I Guess You Were Sleeping I'm Sorry If I Woke You It's Not That I Had Anything To Say To You I Just Wanted To Hear Your Voice

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I guess you were sleeping

Im sorry if I woke you
Its not that I had anything to say to you
I just wanted to hear your voice

He doesnt mean to.

Hes had a little too much to drink and he thinks that tomorrow morning hell yell at Minseok and Kyungsoo
for not talking the bartender down like they usually wouldhe doesnt care if hes the one who yelled at them when
they tried to take away his glass. They shouldve done somethingshouldve known that even though its been half
a year, Baekhyun getting that drunk and then being alone for the rest of the night still isnt the greatest combination
that could be.
So its not that he means to because he doesnt.
He just happens to be sitting on the edge of his bed with his phone in his hands, freshly showered and ready
to sleep (and by all means, shouldnt he have passed out hours ago with all that alcohol?) but not quite able to. He
isnt sure what set him offmaybe it was seeing those couples pass him by on the street, maybe its seeing all the
Christmas lights decorating the stores, holiday advertisements for loversmaybe its just the season in general.
Maybe he simply just went utterly overboard with the alcohol and hes going to kill Minseok and Kyungsoo.
The number should have been deleted ages agoit should have been deleted the moment Baekhyun walked
out the front door (the moment that Chanyeol told Baekhyun to leave and Baekhyun deluded himself into thinking it
was mutual because it had to have beenBaekhyun was okay with it, he was fine with it, so why isnt he fine with
it?). He still has it though and it stares alluringly up at him from the screen of his phone.

Baekhyun calls.

It takes a full six rings because its well past two in the morning regardless that its a weekend night, and
Baekhyun is tempted to just give up in the middle of the sixth ring. His hand is about to pull the phone away from
his ear when theres a click and a deep, familiar (full of warmth and it melts Baekhyun from the inside out and its
like molten chocolate in his ear and its everything he remembers and he hates it and hedespises it), Hello?
Baekhyun wonders if Chanyeol knows whos calling (wonders if Chanyeol kept Baekhyuns number).
Hey, he says, and doesnt know how to go on.
Baekhyun-ah? Chanyeols voice is laced with sleep, making it even deeper than usual, a little throaty,
plenty husky, and Baekhyun has to close his eyes for a moment to will away everything that begs to lurch up
through his body and into his throatchoking him.

He swallows. Yeahits me.

A half-laugh from the other end, rumbling through Chanyeols long, lanky body doubtlessly and Baekhyun
digs his fingertips into his knee. Wellyeahhey, its been a while. Kind of late calleverything okay?
Everythings great, Baekhyun says with a deep breath and smiles painfully into the receiver. You?
Yeahyeah, and Baekhyun can easily see Chanyeol nodding. Same old crap going onits all good
havent gotten round to Christmas shopping though.
The pain fades slightly from Baekhyuns smile. Me neither.
Really? Chanyeols grin is as audible as his nod. Then

Theres a pauseChanyeol pausesand Baekhyun can all too easily hear the mumble of an unfamiliar voice
in the background. Its not quite as deep as Chanyeols but nearly so, and thick with sleep just as Chanyeols is.
He hears Chanyeol responda light laugh, a rustle of sheets, dead silence for a moment, and then
Chanyeols back on with an apologetic, Sorry bout thatwhat was I saying?
Baekhyun wishes Chanyeol had never picked up.

NothingI forgotits fine, Baekhyun rushes (lies). Who was that?

Chanyeol answers after another pause. My boyfriend, he says evenly.
Oh, Baekhyun breathes.
YeahI woke him.
Oh. Baekhyun fiddles with the hem of his t-shirt. Whats his name?

WI meanyou can call him Kris, Chanyeol says slowly and theres something thoughtful to his tone.
Baekhyun blinks. What dyou mean I can call him Kris? Thats not his name?
Theres a smile, most certainly, and Baekhyun can hear that smile as Chanyeol says, He went to school
abroad for a whilegot used to being called by more than one name.
Do you call him Kris? Baekhyun licks his lipsswallows again.
Nah, Chanyeol answers. Grappled his real name out of himgave me hell for it though.
And everything airy, everything bright and happy and content and satisfied is in Chanyeols voice with that
sentenceobviously theres a fond memory to that, a fond moment shared to be tucked and stored away in whats
clearly an amazing relationship. Baekhyun has to remind himself to breathe for a moment, has to grope around
inside of himself to find his voice again. Oh, he ends up saying yet again because what else is there?
We should hang out soon, Chanyeol says. I want you to meet him.
And Baekhyun laughs that off as best he can because he can barely keep himself upright just talking to
Chanyeol over the phonehe hardly thinks looking at Chanyeol in the eyes, in person, would go over well. Even
more so if Chanyeol is bringing Kris and expects Baekhyun to remain on his feet without breaking down right there
on the streets. Baekhyun never should have called and Chanyeol never should have answered his phone (and
Baekhyun is furious nowfrustrated and angry because why did Chanyeol have to pick up the callhe shouldve
seen Baekhyuns name and ignored itshould have just gone on sleeping so Baekhyun couldve gone on with his
Its been six months and Baekhyun thought it was okay. Its supposed to be okay by now. Hes told
Kyungsoo and Minseok that its okay.
Its not.

Maybe, Baekhyun deliberates. After all the holiday shit is over though.
Chanyeol laughs. Damn straight.
Baekhyun takes another deep breath. I should go nowlate.
The other end is silent for a moment, before theres another sleepy rustleas though Chanyeol is shifting
back into bed, and theres a the tiny creak of a mattress spring. Me too, Chanyeol murmurs, low and warm (and

its like coming homethe voice that Baekhyuns associated with home for too long that now he has to leave it after
just minutes ensconced in that beautiful familiarity).
Night, Chanyeol-ah, Baekhyun whispers.
A sleepy smileeasily heard. Gnight, and the click of Chanyeol hanging up.

Baekhyun deletes Chanyeols number before he falls asleep.

I know I shouldnt do this

I know its over between us
But will you stay like this for a moment?

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