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Chapter 21 Reading Guide

1. What is the general timeframe for what we term the Progressive Era and why is it called that?
1860-1920, because it was an era for change and progressive ideas that went against the traditional
belief system, which was based on inequality and unfairness.
2. How did new ideas about the role of religion, scientific management, and social Darwinism
contribute to the ideas about social change (justice) in the Progressive Era? Hint: This is a big
question. Think carefully and answer completely.
All of these things impacted the ideas of social change by implanting new goals for humanity to reach.
Religion is always striving for greater power, scientific management made it easier to place people in
the workplace and properly evaluate progress, and social Darwinism gave the drive to succeed.
3. What were some democratic ideals of Progressives? In other words, why does your book, on p.
433, describe Progressives as committed to democratic values?
The party of the people; direct voting for senators was one example. They believed that everybodys
political voice should be heard even women, as suffrage was one major part of the progressive
4. Explain the role, purpose, and function of muckraking in the Progressive Era.
It was mainly to spread progressionist views and to prompt people to ask for change. In pointing out
the flaws in the government, the party pushed other people to realize that change should be made,
and when they went looking for it, it wasnt hard to find, as that was what the progressives were
5. How did Progressives try to reform politics into a more accessible or democratic form?
They were very inclusive. Although it started with mainly white men, women, and sometimes even
other races, joined the progressionists in their pursuit for change. This all inclusive attitude gave
everyone a voice, even those previously silenced.
6. Explain Roosevelts Square Deal for labor? How does this seem to be a departure from
previous labor conflicts?
He tried to make labor more fair and equal as well as less dangerous. Previous conflicts were handled
locally or individually, but Roosevelts Square Deal aimed to tackle these workplace issues on the
national level.
7. Why were Republicans disappointed with Tafts leadership after Roosevelt? What were the four
main issues that fed their beliefs that Taft didnt have a truly progressive agenda?
Taft was more passive. He was also more republican. He was a racist, he was anti-suffrage, he didnt
care about the anti-trust acts that deeply, and he also did not take an aggressive clear stance against
corruption in politics.

8. Explain the rise of a 3rd party, the Socialist Party of America? Why do you think socialism became
popular at this moment in history?
As progressivism sparked a new idea for change, many wanted to join. However, though inclusive, the
progressives didnt always set out to tackle problems faced by ethnic races or women (other than
suffrage). The socialists aimed to change life for everyone individually and as a whole.
9. How did Wilson tackle the triple wall of privilege?
He took a pro-progressive stance and made some very good speeches about the God Standard and
about political corruption.
10. Explain the difference between Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois approaches to the
problems African Americans faced in the progressive Era. Why do you think they had different
viewpoints on how best to tackle inequality?
Booker T. Washington took a very aggressive approach to racism, blaming it mostly on the white men
and their privilege. He believe that all of society should fight against racism. WEB Dubois placed the
responsibility for fixing racism on the shoulders of the black men.
11. How do you think Progressive era activism influenced a new wave of feminism that called for
the right to vote? (Hint: think about who Progressives were). How did one wing of the suffrage
movementthe National Womens Partyseem like a break from traditional Progressive era
reform tactics or ideals?
Many women were progressives. As they became increasingly educated, many of them became
political local leaders for groups like the progressives. This increased the want to vote as more
educated women were coming out and had very strong, backed up opinions on politics. Suffrage was
more of an underdog thing. The regular progressives were mostly white men. Suffrage was fighting for
a right that all of the others had.

Short Answer Question

A) Briefly explain the contributions of TWO of the following to the Progressive movement:


Scientific management


Regulatory commissions

Muckrackers and scientific management contributed to the progressive movement by creating new
ideals about what our ideal government should be like. Muckrackers spread ideas on what was wrong
with the US. Scientific Management showed the US that it was not working to its potential.

B) Briefly explain why the Progressives thought government needed to play a more active role in
solving Americas problems.
The progressives believed that everybody should have a say. This means that some issues that
progressives had, such as farming-exclusive issues, werent being tackled by the government.
Therefore, they called for a more involved approach.

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