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Mata Kuliah/ Kode MTK

Kelompok / Prodi
Hari, tanggal
Waktu Ujian
Dosen / No.Reg

: HRM 2/ EKM 4021

:Wed, 03 June2015
: 10.00 12.10 WIB ( 120 Menit)
:M. Rizal Situru, SH.MBL / 11059
:Open Book

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE STUDY SITUATION

The president has called a meeting to get your feedback on Jack, a department manager. Jack is what some
people call from the old school of management. He is gruff, bossy, and often shows an its my way or the
highway attitude. Jack is about five years from retirement.
Jack has a high turnover rate in his department. There have been several complaints on company surveys
about him from his department and from outside his department. People have commented on the fact that
Jack is rude during meetings and doesnt let others contribute. There are times when he has belittled
people in meetings and in the hallway. He also talks about his staff critically or negatively to other
But Jack also is a brilliantly talented person who adds a vast amount of needed knowledge and experience
to the company. He is extremely dedicated to the company and lets people know this by his arrival each day
at 6:30 a.m. and his departure at 6:00 p.m. He has been with the company for 32 years and he reports
directly to the president.
Jack has gone to the HR department and complained that the people his supervisors hire are not a good fit
for the company. The new employees dont listen and they have a poor work ethic. Jack feels that HR should
do a better job screening people.
What suggestions do you have for the president on how to coach Jack and develop a personal improvement
plan? What areas would you suggest be first on Jacks improvement plan? What kind of timetable would you
put in place? How about milestones and consequences? How should Jack be coached and by whom? Is it
worth the effort, since he might be retiring soon?
After introductions, the president will ask you for your How to Coach Jack plan.

The suggestions for the presidents are create Performance
Communication, Performance Appraisals, and develop Performance
Improvement Plans. The first suggestion that I have for president on
how to coach Jack is building Performance Communication. It would
be the important tools to know the performance of the employee
(Jack) by communication. Performance Communication is built by
providing opportunities to discuss and clarify performance
expectations, recognizing the efforts and accomplishments of
employee (Jack) , establishing a baseline to measure how well an
employee is performing, creating a plan of action for monitoring
and providing feedback on performance, and giving an advice and
suggestion for Jack to improve himself. In this step, President should
appreciate Jacks work and advice Jack to leave his bad habit on his

management that called from the old school of management and

improve himself to be open-minded, humble and be kindly to keep
relationship with other employee. The purpose and benefit of
performance communication is motivates and fosters good working
relationship in career counseling. Second, the president should do
Performance Appraisal to know about the strengths and weakness
of Jack. Even though Jack has bad reputation on his leadership and
his work environment, we still consider about the strength of Jack
which is a brilliantly talented person who adds a vast amount of
needed knowledge and experience to the company. Fundamentally,
the performance appraisal is designed to serve as a tool that helps
supervisor (president) analyzes and helps Jack to erase his
weakness and increase his strength in order to increase
productivity, communicate expectations, establish goals for the
coming year, and report the employees success performance
expectations, the result of performance appraisal could be basic to
develop Performance Improvement Plans. Lastly, the president
should develop Performance Improvement Plans. A Performance
Improvement Plan is a formal process used by supervisor or
president to help employees improve performance or modify
behavior. The performance improvement plan, or PIP, identifies
performance and/or behavioral issues that need to be corrected and
creates a written plan of action to guide the improvement and/or
corrective action. Develop PIP could be created in four ways consist
of :
The requirements of employee current and/or future role,
vision and target, Start by thinking about employees role
and the elements of their job that require them to work in
better context. In this step, we determine the personal
pressures will this role impose on employee, key
relationships, key tasks, additional
knowledge/understanding that will be important for
success in their performance
Identify the strengths and development areas, Using the
dimensions from the requirement of employee role,
identify three areas of strength that the feedback has
made employee more aware of, and how employee might
consciously use them more to be advantage in the future.
We should make a table of area of strength and ways to
use it extensively, combined with area of development
and ways to address it.
Build up a SMART action plan with timetable to bring
about change and development, to take an action and
complete the improvement, we should build up a SMART

action plan which is defined by Specific, Measurable,

Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. To make this action
runs well, we should create the timetable as selfdiscipline of improvement.
Assessing/monitoring/Evaluating the performance
improvement. After every step have done. All of changes
should be assessed, monitored and evaluated. This
purposes is to the current position comparing with the
past performance.
Primary Areas I would suggest to be first on Jacks improvement
plan is the area of development. Because there are so many
complains about the bad leadership and habits of Jack that would
be make the environment and jacks performance goes to bad
condition. So, I recommend Jack into area of development and
looking for a ways to address it and reach a better performance.
And for supporting his improvement, Jack requires Area of Strength
and find a ways to increase and use it extensively. The timetable
that I would put in place is timetable by date that there are target
that have to reach in certain date/period.
Role of milestones and consequences:
Milestones could be a measurement about the progress, level,
stages or position in Personal Improvement Plans. It would be
our indicators of our changes whether it will be a good or bad
and reached or not.
Consequences may include the impact, result and comparison
on performance, also the response to our improvement from
outside/environment. It could be our reached goals or
benchmarks that define the end-points, it is going to be our
assessment and evaluation of our improvement. This may
include the result and comparison an performance also the
response from outside/environment.
By Whom and How to couch Jack : Jack could be mentored by
supervisor/the president/above position on management line. We
specifically identify the performance to be improved or the behavior
to be corrected, provide clear expectations and metrics about the
work to be performed or behavior that must change, identify the
support and resources available to help the employee make the
required improvements, establish a plan for reviewing the
employees progress and providing feedback to the employee for
the duration of the PIP, specify possible consequences if
performance standards as identified in the PIP are not met.

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