Power Saving of Liquid Expander Rev1 ToBe Updated

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Liquid Expander Exergy Analysis rev 1

Power saving of Liquid Expander

Generally we say by using liquid expander we can save 5 times of the power generated by the
expander. But why?

Several scenarios in ASU:

Before explaining the reasons, please see the exergy analysis of several different scenarios.

1. Cryogenic cooler exergy gain:

If you remove heat at a constant cryogenic temperature, you will gain some exergy. The equation
below is a quick exergy gain calculation. To see the equation accuracy, please see the sheet of
CryoCooler in the attached excel.
CryoCoolerExergyGain Q
Please note in this equation, the contribution of exchanged heat is not taken into account.

2. Expander exergy loss:

Because the expander efficiency is always less than 100%, we always have an exergy loss. The
exergy loss could be estimated with the following equation.
ExpanderExergyLoss (



Tout Tout _ ideal
The equation is explained like this: the max possible power by the expander should be Q / eff, so
we have a loss Q / eff Q. Considering the actual expander is a combination of ideal expander
(efficiency 100%) plus a heater; this heat Q / eff Q injection to the system results in the exergy loss
above. Please see the sheet of Expander in the attached excel to check the formula accuracy. Global
loss takes the recovered power by the expander into account, otherwise simply by the excel software of
Balance you get a much bigger exergy loss.

3. Booster exergy loss:

Unless the booster efficiency is 100%, there is no exergy loss. The actual exergy loss of booster
could be roughly calculated by the following formula:
BoosterExergyLoss (Q Q eff )
The minimum power for the booster is Q * eff, but actually Q is consumed. So the wasted energy
is Q Q * eff. Imagine the actual booster is a combination of ideal booster (efficiency 100%) plus a
heater. This heat Q Q * eff results in the exergy loss above. For the formula accuracy, please see the
sheet of Booster in the attached excel. Global loss considers the input power of the booster, otherwise
you gain exergy with the booster by the excel program of Balance.

4. Ambient cooler exergy loss:

If heat is removed at a temperature higher than ambient condition and not recovered, exergy is
The exergy loss can be estimated using the function below:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chen, Guofu

Liquid Expander Exergy Analysis rev 1

2 Q T0
Tin Tout
Referring to cryogenic cooler exergy gain, the difference is the temperature at which level heat is
exchanged. Here T is considered the average temperature of inlet and outlet.
AmbCoolerExergyLoss Q

Detail exergy analysis in ASU:

Below is to explain why liquid expanders can save so much in details.
To analyze the exergy, we set a reference temperature T0 = 25 C = 298.15 K.

1. Cryogenic cooler exergy gain:

Liquid expander can be regarded as a combination of a valve and cryogenic cooler. The valve is
used to reduce pressure, and the cooler is used to remove exactly the same heat from the system.
Comparing between with liquid expander and without liquid expander, the difference is the
cryogenic cooler. As explained above, exergy is gained by removing heat at a cryogenic temperature.
For a classical liquid air expander, Qliqexp is exchanged at a -174.5 C. By the quick exergy gain
formula, the gain is:
CryoCoolerExergyGain Q
Q = Q * 298.15 / (273.15 174.5) Q = 2.022 * Qliqexp
Note: the contribution of the power of liquid expander is not taken into account.

2. Expander exergy loss:

For a classical Claude expander, eff is assumed 87%, Tout is around the dew point (Assumed
-172.2 C) corresponding to the MP column operating pressure.
ExpanderExergyLoss (

= (Q / 0.87 - Q) * 298.15 / (273.15 - 172.2) = 0.441 * Qexp

3. Booster exergy loss:

For a classical Claude expander booster, eff is assumed 81%. By compression, we can get the
discharge temperature around 69.23 C.
BoosterExergyLoss (Q Q eff )
= (Q Q * 0.81) * 298.15 / (273.15 + 69.23) = 0.165 *

4. Ambient cooler exergy loss:

By compression, we get the temperature Tin =69.23 C, Tout = 30 C.
2 Q T0
AmbCoolerExergyLoss Q
= Q 2 * Q * 298.15 / (273.15 * 2 + 69.23 + 30) = 0.076 * Qambcooler
Tin Tout

Exergy analysis summary:

Below is to summarize all the exergy loss and exergy gain.
From the cold balance point of view, liquid expander produce cold Qliqexp, then ambient cooler
will produce less cold Qambcooler = Qliqexp. Comparing the case without liquid expander, we are
gaining some exergy.
For the ambient booster, fluid is compressed from the suction temperature T and then cool down
back to temperature T, the energy to the booster Qbooster almost equals the heat removed by the cooler
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Liquid Expander Exergy Analysis rev 1

Qambcooler (Qbooster = Qambcooler). Considering no mechanic loss between gaseous expander and
booster, then Qbooster = Qexp.
Then we have:
Qliqexp = Qambcooler = Qbooster = Qexp = Q
So the liquid expander total exergy gain is:
Total exergy gain = 2.022 * Q + 0.441 * Q + 0.165 * Q + 0.076 * Q = 2.7 * Q
Consider the exergy efficiency (almost equals isothermal efficiency) 70%, the energy gain due to
exergy gain is:
Energy gain = 2.7 / 0.7 * Q = 3.86 * Q
Do not forget the power by the liquid expander. Considering electricity generator efficiency 85%,
the total energy gain is:
Total energy gain = 3.86 * Q + 0.85 * Q = 4.7 * Q

For a Claude type gaseous expander, by using liquid expander, 4.7 times of power by the liquid
expander is saved (power by the electrical generator is included).
Actually due to the suppressor flow changing, the exergy loss of main heat exchanger is also
changing. It has some impact on the power consumption, but not so much. The impact is to be studied

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chen, Guofu

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