and clearly communicated (Covello & Allen,
1988). Effective risk communication should establish a common understanding among the laboratory and
associated stakeholders of the biorisks, biorisk control measures, as well as the benefits of working with the
identified biohazard. This common understanding not only builds trust, but is critical for effectively responding to
potential incidents and enabling impacted individuals and agencies to make informed decisions when working
with the laboratory. Risk communication should be provided in a format and language that is tailored to the
intended audience, whether policy-makers, disease control authorities, animal care providers, or the public, in
order to provide the information in a clear, understandable and comprehensive manner. Effective biorisk
communication requires that the complexities of technical language, scientific data, assumptions, and the
justification for assumptions used in the biorisk assessment be fully documented.
In general, an initial laboratory biorisk communication is directed toward the appropriate health and disease
control authorities and identifies the (1) biohazard (biological material and associated laboratory process), (2) the
benefits to the stakeholder gained by the laboratory working with the biohazard, (3) information indicating that a
biorisk analysis was performed and is documented, (4) and information indicating that the laboratory has
measures in place to mitigate against accidental or intentional release of the biological agent or toxin.
In preparedness for an accidental or intentional release of the agent, the laboratory should also be prepared for
incident and incident response communication. Among the documents that the laboratory should generate prior to
initiating work with a biohazard are (1) documentation of the roles and responsibilities of individuals involved in
drafting, reviewing, approving, and distributing laboratory information and official communications, (2) a contact
list containing the names, phone numbers, email addresses or other information as appropriate for those
agencies and individuals to be notified, and (3) an incident response plan in the event of accidental or intentional
release of the biological agent or toxin.
Contact lists should be current and include (1) national, regional, and local disease control authorities (Veterinary
Health and Public Health) as appropriate, (2) security authorities as appropriate for specific biothreat agents and
risks, (3) the responsible physician or occupational health programme to be notified of human health-related
agents, biorisks, and at-risk staff, and (4) stakeholders, including potentially-impacted laboratory affiliates, e.g.
shippers, rendering and waste disposal, janitorial, non-technical laboratory staff, potentially-impacted local animal
owners and industries.

Biorisk management is an ongoing process in which specific biosafety and laboratory biosecurity control
measures are regularly monitored to ensure they are working as expected. Additionally, the laboratory facility,
management practices, and procedures should be regularly reviewed to ensure that changes have not altered
previously defined risks. Routine audits, exercises and drills should be scheduled and conducted to document
effectiveness of the implemented control measures, to identify areas of noncompliance that need to be
documented and corrected, and to identify areas for improvement. The process requires that the laboratory verify
and document that the controls implemented (e.g. administrative, operational, engineering, and PPE) effectively
mitigate release of and exposure to the targeted biohazards. In a simple example; if during a laboratory
assessment, the risk of release was defined as theft due to inadequate physical security, and the control used
was placement of a lock on the storage freezer, the laboratory administration would want to verify that the control
implemented, locking the freezer, had mitigated the risk of theft. Assuming the administration found that the
freezer key was kept on an accessible hook near the freezer, the risk of theft had not been adequately controlled
and a corrective action would be implemented (e.g. additional or alternate choices of control measures, such as
implementing added policy and procedures managing access to the freezer key). It is the responsibility of
laboratory managers to continually review and improve the laboratorys effectiveness through the use of
documented policy and procedures, self-audit and where appropriate external audit, corrective and preventive
actions, and regular management reviews (for more information see Chapter 1.1.4 Quality management in
veterinary testing laboratories). The cycle of assessing biorisks, implementing control measures, verifying
effectiveness, and correcting any weaknesses follows the same pattern used in well functioning quality
management programmes. Chapter 1.1.4 provides an overview of quality management in veterinary diagnostic
laboratories; the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Workshop agreement on Laboratory Biorisk
Management (2011) details the components of a comprehensive biorisk management system.

Veterinary laboratories provide services to protect the health and well-being of local, national, regional, and global
animal populations and associated commerce. Veterinary laboratories handle biological materials that can pose
biorisks to both animal and human populations. It is therefore of critical importance that laboratory managers
ensure that biorisks in their facilities are clearly identified, understood, controlled, and communicated to the
appropriate stakeholders. The discipline of biorisk analysis, including comprehensive biorisk assessment and

biorisk management systems, allows laboratories to assess and document the laboratory practices which are
used to provide appropriate controls, thus assuring adequate biosafety and laboratory biosecurity. A complete
and functioning laboratory biorisk management system will help ensure that the laboratory is in compliance with
applicable local, national, regional, and international standards and requirements for biosafety and laboratory

COVELLO V.T. & ALLEN F. (1988). Seven Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication. US Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Policy Analysis, Washington, DC, USA.
EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION (CEN) (2011). CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) on Laboratory
Biorisk Management: CWA 15793. CEN, Brussels, Belgium.
EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION (CEN) (2012). CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) on Laboratory
Biorisk Management Guidelines for the implementation of CWA 15793. CEN, Brussels, Belgium.
WORLD ORGANISATION FOR ANIMAL HEALTH (OIE). (2010a). Handbook on Import Risk Analysis for Animals and
Animal Products. Volume 1: Introduction and qualitative risk analysis, Second Edition. OIE, Paris, France
WORLD ORGANISATION FOR ANIMAL HEALTH (OIE). (2010b). Handbook on Import Risk Analysis for Animals and
Animal Products. Volume 2: Quantitative Risk Assessment, Second Edition. OIE, Paris, France
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) (2004). Laboratory Biosafety Manual, Third Edition. WHO, Geneva,
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) (2006). Biorisk Management: Laboratory Biosecurity Guidance. WHO,
Geneva, Switzerland. Also available on line at:

* *


Assemble a team for performing the risk assessment. Include individuals with knowledge and understanding

The physical and biological properties of the biological material (e.g. the infectious dose of any agent or
toxin, routes of infection, susceptible species, environmental survivability, etc.),


The laboratory technologies and procedures to be used with the biological material, the associated
technical competence required, and laboratory facilities to be used,


Laboratory biosafety and biosecurity practices,


Risk analysis principles and practices.

One team member may serve multiple functions, and qualified individuals from outside of the laboratory
performing the analysis may be used. The quality of the risk analysis performed is directly related to the level
of knowledge and understanding provided by the team members.

Define the scope of the biorisk analysis


Biohazard Identification: identify the targeted biological material. Perform a separate biorisk analysis for
each relevant biological material.


Define the laboratory environment in which the biological material will be used:

Identify technical procedures that further define the biohazard: methods and processes
specifically to be used with the biological material being evaluated (e.g. diagnostic specimens or
reference materials, amplification in culture, centrifugation, sonication, pipetting, freezethaw,
archival practices, concentrations and volumes of the biological material, animal handling, waste
handling, etc.). These items define the laboratory environment relevant to the risk assessment,
and document the potential sources of exposure and release from the laboratory environment that
define the biohazard for which the risk assessment is to be conducted.


Identify the likelihood of work on the biohazard resulting in a release by considering all the risk
pathways that are applicable to the proposed handling of the biological material in the laboratory,
as outlined in Section B.3 of this chapter.


Identify existing laboratory resources, including management and technical competencies (e.g.
technical training and proficiency programmes, quality management practices, health and safety
management programmes, etc.). These items document existing and potential sources of risk


Identify relevant laboratory facilities and associated resources (e.g. facility security, directional airflow, autoclaves, incinerators, etc.). These items document existing and potential sources of risk


Develop and initiate the risk communication plan. The documentation and communication of risk analyses
should be clear, suited to the audience and complete. Because risk analysis supports decision-making
where there is uncertainty in predicting events, it is critical that the process be transparent, objective, and
clearly presented. It is useful to begin compiling the risk analysis report at the very beginning of the analysis
to most effectively capture all relevant information, investigation, analysis, and findings.


Identify the consequences associated with any exposures or release of the biohazard from the laboratory.
Consequences should identify human health, animal health, economic and social consequences that would
likely result from exposure and from release of the biological material. Note that for a single agent, the

economic cost of associated disease may vary considerably between a country in which the biological agent
is endemic, and a country that is free of the biological agent. Where specific morbidity, mortality, and
economic estimates are available, the source and context of the information must be specified. For example,
an existing risk analysis performed for import or export in association with a country or region may be used
as a valuable source of economic data.

Perform the biorisk assessment, assigning a likelihood ranking and a consequence ranking for biological
material release and for exposure to susceptible animals and humans for each identified biohazard involving
the biological material in the laboratory (e.g. specimen receipt, necropsy, amplification in culture,
centrifugation, nucleic acid extraction, storage, archive, animal experimentation, etc.) Biosafety assessments
address the likelihood and severity of inadvertent exposure and of release of the biological agent.
Biosecurity assessments address theft, loss, and intentional misuse of a biological agent.


Identify appropriate risk control measures available to the laboratory, applicable to each risk pathway as
outlined in Section B.3, including those measures already in place and those that could be implemented.
There are often several different control measures that, when used alone or in combination, can provide
equivalent results at similar or widely different costs. Each control measure or combination of measures
must be evaluated independently to determine the relative effectiveness in reducing the overall risk of
release and exposure. It is the responsibility of the laboratory managers with the local, national, and regional
disease control authorities to determine the economic and logistical feasibility of different control measures,
and appropriately balance the risks and benefits associated with the presence and handling of the


Document the information and approach used in the risk assessment. The documentation must be complete,
including data, methods of analysis, results, discussion, explanatory notes, and conclusions, dates and
responsible personnel. References should be specified where relevant scientific and laboratory data and
information are used (e.g. infectious dose, routes of transmission, working concentrations, environmental
stability, etc.). All assumptions used must be identified and justifications for the assumptions must be


Implement, review and act to make identified improvements to the selected risk control measures in the


Make a record of and communicate the complete risk analysis, including implementation of risk control
measures to the appropriate authorities and stakeholders. There are multiple report formats and templates
available for documenting risk analysis. Examples can be found in the OIE Handbook on Import Risk
Analysis for Animals and Animal Products and in the Seven Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication.

* *

Characterisation of biorisk
pathway elements

Considerations in assessment of
the biorisk pathway

Biorisk control measures

Biological material
Epidemiology and characteristics of the
biological agent:

Routes of transmission, including:

Direct contact

Infectivity and infectious dose;

Presence, density and distribution

of susceptible species;

Geographical distribution

Stability outside the host;

Persistence in the host.

Low: vertical transmission or close

contact through skin and mucous
membranes and ingestion; inhalation
usually not anticipated;
Not anticipated to spread beyond the
Unlikely to cause serious disease;
Infectious dose usually high;
Stability of the biological material varies
but may be brief (hours);
Vector required for transmission is
Generally inactivated by broad range of

Moderate: vector-borne or fomite-borne

transmission (through skin and mucous
membranes, ingestion and inhalation);
Capable of causing serious disease and
could be fatal; possible risk of spread to
Infectious dose varies: can be as low as
Stability of the biological material varies,
but may be more extensive (days);
May not be inactivated by a broad
spectrum of disinfectants; usually less
disinfectant options available.
High: transmitted by a variety of routes
inside and outside the facility (through
skin and mucous membranes, ingestion
and inhalation); possible airborne
transmission over distance; affects
multiple species;
Associated with serious disease and
higher case fatality rates. Risk of spread
to others likely;
Infectious dose is usually very low or
unknown; can be as low as 1;

Different routes of transmission require

specific mitigation measures in addition
to good microbiological practices:
Aerosols: use of biosafety cabinets, air
filtration, directional airflow, personal
protective equipment (PPE);
Fomites and other routes of exposure:
decontamination of surfaces and
equipment, safe use and disposal of
sharps, treatment of solid and liquid
wastes (e.g. autoclaving), use of PPE,
showering out (where applicable), hand

Characterisation of biorisk
pathway elements

Considerations in assessment of
the biorisk pathway

Biorisk control measures

Stability of the biological material varies,

but may be extensive (weeks or more);
Range of disinfectants may be used
based on biological material properties.
Generally, more significant disinfectant
procedures required.

Laboratory processes/activities
Nature of the procedures involving
biological materials to be conducted in
the facility can result in novel modes of
spread and infection, activity
characteristics include:

Scale of work (e.g. small, large);


Volume and titre;

Storage state of material: liquid,

frozen, solid;

Agents satisfactorily contained

during laboratory processes;

Generation of aerosols;

Possibilities for cross


Low: no amplification, low titres, no

source of aerosols, good confinement,
no fomite generation, no infectious

Good microbiological practices, such

as effective infection control
procedures including laboratory
design, use of dedicated laboratory
clothing, and primary containment
systems such as biosafety cabinets
may be adequate. The risk of
inadvertent carriage from the
laboratory to be considered depending
on the epidemiology of the disease and
the impact on the animal disease
situation in the country or region.

Moderate: amplification, aerosol

generation, high titres, larger scale,
limitations of primary containment.

Good microbiological practices, such

as the use of effective infection control
procedures including the use of
primary containment systems to
physically separate the process from
the other work areas. The containment
area(s) should be designed to contain
spillage of the entire contents of the
closed system. Inadvertent carriage
from the area to be taken into
consideration depending on the
epidemiology of the disease and the
impact on the animal disease situation
in the country or region.

High: amplification and significant

aerosol generation, larger volumes of
work, procedures performed outside of
primary containment controls.

Use of animals in association with the

biological material:

Shedding potential.

Bites or scratches

Significant biorisk variation based on

biological material (see above),
procedures required, and species used.
An assessment of risk must be
performed for each procedure to assign
biocontainment work practices.

Good animal handling and

microbiological technique such as
infection control procedures, proper
handling of sharps, protective clothing
and proper equipment. The facility
should be designed to minimise or
prevent spread of the biological agent
or toxin through contaminated air,
laboratory materials, liquid or solid
waste or animal carcasses. The room
is considered primary containment
when animals are in open cages or
equivalent confinement, and is
considered secondary containment
when animals are housed in isolators
or containment caging.

Harm to the operator and human population

May cause human disease
Consequences for laboratory workers
and for public health.

Low: negligible risk of disease in staff

and human population outside;
Prophylaxis and/or treatment generally

Moderate: disease in staff and human

population outside;
Prophylaxis and treatment may or may
not be available.

Considerations include routine good

microbiological practices, such as
effective infection control procedures
including use of laboratory clothing and
biosafety cabinets; basic training and
Use a combination of administrative,
operational, engineering controls and
PPE. Considerations include good
microbiological practices, such as
effective infection control procedures,

Characterisation of biorisk
pathway elements

Considerations in assessment of
the biorisk pathway

Biorisk control measures

use of PPE and biosafety cabinets;
health programmes; mandatory
training and competency; laboratory

High: potentially fatal disease in staff

and human population outside.
Prophylaxis and treatment usually not

Avoid release of the biological material

using a combination of administrative,
operational, engineering controls, and
PPE. Considerations include stringent
measures for biocontainment, good
microbiological practices; mandatory
training and competency; mandatory
health reporting programmes;
mandatory laboratory security policies
and procedures.

Harm and adverse consequences on animals outside the facility

Consequences associated with animal
population morbidity and mortality, and
associated economic or social
consequences, with particular
consideration to the geographic
distribution (endemic or exotic);
Impact on trade, food security and
Costs of disease control and movement
Costs for destocking or vaccination;

Low: Financial consequence at

manageable or at existing levels;
endemic disease agent not subject to
control measures; spread in the
population not considered likely.

Considerations include good

microbiological practices, such as
effective infection control procedures
including use of laboratory clothing and
biosafety cabinets; basic training and

Moderate: Financial consequences

assessed on a case by case basis;
endemic disease agent subject to control
measures at farm level, regional and or
national level.

Use a combination of administrative,

operational, engineering controls, and
PPE. Considerations include good
microbiological practices, such as
effective infection control procedures
including the use of PPE, and biosafety
cabinets; air and effluent control;
mandatory training and competency,
laboratory security.

High: Unacceptable consequences

nationally, exotic disease agent with an
ability to spread/establish in the region
and cause harm.

Avoid release of the biological material

using a combination of administrative,
operational, engineering controls, and
PPE. Considerations include stringent
biocontainment measures; specific
features that are warranted by route(s)
of exposure; PPE; good
microbiological practices, and primary
containment systems; mandatory
training and competency; mandatory
laboratory security policies and

Impact on animal welfare, morbidity,


Risk path controls

Level of Risk reduction afforded;

Low integrity controls.

Good microbiological practices (e.g.

disinfection and hand washing).

Availability (how often is the

control not functional

Moderate integrity controls.

Low integrity control plus industry

standard engineering controls (e.g.
biosafety cabinet, directional airflow
into the lab from surrounding spaces,
filtration of exhaust air where
applicable, access restriction);

How reliable is the control;

Capital cost of the control;

Management cost of the control

(energy, staff training,

Validation of the control;

Independence of other controls;

Common failure modes with other

controls applied to the same risk

Detectability of control failures.

Laboratory and maintenance staff must

receive initial and continuing training in
the use and operations of the
biocontainment controls selected;
Biocontainment controls must be
evaluated periodically to confirm
effectiveness, and should be updated
to reflect advancements in
biocontainment technology where

Characterisation of biorisk
pathway elements

Considerations in assessment of
the biorisk pathway
High integrity controls.

* *

Biorisk control measures

Moderate integrity controls plus critical

secondary containment controls (e.g.
physical isolation of work, separation
zones between non-related work
areas; continuous inward airflow,
filtration of exhaust air, reliable
engineering controls with redundant
services, validated performance).

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