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Approaching to Eco-Friendly Renewable Feedstocks with Safety and Integrated Knowledge
In recent years to next decade, petroleum and petrochemical are widely used in
every level of life. If you imagine hows important of this, since you wake up in the morningtoothbrush, toothpaste and its packaging are derivative from petrochemical industries,
and then public/private transportation system to take us to the destination- fuels in the
vehicles are from petroleum products. So, it is impossible to live without these things, but
the capabilities of this useful and powerful energy are limited. However, new generation
of petrochemical process is currently gradually developed by using renewable feedstocks
through Chemical Process Industries (CPI). In 2009, theres a bunch of published articles
had shown the possibility to convert agricultural derive such as starches, sugars, fats, oils,
lignocellulose, protein or even wasted steam to be a new key to sustainable technologies.
But one of an important obstacle is a one-to-one concept, to determine the effective
techno-economic strategy of accepting alternative resources. It is inevitable to integrated
biorefineries to one-to-many concept because zero-waste is also desired for these
development. To achieve the goals, the inter-bridge between educational and industrial
scheme are necessary cooperated in order to build up the holistic comprehension and then
fully apply to manufacturing business. With the traditional education structure might not
enough to support latest scientific progress, thus education evolution is a must to stimulate
teacher to revise theirs preserved-curriculum to up-to-date version so that students
possibly link the conservative method and expanding to advanced noble design.
Globalization is now arrived, using all of tools in our hand to accomplish the tasks
we prefer to transfer the vivid planet earth to our next generation. The agreement of
industries and universities is working as an incubator to prepare the ready-to-work
engineering student to the real world of living. However, not only a strong academic
background is completely prompted. When new technology or something weve never
known was created, this unknown might lead the dangerous situation to workers, so safety
and risk analysis are also well-decided and well-prevented from the emergency position.
Information is the significant material to make the appropriate environment and success
without any accident. To comprehend a foreign matters, equipment and processes, first,
asking the people who familiar with that strange things and try to gain and learn from theirs
experience. Sometime, to make studying more clearly and effectively, invitation of an
experienced engineer to explain hows important of safety in the factory could state their
common-sense. The next generation infrastructure of human-being in the next decade or
century, absolutely, in term of energy and living consumption should base on renewable
and sustainable. The integration of knowledge that is the combination of new technology
from universities and then scale-up to mass production with safety and environmentalfriendly aims to the holistic society.

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