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Micromilling strategies: optimization issues

S Dimov1 , D T Pham1 , A Ivanov1 , K Popov1 * and K Fansen2
Manufacturing Engineering Centre, Cardi University, Cardi, Wales, UK
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jilin University, Jilin, Peoples Republic of China

Abstract: Micromilling is one of the technologies widely used to manufacture microstructures and
tooling inserts for microinjection moulding and hot embossing. A number of manufacturing
constraints remain that limit the application of this technology. One of these constraints is that the
existing machining strategies are not appropriate for the manufacture of features that are common
in micro parts. This paper discusses an approach for optimizing these strategies. The aim is to
provide users of computer aided manufacturing (CAM) systems with tools enabling them to
generate cutter paths that take into account the specic conditions arising during micromilling. The
paper studies the advantages and disadvantages of using dierent machining strategies for
micromilling and then veries their capabilities experimentally. Also, an approach is proposed for
storing and re-using expert knowledge about micromachining strategies associated with dierent
feature types.
Keywords: machining strategies, micromilling, micromachining


Micromilling is one of the technologies widely used for

manufacture of microstructures and tooling inserts for
microinjection moulding and hot embossing. For
example, important application areas are the manufacture
of micro parts for watches, keyhole surgery, housings for
microengines and also tooling inserts for fabrication of
microlters, housings and packaging solutions for
micro-optical and microuidics devices. To broaden the
application of this technology a number of manufacturing
constraints remain. This research discusses one of these
constraints, in particular, the suitability of machining
strategies in computer aided design/manufacture (CAD/
CAM) systems for the manufacture of microfeatures
that are common in micro parts and inserts such as
groves and pockets.
The latest generation of CAD/CAM systems oers a
wide range of algorithms for the time-ordering of
machining operations. Due to the variety and complexity
of operations, it is not a trivial task to sequence them to
complete a specic machining job. At the same time,
cutting speeds have continued to increase over recent

The MS was received on 17 November 2003 and was accepted after

revision for publication on 17 March 2004.
*Corresponding author: Manufacturing Engineering Centre, Cardi
University, Queens Building, Newport Road, Cardi CF24 0YF,
Wales, UK.

# IMechE 2004

years so that most new computer numerically controlled

(CNC) milling centres now support high-speed machining
(HSM), especially those for micromilling. For micromilling centres, it is also necessary that cutter paths be
planned very carefully to avoid cutter breakages due to
varying and/or relatively high cutting forces. The machining speed and the complexity of the cutter paths make the
tuning of part programmes during their execution an
almost impossible task. This is because the machine
operators do not have sucient time to react to any
errors and/or program inconsistencies.
Recently, there have been considerable advances in
CAM technology. In particular, developments in the
following areas should be noted:
1. Methods for handling intersections, trimmings,
shadings, hidden-surface removal and protection
against gouges.
2. Proximity maps for machining two-dimensional
pockets [1, 2]. This might not seem relevant to
three-dimensional applications but by slicing surface
models into Z-terraces, two-dimensional pocketing
could be used as a principal roughing operation.
3. Rapid evaluation of cutter-path envelopes, also called
stock models, which are then subtracted from part
surface models in order to derive the rest area of
uncut material [3, 4].
In addition, especially for micromachining, it is
necessary to assign some new attributes to each
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture



machined surface, e.g. access radiuses and contact

angles. These attributes are very important for selecting
appropriate machining strategies and enabling CAM
systems to derive the operation area for each cutter [5].
Thus, by utilizing such additional information at the
planning stage of micromachining operations, it is
possible to benet from the latest advances in CAM
CAM systems provide a set of algorithms that are used
to generate machining sequences. CAM tools are available to dene the machining sequences for roughing,
re-roughing, nishing, rest milling and pencil tracing.
By employing these tools, it is possible in advance to
develop proximity maps for dierent machining operations. For example, the CAM module in Pro/
ENGINEER, Expert Machinist, assists users in generating part programs more eciently by establishing default
methods of tool entry/exit and by providing cutting,
connecting and clearance motions that are specic to
dierent types of machining features.
The strategy selected to carry out the machining of
feature(s) in a part determines the series of machining
sequences that will be employed to complete the job
successfully. It denes the methodology that will be used
for planning cutter paths and generating optimal
sequences of machining operations for each particular
job. Thus, the selected strategy determines the cutter and
the machining algorithm that will be used, the removal
area/volume and the corresponding technological parameters. It also determines the machining parameters associated with the selected cutters and removal volumes. In
particular, the feed rates, the spindle speeds, the depth
of cut (step-down), the width of cut (step-over) and the
ramp angle for plunge cutting should be specied.
This paper discusses an approach for optimizing
micromilling strategies. The aim is to provide users of
CAM systems with tools enabling them to generate
cutter paths that take into account the specic conditions
arising during micromilling. The paper studies the
advantages and disadvantages of using dierent machining strategies for micromilling and then veries their
capabilities experimentally. Also, an approach is proposed for storing and re-using expert knowledge about
micromachining strategies associated with dierent
feature types. A set of Expert Machinist templates is
implemented in the Pro/ENGINEER environment
for machining features that are often present in micro


According to the new standards for CAD/CAM systems

dened in STEP (standard for the Exchange of Product
Model Data) [6], all machining operations can have
technology parameters (spindle speeds, feed rates, feed
rates per tooth, etc.) and machine function parameters
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

(coolant, misting, chip removal, etc.) assigned to them.

These parameters should be grouped and shared between
the machining sequences. In addition, a machining
strategy (unidirectional, bidirectional, centre milling,
contour, etc.), a freeform strategy (cutter contact, UV,
cutter location, leading line, etc.), a plunge strategy
(tool axis, ramp, helix, zigzag) and a retract strategy
(angle, tangent, along path) can be specied for each
machining sequence.
Traditionally, tool-path generation issues for machining operations have been studied from a purely geometric perspective. When the cutting mechanics and
process dynamics are considered, existing machining
strategies are found to have signicant deciencies.
Excessive plunging and slotting, velocity discontinuities
and varying cutting geometry limit production rates
reduce part quality and increase tool wear. To address
these issues, new algorithms are developed to reduce
variations in cutter engagements and chip geometry,
making machining operations more stable, predictable
and controllable. Particular emphasis is given to
dynamic limitations of modern high-speed machining
centres [7, 8].
In the case of micromilling, unlike conventional
machining, there are no handbooks available for
selecting the machining parameters. For example, if the
recommended cutting speed for conventional milling of
aluminium is applied to micromachining, the calculated
revolutions per millimetre will be approximately
350 000 for a 100 mm diameter cutter, which is clearly
dicult to achieve. Also, in micromilling, special attention should be paid to burr formation at the end of
each cut. Burrs are undesirable and it is very dicult to
remove them from the microfeatures of parts. Thus, it
is important to optimize the cutting parameters and
machining strategies in order to avoid their formation.
Cornering is another major issue in optimizing tool
paths for HSM and also micromilling. The tool paths
generated by CAM systems should avoid sharp internal
corners while maintaining the cutting direction. In
cases where this is not possible, machining strategies
should be applied to minimize their negative eect.
Abrupt movements should also be eliminated in order
to maintain optimal cutting conditions along the entire
tool path and so minimize deviations from the programmed feed rates and speeds.
An important criterion in selecting machining strategies
is their inuence on the resultant surface nish. The surface roughness that could be achieved using dierent
machining strategies has a direct impact on the product
quality and is an important factor in determining the
manufacturing cost. It denes the topology of the
machined surface and, combined with the surface texture,
which is process dependent, plays an important role in
evaluating the technological capabilities of dierent
machining strategies. In the case of micromachining, the
resultant surface nish is of even greater importance

# IMechE 2004



because the surface roughness is then comparable with the

process tolerances.



The mechanism of surface roughness formation is

very complex and also process dependent. Therefore, it
is very dicult to describe analytically. Surface anomalies resulting from face milling operations have a characteristic topology (curvilinear marks and concentric
circles for part-face and full-face milling respectively)
that is directly linked to the cutting tools and tool
paths employed. Most of the factors aecting surface
roughness in machining operations are known but their
interdependencies are very dicult to dene when they
inuence the machining process simultaneously. Some
of the most important factors are [9]:
(a) mounting errors of the cutters;
(b) periodically varying rigidity of the workpiece,
cutting tool, clamping and machine tool system;
(c) cutting tool wear;
(d) build-up formation on the cutting edge during
(e) non-uniformity of cutting conditions (depths of cut,
cutting speeds, feed rates, etc.) during machining.
Each of the above factors can lead individually to poor
surface quality. In addition, a variation of one of these
factors could inuence other of these factors, resulting in
further deterioration of surface quality. For example,
cutting tool wear can aect surface quality in more than
one way. Firstly, the cutting edge irregularities leave
visible traces on the surface during machining. Secondly,
the cutting tool wear could lead to vibrations, and hence
varying cutting conditions and forces, contributing to
further deterioration of surface quality. Bearing in mind
that face milling is a multipoint cutting process, the problem becomes even more complex. Therefore, any studies of
the phenomenon, and any attempts to verify them experimentally, would only apply to particular combinations of
workpiece material, cutting tool and machine tool.
In the case of micromilling, the ways in which the side
step and step over movements are realized in tool paths
could have an eect on the uniformity of the cutting
conditions and hence on the resultant surface nish. In
1. Side steps. These are the steps in the tool paths that
connect consecutive cutting passes. Parallel scan-line
surface machining has been very popular in the last
ten years. Connecting the consecutive cutter passes
with straight lines is the traditional method of side
stepping. However, this method is not appropriate
for HSM because it leads to signicant variations in

# IMechE 2004

Fig. 1 Parallel scan-line surface machining

feed rates along the tool path due to sharp changes

in the cutting direction. In Fig. 1, the three main
milling strategies for performing the parallel scanline surface machining are shown. A number of variations also exist.
2. Step-over movements. The traditional method for
performing step over movements in a pocketing
operation is to move the cutting tool one cutter diameter perpendicular to the cutting direction. However, such movements lead to a non-uniform chip
load, and thus varying cutting conditions, especially
in HSM. An alternative way of performing these
step-over movements employs radius exits and reentries of the cutting tools to maintain the programmed feed rates and also to keep the cutters in
smooth constant motion without carrying out full
diameter cuts. In CAM systems there are built-in
tools for generating special tool paths such as
NURB (non-uniform national B-spline)-based tool
paths, trochoidal machining and plunge roughing.
In part programs, the way these two issues are
addressed is determined by selected machining
strategies. Thus, existing milling strategies have to
be optimized in order to make them suitable for
micromilling operations. In this study the built-in
machining strategies within the CAM module of
Pro/ENGINEER [10], shown in Fig. 2, are used to
verify experimentally the inuence of these two toolpath parameters on the resultant surface roughness
during micromachining [10].
In addition to these two issues, other factors that have
a direct or indirect eect on the resultant surface nish
during machining include:
3. Depth of cut. This parameter inuences surface
quality in an indirect way. By increasing the depth
of cut, the cutting forces, the vibration amplitude
and the heat-aected zone also increase. In most
cases this leads to deterioration of surface quality.
The ratio between the cutting width and the cutter
diameter may similarly inuence surface quality.
4. Feed rate per tooth. As the feed rate increases, the
surface roughness also increases because the marks
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture



Fig. 2

Strategies implemented in the Pro/ENGINEER CAM module

left from each tooth become bigger. It may also be

noted that applying feed rates within particular
limits does not lead to substantial improvements in
surface quality.
5. Cutting speed. Increasing the cutting speed usually
improves the cutting conditions and therefore also
the surface quality. In the case of micromachining, it
is not always possible to select an optimal cutting
speed due to the speed limitations of available spindles.
6. Cutting tool wear. Irregularities in cutting edges due
to tool wear are reproduced on the machined surface.
An increase in tool wear also leads to excessive vibrations and, in the case of micromachining, to cutter
7. Use of cutting uid/air/oil mist. The use of coolant is
generally advantageous with regard to surface quality.
Also, the use of coolant facilitates the removal of the
chips from the cutting area. In this way secondary
cuts can be avoided, which may lead to considerable
changes in the cutting conditions.
In this study, the same cutting parameters were used
for all tool paths generated by the built-in machining
strategies within the Pro/ENGINEER CAM module.
These parameters were selected following the recommendation of cutting tool manufacturers.

micromachining centre. Either default values or those

recommended by the cutting tool manufacturers were
employed for all main parameters (Table 1). These
templates were then used to modify the built-in machining strategies within the Pro/ENGINEER CAM module
(see Fig. 2) to adapt them to the specic cutting conditions during micromachining.
The three-dimensional honeycomb microstructure
shown in Fig. 3 was used to study the suitability of
these machining strategies. A part program was generated to machine this structure for each strategy. The
structures were machined from a copper workpiece
using a 1150 mm at end mill cutter.
The resulting surface roughness for each strategy was
measured using the Micro-XAM surface mapping
system for three-dimensional surface roughness
measurement. The measurement results are shown in
Fig. 4.
These measurements are estimations of the surface
roughness (Ra) for 300  300 mm plane patch, calculated
using the Micro-XAM software. In particular, standard
two-dimensional and three-dimensional surface statistics
involving S-parameters and summit and valley analyses
are applied [11]. They are not the true values of Ra
according to the standard, but are sucient to study
the eect of dierent milling strategies on surface
quality. The results obtained are used to compare the


An Expert Machinist template for each machining

strategy studied in this research was created in Pro/
Table 1 Process parameters
Tool: DIXI 7242R at end
Tool diameter: 0.150 mm
Workpiece: Copper C101
Cutting parameters for machining centre: KERN HSPC





(mm2 )


40 000





Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

Fig. 3

The three-dimensional CAD model of the honeycomb


# IMechE 2004



way, it is intended to achieve constant cutting conditions

during machining.
Two approaches for roughing and nishing may
generally be applied. The rst approach is mainly used
when the cutting conditions for roughing and nishing
dier signicantly. In this case, the roughing and the
nishing must be carried out with dierent machining
sequences. In the second approach the roughing passes
are followed immediately by nishing passes as part of
one machining sequence. This approach is more appropriate for micromilling. In this case, the tool paths that
are usually used for roughing are Z-level cutting patterns
with a helical engagement. Very good results were
obtained when the nishing passes were performed by
applying the follow contour method, i.e. the spiral_maintain_cut_direction method in Fig. 4e. This is a universal
strategy that can be utilized for machining hard and
soft wall pockets.
If the nishing is a separate sequence, the vertical
walls of the pockets should be machined by applying
Z-level prole cutting with climb milling. Due to the
high cutting speeds, the cutters should be engaged in
the machining through a gentle ramping to avoid possible plungings into the workpiece. In addition, when the
tool path contains sharp corners, quick turns should be
The best surface roughness with regard to the
machined hexagon pockets were achieved by applying
the follow_hardwall and the constant_load machining
strategies shown in Figs 2g and h respectively. The
smoothness of the side-wall surface is partially determined by the height of the scallop between the adjacent
passes. It is possible to reduce the scallop height by
decreasing the step-over movement.

Fig. 4

Results of the surface roughness measurements

performance of these strategies and make some conclusions about their suitability for micromachining.
The results were also used to create Expert Machinist
templates specially designed for micromilling of typical
microfeatures on the KERN micromachining centre.
The following section discusses some observations
made during the conduct of the experiments.


In order to achieve successful micromilling using these

eight machining strategies, the material must be removed
via very shallow cuts with a step-over parameter of
around one-third of the cutter diameter. The goal
should be to remove constant volumes of material
during machining and to ensure constant tool load and
contact between the cutter and the workpiece. In this

# IMechE 2004


This paper has studied the suitability of eight machining

strategies for micromilling, with their advantages and
disadvantages veried experimentally. The study has
demonstrated that advances in CAM technology make
it possible to tune existing machining strategies to the
specic requirements of micromilling operations. In
particular, the following conclusions can be made:
1. The experimental study showed that the selected
machining strategy for micromilling is an important
factor in determining the resultant surface nish.
2. The resultant surface roughness after machining is a
very important criterion in optimizing micromilling
operations and may be the most important factor
when this technology is used to manufacture microtooling inserts.
3. The main consideration in selecting the most appropriate machining strategy for micromachining
should be the avoidance of cutting tool breakages,
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture



because small cutters are extremely sensitive to the

varying process conditions.
The latest advances in micromilling technology make
possible the manufacture of part features with dimensions
down to 3050 mm. Thus, by broadening the technological
capabilities of this technology, it is possible to reduce, or
in some cases eliminate, the need to apply alternative technologies for micromachining, such as electrical discharge
machining (EDM) and laser ablation. The machining
time for producing micro components or tooling inserts
could in this way be reduced substantially.
It is planned to continue this research through the
development of new machining strategies. For example,
it is proposed to implement a new method for removing
sharp corners during roughing passes called stockspiral. In this method, the material would be removed
in Z-level steps, while maintaining constant chip load
through successive inner boundary contour osets,
which is very important in micromilling.
The research described in this paper was carried out
within the ERDF project Supporting Innovative Product Engineering and Responsive Manufacture. The
authors would also like to express their gratitude to the
Chinese Government for supporting the research of
Professor Kong Fansen.

Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture

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6 ISO-10303, STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product
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11 MicroXAM-Non-contact Prolometer, ADE Phase, USA,


# IMechE 2004

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