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Education in India is provided by public sector and private sector with all their
fundings coming from Central level, state level and local. Only free education is a
fundamental right to children between ages 6 and 14. Education has been a very
primary thing all over the world these days. Furthermore, to qualify for any job, or
any business an individual has go through a basic level which is knowledge and
knowledge comes from education. This is the main reason why education is very
much compulsory for everyone these days.

"Sri Aurobindo Memorial School is located at Banashankari II Stage, Bangalore.
The Founders of the School Dr. Santoshananda and Smt. Sushila Santosh and their
eldest daughter Mrs. Espoir Pearson personally took the blessings of Supreme Divine
Mother and started the School in Jayanagar, Bangalore which was initially called The
New English School. The School is run by New Age Educational Trust (Regd.
1970)." Sri Aurobindo Memorial School was established in 1962 and it was named as
"The New School" in January 1962 which was changed to "The New English
Nathaniel and Espoir Pearson, who were both enthusiast of the Mother and Sri
Aurobindo, have founded the school and the School got the Mother's blessings upon
In the beginning it was a primary school, having classes up to Standard 7 until the
beginning of 1970s, when Mr. and Mrs. Pearson left Bangalore for Australia.
The main objective of the school was to make it as English Medium School and the
founders the Pearsons had a dream to create it as excellent English learning and
teaching. (Wikipedia, 2015)

Vision and Philosophy

Emphasis is laid on an integral approach to education, thus harmonizing academic
excellence with extra-curricular activities. To Love to Learn is the best gift one can
give to a child said the Divine Mother. This is being followed very consciously in the
School. Children are given care and love in a clean and beautiful environment. They
blossom into radiant, truthful, honorable and accomplished citizens of the country.
Efficient, experienced and dedicated teachers guide the students giving them personal
attention. Values are inculcated in them. Intellectual growth, discipline and goodness
of heart turn them into progressive and honorable human beings. Our students are
spread all over the world and are doing exceedingly well.

The School projects a wholesome learning methodology to the child at all levels, with
adequate emphasis given to academics, literary, sports activities and value education.
The School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education from Standard 1
to 10. At the lower levels, the Kindergarten system is followed. With the medium of
instruction being English, students also learn Sanskrit, Kannada and Hindi. Regular
Assessments as per CBSE norms are conducted in the form of individual and group
The School is spread over an area of about 3 acres. The School functions in two
blocks on the same campus. The Primary Section is in the Progress Building and the
Middle and High Schools are in the Harmony Building. A serene Meditation Hall
where the Relics of Lord Sri Aurobindo are enshrined is like the heart of the
Institution. There are spacious Halls for Music, Art, Dance and other fine arts where
creative skills of students are honed. In the auditoriums, Sri Maa Hall and Hall of
Harmony the children participate in the various literary and cultural activities. In the
Gita Room, displays related to Indian festivals, culture and history are organized.
There are First Aid Rooms with medical facilities where qualified Medical
assistants are present on all working days to attend to unwell children. Excellent
Laboratories for various branches of Science and Computer education are provided."
(, 2015)


The trade and FDI can have a positive effect on the education and training as
well. This can be viewed as direct and indirect process. Furthermore, the after
effects can be positive in the world that started to gain abundance knowledge
in education sector.
Education going globalized can help a developing economy but at the same
time there can be issues related to access and accreditation.
If education going global what can be the outcome:

It provides the basic skills on which a firm can build and train further
IT provides CSR to have a good quality education in future
Develop own university laws, rules and regulations to keep the

students on-going
Joint venture with a already developed and well-known firm can be a

great success.
It can b a emerging trend of the developing countries to go global and
provide the best education to the students as significant students from
these 2 countries seek education abroad. (, 2015)


The international education is at a very high growth from 2008 onwards to
other developed countries like Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, and
Europe etc. At least 37% of all international students are Indians and Chinese.
The rapidly growing demand for international education in Asia has grown the
demand for English at a very high level. Almost 74% of students according to
report in 2012 stated that student are more focusing on the English language

rather than their own native language. Today, Indias first language is
considered as English. To go to a foreign country to study every one from
Asian countries have a pass an IELTS test, which is the first step to qualify for
a foreign university. Thats it why many schools have taken step forward to
provide their students a better platform of English level. (Fool & market, 2014)


English is proudly been called as the first language in the world. Every
business, university, schools, local colleges are known with one language in
common and that it English. Many regional international organizations such as
European free trade association, Association of Southeast Asian Nations and
Asia-pacific Economic cooperation have set their English as their
organizations first language to communicate. Many business have started to
follow the trend of doing business in the English language. Every western
country you take these days like Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK,
India etc. have their first language as English. (Trainers, 2015)


The education contributes to economic performance is more corporate in findings
based on earnings. The growth of education in our world is expanding day by day.
The more the western world is expanding the more the students as well as teachers are
getting formulated in that process. Mostly people from developing countries want to
pursue their studies abroad to have a good quality command over the English
language as well as to adopt the new trends in the. The rate of return in developing
countries has gone to 23% over the last few years. (, 2015)

By regularly evaluating, the process the came to be on the positive side as
collaboration with one of the most reputed schools in Chinas capital state can be a
great success if formulated accordingly. Research can be done accordingly with the
use of the already developed educational industry magazines, websites and books to
collect ample data for taking the school at a global.

Sri Aurobindo Memorial School can consult with the various other firms in the
developed countries who had already setup the joint venture with other big institutions
and how are they running the business now. Contact other accountants and other
business owners to ask advice to join other firm in a different country.

Mrs. Pearson was the founding principal of the school and Mr. Pearson was its
director of studies. The school has decided to have their school going abroad and to a
developing country, which has high, demand in English. They choose BIBS
(Beanstalk International Bilingual School) as their joint partner in China, which was,
minimize the risk of failure to a very much low level.


Sri Aurobindo Memorial School is seeking to setup their global footprints and exploit
opportunities for their students. In the very beginning it was originated as a primary
school till 7th standard. Indeed, this was until 1970s when both of them left for
Australia from Bangalore. The main focus and principal objective of the school
became to have the school with English medium as a tagline. Both of them had a
vision for excellence in English learning and teaching as well. The school has to have
some start up cost with the other firm and framework for Management

The financing for the school to start as a joint venture in China will be at a very much
high risk. For implementation of high English standards to the students lots of faculty
has to be hired from China, India as well as from other developed countries like
Australia, USA, Canada etc. which can be very much cost effective for the institution
and for which both the institutions should have a good finance with them. BIBS
(Beanstalk International Bilingual School) is already a highly reputed school in China,
which also focuses on English as one of their primary language. Financing at a low
risk can be done by collaborating the self-assets of both the schools, bank loans from
Chinese banks as well as partnerships with big sponsors etc.

Hiring the staff should have to be in a very much effective way as the aim of the
school is to provide best English program to their existing students as well as students
who can get inspired from the institution. Their present focus is to expand the school
internationally for which they can put the best teachers from home and host country as
well as from other high institutions all around the world to give a better education,
which is also good for the future expansion of the joint venture.


Sri Aurobindo Memorial School in Bangalore, India is a profound school with great
cultural ethics and BIBS (Beanstalk International Bilingual School) is a very highly
reputed school teaching students from last 21 years and they have 8 campuses all
around china with aim of becoming multicultural and bilingual and have students with
a global mind who are equipped with integrity and knowledge to function

Global marketing is a new phenomenon. Global marketing is all-together a richer
cocktail now. The marketing skills for the Indian school is best to have joint venture
with BIBS (Beanstalk International Bilingual School) as its already one of the most

highly reputed school of China. By this process the school in Bangalore can have a
good competence in the future. Joint venture is the best marketing strategy for the
institution to go global in the start. Going with already developed countries will not at
all work, as there is less demand of English in those countries, which can be a big
failure for this school.


Sri Aurobindo Memorial Schools main objective is to provide competent level of
English to their students. As we know many students from India and China are going
abroad for their higher studies and so for that level of studies a student must have a
good command over the English to sustain in the market.

REFRENCES,. (2015). Sri Aurobindo Memorial
School - Welcome. Retrieved 29 May 2015, from
Wikipedia,. (2015). Sri Aurobindo Memorial School. Retrieved 29
May 2015, from,. (2015). Education Services for Overseas Students

(ESOS) Act. Retrieved 29 May 2015, from

Fool, T., & market, H. (2014). Head of the class: Education is a key export
market. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 29 May 2015, from

Trainers, T. (2015). Everything TESOL: The World-Wide Demand For English

Language Teachers. Retrieved 29 May 2015,
from,. (2015). Monitoring Trends in Educational Growth | Centre for

Global Education Monitoring | ACER. Retrieved 29 May 2015, from

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