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Worley HOW To Do A DETERMINISTIC FATIGUE ANALYSIS. HOW TO - USING SACS 5.4 CONTENTS 4. Intreduetion — 1 2 Setting Up. wise ne eee 22 Create range Mosel Hie... 2 sss 2 23 Create Fangue wavevennion Hes. 2 28 Cakuite Darstorkatique Wares ‘ 241 Goleuite Contre ot Wamage WAVE HEBME rosin mmmiinnsninmnnd 242 Greate Germre ot Damage Supeciemet oon ne 24:4 RunModal Anais wan Gente at Bamage Superdiement on 244 Camuatevars 22 Grete rangue tun nputtte — > 3. Running the Fatigue Analyses. i Greate Gxt Hes 32 Combane SUF Hiastor Fotgue Lite Determnaten Appendices Worley HOWTO - USINGSACS 5.1 4. INTRODUCTION Leterme tangue anayss nvoves spactyng many tatgue waves (several nengne tom eect drocton), gonacanng coracpensing eres cyehe naaen ant arausrg height anc arctan soeciic Wave Wequency cama ang ners ule To aternne ing amaunt oT cumstae garage gone 10 eoen sntwreugh appieatcn tan Stl une id Worley HOW TO DO A DETERMINISTIC FATIGUE ANALYSIS. HOWTO - USING sacs 5.1 2. SETTING UP 2.1 SACS Files Required Hetore staring o setup deterministic tugue analysis, tne folowing tes wil be requred 1. Inplace analysis model tle (e.g. sacinp dat) 2, Sallprepemies tie (@¢. psinp.dat) 2.2 Greate Fatigue Model File ‘Atatgue model te with no Seastate naan is equred, order to apply he tatgue waves ana @ resulting stresses n each jont trom each wave. Ini Tes creatad by folowing these 1. Save acopy ofthe Inplace le as tiinp dat 2, Open ins tle and remove te trst LOAL line and alines attar the ine, Ao, remove any ‘eastate and load case ines atthe startot ie he (such a6 LCSEL, HYDKU, UPAR AMO AND LUOP) such that tne frst vo data ines of me tatgue model le an.) are OPIIONS and SEU, Leave member & group avemdes, manne grown denintions an in mis te (see bela). Ing SACS Fangue Maule manual recommends incuaing LL in columns 18:20 ot the (OP IIONS ine in carte condense aisinbutes lags and feauce the sze.t ne common solution tie 44, Set me.arag ang mass costtoients in aoceraance wet the tatgue-speamne inoimation in Cchewen Utsnore Inatlang Les Specinication 22.01 (envonmental Griana forthe Gur ot Inallang), as shown balow: 2.3 Greate Fatigue Wave Definition Files General, several (usually foun separate wave detniton tes are required m order to keep each jon Hila b a manageable Sze. Hor example, win a ourlegges resuting Seast Worley HOWTO DO A DETERMINISTIC FATIGUE ANALYSIS HOWTO -USINGSACS 5.1 Plattom, each tatque wavs detnnion tlemay cantain wave data for two ofthe nant wave duections ‘and severalwave heights react ot nose to arections. oreach wave naight ana arecton, tour oad eases (wale postions) enoula be dennea — mermum base shar,minmum base shear,makimum ypit and maximum down torce.+rom these four wave positons, the Fatigue module wil atermne tne maxamum possibia s¥ass range at each Jair (88 ‘Secton 2 er dolls on Mis}. $28 the parbal ample beiow: Worley HOWTO -vaiNasaca 8.1 Ing examble ctove shavs ust we wavernainis im and 0.8m yterone auction ‘Norn ne tie naua sontan aeversiveve neghtster Vermeny ween, ‘oloved 2y severe nave heighs tor Rothanestweves. Ina secora wave datntcn the WoUl conten Viest and Sout les 283, ano ‘ote tat esohthese(ypiclly tou "les srauldeantan enseatheaders ie hat how atove (12. WT ane LDUP! ine, and tre FILE ne to sign ate motel geemety is stored ma separate 12, sonwaras yanerman cananumgine iumbenrg To one Te otra ned. eacnwave denon tig noes not canan saat tro sema number ctiaad sce ter empl, large wana may accur (ow ham aatentanecwrs, amet tetatore vot! roe dee Gut Ue Wave UAL He). 2.4 Calculate DAFs fer Fatigue Waves Hetore comeing ne etacts ot each me tavque waves, its naoassay fo cacuee a separate LA ter 2ach1agu2 wave negra oan be sonere: By Using re angle cegree st Neeser DAL ‘quaton cianir Sacton 26.4 beow. Heweve, cue TD Ne ror~near nae ct sols, re netura poradat ho envetreie opereart enthowave regi ueedte eovalaptne meaneo¥ pl eo ‘SUpeiaie ont JS00 I te Macalanaysis Fr aTaIgUe Enan/Ss, “he sUpotetement sr ou bs ‘anaratst tom = wave halghtaqialtatatatra cane ot camege tg aaah 2.4.1 Calculate Centre of Damage Wave Heiaht Ine sant damage ava ean ania wave tas rpuasants Pa specu ot tag iawaNes te ct wt ute e sto, Hor aye eh, Ue atin a damage nowt Le exe as Dida ieee Ine costars bana mate seine by he Jar suess-nave height retancnshp and SN cue respestiay,itisacsumad tna: ress Is uted fowave naight as ale ere? ten, genera, 1.940 #20. 1yevaueotb is patam-specne, ae canbe calculates by peting the aial pus tend stresses ot severa primary members under treaxton c waves otvareus owe iat no sutent coad lance, ae) Ing otnsr constant 19, acuelto:ne cause mise Soper ine kgsog i cane Por APIA VISU Xarex cunes, Ne vallas ef mare 43sang's./he nemacr evessos 2 cach ant (sbred n a tnaty Common Solton Fe, blo rese stresses ca7 be corbin ant the damage cvauates wan sna Fangie rosie, Inmate are tour wave detioy tle, touresstate runs wil be nebessay. Usmgthe Rule viaand 0 MAGS 1 salect.a Sate Anaysiswin Mle Solirtractor, ant choose re trstwave cetn ten te 2: input he, olest ia pb cotta agprepnsc}y, ana eave dlarant chaste, Peciue datanace ‘ec urcneeksa snce ony Ine analy 5SH Ne ¢ nested. ~ress UF and men me wzar Wi a9 Te Hi sunsin me wave aetince te ane prompt Anca Micali bib RosRA na Haye AY un me anaysis ana renaretne resuinng “SIS Me To WAV=_1LISH "emer Grange me mma touse me secens nave cotnnen ve, rur Maanayyneazan, and renarre Ms wesuting HSICS ete VAVE_2.CSr aco oun all wav dele tes usual au) Nave Leen Usk ce w USE Neo ifthe ctueture edna meal soratve, the Ware Researae sackage atherthan Soaztet) ‘Srl be used ta gererae ts cy ware seas (GSF Wes, sie Ware Reece ae arses ie [Sn OYraIme MaCEIEREES. I RIND ACRES, SEPT Sa nas SPOINS Pe QERRE SO arth 247 ob hve sa 3:2 Combine SCF Flies tor Fatigue Life Determination Intneboa Precessna sector (host) oftreHunsle Wend, select atnue San he weard end neato tho hig run ngut le you areas m Gaston ZS, Ihe vizard wi prompt you 2 ealottho Dep rata Numoer as spaces NE FILE I Ire)o" LS” Nas MOseycU ceates 200V8). KUN NE rays, and sae atthe F1-SLSI ie tara sing 2t ne jrtsin cer st aecoasing damage (23ten tre Iie 1a Uw stig DAMAGE CRDEP), avaracevaue g eat tan ce NACA 4 UIUTE Rex! ie aces ann Ita ol atthe Ie Sly Yaar) ate At net hy TRL YI ep colurns u2t ine FLOP ire, anaysur wave trequency sata,

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