Writ of Mandamus Rule 21 202

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RULE 21 202
and United States Supreme Court on a Petition for an Extraordinary Writ Of Certiorari


The Original Proceeding in 2008 for case 08C33343 and J0529 for
establishing wardship on 10/17/2008 co ensiding with Holly Lee and
Rodney Lee and Santiam Memorial Hospital Filing chapter 11 bankrupsy.
The colateral case Against Dr Dean Yeager left Santiam Memorial
$1million in debt. There is a history of retaliations against the petitioner and
Dr Charles Stringham and possibly Dr Fayhee on his possible testimony for
Linn County Case 07-2888. I was told they were going to murder me and
they murdered Dan D. Gouvea and Gang raped me my children and Dr
Charles Stringham and forced him to pose to pose for black mail pictures is
word in Canyon which is consistent with the notes he left me. I was
unconsious and there was evidence he resusitated me. He left me some of
the equipment and notes. I know his handwriting and knew it was him.
Point being I filed complaints with US District Court of Columbia to get
safety for judges who may be hurt and my family.
I did not notify Judge Prall or Judge Bisham because I didnt have the
money to re create forms. It was a last minute effort. I filed same property
dispute form with them as it is consice.
Petition For a Writ Of Mandamus
Heather Ann Edmunds Pro Se Petitioner
in petition for a Writ of Certiarori

Statement of the case:

The petitioner filed an appeal type action to get a response to the
concealed evidence I found which is in exhibit 13. related documents will
be attached.( i)The Mers settlement is my entitlement and the class action
suits cases 12c24871 and 12C 99300 were relivant to actions of FED and
Child custody retaliation forms. I argues the case and Carla Frech Assigns
me a Guardian at lidem to help confuse me. Judge James and I brought up
taxes and she said I was delusional because conspiracies dont happen. I
Said Carla the definition of a conspifacy is an act of two or more people the
matter of the act being illegal or conspiring to go out to meet are two
separate matters. This innitiated the heavy orders of my mental state. I had
evidence from Randy Micky Feeling perscription of doxipine without me
knowing and I brought my pharmacutial history to the first hearing Shane
and Brian allowed me to go to. It may have been july 20ll because I was
drugged nightly and wouldnt wake up to go to the DHS office and start
filing the civil rights complaints as I later did.
They stole my social Security checks and made me order so many DMV I
I.D. And would re route my mail and sent back my cards so I couldnt drive
or get money out or have I.D. For the social Security office to re issue the
checks. They called and changed my address so I couldnt call on the phone
and prove it was me. I had to go into the office. I had 3 cars they smashed
and the accident on 07/09/2011 was Brian stole $1000 from me at Santiam
Memorial in my new Mustang GT awaiting my $100 fix from Power they
promised to complete.
I am requesting a full review of cases filed related to my cps case having
action taken. The child support orders were submitted to attorneys to bring
into evidence and not one of them argued my sanity based on ongoing court
actions related to the children outside of the pending actions in this court
and they swore there was none. The prior case if ordered per my rights and
was denied. I was trying to timely file all of it on the prior harassment in
pursuit of a full lawsuit. I had a right to sue form. I have never been arrested
in my life until here. I had one minor action in 2007 conveniently when
Bush flew in to town. I was charged with a prescription fraud when the
paper was wet ripped after Lauren picked it up in the car on way to
pharmacy. She tried to draw on it and the wet paper ripped.

I told the pharmacy to call the ER and I knew it looked funny and I wasn't
trying to forge a prescription and attempted to inform the staff to call ER
doctor to confirm. The deputy told me there was footage and I said good it
will prove my innocence. Point is Santiam Memorial has harassed me and I
was put on probation via my Radiologic Technologist Oregon license board
and not through California or through the ARRT s investigation.
I had to do UA's and pay the state to do them and I wouldn't resolve my
case without 40 hours per week in field. I let my CNA lisence lapse due to
the harassment.
The only parties who have methamphetamine charges on them are the
Rupert family and Shane Beyer.
He was suppose to get charged for sexually assaulting Lauren in case
072888 and my being charged on everything is erroneous and maliciously
preventing me from having case resolved when I have over twenty people
to serve on and they denied me counsel.
The persons involved have stolen my Rail Road stocks my SSI my house
my children then accuse me of not having money or a house to provide for
my family. I can't do this and keep up with Oregon Justice's and attorneys
with court record documents and they know when to file on actions because
they are all in on it. That is a violation of the fair trade comity the us stock
exchange act and is warrant for a default.
In 2012 I caught litigation going on with Juge Ferder Then the orders on my
custody Shane getting a voluntary TPR to get visitaions in another county
per DHS I don't have the ability any more to consolidate the information by
citing the laws. I don't have my attorney books.
OVERT ACTS and abuse of procedures human trafficking, while the
Judges and Government are out parading around to meetings and making
up laws to use the money for.
My opinion
Really, I believe PG&E aka Pacific Power is acting as MERS and Their
attorney friends are suing on the 1033 granted through congress for
residency of themselves. The violates the national Voter Registration act
and I dont believe the votes are being counted correctly. I believe they are
voting for themselves and posing as citizens they toss in Oregon State
Hospital when Bush Wants a turn on atomic energy.

Reason for Granting writ

This is a matter of 28USC 2101 Public interest and safety and it is the
court's responsibility to afford me adequate counsel to proceed. I am
arguing human trafficking using ORS 161.370 to drug and beat people who
want to face a trail. They killed two patients while I was there and beat
them daily. I saw an attempted suicide was forced to not take ativan for my
seizures and on to Dilantin. I chose Dilantin because it is only used for
seizures and not a dual diagnosis. Refuse to use the medications in patient's
safe history use. Dialantin kills your liver and so do all of the other
psychotropic medications. The SNRIs and SRI are really hard on bodies.
Weight gain blood disorders and delusional thinking. They order Hoaldol
with it as an emergency PRN or if patient refuses medications they have ten
or more staff beat them to the ground and load them with haldol ativan
thorazine all at once to restraint bed and are strapped in screaming for
I need immediate relief because I can't do this with my cancer. I have a pain
crisis and the whole purpose of the paper I am writing with inadequate
software is too slow to get this done.
I had a notice microsoft breached my data. I file the greivances and will
take it to arbarition because it has hack my computer and now It barely
functions for this.
e coming down with these illnesses, its a matter of national Security to find
out what we are being exposed to causing our brains to be deformed or
For a psychiatrist is able to diagnose a mental illness in a matter of the hour
long admission procedure is not possible. Then the assignment of the
psychiatrist. They come in and have a five minute meeting to introduce
themselves and the drugs you will be on.
I can suggest a mental or physical illness to someone and if they trust me
they will likely have psuedo symptoms. I watch Don Tucker Speak about
how he got stuck in a mirror because he is diagnosed with a defect so he
claims. The purpose is to trust him he is Mentally ill too and it's ok to be ill.
He spoke to us about the mirror trapping him in it. The mirrors are warped
there and that is against the law for mental patients to be subjected to
mirrors which deceive images. It excasserbates true illnesses. There is no
input for the brain to ground right perception from a hallucination.

They almost killed me there and I was again diagnosed with Luekemia
which may have spread to my GI track. Now I am being forced to do
another evaluation and my attorney is not competent. He is maliciously
withholding the statutes or laws which apply to the erroneous procedures
when I specifically ask him on the initial order to give me a copy of the
state laws which apply to a procedure so I could ground laws in my custody
termination in a timely fashion with the appropriate federal court to appeal
pending judgment in the Linn County proceedings. My trespassing charge
is grounded on my application to act on my Deed of Trust to initiate
acceleration to prove I acted and the fraud or a determination of default was
in acts well out of my control.
I expect when I go to court, my attorney had my Deed of Trust for
my defense and not the Deeds illegally filed and I reported and was
retaliated with CPS. I tried to get the documentation from Holly Lee when I
was with William Andresen in 2006 to 2007 trying to file the divorce in the
proper jurisdiction because I needed to report the income from the property
from California Which my mother Cheryl Edmunds Laundered through my
account. In California I legally have to amend the money earned on the
sales of both properties because there was about a $75thousand dollar down
payment on 4 Woodleaf Ct Novato CA 94947 out of my dad's death. The
151 Hwy Ave Chubbuck ID 83202 allegedly sold for only $25 thousand
dollars. I am successor on My Dad's Estate or Trust in Marion County. My
mother knew she was not to have the Myrell Lynch Stocks as per my
inquire in 2004. I was told it was my entitlement but not told why.
In response to my actions, suddenly I lost my job at Silverton
Hospital. I was fired within weeks of the phone calls and mail
correspondence. I note the mail because the parties where and are the
federally contracted post masters of mill city and Gates. It is not
extraordinary to assume who is getting into my mail and committing fraud
with the city and Counties.
Currently according to my computer's data base per Meriam Webster's 2010
legal definition Overt Act n. An open act; an act indicating an intent to
commit a crime.
California Administrative Law is applicable due to the transfer of the estate
sales from Holly Lee and Rodney Lee in San Raphael Ca to purchase the
property on Gates School Rd. They are suppose to report the taxes and use
of the money plus the $90 thousand my mother gave Holly Lee for the
Purchase of their Gates Home. I am his legal heir and I am responsible for
having to try to rectify the accounts. I am the Successor to owe all those
taxes if I dont report how the money was misused.

If it applies under Administrative Law 5 Administrative agencies

Investigatory and Inquisitorial Powers. I am trying to comply with granting
consent to inspect my property here and related deeds and money transfers I
did not consent to nor did I agree to any contract under 1033. I believe the
foundation is cracked at 48993 Kingwood Ave Mill City OR 97360 do to
illegal contracted work done on the backyard. I believe they used
equipment too heavy to complete work and the insurance won't cover the
damages because the company wasn't qualified. I found the information in
the house after inspecting the property. I noted they were growing trees for
the rural fire department again which is a direct violation of the reason
Larry Rue was forced to Sell the Property in 1998 and why it sat on the
market until I purchased it in 2002. I requested to review the microfilms so
I knew what I was signing and the broker forced me through the procedures
I used Fidelity life Of Oregon to purchase the home because Fidelity is
suppose to cover damages if broker is committing fraud. I have been trying
to report Brenda Bonebreak and Sandy Edwards for property and tax fraud
and I keep getting charged with abusing my children and trashing my
apartment and initiating a false report for which my court appointed
attorney assigned me to mental court and it was not my defense.
I have been unable to determine the attorney who initiated my disability
because to my knowledge it was Todd Mc Cann. He is Shane Beyer's
Attorney for the CPS case and was not used as a marital privilige. He is a
conflict of interest and I assume they are stating my mental illness was just
cause to initiate the Power of Attorney to my estate. I dont know if there is
one, but I need to have this case reviewed because the withholding of
evidence I should have available to me, like my tax history and my father's
tax history which I filed and saved for investigation and either DA has it or
it was stolen.
The purpose of my whole initial process was lost in all of the erroneous acts
following my attempts to rectify. Someone who is a Federally Contracted
Post master and invoking illegal city laws to conflict my filing with
manicipal court on criminal city Property Conduct has been lost in the non
compliance of Oregon. I have more than exhausted the state for resolution
as they tried to have me committed and tried to murder me, took my driving
privileges away and have rendered me unable to act. I am limmited to my
Lukemea and my AVM diagnosis and I am being denied proper cancer
treatment. I have the right to have correct diagnosis so I can try to advocate
to get proper oncologists. I believe OSH used my admission to get my true
diagnosis and if I had five years to live when I was given a preliminary
diagnosis by Dr Muaer in 2011, I had three to five years with treatment.

My treatment has been modified to diet supplementing and a liquid diet. I

am requesting immediate review and an expidited Motion to object to the
Fitness to proceed as a defense of my criminal case if my attorney arranged
the defense with the DA. I did not try to use it at all for a defense if that is
what transpired. Because of the actions of my attorneys I am not able to file
papers as required. I cant afford to file on everyone and I am not acting pro
se voluntarily on a entitled Writ of Certiorari to the United States Supreme
court With an extension which never happens on 99% of the 1% of
reviewed cases. Everyone said it was not worth my time on the 1% of cases
reviewed and the percentage allowed for extension is a fraction of 1%.
for all the work I did to try to get it and have been rendered to my hacked
computer and no transportation to the Law Library and I hurt so bad the
public transit renders me in a pain crisis once I walk from the bus stop to
the law library.
Under the ADA act the government was suppose to accomidate to provide
me equal rights to Educate myself and the Right to know my rights when
being accused of crimes I did not commit. I did enter the property through
the back window because the smoke detector was sounding when I was
inspecting the Property. I had no intention of entering it until the smoke
detectors where sounding and I entered it to determine if there was a fire.
There was no one else to act to protect the property and neighbors from
harm if there was a fire.
The batteries where dead in the smoke detectors and I tried to leave a note
or find their contact information to let them know about the $1400 power
bill and my needing to enter the property to check the reason for the smoke
detectors going off. Legally I would be negligent if I heard them sound and
knowingly left with no action and a fire did start and the smoke detectors
where not working due to the battery. I would feel awful if the
grandchildren from the neighbor (who has harassed me from day 1) got
injured because I didn't care to think about reasonable safety.
Not paying taxes is an act of terrorism and it is of national defense to note
acts of terrorism. So here Is where I pray on the courts to grant me relief
and allow for deviations because I don
t have the software needed to file. I have non- programmed open source
Office Writer and no time to program it.
I need an attorney to finish off the body of the work I put into the case and I
don't have the time to master the cases I would cite and format it as per

I am likely going to serve on the attorney General's office under Rule 29

filing and service notifications and Service of Dcoments: special
notifications; corparate listing
to preserve the case I need to have the resources to file on all parties and the
same time to prevent erroneous motions and lengthy cross arguments for
which leave the case in a constant void of the point.
I am making allegations that Oregon has acted maliciously to prevent me
from my constitutional right to being represented by competent ethical and
qualified counsel.
I would like to be considered mentally competent and defect is the abuse of
the system and a corrupt government.
Psychological abuse is a crime but I cant find the law to cite which state
code is violating to report.

I dont know if Greg Roberts is Related to The Honorable Roberts in the US

Supreme court. There is someone allowing this at a high court position or it
would have taken action a long time ago. It never gets out of the state.
Judge Ferder was benched to preside over my direct complaint. 10-0566
simular application of procedures on A Petition for writ of Mandamus
Emergency Relief Requested and loss from Chase Mortgage. I notified
FSB and sent them the suit documents per acceleration I will serve them
with this so everyone is served. My attorney is completely noncompliant.
He is clocking time for the settlement and deceived me in his efforts to
bring case to trial and consolidation. I attempted to rectify it and was denied
my motion on 04/28/2015 re Case 12010063. They intentionally left me no
counsel and counselor failed to print me of the Habeas Corpus dismissal or
evidence of returned mail which violates my United States Constitution to
have adequate counsel. I left believing matter of my departure was a
granted relief and My attorney intentionally did not inform me so I could
appeal it. I cant appeal timely when I am deceived and involved with the
writ of certiari and my attorney's lies.
Please review and note address change. I have cancer and will die if not
treated and I have the evidence that Santiam Memorial Breached my
medical information to the opposing parties so I can die in testate and Dr
Charles Stringham looses on his civil actions to file suit for medical assault
on Lauren, David Robbie and Sarah. They are rumored to be using the

assault photos to incriminate him as the one who committed the assault.
This is what I heard. I was arrested by Deputy Barber in June 2011 for
trying to report the DVD's titled with sex video with Heather and Dr
I am not familiar with majestrate appointment of special master and need
consult on how to proceed.
My reservation is DHS using it to grant themselves the suit money When
Dr Charles Stringham dies. We are both statistically going to die before
case resolution.
I can file on the Mers Desion and conflict of interest made by justice
Balmer. Please send response. Rule 4 on a writ of Certiarori Grants me the
right to petition a review so I can default on state for not resolving the
issues to allow me to file appropriately.
M.A. Robbins, Bad Law? Juditial conduct Commission Examiner Questions Basis for Public Warning
Public Warnign In Keller Case, Texas Lawyer, July 26th 2010. App.B.
Special Masters findins of fact, filed Jauary 20th 2010

expedite an order of stay

I may need to expedite an order of stay pending review of the US Supreme
Court; may condition the stay on the filing of a supersedeas bond having an
approved surety or sureties. The bond will be conditioned on the
satisfaction of the judgment in full, together with any costs interest and
damages for delay that may be awarded. If a part of the judgement satisfied
or is otherwise secured the bond may be conditioned on the satisfaction of
the part of the judgment not otherwise secured or satisfied together with
costs interest and damages.
per rule 23 Stays. My intentions would be under 28 USC 2101(f). Rule 23
sec 4 of the United States Supreme court Rules states A judge court or
Justice granting an application for a stay pending review by this court
Theoretically, I would be granted my writ being I was not given counsel and
I can not keep up. This is my attempt to amend matters in a petition for an
Extraordinary Writ of Habeas Corpus giving justice to President Kennedy.
Under ORS 419B.100 Jurisdiction we are denied our 14th Amendment rights
of the United States Constitution. Per the Oregon 2011 Criminal Code Book
I had at Oregon State Hospital to cite violations upon need. I wasn't granted
my Law Library when The Oregon Supreme Court Denied my request for a
Review. Rule 29.7 Per United States Rules of state compliance to federal
jurisdiction cites the laws governed for not Providing the defendant or
respondent counsel.
I want the case to stay on the Original order Exhibit 13. I called the Oregon
Supreme Court on about December 21st 2011 to inquire why I did not get

counsel and no response. I left a message and they did not return my call. I
put the case information all in a huge pile with hand written notes to file
timely. The US Supreme Court Granted me an Extension. I cant afford to
file all of those copies on everyone. I will file what I have and Ground it in
exploiting me financially and denying me counsel. I am allowed to be
granted a deviation 28USC 2101(e) Act of congress and Public Interest
which consolidates my argument to have my Writ of Mandamus granted.
I want an expedited order to retro activate to the judgment per exhibit 13.
It is very clear and concise.
In Rompella v Beard 545 US 374 (2005) the Justice Souter delivered an
Opinion This case calls for specific application of the standard of reasonable
competence required on the part of defense counsel by the Sixth Amendment.

Issues Presented
On April 28 2015 I was seen before Linn County Court where I filed a Motion for
substitute Counsel and brought the issue of Brady v Maryland 373 US (1963) where the
defendants counsel failed to submit evidence in United States Court Proceeding

Wiggins v Smith 539 US 510 (2008) errored in the trial court councel investigating
extenuating evidence of client and te federal proceding was allowed to stay without
Overt Acts as in my property dispute pursuant to ORS 95.290(i) General Priniples of
law and equity as supplement to ORS 95.200 and 95.310: Unless displace by the
provisions of ORS 95.200 (definitions for ORS 95.200 to 95.310) to 95.310 (short title)
the principles of law and equity including the law merchant and the law relation to
pricipal and agent estoppel,, laches. Fraud. Misrepresentationduress, coercion mistake
insolvancey or other validation of inalidating caue, supplement its provisions. {1985 c.
664 10}
Per Deed Of Trust Vol 1485 page 345: page 355 section 19 Borrower's right to Reinstate
after acceleration. See appendix A Deed of Trust
I need a notice of statutory restraining order preventing the dissipation of assets in
domestic relations actions per the suits and all of the money they are winning on suits.
Please get my children safe to a impartial party if need be to secure their statements and
medical evaluations. If I needed to grant a guardian for that need I do and I consent to
ethical remedies. And address appropriate counsel to be assigned so I can know my
Emergency Relief prayed for
Please Amend Case to the J0529 exhibit A. Get the children to non conflicting
Guardians if they need to be investigated for their testimony without co ersion. There is
sexual assault matters and they were threatened the people would kill me. To get the full
story out of them and David, they would have to be safe and know I am safe and have

the situation explained at child level of who is doing what and why per the protocals
usually in place. There should be a crime scene task force addequate for children rape
victims. I have nothing to hide and am willing to face equal charges for child neglect if I
did it. I did not and provided pictures. They have been left so long with those people, I
don't know what to think. I want them examined and I want to press charges against the
persons who hurt them and we can begin there.
I need an attorney appointed. I need access to secure cancer treatment and need to be
able to marry Dr Charles Stringham per our arrangement. I asked him in 2005 and he
didnt coerce me or offer me money. He is the only Doctor I trust to get me some
immediate relief from the pain I am in. I am on a liquid diet and there is addequate
evidence of what is really wrong. OSH gleened my medical records and statitically with
the medical poisoning of me, I should be dead and I have modified my diet to extend my
misery to see this through. If founded upon my death there are murder charges to file.
We are looking at attempted murder and I do understand de novo covers murder charges
as there is no statue of limitations.
I need an attorney to explain the assignment of a Special Master with Magistrates. I see
it as another way they constantly file litegations to win themselves. I am sure there are
several national laws that forbid making up laws by fraudulant litigation to cite the law
later for a ground to allow. I can't believe I have to feel need to point that out. Lastly, I
would like for Justice Roberts and possible relations to Greg Roberts to be sure they
aren't abusing the relationship to do what they want. I want them to be restrained from
the mers settlement and the other settlements pending the review probably needed. I
wont live out that and just want now for victim compensation of a reasonable loss
pending the outcome of the other matters. I left Dr Charles Stringham as Executor if I
die first.
Impact statement

I know DHS allegations where I was using drugs and it doesn't count if they
were dosing me with doxipine and ghb. I am not responsible for my actions
when someone is drugging my food. I believe Brian Hillary did most of it
because now I live alone and don't have that problem. My problem is the
gross negligence has left me surrounded by their moffia and cartel
wondering if I am going to tell on them for manufacturing meth. Yes but I
worry about co ersion and I have still been told snitches wind up in ditches.
I need relief from this. I did my part and I am left stranded in the middle of
all of them at ma's having meetings. My attorney goes their daily and drinks
himself drunk every night almost and gambles almost the whole time. He is
almost celebrating the orders for my ors 161.370 surely they want another
admission so I die the next round. All I have left of my property pictures,
children and father are these papers all over my studio apartment for which
I am greatful for. It allows me to function minimally. I am isolated all day
and night to get this done and not discuss case too much.
I have no chemo treatment due to the HIPPA violations and am awaiting the
court granting me to be secured with Dr Charles Stringham. I need his input
on what to do.
I Cited Overt Acts and feel it is a matter of judicial ethical conduct to protect my medical situation from

the respondents. I reported the violation and they found Santiam Memorial as source. I need medical
intervention and an attoney assigned. Please review and consider I am to $150 to have to serve on entire
DHS et al. I cant do it. The only other way is serving the attorney general and this court under fule 21 202.
I noted to note use probabilities on finale breifs. I just need state to rectify error to show I attempted to

We believe that the evidence introduced on Robinson's behalf entitled him to a

hearing on this issue. The court's failure to make such inquiry thus deprived
Robinson of his constitutional right to a fair trial. [Footnote 7] See Thomas v.
Cunningham, 313 F.2d 934 (C.A.4th Cir. 1963). Illinois jealously guards this right.
Where the evidence raises a "bona fide doubt" as to a defendant's competence to
stand trial, the judge, on his own motion, must impanel a jury and conduct a sanity
hearing pursuant to Ill.Rev.Stat., c. 38, 104-2 (1963). People v. Shrake, 25 Ill.2d
141, 182 N.E.2d 754 (1962). The Supreme Court of Illinois held that the evidence
here was not sufficient to require a hearing in light of the mental alertness and
understanding displayed in Robinson's "colloquies" with the trial judge. 22 Ill.2d at
168, 174 N.E.2d at 823. But this reasoningOFFERS no justification for ignoring
the uncontradicted testimony
conclusion I have appointment with Paul Kubrich on 05/05/2015. He is willing to
see me despite the abuse of ors 161.370 to have me committed to Oregon State
Hospital. I was not a harm to myself or others. My Mother kept trying to rush at me
and yell at me to cause me to flinch at her. I tried to avoid her startling me so she
could call 911 for the 5th time on or about September 19th 2013. She was suppose
to take me to linn county helping hands and told the responding officers she would
when they could find no reason to arrest me.
Now my defense attorney was removed maliciously to harm my going to trial and
my child custody rights would have been found to be a criminal act on CPS a state
federally funded program which was used to kidnap my children to conceal my
estate from me and for federal oversite the state could tell IRS I was committed
and not able to pay or act on my taxes or property or estate or children. This is
human trafficking and I cant keep up with them.
I will file this to timely to notify and serve the Attorney Generals office of Oregon. I
will mailed and amend to hadwritten evidence proof of service and photo copies of
us postage receipts.
I am going to attempt to file on my attorney and DA as per verbal order of Judge
Bispham. I due comprehend and filed a complaint with the US District Court Of
Columbia to inquire about my attorney complaint forms. They were filed with the
Rule 21 202 per Judge Bispham and Judge Prall. I acted sanely and consiously of
trying to protect them in event of retaliation because my complaint is on Oregon
Supreme Court Justice's. They are at a higher level to retaliate and obstruct the
circuit court Judges from acting. I will amend to her request of me to file a motion
for substitute counsel and show exhibit 13. and that is a writ of mandate and I am
Petition of Mandamus:application of procedures- respectfully requesting the US
Supreme Court to Consider the Jurisdiction under 28USC 1254(2)
Petitioner's Conclusion: I have to consolidate paper's to file and I should not be obligated to filed 10 lbs
of there misconduct on my cases so I have to pay tons of postage to yet file and the case (s) are in need

of binding agent. Et Al Terrorists renders me unable to file on every attorney

Concealed weapons charge was dropped on March 26th 2015 :Malicious intent evaluation. My attorney
is trying to have me re committed concealed charges on my competence motion from me. Burg is 5
years in ORS minimum on a guilty but insanity plea per his lying to me about what was pending
Footnote: For my procedures I am Amending to Parties section in Response Not able to serve appendix
28 usc 1254 (2)....

at any time by a court of appeals of any question of law in any civil or criminal case as to which

instructions are desired, and upon such certification the Supreme Court may give binding instructions or require the entire
record to be sent up for decision of the entire matter in controversy.

The real bonus in the hopes of having Cake and eating it too is the GIS maps and the PCP in
the water and the environmental issue with the power station Pacific Power aka PG&E. I will
send out the human trafficking condensed version with the court ordered evel and I actually
can serve pretty cheap to UN, Her Majest the Queen of England Queen Elizabeth so in event of
binding agent wants to throw more taxes I owe to England laws and terriffs


at any time by a court of appeals of any question of law in any civil or

criminal case as to which instructions are desired, and upon such certification the Supreme
Court may give binding instructions or require the entire record to be sent up for decision of
the entire matter in controversy.

Petitioner is unable to file this with the clerk because the clerk breaches FAPPA
information so I deferred the matter to the US Supreme Court to Safely handle the
matters 3rd party.
This is the copy to Judge Bispham. I am Serving this under Rule 21 202 and I have
the FAPPA 060116 where you were the Judge when Shane Beyer was trying to get
my medical information and the case numbers are all available in the clerks office.
I am referencing to have them admitted as evidence.
My safe contact information is 3410 Pacific Blvd SW apt 11
Albany OR 97321
respectfully submitted

Heather Edmunds


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