A Digital Engagement Model For Public Figures, Brands and Government

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A Digital Engagement Methodology For Public Figures, Brands And Government

Tim Hood, CEO Yoosk. Twitter: @timhood Linkedin : Tim Hood

Provide a set of tools for the public to ask questions online


Let the audience vote on which they most want to see answered Give them a way to feedback and rate the best answers

Give web editors, conference organisers and communications managers the means to set up their own panel interviews with the leaders they represent.

Create a central branded location in which to bring together the conversations but pull the questions in from all over the web.



Use widgets and i-frame embeds so that users do not have to leave the host website. If possible, use SSO so they do not have to create new web accounts.

Make it as easy as possible for partners to embed your engagement activity. Remember, no advertising-supported publisher will want to send people off their site.

Addyouranswers usingaudioorvideo toshowitisreallythe leaderwhois answeringandnot theirspokesperson.

Allow people access to engagement either via individuals they want to speak to or topics they want to ask about.

Use specific contexts like visits, consultations or landmark events around which to engage. Use whichever language the user feels most comfortable with.

Panels work best because they offer more choice to the user

Empower your target community by inviting them to meet you to conduct interviews. Subtitle video answers for accessibility.

Interviews should be conducted by the people, for the people.

Use authentic locations such as public transport or public buildings

Empower your community to start their own projects

Any organisation can engage openly: just set the parameters as did the Vietnamese Parliament on this licensed version of Yoosk


Use print and SMS to maximise inclusion

To be truly inclusive get out on to the streets and film questions from people who would never normally engage online

aninnova4veapproachtointerviews: ques4onsfromthepeople,putbythepeople Bloggers Constituents Students Activists Celebrities

Make your engagement campaigns more accessible by bringing in celebrities to represent the public.

Askingthisquestionmeansthatweareon Sin'sradarandhehasbeenintouchtomeet withus.Thiswillenableustoinuence, campaign,demandandhighlightthedigital injusticeanddiscriminationweface.

DavidMiliband,TessaJowell,JohnDenham,DouglasAlexander,IavnLewis, BobAinsworth,GiselaStuart,JamesPurnell,TomWatson,HazelBlears, SionSimon,DavidLammy,LordYoung,StephenTwigg,DerekWyaP,Steve McCabe,ChrisMullin,JohnPrescoP,BobRussell,DavidHowarth,Philip Norton,TomHarris,SimonHughes,LynneFeatherstone,SirMenzies Campbell,JoSwinson,JennyWilloP,JulianHuppert,FabianHamilton, JohnHemming,ParmjitDhanda,PaulRowen,SirAlanBeith,William Hague,DouglasCarswell,SirPeterBoPomley,SirAlanHaselhurst,John Redwood,LordMandelson,BaronessWarnock,LordSoley,BaronNorton, BaronDesai,LordCarlile

OrganisationsYooskhashelpedengagewiththepublic: ForeignandCommonwealthOce EURepresentativeOceinLondon MinistryofJustice UKParliament DepartmentofInnovation,UniversitiesandSkills DepartmentforInternationalDevelopment BirminghamCityCouncil BritishEmbassyVietnam NationalAssemblyoftheSocialistRepublicofVietnam

Whatpeoplesay: Yooskisabrilliantexampleoftheinnova7vewayspeople cannowengagewithlocalandcentraldecisionmakingonline. MichaelWills,MinisterforDemocra4cEngagement ..anotherdemonstra7onthatYooskcandeliveronbigcrossgovernmentcampaigns StephenHale,HeadofEngagement,FCOsDigitalDiplomacyTeam Yoosk...testsusinpublicastothequalityofouranswersandIbelieveitisimportant (par7cularlyinthese7meswhenwepoli7ciansaresomewhatunloved)tobeout theretoshoweveryonethatwedocareandcarepassionately. LynneFeatherstoneMP

Adiverselistofpartners Yooskisproudtohavepartneredwithorhavelinkswith: TheStudentRoom CityUniversityLondon UniversityofWarwickDigitalLaboratory TheArmyRumourService Netmums TalkaboutLocal(thehyperlocalblognetwork) TheIndependent BBCDemocracyLive Channel4 365media(ethnicmedianewagency) TrinityMirror JohnstonPress

Yooskhasbeensupportedbytwostagesoffundingfrom 4IPandScreenWestMidlands. YooskhasalsowontheBuildingDemocracyInnovationAward timhood@yoosk.com

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