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Flag Day-June 14-A time when Americans reflect on the foundations of the nations

A church with open arms, loving hearts, and a desire to bring glory to god

Faith Christian Church News

freedom. Please display your American flags at your home and local business.

Nepal Earthquake Relief Offering

On June 14th and 21st an offering will be collected for the victims of the earthquake in Nepal. The Church Leadership
Team has voted to match the funds collected from the Outreach Ministries portion of our church budget. The offering
will be forwarded to Nepal through Samaritans Purse. Checks (made out to Faith Christian Church) and cash can be
donated in the special envelopes provided and placed in the worship offering.

Mark Your Calendar!

CLT wants to hear from YOU!

Do you have any ideas, concerns or
would like to get involved at FCC? If so;
please contact one of the CLT members
before our next CLT meeting on 7.7.15.

Hopedale Christian Church

June 14-Flag Day

June 14 & 21-Nepal relief offering
June 21-Fathers Day

July 4-Independence Day

July 7-CLT Meeting

Continue to seek the heart of God on this possible

merger. The interview conversations with the
Search Committee chairman being in the pulpit
on April 10th all these factors suggest this may
be a door that is opening.
The church will be kept aware of developments.

Volume 3, Issue 20

JUNE 2015

Whats in FCC News this week?

Nepal Earthquake Relief


Our Extended Church


CLT wants to hear from you!

Message from Pastor Reid

Hopedale Christian Church

June Celebrations

Mark Your Calendar

Altar Flowers

Fathers Day

Prayer Concerns

Meeting place address:

4630 Blanchard Road
Burlington NC 27217

Postal address:
P. O. Box 1731 Burlington NC 27216
Church website:

Fathers Day
On Sunday, June 21 we will
remember and honor our fathers
and those who fulfill the role of
father. A special gift will be given
to all men present. Pastor Reid will
bring a message about the
importance of men fulfilling the role
of spiritual leader in our homes.

Contact Information for Pastor Reid

Home Telephone(336) 447-4445 Cell Phone(336) 214-1065

Have you liked our Facebook Page?

Or checked out our website!
Click on FCCs logo and Facebook icon to visit our page and website

Message from Pastor Reid

Five Ways to Stop Discouragement From Getting the Best of You
-By Leslie Vernick
Discouragement is a normal experience in life. There are people in the Bible who dealt with discouragement. Job was discouraged with his wife and friends (Book of Job) Elijah became discouraged with lifes circumstances as he was pursued by
King Ahab and Jezebel (1 Kings 19) Jeremiah was discouraged, thinking God was against him and temporarily lost hope in
God (Lamentations 3) Peter was discouraged with himself because he denied knowing Jesus (Matthew 26).

Our Extended
Church Family

Discouragement happens, even to the strongest and best of people. Below are five steps you can take that will help you stop
discouragement from getting the best of you.
1) Be honest with yourself resist the temptation to pretend what you feel.

Hassell and Becky Corbett-

712 Jeffries Cross

Road Burlington
NC 27217
Ervin and Polly Stanfield6403 Union Ridge
Road Burlington
NC 27217
Victor Newcomb1413921 M C I
P. O. Box 506
Maury NC
Hannah RichWestern Carolina
University 245
Memorial Drive
Suite 8054
Cullowhee NC

2) Take care of your body Pause, stop doing, and simply rest and refresh.
3) Pay attention to your thought life Think truthfully (Philippians 4:8). Pay attention to the stories we are telling ourselves
about ourselves, about others, about God, and whether or not the stories are actually true. Go back to Lamentations 3 and
take note of verse 21, This I recall to mind, therefore I have hope.
4) Train yourself to see life out of two lenses at the same time When the Apostle Paul counsels us to be transformed by
the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2), he is telling us that our mind needs to be trained to think differently than we have
in the past. Part of this training is to learn to see both the temporal (life is hard in this world) and the eternal (God has a
purpose here) at the same time. In 2 Corinthians 4:8-18 Paul gives testimony as he says, Therefore we do not lose heart so
we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
5) Press close into God The truth is life is hard, people do disappoint and hurt us, and we dont always understand God or
his ways. If were not in close trusting relationship with God, lifes troubles can become unbearable. The psalmist cried out,
I would have despaired unless I had believed I would see God in the land of the living (Psalm 27).
One final tip. The best way to chase out a negative feeling is with another feeling. The Bible teaches us, In everything give
thanks for this is the will of God (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Gratitude is a powerful anecdote for discouragement. We may not
be able to give God thanks for the difficult situation that we find ourselves in, but we can learn to look for things we can be
thankful for in the midst of it.

June Celebrations!

Leadership Contacts
Leadership Team
Eddie and Vonda Lewis
336- 516-2454
Jon and Stephanie Gordon
Jerry and Sharon Madden
Jeff and Melissa Blanchard
Lisa Oakley 336-229-9436
Sandi Gordon 336-578-3533
Greg Oakley 336-229-9436
Wilbur Gordon 336-578-3533
Homer Whitaker 336-227-7778
C Tejeda 336-585-0076
Richard Terrell 336-229-0203

Pastor Reid Dickens


Happy Birthday!

Happy Anniversary!

12-Sonny McCall
19-Lisa Oakley
22-Reid Oakley
25-Kristi Tejeda

8-Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moore

22-M. & Mrs. Sonny McCall

Luke 1:14 And you will have joy and

gladness, and many will rejoice at his

1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does

not know God, because God is love. (NIV)

Prayer Concerns

Janet Hughes-In the midst of cancer treatments. Cards and telephone calls are welcomed.
Cheryl Lewis-Under a doctors care for issues
with her breathing
Kay McCall-Still dealing with pain and other
physical health issues
Hassell & Becky Corbett-Facing challenged
and remaining close to home
Gladys Oakley Under a doctors care and
seeking answers
Ervin & Polly Stanfield-Pollys health issues
are continuing
Refer to the Sunday bulletin for additional
concerns of people who are connected to the
Prayer requests are always welcomed on the blue
contact cards or by calling Pastor Reid or a
member of the Church Leadership Team.

Altar Flowers
Would you like to put
flowers on the altar in
memory or in honor of
someone? Contact Pastor
Reid to purchase and put a
message of your chosen in
the bulletin.

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