Sales Documentation

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Documentation of MixERP

The Sales module refers to the business activities which generate income from
sales of products and services. Generally, any transaction between the parties
where the buyer receives goods (tangible or intangible) and services in exchange
for money are defined as sales. It is the pillar of any economy which creates the
constant movement of value during the incalculable businesses universally. In the
context of globalization, organizations are concentrating more on closer partnership
across supply chain. Increasing efficiency in sales facilitates an organization to
maintain its competitive superiority.
It assists keeping possession of various business actions such as:

Sending quotation to eventual parties

Posting purchase orders sent by parties
Delivering and shipping goods
Receiving payments
Recording the sales return

The corporate goals of sales comprise of:

Refining top line revenues.

Determining the equilibrium between supply and demand.
Enhancing resources for production.
Evading wasteful production.

Sales module is a highly integrated execution module. It draws most of its input
from the following modules:

Purchasing module for generation of direct delivery purchase order.

Production module for production schedules and lead time of delivery.

Inventory module for validating available and estimated stock.

Warehousing module for supplying order and shipment.

Accounts receivable module where sales invoices are recorded.

Planning module for just in time delivery and supplying to the parties.

The sales module consists of three sub modules which are:

Sales & Quotation

Setup & Maintenance

Sales Reports

Sales and Quotation

Sales and Quotation contains six options:

Direct Sales
Sales Quotation
Sales Order
Sales Delivery
Receipt from customers
Sales Return

Direct Sales
Direct Sales are the confirmed sales to the customers. It is a type of sales channel
where products are marketed directly to customers, disregarding the necessity for
middlemen wholesalers, advertisers and retailers. Direct sales can be conducted
one-on-one, in a group or party format, or online. Its about building relationship
with people and offering them a high level of service and personal attention.
Customers can have direct personal contact with the seller. It will automatically
create sales delivery and receipt.
The following steps should be considered.

Value date is the transaction date.

Select the store from where the transaction is to be done.
Party is to be selected with whom the transaction is related. It can be done
either selecting the customers by their name or the party code. Also you
can search the party by pressing (F2) from the keyboard.
Select the price type.
Manual reference number is to be entered.
Toggle to choose cash or credit transaction. Green toggle represents cash
transaction whereas colorless toggle represents non cash transaction. If its
non-cash transaction select the due period.
Select the shipping company and address.
Select the sales type, either taxable or non-taxable sales.
Select the item listed either from code or its name itself.
Provide the quantity and unit to be sold, price and amount is automatically
calculated then after.
Enter the discount amount if available.
Provide the shipping charge.
Sub Total is automatically calculated with amount, discount and shipping

Select the tax form as per your rules set on Tax Configuration.
Click on add or press (Ctrl + Enter), and repeat the above steps for more
Select attachments for uploading image files relating to the products.
Click on browse to provide the path for the image files and comment
accordingly for each. Then click on upload. Five images can be uploaded.
Select the cost center and sales person.
Mention the statement reference for the sales.
Finally save, and from the checklists the transaction can be withdrawn,
invoice can be viewed, printed, email etc. or you can also upload the
image files from upload attachments for this transaction.

Sales Quotation
Sales Quotation is the legitimate mandatory document in the form of email or
print sent to the customer including quantity and pre-defined price of the products
in a specified time period. A quotation has a validity period. Within the validity
period, the customer has the option of canceling the contract or placing an order
within the agreed conditions with reference to the quotation. It is created and
provided to a prospective party. Quotation is made in response to query from a
party. Price and discount amount for each item of the quotation is included. If the
quotation is successful, it is processed for generation of sales order. If the quotation
is unsuccessful, it is recorded in the system for future reference.
A sales quotation is mostly an official declaration of promise by conceivable supplier
to supply the goods or services required by a buyer, at specified prices, and within a
specified period. A quotation may also contain terms of sale and payment, and
warranties in the form of image which can be uploaded as attachments. Acceptance
of quotation by the buyer forms a contract mandatory on both parties.

Value date is transaction date.

Select the store from where the quotation is issued.
Party is to be selected with whom the transaction is related. It can be done
either selecting the customers by their name or the party code. Also you
can search the party by pressing (F2) from the keyboard.
Select the price type.
Manual reference number is to be entered.
Select the shipping company and address.
Select the sales type, either taxable or non-taxable sales.
Select the item listed either from code or its name itself.
Provide the quantity and unit to be sold, price and amount is automatically
calculated then after.
Enter the discount amount if available.
Provide the shipping charge.
Sub Total is automatically calculated with amount, discount and shipping
Select the tax form as per your rules set on Tax Configuration.
Click on add or press (Ctrl + Enter), and further repeat the process for
more items.
Select attachments for uploading image files relating to the products as
terms of sale and payment, and warranties. Click on browse to provide the
path for the image files and comment accordingly for each. Then click on
upload. Five images can be uploaded.
Select the sales person.
Mention the statement reference for the quotation.
Finally save, and from the checklists the transaction can be withdrawn,
invoice can be viewed, printed, email etc. or you can also upload the
image files from upload attachments for this transaction.

Moreover, you can also directly merge the quotation to sales order and
sales delivery clicking on Merge Batch to Sales Order and Merge Batch to
Sales Delivery from the grid, if the quotation is successful.

Sales Order
Sales Order is the document which list products and services with their price and
quantity. It is the document sent to the customer for the confirmation of the sales. It
can be in the form of print or email. This book is used to post sales order against
purchase orders sent by customers. It is used when customers require the delivery
of the products with its quantity, at a given time. The Sales Order Module maintains
general customer in formation, defines pricing and tax information, issuing, packing
and shipping products. The whole product, pricing and shipping information is
confirmed during the sales order entry process. The Sales Order Module provides
comprehensive perceptiveness into the main business processes of sales and
distribution such as inquiry, quotation and sales order processing. It also returns
handling and delivery. The Sales Order module is crafted with reports, performance
evaluators, and records. Relating with all these, organization can analyze sales data
and also easily extend the Sales Order module to integrate additional reporting and
business requirements.
The Sales Order Module enables process management with detailed information,
apprehending developments and accomplishing innovative analysis. Many areas of
analysis can be identified from this module.

Value date is the transaction date.

Select the store.
Party is to be selected with whom the transaction is related. It can be done
either selecting the customers by their name or the party code. Also you
can search the party by pressing (F2) from the keyboard.
Select the price type.
Manual reference number is to be entered.
Select the shipping company and address.
Select the sales type, either taxable or non-taxable sales.
Select the item listed either from code or its name itself.
Provide the quantity and unit to be sold, price and amount is automatically
calculated then after.
Enter the discount amount if available.
Provide the shipping charge.
Sub Total is automatically calculated with amount, discount and shipping
Select the tax form as per your rules set on Tax Configuration.
Click on add or press (Ctrl + Enter), and further repeat the process for
more items.

Select attachments for uploading image files relating to the products.

Click on browse to provide the path for the image files and comment
accordingly for each. Then click on upload. Five images can be uploaded.
Select the sales person.
Mention the statement reference for the sales order.
Finally save, and from the checklists the transaction can be withdrawn,
invoice can be viewed, printed, email etc. or you can also upload the
image files from upload attachments for this transaction.

Sales Delivery
A document is tied in with a shipment of products and items that list the description
and quantity of the goods delivered is called Sales Delivery. A copy of the delivery
note signed by the buyer is returned to the seller as a proof of delivery. The stock
item (or service) delivered is credited and party account is debited as a credit

Value date is the transaction date.

Select the store from where the transaction is to be done.
Party is to be selected with whom the transaction is related. It can be done
either selecting the customers by their name or the party code. Also you
can search the party by pressing (F2) from the keyboard.
Select the price type.
Manual reference number is to be entered.
Select due period.
Select the shipping company and address.
Select the sales type, either taxable or non-taxable sales.
Select the item listed either from code or its name itself.
Provide the quantity and unit to be sold, price and amount is automatically
calculated then after.
Enter the discount amount if available.
Provide the shipping charge.
Sub Total is automatically calculated with amount, discount and shipping
Select the tax form as per your rules set on Tax Configuration.
Click on add or press (Ctrl + Enter), and further repeat the process for
more items.
Select attachments for uploading image files relating to the products.
Click on browse to provide the path for the image files and comment
accordingly for each. Then click on upload. Five images can be uploaded.
Select the cost center and sales person.
Mention the statement reference for the delivery.
Finally save, and from the checklists the transaction can be withdrawn,
invoice can be viewed, printed, email etc. or you can also upload the
image files from upload attachments for this transaction.

Receipt from Customers

Receipt from customers simply means receiving cash from customers, paying for
the credit purchases. Receipt from the customers is created when customers pay
their payment against the sold goods. The party account is credited and either cash
or bank account is debited. Use Journal Voucher Transaction under the finance
module if you need a fluent entry system.

Party is to be selected with whom the transaction is related and click on

Total due amount of a party is obtained in base currency.
Select the currency in which the payment is received.
Enter the received amount in received currency.
The exchange rate is defined on Update Exchange Rates
Converted to home currency will be calculated.
Exchange rate helps to convert the amount to base currency.
The amount in converted to base currency.
System generates the final due amount in base currency.
Select the receipt type either it is cash or bank transaction.
If the transaction is cash
Select the cost center and cash repository.
Input the reference number.
Mention the statement reference for the sales receipt.
Likewise if the transaction is bank,
1 Select the cost center and the bank.
2 Select the posting date of the bank deposit.
3 Provide instrument and bank transaction code.
4 Input the reference number.
5 Mention the statement reference for the sales receipt.

Sales Return
When the goods sold are returned, its called Sales Return. The transactions of
return of goods are also accounting transactions and have to be recorded in the
books of accounts just like any other accounting transaction. Sales return is the
contra account for the term Direct Sales. Sales Return usually occurs because of
defective goods, late delivery, mistake good shipped etc. The party account is
credited and rejected items are debited and moved back to the stock, if stock item.
A sales return is products sent back by a buyer to the seller, usually for one of the
following reasons:

Excess quantity shipped

Excess quantity ordered
Defective goods
Goods shipped too late
Product specifications are incorrect
Wrong items shipped

The seller accounts this return as a debit to a Sales Returns account and a credit to
the Accounts Receivable account. The credit to the Accounts Receivable account
reduces the amount of accounts receivable outstanding. The Sales Returns account
is a contra account.
In this option, you can view the returned sales which are maintained from the
Return option in Direct Sales. Click on Return and fill in the fields listed

Value date is the transaction date.

Select the store from where the transaction is to be done.
Party is to be selected with whom the transaction is related. It can be done
either selecting the customers by their name or the party code. Also you
can search the party by pressing (F2) from the keyboard.
Select the price type.
Manual reference number is to be entered.
Select the sales type, either taxable or non-taxable sales.
Select the item listed either from code or its name itself.
Provide the quantity and unit to be sold, price and amount is automatically
calculated then after.
Enter the discount amount if available.
Provide the shipping charge.
Sub Total is automatically calculated with amount, discount and shipping
Select the tax form as per your rules set on Tax Configuration.
Click on add or press (Ctrl + Enter), and further repeat the process for
more items.

Select attachments for uploading image files relating to the products.

Click on browse to provide the path for the image files and comment
accordingly for each. Then click on upload. Five images can be uploaded.
Mention the statement reference for the sales return.
Finally save, and from the checklists the transaction can be withdrawn,
invoice can be viewed, printed, email etc. or you can also upload the
image files from upload attachments for this transaction.

Setup & Maintenance

Bonus Slab for salespersons

Bonus slab details
Sales Teams
Sales Persons
Bonus Slab Assignment
Late Fees
Payment Terms
Recurring Invoices
Recurring Invoice Setup

Bonus Slab for Salespersons

Management must confirm that the salespeople are well encouraged and sales
incentives are a great motivator. While hiring and training salespeople, businesses
often pay closer attention to the ability factor of them. Motivation is a complicated
concept which exists in every human being but can be managed. Salespersons can
be allowed bonus, depending upon the amount (slab) of business from their sales.
For the success of any business, motivation for the employee is the key factor. Many
successful organizations employ a mix of sales incentives.
Ability x Motivation = Performance.
The most common ways to manage motivation is to use incentives. The sales
incentive systems help to boost the sales team's motivation:

Cash bonus: Money is the best reward for most salespeople.

Merchandise: Sometimes people are more motivated by merchandise item
than by the equivalent amount of Phone, laptop, television etc.
Experience: Offering salesperson a life time memorable experience - for
example, all-expense paid vacation, a plane trip etc. can create memories
that last forever.
Recognition: Identifying a top salesperson and providing them recognition.
Workplace incentives: Providing top performers the right to work from
home one day a week, their own office, the ability to take a class, regular
time off for child care or any other kind of workplace flexibility costs nothing but can be very valuable to employees. It can also motivate salespeople to
look up to you for trusting them.

Here we can view, add, edit and delete bonus slab for salespersons. In order to edit
or delete the details of an existing bonus slab, select the bonus slab by clicking on
the Radio Button on the left of the Bonus Slab ID. Then click on Edit Selected or
Delete Selected option. To add a new bonus slab - click on ADD New and fill in the
fields listed. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) should not be left null.

Bonus Slab Id: It is system generated.

Bonus Slab Code: The field should be given appropriate code for your
bonus slab.
Bonus Slab Name: Provide the name for the bonus slab.
Effective From: Choose the date from the date picker or type, the starting
date of the bonus slab.
Ends On: Again, choose the final validation date from the date picker or
type, the ending date of the bonus slabs.
Checking Frequency Id: Select the bonus posting frequency i.e. EOM (End
of Month), EOQ (End of Quarter), EOH (End of Half Year) or EOY (End of Year).

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.

Bonus Slab Details for Salespersons

After Setting up Bonus Slabs under Bonus Slab for salesperson we can now define
the commission rate for different level of sales volume made by the sales person
under the chosen bonus slab. Here, you can create various schemes for bonus or
commission payments to the salesmen. Later the salesmen can be assigned into
these bonus slabs from Bonus Slab Assignment to pay them bonuses according to
the slab.
The menu will by default show you the list of bonus slabs that have been created so
far. The checking frequency decides the frequency of posting the payable
bonus/commission to the sales man's account. For instance, Checking Frequency Id
of 'End of Month' will post the payable amount of commission for any given sales
man to his or her account at the end of every month. Enter a slab wise incremental
or flat bonus rate (in percentage) which increases as the amount increases.
Here we can view, add, edit and delete bonus slab details. In order to edit or delete
the details of an existing bonus slab details, select the bonus slab details by clicking
on the Radio Button on the left of the Bonus Slab Details ID. Then click on Edit
Selected or Delete Selected option. To add a new bonus slab details - click on ADD
NEW and fill in the fields listed. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) should not be
left null.

Bonus Slab Details Id: It is system generated.

Bonus Slab Id: Select the bonus slab or you can search from selector on the
right clicking the selector icon.
Amount From: Provide the starting amount range for the bonus slab details.
Amount To: Provide the ending amount range for the bonus slab details.
Bonus Rate: Input the rate for the bonus.

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.

Sales Teams
Here we can view, add, edit and delete Sales teams of the organization. In order to
edit or delete the details of an existing Sales teams, select the Sales teams by
Clicking on the Radio Button on the left of the Sales Team Id. Then click on Edit
Selected or Delete Selected option. To add a new Sales team - click on ADD New
and fill in the fields listed. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) should not be left

Sales Team Id: It is system generated.

Sales Team Code: Provide the appropriate code name for your sales teams.
Sales Team Name: Provide the Name of the sales team.

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.

Salesperson is an individual who sells goods and services to other entities. The
successfulness of a salesperson is usually measured by the amount of sales he or
she is able to make during a given period and how good that person is in influencing
individuals to make a purchase. If a salesperson is employed by a company, in some
cases compensation can be determined based on the amount of goods or services
Here we can view, add, edit and delete Sales persons of the organization. In order to
edit or delete the details of an existing Sales persons, select the Sales person by
Clicking on the Radio Button on the left of the Sales person Id. Then click on Edit
Selected or Delete Selected option. To add a new Sales person - click on ADD New
and fill in the fields listed. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) should not be left

Salesperson Id: It is system generated.

Sales Team Id: Select the sales team or you can search from selector on the
right clicking the selector icon.
Salesperson Code: Provide the appropriate code name for your sales
Salesperson Name: Provide the Name of the sales person.
Address: Input the address of the sales person.
Contact Number: Specify the phone number.
Commission Rate: Specify the rate of bonus. Commission rate is the default
rate for a sales person which could be overridden only from the Bonus slab
Account Id: Select the account to map the sales person or you can search
from selector on the right clicking the selector icon.

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.
Bonus Slab Assignment
Here, you simply map the sales person created under the menu Sales persons to
the Bonus schemes created under the menu Bonus Slab for Salespersons.
Here we can view, add, edit and delete Bonus Slab Assignment. In order to edit or
delete the details of an existing Bonus Slab Assignment, select Bonus Slab
Assignment by Clicking on the Radio Button on the left of the Sales Person Bonus
Slab Id. Then click on Edit Selected or Delete Selected option. To add a new Bonus
Slab Assignment - click on ADD New and fill in the fields listed.
To add new Bonus Slab Assignment, again click on Add New and map the sales
person to his or her respective bonus slab.

Salesperson Bonus Setup Id: It is system generated.

Salesperson Id: Select the salesperson or you can search from selector on
the right clicking the selector icon.
Bonus Slab Id: Select the bonus slab or you can search from selector on the
right clicking the selector icon.

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.

Late Fees
A late fee is a charge imposed against a party by a company or organization for not
paying a bill or returning a borrowed item by its due date. Its use is normally related
with businesses creditors. Late fees are generally calculated on per day, per item
basis. A monetary charge assessed on an account holder who has not made a

payment on the account by the expected due date. The fee is based on a
percentage of the amount due.
Here we can view, add, edit and delete Late Fees. In order to edit or delete the
details of an existing late fee, select the late fee by Clicking on the Radio Button on
the left of the late fee Id. Then click on Edit Selected or Delete Selected option. To
add a new late fee - click on ADD New and fill in the fields listed.

Late Fee Id: It is system generated.

Late Fee Code: Provide the appropriate code name for your sales person.
Late Fee name: Provide the appropriate name for the late fee.
Is Flat Amount: Click on Yes if its flat and No if its not flat.
Rate: Specify the rate for the late fee.

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.

Payment Terms
Payment Terms is the condition under which a seller will complete a sale.
Normally, these terms specify the period allowed to a buyer to pay off the amount
due, and may demand cash in advance, cash on delivery, a deferred payment
period, or other similar provisions. Payment terms, defined as the terms required for
payment on a product, are a function of the service offering of a vendor. These
terms are an extension of how a vendor wants to treat a customer. Payment terms
grace period may even be offered by vendors as a benefit of a purchase. Payment
terms, explained as the terms which dictate when a vendor must be paid, vary in
policy. Businesses offer payment terms as a perk of becoming a client. Additionally,
vendor financing is another payment term where the customer pays interest but is
allowed to repay the cost of the product they have received as they see fit. A line of
credit is a form of vendor financing when it is received from the provider of goods.
Payment terms are often negotiable, so some businesses may have the policy of
payment terms confidential. This generally means that the vendor will want to talk
with the client to allow for assessment and negotiation of individual situations.
Additionally, payment terms and conditions exist. Conditions on payment may be
cash on delivery, payment to be received in a foreign currency, and more. In this
situation it is up to the vendor to decide the payment terms and conditions which
should be offered to the client. Additionally, certain payment methods may be
required. Other methods differ greatly depending on the situations of both parties.
Here we can view, add, edit and delete Payment terms of the organization. In order
to edit or delete the details of an existing Payment terms, select the Payment term
by Clicking on the Radio Button on the left of the Payment term Id. Then click on
Edit Selected or Delete Selected option. To add a new Payment terms - click on ADD

New and fill in the fields listed. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) should not be
left null.

Payment Term Id: It is system generated.

Payment Term Code: Provide the appropriate code name for Payment term.
Payment Term Name: Provide the Name of the Payment term.
Due on Date: Click on Yes if its due on date and No if its not due on date.
Due Days: Specify the due days for the payment term.
Due Frequency Id: Select the due frequency or you can search from
selector on the right clicking the selector icon.
Grace Period: Select the period of the grace if exists in payment term.
Late Fee Id: Select the late fee or you can search from selector on the right
clicking the selector icon.
Late Fee Posting Frequency Id: Select the late fee posting frequency or
you can search from selector on the right clicking the selector icon.

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.

Recurring Invoices
The Recurring Invoice is a sophisticated system which saves hours of effort
entering the same invoices for each period. Once the details have been entered
they are always billed accurately and on time. Once the invoice details are entered
they are never forgotten and are billed on time and for the correct amounts.
Recurring Invoicing records details of contracts, including start, end and review
dates. Invoices may include hours/quantities multiplied by a rate or simple value
amounts. Each contract can be billed daily, on a particular day of the week, e.g.
every Friday, or on the same day of every month, the same date every year or
according to user-defined calendars or dates relative to the last invoice date. This
gives complete flexibility to invoicing schedules.
Here we can view, add, edit and delete Recurring Invoice of the organization. In
order to edit or delete the details of an existing Recurring Invoice, select the
Recurring Invoice by Clicking on the Radio Button on the left of the Recurring Invoice
Id. Then click on Edit Selected or Delete Selected option. To add a new Recurring
Invoice - click on ADD New and fill in the fields listed. The fields marked with an
asterisk (*) should not be left null.

Recurring Invoice Id: It is system generated.

Recurring Invoice Code: Provide the appropriate code name for recurring

Recurring Invoice Name: Provide the Name of the recurring invoice.

Item Id: Select the item or you can search from selector on the right clicking
the selector icon.
Compound Item Id: Select the compound item or you can search from
selector on the right clicking the selector icon.
Recurring Frequency Id: Select the recurring frequency or you can search
from selector on the right clicking the selector icon.
Recurring Amount: Specify the amount for recurring of the items.
Automatically Trigger on Sales: Click on Yes to trigger on sales and No
to not trigger on sales.

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.

Recurring Invoice Setup

Here we can view, add, edit and delete Recurring Invoice Setup of the organization.
In order to edit or delete the details of an existing Recurring Invoice Setup, select
the Recurring Invoice Setup by Clicking on the Radio Button on the left of the
Recurring Invoice Setup Id. Then click on Edit Selected or Delete Selected option. To
add a new Recurring Invoice Setup - click on ADD New and fill in the fields listed.
The fields marked with an asterisk (*) should not be left null.

Recurring Invoice Setup Id: It is system generated.

Recurring Invoice Id: Select the recurring invoice or you can search from
selector on the right clicking the selector icon.
Party Id: Select the party or you can search from selector on the right
clicking the selector icon.
Start From: Provide the starting date for the recurring invoice.
Ends On: Provide the ending date for the bonus recurring invoice.
Recurring Amount: Specify the amount for recurring of the items.
Payment Term Id: Select the payment term or you can search from selector
on the right clicking the selector icon.

Finally, click on Save and the details will be displayed on the grid.

Sales Reports
Top Selling Items
The report part in the sales modules consists of doughnut shape chart for the top
selling products of all time, differentiating different items with the colors and the
Likewise, it consists of a table of the sold items with its id, code, name, and the total
You can print the report from the printer sign on top-right hand side.
Recurring invoice setup is used to define setup parameters for the recurring invoices. It is used to
setup party, start date, end date, amount, and payment term of the recurring invoices.

It is a group of salespersons who are involved in sales of one or more products of an


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