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People can block other people in real life just like we know from social media.
A blocked person cannot interact with whoever blocked them.
This real? Add realisation.


Nations have handed over almost all public tasks to multinational corporations.
States no longer hold the monopoly on the use of force, mercenaries do. Wars
no longer take place between states, but between corporations that fight for
markets and resources.
4 realisations


A specialized police department called PreCrime apprehends people before

they even commit crimes based on foreknowledge provided by three
5 realisations


The wealthy use intelligent self driving cars.

+ (E/submit/prediction)

8 realisations


Based on ubiquitous surveillance and biometric scanners, the state gives each
citizen a rating. The Psycho-Pass determines the person's mental state. If a
certain threshold is exceeded, the person is deemed dangerous, is pursued,
apprehended, and killed if necessary.
5 realisations


An online service allows people to stay in touch with deceased loved ones. It
analyses the online traces of the deceased and mimics his or her style in
emails and chat, later in voice conversations and finally as a body made of
synthetic flesh.
3 realisations



+ Add a prediction (E/submit/prediction)

"Easy Shave", shaving by ultrasounds.

Niourk by Stefan Wul (1957)


People don't sit down and talk to each other anymore (this is considered
to be antisocial). Communication becomes increasingly simplistic and
trivial, relationships less and less profound.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)
1 realisation


To cater for the population's growing desire for entertainment and fast &
digestable information, books are shortened & information condensed:
"Classics cut to fit fifteen-minute radio shows, then cut again to fill a twominute book column, winding up at last as a 10- or 12-line dictionary
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)


A bracelet will be commercially released for an all-in-one, real-time

medical monitoring and disease prevention wearable device.
Continuum by Simon Barry (2012)
1 realisation


A specialized police department called PreCrime apprehends people

before they even commit crimes based on foreknowledge provided by
three psychics.

Minority Report by Philip K. Dick (1956)

5 realisations


A private company is granted access to all the US government's

surveillance feeds and has an algorithm process them. It then sells the
intelligence the algorithm comes up with back to the government.
Person of Interest by Jonathan Nolan (2011)


Through genetic manipulation, the human species will asexually

reproduce, and have gender malleable bodies that physiologically shift
at will in different circumstantial contexts.
Knights of Sidonia by Kobun Shizuno (2014)
1 realisation


The Replicator, a device that dematerializes quantities of matter and

then rematerializes that matter in another form will be used to create
foodstuffs and other material resources whenever wanted, eliminating
Star Trek: The Next Generation by Gene Roddenberry (1987)
4 realisations


Birthrates drop dramatically after 2016, in 2019 only six babies are born
worldwide. After that, none.
The Lottery by Timothy J. Sexton (2014)


Borders have been closed entirely. Robots have replaced immigrants as

unskilled workers. However, those robots are remote-controlled by
sleep dealers in foreign countries, via cables connected to implanted
nodes in their arms and backs.
Sleep Dealer by Alex Rivera (2008)


A mood organ (powered by Penfield wave transmitter) is used to

artificially alter people's mood to their liking. For example, setting 888
creates the desire to watch TV no matter what is on.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (1968)
4 realisations


A magnetic pole shift in the near future causes the Earth to change its
rotation and destroys 90% of life on the surface. The survivors build a
mock-feudal existence on the rubble of old, ruined cities and cannibalise
whatever technlogy can still operate Subterranean Goblins conflict with
Dance of the Goblins by Jaq D. Hawkins (2005)


Moon-sized, alien objects appear in the sky over Earth and silently orbit
for two years. Then humans all have the same dream and are given an
The Harvest by Robert Charles Wilson (1992)


People will read books on tablet computers.

Star Trek: The Next Generation by Gene Roddenberry (1987)
2 realisations


My mother told me once that, a long time ago, there were people who
wouldn't buy genetically engineered produce because they viewed it as
unnatural. Now we have no other option.
Divergent by Veronica Roth (2011)
9 realisations


People who did not wish to conform with "civilisation" were considered
"savages" and left to their own devices to live on strictly contained
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932)


Human avatars allow people to physically interact with their operating

systems (e.g. have sex). While the user speaks to their operating system
via earplugs, the avatar physically embodies it.
Her by Spike Jonze (2013)


The USA have become a Garden Eden in which neither pollution, nor
unemployment, nor crime exist. Neither do meat, sex or swear words.
Toilet paper no longer exists, it has been replaced by the dubious 3 shell
Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


Two classes live very different lives: The super rich live in a space
colony called Elysium and have become virtually immortal thanks to
advanced medicine. The lower classes on the other hand, live and work
on the overcrowded planet Earth.
Elysium by Neill Blomkamp (2013)


After an all-destroying war, people live in a isolated city below the

earth's surface. Life is for pleasure only, there is no work whatsoever.
Life ends at 30 (i.e. people are being killed since space in the city is
limited), unless you are being renewed.
Logan's Run by Michael Anderson (1976)


A big passenger plane is used as a weapon, destroying the US capitol to

take revenge on the United States for a perceived disgrace.
Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy (1994)
1 realisation


World Governments and Scientists work together to create an virus

meant for population control, in a attempt to save the dwindling world
The Maze Runner by James Dashner (2009)


2022 - A new European order // Robot guards patrolling the border //

Cybernetic dogs are getting closer and closer // Armoured cars and
immigration officers
Fortress Europe by Asian Dub Foundation (2003)
1 realisation


In an alternate 1988, post-2nd-Civil-War, the United States became a

police state where citizens have to carry their ID all the time and the
streets are full of checkpoints every few blocks. Without pass and ID
people will be locked up for resisting the states forces.
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said by Philip K. Dick (1974)


The world population is permanently limited to no more than two billion

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932)
1 realisation


For the elite's entertainment, people from lower classes are forced to
contribute in a deadly match-up in an artificially created park, much like
modern Gladiators.
The Hunger Games by Gary Ross (2012)
3 realisations


An online service allows people to stay in touch with deceased loved

ones. It analyses the online traces of the deceased and mimics his or her
style in emails and chat, later in voice conversations and finally as a body
made of synthetic flesh.
Black Mirror: Season 2 by Charlie Brooker (2013)
3 realisations


The nuclear family s dissolved through placing the responsibility of

child-rearing in the hands of the larger community and not just the
child's parents or immediate family.
Walden Two by Skinner Burrhus Frederic (1948)


The high-speed Hilsch Tube can refrigerate homes by using the hot
tornadoes of Venus.
The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)


Colonies on Venus
The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)


TV-Viewers adjust in real time, what the president, who is an android,

says during a speech.
The Simulacra by Philip K. Dick (1964)


Consumption Robots: Humanoid robots placed in the position of

consuming material goods to relieve human beings of the burden.
The Midas Plague by Pohl Frederik (1954)


Virtual Reality Video Game. A description of a computer game

simulation played in real time as entertainment.
The Age of the Pussyfoot by Pohl Frederik (1969)


Visual Ad: An advertisement that forces its way directly into the brain of
the viewer.
Sales Pitch by Dick Philip (1954)


US-Money is unusable outside the USA and the bigger bills are bugged
with embedded listening devices.
Distraction by Sterling Bruce (1998)


In automated restaurants,f ood is prepared and served entirely

A princess of Mars by Burroughs Edga Rice (1912)


Citiziens are constantly surveilled by spys.

Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilder. Frei nach Bebel by Eugen Richter (1891)
2 realisations


Religion has been forbidden.

Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilder. Frei nach Bebel by Eugen Richter (1891)


Intentional melting of the northpole sets free monsters that destroy

Mountains Seas and Giants by Alfred Dblin (1924)


Flying tanks
Heliopolis. Rckblick auf eine Stadt by Ernst Jnger (1949)


"Zerstuber": Utilities, that provide better air.

Heliopolis. Rckblick auf eine Stadt by Ernst Jnger (1949)


After the atomic war, people live mainly in bunkers, in dark tunnels and
dirty brothels. War goes on in the deep.
Winterkrieg in Tibet by Friedrich Drrenmatt (1981)


After an atomic war, Europe no longer exists.

Die Gelehrtenrepublik by Arno Schmidt (1957)


The world is divided in civilization under the earths skin and a wild on the
surface, called the jungle, which is inhabited only by a few outlaws.
Der Stern der Ungeborenen by Franz Werfel (1946)


Media are censored

The Handmaid's Tale by Volker Schlndorff (1990)


Only electronic money exists

The Handmaid's Tale by Volker Schlndorff (1990)


In 2009, a medical researcher created a genetically-engineered variant

of the measles virus as a cure to cancer. After successful clinical trials,
the virus mutated into a lethal strain. At first transmitted only by physical
contact, it rapidly went airborne and killed 5.4 billion people.
I Am Legend by Francis Lawrence (2007)


The state has forbidden books, as they seem to support non-conform

thinking. A so called fire brigade is in charge to search and destroy
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)
5 realisations


The most efficient and sophisticated form of warfare is gun kata, a gunwielding martial art discipline.
Equilibrium by Kurt Wimmer (2002)


The third World War has almost extinguished mankind.

Equilibrium by Kurt Wimmer (2002)


To avoid disease spreading people don't have real sex. They use
cybernetic helmets to live out their lust.
Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


In the year of 1996 criminals get cryogenically frozen for their time of
Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


A cast society produced by eugenic production ot the population

through state facilities
Brave New World by Leslie Libman and Larry Williams (1998)


To evade the oppression of tech-corporations and the police, some

people migrate to 'off-world colonies', e.g. other inhabited planets in
earth's solar system.
Blade Runner by Ridley Scott (1982)


The "Voight-Kampff machine" is a polygraph-like device which uses

bodily functions in response to emotionally provocative questions to
distinguish the genetically engineered humanoid robots, so-called
"replicants" from humans.
Blade Runner by Ridley Scott (1982)


A highly contagious virus that is spread through bites and turns

creatures into flesh-eating maniacs has infected a bigger part of
28 Days Later by Danny Boyle (2002)


Scientists have developed an imprecise form of time travel.

12 Monkeys by Terry Gilliam (1995)


The described totalitarian city-state is surrounded by a "Green Wall"

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)


People have numbers instead of names.

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)


The Chevaline exists, an open robotic vehicle for one person, shaped
like a horse.
The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson (1995)


To demonstrate the power of knowledge and transparency, people are

invited to help catch a criminal by using all available tools. It's enacted as
a game-like challenge where everyone collaborates to catch the person
as quick as possible.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)
5 realisations


In a program called PastPerfect, all documents, photographs from the

past are digitised and semantically connected, allowing for new insights
into everyone's and their ancestors' past.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)


Tiny cameras called SeeChange that stream realtime video to the web
are widely available and can be placed anywhere, hardly noticable. This
results in near-complete video surveillance.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)
2 realisations


Lobotomies for a peaceful society.

Limbo by Bernard Wolfe (1952)


The protagonist, Cincinnatus, is sentenced to death, without a

justification, just because of his non-conform behaviour in public. The
bureacracy of his carcer is as intransparent as the trial he is confronted
Invitation to a Beheading by Vladimir Nabokov (1938)


The U.N. encourages emigration to off-world colonie on Mars and on a

Planet called Proxima.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (1968)


Voice and palm activated door locks

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (1957)

2 realisations


A collectivist state, in which the word "ego" or "I" is forbidden.

Anthem by Ayn Rand (1938)


Overpopulation has made housing and other resources scarce; the

response is a program of compulsory birth control and eugenics.
334 by Thomas M. Disch (1972)


All citiziens are forced to join hateweeks, screaming at the enemy in tv.
1984 by George Orwell (1949)
2 realisations


Warp your Sims back in time with the hottest looks and coolest dcor
from yesteryear with The Sims 3 70s, 80s, & 90s Stuff for PC. Now your
Sims can sport a 70s disco look with a wide-collared suit and bellbottom pants, go 80s glam with shoulder pads and bangle earrings or
throw on a rumpled flan
The Sims 3 70s, 80s, & 90s Stuff for PC by Electronic Arts Inc. (2015)


Specialized software will gather and collate your entire digital footprint
and biometric data to create a virtual avatar clone of the user.
Caprica by Remi Aubuchon (2009)
1 realisation


TVs and TV shows are personalized so that they speak directly to the
person watching. Actors become the customer's "family," watching TV
makes the audience happy and feel loved -- so no one questions the
world outside.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)
2 realisations


For fear of being politically incorrect, or of "hav(ing) our minorities upset

and stirred," any kind of literatrue that might irritate certain social groups
is censored and burned by state representatives in order to keep the
population happy.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)


The noosphere, a hybrid cyberspace wherein minds can connect

simultaneously and entire memories can be downloaded, will be
industrialized, and individuality will be threatened.
Cypulchre by Joseph MacKinnon (2014)


neural implant that can lock a mental state, a feeling like fidelity, for
Fidelity (included in "Oceanic" group of novels) by Greg Egan (2009)


The government's surveillance machine can access any camera, public

or private in realtime to gather information.
Person of Interest by Jonathan Nolan (2011)


Genetic manipulation will allow the human species to become

photosynthetic, reducing the frequency of reliance upon food
consumption for sustenance to once a month.
Knights of Sidonia by Kobun Shizuno (2014)
1 realisation


A military force will invent a weapon that fires bullets with automated,
computer assisted targeting and course correction, and working in
conjunction with a head mounted display.
Aliens by James Cameron (1986)
3 realisations


Humanoid robots having been integrated into society as a labor class,

their highly advanced realism and subsequent attraction to it creates a
sexual social movement of Transhumansexuals.
Real Humans by Lars Lundstrom (2012)


Torturing minors without a warrant in the US is legalized in order to

receive information that may or may not protect the same liberties that
were violated through torture. Such methods will include rape, denial of
a place to relieve one's self, binding all limbs including legs, and murder.
Little Brother by Cory Doctorow (2008)


There will be robots and to start with they will eventually take control to
ensure humanities's survival
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov (1950)


A character in the book browses the latest news from across the globe
on a single electronic slice that accumulates articles from different
2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke (1968)
2 realisations


The best football players in the world have been cloned and replaced
by their perfect, risk averse clones.
The Last Game by Nike Football (2014)


A scientist releases a biological weapon that rapidly destroys every

paper document in existence, believing that a "clean break" from history
would "reset the clock" on the world's long-standing conflicts.
The Surface of Last Scattering by Ken McLeod (2011)


Telecommunications infrastructure and digital entertainment libraries

become ubiquitous, so much so that even a down-market motel in the
Mojave Desert can provide its guests with access to "every movie ever
made in every language, day or night."
Every Movie (TV Commercial) by Qwest (1999)
1 realisation


Oceania manufactures and falsifies all information given to the Lower

and Middle Parties, convincing them that all aspects of life are improving
while in actuality life is stagnating or deteriorating.
1984 by George Orwell (1949)
2 realisations


Intelligent, human-like operating systems are able to converse naturally

with their users. They make use of all data stored about the user and
quickly learn to understand the user psychologically.
Her by Spike Jonze (2013)
1 realisation


Cloning humans has become a reality (albeit officially prohibited). Clones

receive a backup of all memories of the cloned person, making them a
perfect clone. People conceive this as eternal life.
The 6th Day by Roger Spottiswoode (2000)


Technology allows people to live forever (methusalemisation). Those

who wish to die can commit suicide in designated facilities.
Methusalemisation renders births unnecessary and frowned upon.
Battle Angel Alita (Manga) by Yukito Kishiro (1991)


Infertility has become a huge issue for human society. Women are no
longer able to have children, humankind will go extinct within the next
70 or so years. This leads to big waves of immigrations and riots all over
the world.
Children of Men by Alfonso Cuarn (2006)


Memorize Corporation has developed a brain implant called Sensen

(Sensation Engine) that allows 99% of Neo-Paris' inhabitants to upload
and share memories to the internet. Likewise, unpleasant or unwanted
memories can be deleted. It's opponents call themselves Errorists.
Remember Me by Dontnod Entertainment/Capcom (2013)
1 realisation


Semi-Autonomous Robots to be given rights if for no other reason than

to protect those of humans.
Robot Rights by Jason Pilbin (2008)


People sentenced to death are remote-controlled by professional

gamers and face off in a sort of egoshooter game. The event is
broadcast on live TV. The winner of the game gets pardoned.
Gamer by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor (2009)


The wealthy use intelligent self driving cars.

Neuromancer by William Gibson (1984)
8 realisations


The creator of the government's surveillance machine has built in a way

for himself to communicate with the machine, allowing himself to be
informed about imminent crimes that are below the governments radar.
Person of Interest by Jonathan Nolan (2011)


Rich people can afford clones of themselves as a source of

replacement parts to be harvested if necessary. Those clones live in a
remote facility, unaware of their fate.
The Island by Alejandro Doria


During sex, partners re-play their (more passionate) sex experiences

from the past on their retinas.
Black Mirror: Season 1 by Charlie Brooker (2011)


The society is divided in 4 loosely organised groups: Planners, Managers,

Workers, and Scientists.
Walden Two by Skinner Burrhus Frederic (1948)


Subsonic advertising is inaudible and works directly on the recipients'

The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)


Advertising is the best paid profession.

The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)


An autonomous, fly-sized manufactured creature that presents

commercial advertisements.
The Simulacra by Philip K. Dick (1964)


Brain Erasure. Deleting selected knowledge from the brain using

electrical impulses.
The Knowledge Machine by Edmond Hamilton (1948)


The Joymaker is a telephone, credit card, alarm clock, pocket bar,

reference library, and full-time secretary with big resemblance to the
smart phone. It provides access to financial services, libraries. It
measures your heartbeat and respiration. You can order goods with it.
The Age of the Pussyfoot by Pohl Frederik (1969)
2 realisations


Advertising is projected onto clouds

In the Year 2889 by Verne Jules (1889)


A set of computer systems which run every mechanical system in a city.

Cities in Flight by Blish James (1955)


State-run euthanasia centers

Eight OClock in the Morning by Ray Nelson (1963)


The population is alimented in big states kitchens.

Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilder. Frei nach Bebel by Eugen Richter (1891)


Bonds, stocks and obligations are declared invalid. Money is replaced by

ration stamps.
Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilder. Frei nach Bebel by Eugen Richter (1891)


Insanity and suicide has become epidemic.

Mountains Seas and Giants by Alfred Dblin (1924)


A sort of crossbow that finds its targets through warmth detection and
kills through radiation
Heliopolis. Rckblick auf eine Stadt by Ernst Jnger (1949)


Rocket Airport for space travelling.

Heliopolis. Rckblick auf eine Stadt by Ernst Jnger (1949)
1 realisation


On an artificial island, academics, literati and artists work, divided in a

western and an eastern part. Anybody who does not produce anything
noteworthy, is sent away.
Die Gelehrtenrepublik by Arno Schmidt (1957)


People are no longer greedy.

Der Stern der Ungeborenen by Franz Werfel (1946)


After the earth was fully covered in water, mankind slowly forgot about
continents or land-based societies, the new mythology being that the
world was created in a "great flood". Many, however, clung to belief in a

mythical place called "Dryland".

Waterworld by Kevin Reynolds and Kevin Costner (1995)


A company, Hedonic Inc. provides happiness for the whole population. It

is that successfull, that its hedonic law is in charge for the whole USA.
The Handmaid's Tale by Volker Schlndorff (1990)


Animals are immune to the airborne strain of the virus, which is a

mutation of a genetically-engineered variant of the measles virus that
killed 5.4 billion people in 2009.
I Am Legend by Francis Lawrence (2007)


An epidemy transformed most humans into vampires. The last healthy

person is executed in the end and has to admit that Vampires are now
the "normal" inhabitants of earth.
I Am Legend by Francis Lawrence (2007)


The State Libria is an autocracy, governed by the Tetragrammaton

Council led by a figure called 'father'. The elite troups of Librian law
enforcement are the 'Grammaton Clerics', an almost cultic caste of
highly trained warriors.
Equilibrium by Kurt Wimmer (2002)


To supress human emotion, the whole population of the totalitarian state

Libria is required to take daily injections of a drug called Prozium.
Equilibrium by Kurt Wimmer (2002)
3 realisations


The Society prohibits any kind of strong emotions and sensuality in

public.There exists a parallel underground society, which doesn't agree
with the status quo.
Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


Ballistic weapons are illegal and only to be seen in museums.

Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


Religion is forbidden
Brave New World by Leslie Libman and Larry Williams (1998)


Subliminal teaching during the sleep.

Brave New World by Leslie Libman and Larry Williams (1998)


Genetically engineered organic robots, called 'replicants', have

implanted memories to further strengthen the illusion of their
Blade Runner by Ridley Scott (1982)


Genetically engineered humanoid robots, so-called "replicants" are

banned from earth. If they leave their space colonies and set foot on
earth, they are to be "retired" (an euphemism for killing them) by special
police operatives known as "Blade Runners".
Blade Runner by Ridley Scott (1982)


Devices that display visual information, such as televisions, screens, or

newspapers, are omnipresent.
12 Monkeys by Terry Gilliam (1995)


In 199697, the Earth's surface had been contaminated by a virus so

deadly that it forced the survivors to move underground.
12 Monkeys by Terry Gilliam (1995)


The world is divided in a civilized zone, controlled by the regime, and a

wild zone outside, in which humans with fury skin live.
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)


Subterrean totalitarian society ruled by a descendants from the old

Roman empire, who are able of telepathic mind control.
The Joy Makers by James Gunn (1961)


Workers' private lives are monitored by the company. People are

expected to take part in all kinds of past-time activities on campus.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)


Retinals are a common accessoire, contact lenses that work as

The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)


Implanted sensors and connected bracelets are used to monitor health

and to alert doctors.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)


A citizien of a totalitarian state, considered as "the benevolent state" ist

tortured and re-educated because of a non-intentional "heresy"
One by David Karp (1953)


Nuclear war between US and UdSSr

Limbo by Bernard Wolfe (1952)


The Voight-Kampff machine (or device) is an interrogation tool to detect

androids' lack of empathy. It measures bodily functions such as
respiration, blush response, heart rate, and eye movement in response
to emotionally provocative questions
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (1968)


Earth and its populations have been damaged greatly by nuclear war.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (1968)


The "Ferris Persuader" is a device, that shocks its victims as a form of

torture. It delivers the maximum amount of pain, but the least amount of
physical damage.
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (1957)


Hallucinogen-assisted role-playing game

334 by Thomas M. Disch (1972)


The world is divided in three superpowers: Oceania, East-Asia, Eurasia.

Their governments have agreed to be in a constant state of fake-war
since an alledged threat from outside makes control within much easier.
1984 by George Orwell (1949)


In a totalitarian state with immense surveillance and propaganda efforts,

citiziens are permanently confronted with screens, that surveil them, but
also serve as a medium of propaganda from the state. The leader of
thetotalitarian superstate is referred to as "Big Brother".
1984 by George Orwell (1949)
2 realisations


Principles of Macroeconomics, Sixth Edition, became a best seller after

its introduction and continues to be the most popular and widely used
text in the economics classroom. Instructors found it the perfect
complement to their teaching. A text by a superb writer and economist
that stressed the most
Principles of Macroeconomics by N. Gregory Mankiw (2011)


People have large telescreens in their homes that send propaganda, but
also record everything the people in front of it say.
1984 by George Orwell (1949)
1 realisation


People are made equal by the government. This is meant to make

everyone happy. Therefore, any form of intellectualism is punished and
dissenters are eliminated.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)


People can pay to have their brain mirrored to create an algorithmic

avatar of themselves. This avatar can be used as a personal assistant.
Black Mirror: White Christmas by Charlie Brooker (2014)


Before abandoning nuclear power, I would see the construction of

nuclear submarines with two drills on the front capable of digging
Nuclear waste storage in continental subduction zones or the mantle
sinks into the depths that it would no longer to fill these hazardous
nuclear wastes properly destroyed by Jacques Testssert


An isolated society composed entirely of women reproduce via

parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction). The result is an ideal social
order: free of war, conflict, and domination.
Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1915)
2 realisations


After an unspecified disaster, groups of women wall themselves off into

gender segregated cities known as 'Womens Country', where femaleonly towns are circled by garrisons filled with male warriors. Men and
women mingle once a year for the sake of procreation.
The Gate to Women's Country by Sheri S. Tepper (1988)
1 realisation


A bipedal, humanoid robot will be developed that has the ability to

alternate between a solid and liquid metal state, giving it enhanced
mobility and circumvention of otherwise impeding spaces, and making it
a perfect assassin.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day by James Cameron (1991)
2 realisations


A room equipped with a hologrid containing omnidirectional holographic

diodes, enabling holographic projections, will become mainstream and
applied to educational, exploratory, creative, scientific, and recreational
entertainment purposes.

Star Trek: The Next Generation by Gene Roddenberry (1987)

2 realisations


A global network of high placed intelligence agency officials,

government representatives, and scientists conspire to introduce a
gene-specific-targeting virus into the food supply that will render most
of humankind infertile, to prevent mass upheaval from dwindling natural
Utopia by Dennis Kelly (2013)


Cities will become ultra-connected and hyper-monitored, the same

computer-controlled system providing organization and convenience in
infrastructure, traffic control, commercial/social services, surveillance,
law enforcement and emergency services.
Watch Dogs by Ubisoft (2014)
7 realisations


A professor, John Koestler,'s son finds a mysterious list of numbers from

a time capsule to past and future disasters and gives it to his dad (the
professor) sets out to prevent the ultimate catastrophe!
Knowing by Alex Proyas (2009)


An individual will acquire a stolen nuclear warhead, wire it to his body so

that it explodes if he is killed, and declare himself a Sovereign Nation
within an existing nation.
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson (1992)


People eat zero calorie food.

The Long Run: A Tale of the Continuing Time by Daniel Keys Moran (2002)
1 realisation


Human cloning becomes a cost-effective alternative to hiring and

training new workers for highly skilled jobs in extreme environments (a
lunar refinery). The clone is a precise replica, including the worker's
memories and job skills. Clones have a 3yr lifespan and are not told what
they really are.
Moon by Ducan Jones (2009)


A neural implant provides a persistent, real-time overlay for everything

the user sees. The novel's protagonist, McNihil, chose an implant that
renders the world around him in the high-contrast black and white style
of 1940s detective films.
Noir by K.W. Jeter (1998)
2 realisations


High resolution brain scanning will allow complete uploading of a human

being's consciousness onto a quantum computing platform, translated
into digital information and thereby granted technologically facilitated
extensions through connective, nanoscale technology.
Transcendence by Wally Pfister (2014)
2 realisations


Young nubile women wear completely transparent clothing as a matter

of course, specifically 'onion skin jeans'.
Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart (2010)
2 realisations


Human developed war robots start a war against their creators, as they
fear for their own existence. Survivors of the war can choose to serve as
slaves to the robots or join the rebellion of humans.
The Terminator by James Cameron (1984)
2 realisations


A new form of advertisement has been developed. Ads are projected

into people's dreams to subliminally evoke new desires.
Futurama - A Fishful of Dollars by Ron Hughart, Gregg Vanzo (2000)


Large corporations have bought nations' debts and create a dictatorship

of corporations.
Continuum by Simon Barry (2012)
5 realisations


Animals around the world revolt against humanity and its continuous
pollution of the environment. Animals attack humans, cities, islands, in a
seemingly organized and strategic manner that had never been seen
before, apparently in an effort to stop further pollution and ignorance
toward the earth.
The Swarm by Frank Schaetzing (2004)


In 2035, Lunar Industries make a fortune after an oil crisis by building a

large, automated lunar mining base on the Moon, called Sarang, and
have been extracting a large amount of helium-3 back to Earth.
Moon by Ducan Jones (2009)


A device allows to record events directly from the wearer's cerebral

cortex, and when played back allows a user to experience the recorder's
memories and physical sensations.
Strange Days by Kathryn Bigelow (1995)


People wear live-streaming cameras to document everything they

experience to their followers.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)
3 realisations


A machine operated by the US government can identify any person or

vehicle on surveillance cameras in realtime.
Person of Interest by Jonathan Nolan (2011)
10 realisations


A cartoon figure, voiced by a comedian, that used to interview and mock

politicians on TV, runs for an actual election and gains substantial
support from the electorate.
Black Mirror: Season 2 by Charlie Brooker (2013)
3 realisations


Most people have a chip implanted behind their ear which records
everything they do, see or hear. All past recordings can be re-played,
either on people's retinas or an external screen.
Black Mirror: Season 1 by Charlie Brooker (2011)
1 realisation


Chlorella Plantation. A skyscraper designed for food production.

The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)
2 realisations


Airplane windows have been replaced with adverts.

The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)
1 realisation


Many products contain addictive substances designed to make

consumers dependent on them, e.g. coffee.
The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)
1 realisation


Society is stratified into 'Ges' ("bearers of the secret") and 'Bes'

("implementers of instruction") classes.
The Simulacra by Philip K. Dick (1964)


Big Noodle: A vast artificial intelligence system used to process all of

Earth's information.
The Divine Invasion by Dick Philip (1981)


One can buy hunting licenses for human beings, if you pay for the
revival technology.
The Age of the Pussyfoot by Pohl Frederik (1969)


Spy-proof offices
Foundation by Asimov Isaac (1951)


Schooling is done with a metal helmet, called the Toposcope. The

toposcope is adjusted to the pupils head and links directly to the brain
with tiny, sharp points.
Cities in Flight by Blish James (1955)


A non-human government controls its citizens by hypnotizing them

using posters that order to "obey", "work" etc.
The Silver Eggheads by Fritz Leiber (1961)


Flats are assigned by lottery.

Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilder. Frei nach Bebel by Eugen Richter (1891)


The Volcanos of Iceland are blast, to gain energy.

Mountains Seas and Giants by Alfred Dblin (1924)


Subterrean cities
Mountains Seas and Giants by Alfred Dblin (1924)


An agency, the "Punktamt", can localize and threat any place on earth.
Heliopolis. Rckblick auf eine Stadt by Ernst Jnger (1949)


After the atomic war, people live mainly in bunkers under earth, the
population consists mainly of diseased and mutated persons.
Das Komitee. Swissfiction by Alex Gfeller (1987)


The world is divided in an innner, civiliced zone and a zone in which

mutants and humanoids, as centaurs live.
Die Gelehrtenrepublik by Arno Schmidt (1957)


People get very old, death is a taboo.

Der Stern der Ungeborenen by Franz Werfel (1946)


The human population lives scattered across an ocean covering the

earth's surface in isolated communities consisting of artificial islands and
mostly-decrepit sea vessels.
Waterworld by Kevin Reynolds and Kevin Costner (1995)


Most woman are infertile.

The Handmaid's Tale by Volker Schlndorff (1990)


After a variant of the measles virus killed 5.4 billion people in 2009, about
558 million of the survivors devolved into aggressive creatures called
'Darkseekers.' They have heightened agility and strength, but developed
acute photosensitivity. They lost all human capacity for reason or
I Am Legend by Francis Lawrence (2007)


A mechanical hound, a eight-legged robot that can locate and kill

people based on their smell.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)


Part of the population forms an Underground resistance that fights

against the power holders in the totalitarian state of Libria and finally
manages to overthrow them.
Equilibrium by Kurt Wimmer (2002)


Human emotion is considered to be the root of conflict.

Equilibrium by Kurt Wimmer (2002)


Prisoners in cryocells can be brainwashed to eradicate any violent

Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


People who swear get fined.

Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


Classic literature Shakespeare is considered a threat to the state.

Brave New World by Leslie Libman and Larry Williams (1998)
1 realisation


Soma, a state provided drug for the population to maintain common

Brave New World by Leslie Libman and Larry Williams (1998)
1 realisation


Factual power is held by tech-corporations and the police that subject

Los Angeles' population to intense surveillance.
Blade Runner by Ridley Scott (1982)


Genetically engineered organic robots, called 'replicants' are used for

dangerous work on off-world colonies.
Blade Runner by Ridley Scott (1982)


Actions of people traveling time change both the past and the present
12 Monkeys by Terry Gilliam (1995)


Torture with Gas-Chambers

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)


Citiziens are forced into neurosurgical operation to prevent opposition.

The ability for Imagination and emotions are removed.
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)


Virtually everyone is incarcered in liquid filled cocoons where the

delivery of happiness happens immediately.
The Joy Makers by James Gunn (1961)


One company, The Circle controls the entire online identity of its
users, people who don't use it, are considered weird and suspicious.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)


A system called SeeYou is proposed: Anyone wearing retinal screens

would see convicted criminals highlighted as they walk by.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)


Children are implanted a tracker sensor to prevent abductions or easily

retrieve children in case of an abduction.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)
4 realisations


Totalitarian Christian Theocracy within the borders of the former U.S.A.

Love Among the Ruins by Evelyn Waugh (1953)


Young men have their limbs removed and replaced with cybernetic
prostheses, to avoid the draft to nuclear war.
Limbo by Bernard Wolfe (1952)


Androids from the off-world-colonies try to get back to earth - bounty

hunters hunt them.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (1968)


People have numbers instead of names.

Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler (1940)


People have numbers instead of names.

Anthem by Ayn Rand (1938)


Necrophiliac brothel
334 by Thomas M. Disch (1972)


The protagonist is conversed in the "Ministry of Love" to be convinced of

the regime by tortrure through electroshocks and psychological
1984 by George Orwell (1949)


The "Calcutec", a human data processor/encryption system who has

been trained to use his subconscious as an encryption key.
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami (1985)


During a protest the police deploys drones which use irritating gas
("pepper spray") on people in order to stop the riot.
Homeland by Cory Doctorow (2013)
1 realisation


The media carefully selects its content & filters information to surpress
the people's ability of questioning certain circumstances. The effect of
this censorship is the people's loss of emotions, relations & intellect.
'Informative' shows make their own conclusions which leads to general
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)
1 realisation


People are kept from critical thinking by the government. Education is

shortened, history & philosophy are dropped, literature is forbidden.
Instead, people are brainwashed by means of senseless TV shows full
of clowns & "pretty colors running up and down the walls like confetti or
blood or sherry"
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)


People can block other people in real life just like we know from social
media. A blocked person cannot interact with whoever blocked them.
Black Mirror: White Christmas by Charlie Brooker (2014)


Human personalities can be stored digitally and downloaded into new

bodies, called sleeves. Most people have cortical stacks in their spinal
columns that store their memories. If their body dies, their stack can be

stored indefinitely.
Altered Carbon by Morgan Richard (2003)


Today, the conventional model of the sun has mostly helium and
hydrogen plasma with a fusion core. This model contradicts physical
observations which suggest an accretion sun with high metal
abundance. A novel approach to cold fusion is possible by recreating
the interactions between metal and gas.
The Cold Fusion Sun by R. Maldonado (2011)


A liquid chip technology brain implant hardwired into the cortex of

individuals will enable recording of telemetry, smell, video and audio
and can hold 36 hours' worth of recorded audio-visual data. It will work
in conjunction with cybernetic visual implants that project a Heads-Up
Continuum by Simon Barry (2012)
3 realisations


A new nation is formed of scientists on the world's largest seastead,

Transhumania, the site of experiments and ambitions centered on
transhumanist ideals like life extension.
The Transhumanist Wager by Zoltan Istvan (2013)


Humans have become infertile, only very few eggs can be fertilised in a
lab. They are assigned to people by lottery.
The Lottery by Timothy J. Sexton (2014)


Skaters wear no helmets. A cervical airbag embedded in their suits

blows up when falling off the board, so you can bounce on your head..
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson (1992)
1 realisation


Based on ubiquitous surveillance and biometric scanners, the state gives

each citizen a rating. The Psycho-Pass determines the person's
mental state. If a certain threshold is exceeded, the person is deemed
dangerous, is pursued, apprehended, and killed if necessary.
Psycho-Pass by Naoyoshi Shiotan (2012)
5 realisations


During 2050 robots will be invented to help humans of the way of life
they will over power somehow and take over us and like irobot will
destroy city
Toms Story by Jim Donaldson (2050)


Nations have handed over almost all public tasks to multinational

corporations. States no longer hold the monopoly on the use of force,
mercenaries do. Wars no longer take place between states, but
between corporations that fight for markets and resources.
Shadowrun by Catalyst Game Labs (1989)
4 realisations


In the future, people do not leave their apartments, They stay home, eat
boring food, get fat, and experience the rest of life second-hand through
an audio/video screen linking them to "the Machine."
The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster (1909)
2 realisations


The Office of Civilian Safety and Defense guards the public against
terrorism. Their list of Civilian Restrictions means no concerts or sporting
events, no travel, no social media, no cash, and no driver's licenses. Even
grocery stores are outlawed--all in the name of safety.
Counteract by Tracy Lawson (2014)


Anyone who dies with debt can be reanimated and forced into menial
labor to work off what they owe. Surviving friends and relatives can
communicate with "indeadted" slaves and contribute funds toward their
release (death).
Noir by K.W. Jeter (1998)


The future has almost completely automated to the point, in fact, that
there are no jobs needed (humans are no longer needed by humans).
Only the most skilled and well educated scientists and engineers have
jobs, even though the rest of humanity can easily survive on nearly free
Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut (1952)
1 realisation


A transdermal brain implant can store encrypted data.

Burning Chrome by William Gibson (1982)
2 realisations


Rioting and civil unrest sweep the United States, due to a combination of
poor health, poor sanitation, lack of food, lack of services, ineffectiveness
of services, disillusionment with government/companies, oppressive
government, high incidence of birth defects. All services break down.
The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner (1972)


People are being cloned to serve as soldiers.

Old Man's War by John Scalzi (2005)


Autonomous drones of unknown origin commit attacks all over the

Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez (2012)


An artificial intelligence defense network called Skynet will become selfaware and initiate a nuclear holocaust of mankind.
The Terminator by James Cameron (1984)
1 realisation


Data mining and corporate sponsorship overtake schools. Privacy and

self-ownership are constantly obstructed.
Feed by M. T. Anderson (2002)
3 realisations


Future L. A. is dominated by East Asian Culture. Some people speak a

mishmash of various languages including Spanish, Chinese, German,
Hungarian, and Japanese.
Blade Runner by Ridley Scott (1982)
1 realisation


A communication and data collection device called pprt classifies all

humans based on a number of criteria, from credit score to fuckability.
Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart (2010)
2 realisations


The US government has created a machine that collects all data from
surveillance cameras, webcams, written and spoken communication. An
algorithm identifies possibly criminal activity and alerts its operators
before the actual crimes happen.
Person of Interest by Jonathan Nolan (2011)
11 realisations


In a kind of criminal justice theme park, a murderer, wiped of her

memories every evening, is forced through a series of events similar to
the crime she comitted for people's entertainment every day.
Black Mirror: Season 2 by Charlie Brooker (2013)


The community uses behavioral engineering to educate young children

to cooperative relationships and the erasure of competitive sentiments.
Walden Two by Skinner Burrhus Frederic (1948)


Advertising can be projected directly on the retina.

The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)


People wear ID-Tattoos on their wrists

The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)


The world is overpopulated, the most basic elements of life are scarce,
including water and fuel.
The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth (1952)


Automatic Companion Robot.A robotic replacement for a pet or friend.

The Midas Plague by Pohl Frederik (1954)


Online tests are used to find out if people are fit for a certain job.
The Age of the Pussyfoot by Pohl Frederik (1969)
1 realisation


Birds with implants are used as programmable killing devices.

Sparrowhawk by Easton Thomas (1990)


Automatic Massager. An autonomous massage machine with robotic

arms and hands.
Far Centaurus by van Vogt Alfred Elton (1944)


A fully automated hotel; complete services provided from check-in to

Altered Carbon by Morgan Richard (2003)
2 realisations


Literature is written by robots, because publishers consider them as far

more efficient.
The Silver Eggheads by Fritz Leiber (1961)


Professions and employment are assigned by the state.

Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilder. Frei nach Bebel by Eugen Richter (1891)


Biotechnical breeding of a race of gigantic, primitive Tree-Humans

Mountains Seas and Giants by Alfred Dblin (1924)


The Luminar is a device, that can be used as a database for historical

knowledge. It shows information, movies and sometimes reenaction of
historical situations.
Eumeswil by Ernst Jnger (1977)


A device, the "Phonophor" shows the social rank of its owner and allows
them to elect politicians with it. The Phonophor also serves as a
passport, if the governement takes it away from you, you lose your
rights as a citizien. Also it supports the surveillance of the citiziens
Heliopolis. Rckblick auf eine Stadt by Ernst Jnger (1949)


Former governements still exist, but are isolated in their bunkers.

Winterkrieg in Tibet by Friedrich Drrenmatt (1981)


The language German is extinct.

Die Gelehrtenrepublik by Arno Schmidt (1957)


The surface of the world has changed: Mountains disappeared, the

oceans are dry.
Der Stern der Ungeborenen by Franz Werfel (1946)


In the beginning of the 21st century, the polar ice caps began to melt
and the sea level began to rise hundreds of meters, turning Earth into a
water planet.
Waterworld by Kevin Reynolds and Kevin Costner (1995)


Women from lower classes serve a class loyal to the regime as fertile
mothers. As slaves -"handmaids"- they are forced to sleep with men of
the upper classes in a specific ritual to get pregnant. A hugely
institutionalized apparatus serves to provide "handmaids" for infertile
religious families.
The Handmaid's Tale by Volker Schlndorff (1990)


In 2012, a military virologist seems to be the last human in New York, and
potentially the last human on earth, after a mutated measles virus killled
killed 5.4 billion people in 2009.
I Am Legend by Francis Lawrence (2007)


Citiziens are forced to constantly watch TV in modernist

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)


Clothing, furniture, architecture and public behavior in the totalitarian

state of Libria is characterised by conformity.
Equilibrium by Kurt Wimmer (2002)


The survivors of a third World War are being controlled by a totalitarian

state called Libria.
Equilibrium by Kurt Wimmer (2002)


Toilet paper has been disestablished in favor of the three shell

Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


People are not allowed to have intimate physical contact of any kind as
a preventive provision from disease spreading.
Demolition Man by Casey O'Brian (1993)


Rebels are banned on the "island of individualists"

Brave New World by Leslie Libman and Larry Williams (1998)


Pavlovian conditioning as educational measure.

Brave New World by Leslie Libman and Larry Williams (1998)


Control over the environment is taking place on a vast scale, hand in

hand with the absence of any natural life, with artificial animals
substituting for their extinct predecessors.
Blade Runner by Ridley Scott (1982)


Criminals are treated with visual shocktherapy and pavlovian

conditioning to adjust them to society.
A Clockwork Orange by Stanley Kubrick (1971)


Men have become guinea pigs for the elite scientists. Prisoners are kept
in close quarters which highly resemble animal cages. They are
inventoried with bar codes which are tattooed on their necks. Prisoners
are routinely used for experiments that they "volunteer" for -- and rarely
return from.
12 Monkeys by Terry Gilliam (1995)


Non-collectivist work and leisure is restricted to one "personal hour" a

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)


People live in glass houses and are constantly surveilled by the secret
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)


Medical technology is invented that can heal any ailment in moments.

The Joy Makers by James Gunn (1961)


Tiny, camera-equipped drones are common. They can be remotely

accessed and deployed, whenever "eyes on the ground" are needed in a
specific area.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)


Democracy is replaced by Demoxie: All citizens are required to have a

Circle-account to vote, all elections and referendums are mandatory.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)
1 realisation


Politicians and other public figures are pressured into wearing livestreaming cameras, thus recording every move they make, every
conversation they have, for the sake of transparency.
The Circle by Dave Eggers (2013)


Women who wish to become professional ballerinas have to undergo

sterilization as it is thought giving birth to a child erodes their abilities.
Love Among the Ruins by Evelyn Waugh (1953)


The citiziens are described as "automatons", which show no emotion,

don't speak, and exist to do whatever task is needed for the
maintenance of society.
Land Under England by Joseph O'Neill (1935)


Radiation destroys humanity genetically, radioactive dust is even

announced on the Weather Chanel.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (1968)


Citiziens are constantly surveilled by the secret police.

Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler (1940)


A collectivist state, in which technical progress is provided only by the

state. Ayn Rand describes this as a new medieval times, wherein even
the knowledge about electricity has gone lost, also because the state
supports candle manufacturers.
Anthem by Ayn Rand (1938)


A welfare state provides for basic needs through an all-encompassing

agency called MODICUM, which leads to an extreme class division
between welfare recipients and professionals.
334 by Thomas M. Disch (1972)


The Ministery for Truth, which is in fact the ministry for Propaganda,
provides a new language to suppress oppositional thinking - so called
thought-crime. Its goal is to diminuish the cognitive possibilty to even
pronounce criticism towards the regime.
1984 by George Orwell (1949)
2 realisations


The Dystopia Tracker is a collaborative effort to document predictions about the future and their realisations.
Everyone is invited to contribute content and correct errors. The Dystopia Tracker was built by David Bauer in
collaboration with Journalism++, with support of the Augstein Stiftung. Read more

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Mayle, "Asterisk" symbol by Harold Weaver, "Conversation" symbol by Mrcio Duarte, "Briefcase" symbol by Ben
Cunningham, "City" symbol by inna belenkey, and "Drone" symbol by Blaise Sewell.
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