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Colonial Government
Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810


Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810


- Spain ruled for over 333 years
- Initially Spain oversaw the Philippines through the viceroy of
- Mexico regained independence from the Spanish
- Spain then ruled the Philippines through a Governor General

- Reduccion
- Centralized Government

Centralized Government
- National Government
- Local Government
1. Provincial Government
2. Municipal Government


Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810

National Government
Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810

National Government
King Philip II, 1565
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi

Governor General
Head of the national government
Considered the Kings representative
Highest ranking official
Collect taxes
Maintain peace and order
Build schools and other infrastructures

National Government
Powers of the Governor General
Deport and expel aliens
Appoint and dismiss officials
Head of the colonial armed forces
Supervise all government offices
Exercised legislative power
Issued proclamation to facilitate new laws
Spaniard born in Spain
Great distinction
Spaniard born in the Philippines

National Government
Abuse of Power
Executive + Legislative = Governor General
Rise of three new bodies:
The Residencia
The Visita
The Royal Audencia
Special judicial court
Investigate the performance of the Governor General
Submit their findings straight to the King
The incoming Governor General would also be a part of this

National Government
Visits the different colonies of Spain
Observe the conditions
Reports his finding straight to the King
Royal Audencia
Established in the year 1595
Administrative and legislative
Jurisdiction over civil and criminal activities
Governor General was said to be the President of this body
until 1844
Served as an adviser to the governor
Check the abuse or malpractice of the Governor General
Audited expenditures of the colonial government
Highest court in the land

National Government
Abuses Still Persisted
Biggest reason: Bribery of the different bodies
Source of the bribes: the wealth that he also obtained from
his abuses
Result: the abuse of the Filipinos throughout the 115
Governor Generals

National Government
Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810

Provincial Government

Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810

Provincial Government
Types of Local Government Units
1. Alcaldia
2. Corrigimiento
Pacified provinces under Spanish control
Headed by the alcalde mayor
Alcalde Mayor
Represented the government-general and the Spanish king
Usually manages the everyday operations of the alcaldia
Supervises the collection of taxes and implementation of
Also took part in the management of the ayuntamientos (city

Provincial Government
Unpacified military provinces not yet entirely under Spanish
Headed by corregidores (corregidor)
Exercised legal roles such as being a judge
Inspector of the encomiendas
Chief of police
Tax collector

Provincial Government
The city
The center of trade and industry
Had a city council called cabildo
Local city council
Alcalde mayor
Regidores (councilors)
Alguacil mayor (police officers)
Escribando (secretaries)

Provincial Government

Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810

Municipal Government
Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810

Municipal Government
Each province was divided into several towns orpueblosheaded
by Gobernadordcillos, whose main concerns were efficient
governance and tax collection.
Small Salaries
Exempted from Tax
Native or Chinese Mestizo
At least 25 years of age
Literate in Spanish
Cabeza de Barangay for 4 years

Municipal Government
Under the Gobernadorcillos were 4 lieutenants to aid him in
Teniente Mayor (Chief Lieutenant)
Teniente Policia (Police Lieutenant)
Teniente de Sementeras (Lieutenant of the Fields)
Teniente Ganados (Lieutenant of the Livestock)
Cabeza de Barangay
Barangay Captain
Responsible for governing their assigned barangay,
maintaining peace and order.
Literate in Spanish
Have good moral Character and property

Municipal Government
Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810


Politics and Governance, 1565 - 1810


Barrows, David. "Full Text of "The Governor-General of the Philippines Under Spain and the United States""Full Text of "The

Governor-General of the Philippines Under Spain and the United States"N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2014.
Blair and Robertson. "Governors of the Philippines during the Spanish Colonial Period."Governors of the Philippines during the
Spanish Colonial Period. Zamboanga City History, n.d. Web. 04 May 2014.
Catbagan, Emetess. "Socio-Political Environment of the Philippines during the Spanish Regime" Socio-Political Environment of the

Philippines during the Spanish Reign N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2014.
De Witt, Charles. "The Power of the Governor General of the Philippine Islands to Deport or Expel Aliens,."The Power of the Governor
General of the Philippine Islands to Deport or Expel Aliens,. N.p., 2005. Web. 04 May 2014.
Dela Costa, Horatio. (1965). Readings in Philippine History. Manila: Bookmark.

"Synopsis of Philippine History Pre-Spanish Times."Philippine History | Filipino History. N.p., 12 Feb. 2014. Web. 04 May 2014.
"The Spaniards as Colonial Masters in the Philippines." The Spaniards as Colonial Masters in the Philippines. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May
"The Spaniards."National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, 23 Apr. 2014. Web. 04 May 2014.

Colonial Government:
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi:

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