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Network Based Intrusion Detection to Detect Steganographic

Communication Channels - On the Example of Images

Danny Hesse, Jana Dittmann, Andreas Lang
Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
AMSL Advanced Multimedia and Security Lab

{danny.hesse, andreas.lang, jana.dittmann}

Today we find a wide variety of Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS). They can detect attacks against
network services or certain hosts. These attacks often
violate integrity, availability and confidentiality of a
IT-System or its data. One attack against data is the
loss of confidentiality. With the help of stegographic
tools one can hide data in a cover media and transmit
it over the network. At this time nowadays no
Intrusion Detection System is available to detect this
security violation. In this paper we discuss the design
of an IDS that is able to detect steganographic
communication in image data. Future Intrusion
Response Systems (IRS) could be trigged by the IDS
to react in accordance to the policy.

1. Motivation and Introduction

Beside the advantage of worldwide network
connections for enabling services and communication
between people the design of the communication
protocols has some disadvantages regarding to
security. Therefore to prevent attacks Intrusion
Prevention Systems (IPS) become very popular
recently, see [21], thus Intrusion Detection Systems
[11] seem less be effective to provide security by
being re-active. On the one hand IPS offer better
ways to secure a computer system in an active
manner. One the other hand, IPS does not allow to
analyse potential security leakages effectively. For
example steganographic communication could be
used for violate a security policy. IPS systems would
need to analyze the communication online to perform
active steganalysis. As described in [22] an online
analysis is time consuming and needs the complete

Proceedings of the 30th EUROMICRO Conference (EUROMICRO04)

1089-6503/04 $ 20.00 IEEE

transmitted data to decide if there is a covered

channel initiated. Thus for detecting image or audio
steganography, an IPS would need to interrupt the
online communication to perform steganalysis and to
decide allowing or disallowing the communication.
This approach would lead in most cases to quality of
services problems or would need an expensive
scalable hardware support. Therefore in our paper we
show, how to use steganalysis within IDS to detect
steganographic communication with offline analysis.
In our paper, we discuss how to use traditional
techniques from ID (looking for attacks against the
network protocols, (network) applications or
operating systems) in combination with steganalysis
techniques in general. Beside conceptual work we
introduce a Network based Intrusion Detection
System (NIDS) that is able to capture the network
traffic on the wire and look for potential covermediums. As modularised approach different
steganalysis tools can be integrated. In our example
implementation we use the well-known Chi-SquareTest [2] to distinguish between a clean or unclean
data. In the section 2 we briefly introduce
steganographical tools and steganalysis approaches.
In section 3 we discuss our design concept for
combining IDS and steganalysis. Experimental results
are presented in section 4 and section 5 summarizes
our work.

2. Brief Overview: Steganography and

Today we find a wide variety of different techniques
to prove the usage of steganographic algorithms for
digital image data, see for example in [1] or [20]. In
our first investigations we limit our system to detect

steganographic content in images. In the next two

section we briefly describe two steganalysis
approaches to motivate the general idea.

2.1 Visual Attacks

Generally, a visual attack [2] tries to visualize the
changes of a steganographic application. The Result
of a visual attack is a more or less noised picture. The
decision whether the image has an embedded
message or not, depends upon the subjectively feeling
of the observer and can therefore difficult
implemented for an automatic detection. Furthermore
the modern steganography tools like the algorithms
Jsteg [9] and F5 [4] are robust against visual attacks
and thus they are not considered in our system design.

2.2 Chi-Square-Test
The Chi-Square-Test (CST) [2] is based on the
comparison of distribution functions. The attack uses
statistical features of an image to detect hidden
messages while most used steganographic algorithms
do not pay attention to the statistical properties of the
cover image. The changes can be detected/proved for
example with Chi-Square-Tests. The result is the
likelihood that a message is embedded. For further
information we refer to [1], [4], [5] and [9].
So there are some implementations that use the ChiSquare-Test. A very famous and powerful
tool is Stegdetect [10] from Niels Provos. Stegdetect
is an automated tool for detecting steganographic
content in images. It is capable of detecting several
different steganographic methods to embed hidden
information in JPEG images. Currently, the detectable schemes are jsteg, jphide, invisible secrets,
outguess 01.3b, F5, appendX, and camouflage.

3. Design of the Intrusion Detection

In this section we describe our design of the Intrusion
Detection System that detect the existence of a
steganographic message in image data.

3.1 Problem Analysis and Challenges

There are many Intrusion Detection Systems
available. For example the wide used Open Source
software Snort [15] the commercial products ISS
RealSecure [16] or Cisco NetRanger [17]. There are
also steganalysis tools like Stegdetect, as introduced
in Section 2. The currently available Intrusion
Detection Systems have no methods to detect covert
channels in digital images and the steganalysis tools
have no functions to monitor network connections.
That is why we combine techniques from Intrusion
Detection and Steganalysis to a new Intrusion
Detection System.

Proceedings of the 30th EUROMICRO Conference (EUROMICRO04)

1089-6503/04 $ 20.00 IEEE

3.2 Design Concept

Generally, there are two different ways to implement
Intrusion Detection Systems [11], [14]. On the one
side there are host-based systems (HIDS). One the
other side there are network based systems. Host
based systems monitor one IT-System alternatively
they support the attack detection on application or
operating system level. Network based systems
supports the attack detection on network level [12],
[14]. In contrast to NIDS the HIDS are able to detect
attacks in the encrypted host specific network traffic.
But the main disadvantage of a host-based system is,
that it can only detect intrusions against one system,
which is observed by the host. Network based
systems are able to monitor more than one system by
using one or several sensors. In our application area
for steganography detection the goal is to capture the
whole traffic in a network and therefore networkbased monitoring becomes favored in this
implementations. Generally, the NIDS consist of five
Subsystems [14]. A component for data collection, a
component for data analysis, a storage-component, an
IDS-management and a result visualisation are also
necessary. The 5 components are described below.
The Packer Capture Engine (PCE) captures the
traffic from the wire. In promiscuous mode, the
network interface can collect the traffic address
independent. For technical background and
conditions for network based data collection, please
look at [12]. In our implementation we use this
module to process all packets on the wire. The system
supports the TCP-Protocol, at the moment.
Furthermore, it can track more than one tcpconnection by using threads. If a tcp-connection is
finished (by tcp-fin or time-out) the collected data
will be analysed in the analysis module. In the
analyses module we use the Chi-Square-Test
introduced in Section 2. So we can detect the usage of
many steganographic tools like Jsteg, Jphide or
EzStego. Due to the openness of the design we are
able to extent our system easily for example to F5 [4]
and [5] in future. In the following we explain the
modules of the IDS and whose tasks. The result of the
analysis module will be stored in the database. Also
the parameters of the communication are stored in the
database. A short description of the values that will
be stored in the database is below. All parameters for
each module are configurable in the module itself. At
the moment there is no central management module.
In future we plan to implement a central
management, so that parameters for data collection,
analysis and storage can be manipulated in one ore
extra module.
There is a HTML-Interface that is used for result
presentation or visualisation. With this interface
one can directly see the values that are stored in the
database. So one directly see when a hidden or
steganographic communication was done or not.
Please look at figure 2 for a visual representation, it
shows the basic architecture of the database.

The first value is the Unix_Timestamp, with this

value one can specify the time of the (hidden)
communication. The Source_IP, Destination_IP,
Source_Port and Destination_Port are used to
determine the kind of the communication. With the
Mime_Typ one can distinguish between the different
types e.g. JPEG, BMP, GIF. The analysis field
contains the result of the Chi-Square-Test. Possible
values are no stego message detected or !!stego
message detected!!. In this case one have all
parameters that are necessary to specify the
communication between to IT-systems.

4. Experimental Results
For testing the success and limits, we test this system
in several environments. The success of the system
can be divided into three parts. First part: The system
is successful if every image that has been transmitted
from or to the network could be captured and
analysed by the system. Second part: the system is
successful if the analysis routine classified every
collected image in a correct way. This means there
are no false positives and no false negatives. This is a
very theoretical assumption, so if we have a
minimum of false positives and false negatives the
system works successfully. The third part tries to
determine an embeding capacity limit to perform
reliable detection. For our simulations, we create a
typical web scenario (comp. figure 1) with one client,
one IDS and one webserver. For more transparency
we first explain the used hard and software
components as well as the test set. The Intrusion
Detection System is a Pentium 4 1,8 GHz with 512
MB RAM and one 3 Com 905 network interface is
installed. The IDS-operating system is Linux, kernel
2.4.19 and glibc 2.3. As database management system
(DBMS) we use MySQL-DBMS in version 4.0.15.
The client (A) is a Pentium III 800 MHz notebook
with 256 MB RAM. The operating system is a
Windows 2000 including SP3. The webserver (B) is a
IRIX 6.4 on an IP27 architecture with Apache 1.3.27.
In the following figure 2 you see the structure of the
test scenario schematically.

Figure 1 Schematical structure of the test scenario.

The client (A) visits a website on (B). The test
website consists of text and about 100 images. These
images are JPEGS with a size varying from 20 KB to
500 KB. In a predefined selection of about 20 images
we have embedded a message using Jsteg with a
message length varying from 10 to 100% of the

Proceedings of the 30th EUROMICRO Conference (EUROMICRO04)

1089-6503/04 $ 20.00 IEEE

maximum embeding capacity. The task of the IDS is

to detect the transfer of potential cover-media's (like
JPEGS). The next step is to analyse the collected data
with the Chi-Square-Test from [2]. In our scenario
the IDS was able to detect every image, so the system
was overall successful in our test environment for
both first test goals.
In regard to our third test goal due to the speed of
computation and in computing the CST the biggest
problem is that we could not detect small messages.
In this case small means messages that are less than
0.5 percent of the maximum embeding capacity.
These are the false negative results. In this case the
system works unsuccessful.
In figure 2 you see the result of the test. You see a
shortcut of the analysed database. In highperformance networks (>=100 Mbit), networks with
high packet density and bandwidth there is a packet
loss problem. In these networks the IDS cannot
process all the packets on the wire. The result is a
damaged and non-coherent image data. To minimize
these problems one can establish traffic filter that
filters the traffic to relevant data. We only analyse
TCP-connections so there is no need to look up in
UDP or ICMP-connections. The other problem
during packet processing is the performance of the
steganalysis algorithm (Chi-Square-Test). For a small
set of images the test is rather fast.
But websites usually consists of huge numbers of
images, which would have to be analysed
simultaneously. Therefore the Chi-Square-Test is
performed after storing the data in the database.

5. Conclusion
This document described very briefly a network
based Intrusion Detection System to detect
steganographic content in images. It is one of the first
IDS to detect hidden communication channel in
digital images. The extension of Intrusion Detection
Systems to steganalysis techniques will close an
existing gap. In our test environment we evaluate the
general functionality. The main problems are related
to packet processing/packet loss. In this first
approach we only monitor TCP-connections (HTTP
and FTP). In these connections we look for JPEGpictures, with the CST we can analyse these images
in case of using steganographic tools. Furthermore,
there are further programs that can embed in GIFs
(EzStego) [8] or bitmaps. Our approach is scalable
and can be extend to steganalysis algorithm that are
able detect messages in other image formats or even
other media types like audio. For example MP3-data
(MP3Stego) [18] and WAV-data (Stegowav) [19] are
used for a covert-communication and steganalysis
tools are under way to detect the hidden channels
here too, see [20]. An extension to further schemes
can be easily set up. In future we plan to monitor
connections in which sound files like WAVs or mp3
will be transmitted.
Open questions are for example: How to handle the

positive classified media data, how to protocol or

store the data, what is the impact and consequences
of positive detection and how to handle false
positives? What are useful re-actions on positive
detections? Is it possible to formulate a set of rules
with security policy languages? Is it possibly to
integrate the approach into IPS?

5. Acknowledgements
The information in this document is provided as is,
and no guarantee or warranty is given or implied that
the information is fit for any particular purpose. The
user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and
liability. The work described in this paper has been
supported in part by the European Commission
through the IST Programme under Contract IST2002-507932 ECRYPT.

6. References
[1] Stefan Katzenbeisser and Fabien A. P. Petitcolas,
Information Hiding Technics for Steganography and Digital
Watermarking, Artech House 2002.
[2] Andreas Westfeld and A. Pfitzmann, Attacks on
Steganographic Systems, 3rd International Workshop,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag Berlin
[3] Neil F. Johnson and Sushil Jajodia, Steganalysis of
Images Created Using Current Steganography Software,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1998.
[4] Andreas Westfeld, Steganography Software F5, 2003.
[5] Jessica Fridrich and Miroslav Goljan and Dorin Hogea,
Steganalysis of JPEG Images: Breaking the F5 Algorithm,
5th Information Hiding Workshop 2002.
[6] Andreas Westfeld, F5 - Ein steganographischer
Algorithmus: Hohe Kapazitt trotz verbesserter Angriffe,
[7] Neil F. Johnson and Sushil Jajodia, Steganalysis of
Images Created Using Current Steganography Software,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1998.
[8] Romana Machado, Hide and recover encrypted data in
your GIF files with Steg, http://,

[9] Derek Upham, Jsteg,
documents/ftpsites/berkeley/jsteg, 2003.
[10] Nils Provos, Steganography Detection with Stegdetect,, 2004.
[11] Ralf Spenneberg, Intrusion Detection fr LinuxServer, Markt+Technik Verlag 2003.
[12] Derek Atkins and Paul Buis and Chris Hare and Robert
Kelly, Internet Security Professional Reference, New
Riders Publishing 1997.
[13] Intrusion Detection Subgroup, Report on the NS/EP
Implications of Intrusion Detection Technology Research
Development 1997.
[14] Josef Helden and Stefan Karsch, Grundlagen
Forderungen und Marktbersicht fr Intrusion Detection
Systeme (IDS) und Intrusion Response Systeme (IRS)
[15] Brian Caswell and Marty Roesch,The Open Source
Network Intrusion Detection System,
[16] Internet Security Systems Inc. 2003.
[17] Cisco Systems, Network Security An Executive
o/netsp_pl.pdf 2003.
[18] Petitcolas, Fabien, MP3Stego,
[19] StegoWav,
/stego/softwaredos.html 2004.
[20] J. Fridrich, Feature-Based Steganalysis for JPEG
Images and its Implications for Future Design of
Steganographic Schemes, to appear in The 6th Information
Hiding Workshop, Toronto, CA, May 2335.
[21]DACH Security, Bestandsaufnahme, Konzepte,
Anwendungen, Perspektiven, 2004.
[22] Jana Dittmann; Stephan Klink; Andreas Lang; Martin
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Strategien, Anwendungen, Realisierungen; Patrick Horster
(Eds.) it Verlag fr Informationstechnik GmbH,
Hhenkirchen, pp. 246 257, 2002

Figure 2 Visual representation of the database.

Proceedings of the 30th EUROMICRO Conference (EUROMICRO04)

1089-6503/04 $ 20.00 IEEE

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