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The news of this morning that Federal Judge Frances Tydingco-Gatewood ordered the Government
of Guam to immediately begin issuing licenses for same-sex marriage brought me tremendous
sadness. This order, and now the man-made law of Guam, is not only a defeat for Christian
principles, but also a defeat for our Island and the whole of Humanity.
The recognition of a same-sex union, as marriage, destroys the basic fabric of society, and will
destroy human beings in the process. Marriage is and will always be a union between two persons
of the opposite sex; this union of man and woman must be protected by our Government, not
destroyed. More than ever the Church has the task to evangelize even our culture, a culture that has
been hit by this Tsunami of Secularization.
As I have said before, Guam has the right to regulate the civil effect of the marriage contract;
however, it does not have the right to define marriage itself. Why? Because marriage and family,
which are the basis of any society is pre-political, and marriage existed before our Government
before Guam existed.
For the Government (the State) to claim the right to acknowledge same-sex relationships, as
marriage, is the first step in collapsing the vital distinction between the State and Society. This is
the road to a totalitarian system. Why? Because now we will see that the State (the Government)
will require and demand that the Church accept its redefinition of marriage, by way of antidiscrimination laws.
To put same-sex unions at the same level, and same right of the natural family, is unlawful and
unjust. Who will suffer the most in this injustice? I FAMAGUON-TA - Our children. Family laws
have always searched for the good of the children; the question was always what is the best for the
children. We are passing a moment of crises. The Government (The State) by accepting same-sex
unions, can no longer refuse these unions, the right of adoption. Today, our Government (the State)
sadly is no longer interested in the good of I FAMAGUON-TA.
The Battle is not over; there is not yet the definitive word. For me, many words will still be said
about this issue. This is still a controversial and complicated issue for our contemporary culture. I
truly believe that this act of legalization is contrary to any sign of human progress, either of
evolution or civilization, but a step backwards, a reduction in human anthropology.
As Shepherd of the local church of Guam, I invite every faithful (politicians and legislators, too) not
to deny their faith, but to have the courage to be a witness to the truth - the truth about life, about
man, about marriage, about family! Do not be afraid! Christ is the Truth! The truth will set us free!

+Most Reverend Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., D.D.

Archbishop of Agana, Guam
June 5, 2015

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