Final-Chap 4 To 6

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Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide information about the
quality of service under test of system.



Test Scenario:

Log in


Fill-out the Username and Password fields, and then click the Log-in
button. If the username and password are correct, Homepage will be
displayed. And, if the username and password didnt match, a message
dialog box will appear Invalid combination of username and


No errors found

Date Tested:

August 15, 2014


Test Scenario:

Database Setting


The user needs to fill up the text box with the correct Username and
Password. If the user input incorrect data for three attempts, message
box will appear failed to connect to the database.


Errors found

Date Tested:

August 15, 2014

Inventory Deployment System

Page 1


Test Scenario:

Inventory Integrated Officer


Get the overall reports from other departments. The IIO can view the
given reports and analyze it. If the reports are not available then the
IIO have nothing to view and analyze and need to wait for the reports
from the other departments.


Errors found

Date Tested:

August 15, 2014


Test Scenario:

Table Name


Table name must have a unique ID and Password. If the table name
has a same ID and Password from other department it is hard to
identify what kind of table is that.


Errors Found

Date Tested:

August 15, 2014

Inventory Deployment System

Page 2


Test Scenario:

Log in


The log in of Standalone system is the same with the log in, in
integrated system. The Username and Password fields and then click
the Log-in button. If the username and password are correct,
Homepage will be displayed. And, if the username and password
didnt match, a message dialog box will appear Invalid combination
of username and password.


No errors found

Date Tested:

August 15, 2014


Test Scenario:

Inventory Integrated Officer


Every department must provide a report to inventory integrated

officer. The IIO view the reports and convert it to graphical form. If
there are no reports from the other departments then the system cant
generate the graphical reports.


Errors Found

Date Tested:

August 15, 2014

Inventory Deployment System

Page 3


Test Scenario:

Executive Officer


The EO view the dashboard provided by the IIO. If there is no

generated report then the department that is responsible for that has
not yet provide a report to IIO.


Errors Found

Date Tested:

August 15, 2014


Test Scenario:

One Database


Integrated system should have a One database as whole system of all

departments. If the database is not in a One system they will have a
possibility that the database is not same with the other database of all

Date Tested:

Errors Found
August 15, 2014

5.1 Findings
Inventory Deployment System

Page 4

Base in the observation we are doing in chapter 4 which is the testing part,
were found that the system is not currently fully done, or functioning nicely that
the number one reason why the group decided to focus on main system which
encountered so much problems and errors. And in that way the decision that
already made to solve those errors through doing the best to create a unique and
user friendly interface even the old times people can use it. Sometimes the system
is not totally perfect and have an errors encountered, the results of testing is failed
to connect to the system and to another system especially in integrated system.
And if the top five issues of every department did not match in other department,
the inventory deployment system has a conflict to do the integrated database. The
inventory deployment has no back end but currently have a tendency that the
main back end of the system is the reports of every department given. And
whatever the reports they had received that are the main reports will be manages
and put it, in the dashboard.

5.2 Analysis
The Inventory Deployment System has a goal to reach the client needs
through checking a system step by step to minimize the errors of every
department connected to the system. If all of the departments did not give their
integrated reports, may dont have a report to represents through dashboard
because the main system is connected to other departments by viewing their
reports in real time. The Inventory Deployment is often analyzed during
processing to ensure that the process is operating in an efficient manner. Thus if a
problem develops during processing it can be quickly detected and the process
adjusted so that the other departments has always given the reports and not
adversely affected. Techniques used to monitor process control must be capable of
producing precise results in a short time. Customer Relationship Management can
either use analytical techniques that measure the order processing of foods online. And the Logistics warehouse is the one who managing the ordering process,
managing the supplies of raw materials and their stocks, and the bad orders given
to them.
Inventory Deployment System

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The Logistics transportation also managing the stocks to be delivered to

the customer and manage the back orders and complain given to them. And the
Manufacturing department is the one who managing to create a plan how to make
an advanced planning and scheduling for delivering the product. Maintains the
good quality of products to reach their quota, and Purchasing provides the good
quality of supplies.

5.3 Lesson Learned

The lesson learned in doing this system is knowledgeable to do and finish it
on time. Also me and my group members know how to cooperate to the other
groups to get their integrated database and reports and one thing, encountered the
worse decision is difficult to approach someone in their system even though it is
integrated in the whole system, limited sharing of information to each other, lack
communication of group members sometimes just because they have their own
decision to do something to their work, its hard to ask some help to them. And it
is difficult to reach the deadline of passing the documentation on time, know how
to manage the time, always down to earth and give an understanding to each
other, showing gratitude to the groups, scheduling the task as soon as possible
after the instructor assign it, learned also how to enhance the knowledge by
sharing it in groups.

5.4 Recommendations
The suggestions of my groups are to improve and enjoy to do the system in
real-time, detailed by doing this system because you can manage and control the
time whatever kind of system you have like the Inventory Deployment System
by changing the errors or solve the problems automatically. And eliminate the
inefficiencies throughout the convenient online system and connected also to all
departments like purchasing system. Teach how to purchase order online that
track costs of every products, thats why were create a dashboard that shows the
overall issues of every departments and shows the recommends also to do it in

Inventory Deployment System

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advance, doing the assign task that given the instructor by working it together
with all groups, updating, communicating all times.

6.1 Conclusions of the findings

Inventory Deployment System

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Inventory Deployment System has fully aimed and done the system by
testing the successes and failures of the system at different points of the lifecycle
of Inventory, which we solve the top five issue of every department by viewing
their reports in real time through dashboard. And updating always the integrated
groups to minimize the hassle and errors of every departments.

6.2 Future Suggested researches

The suggested researches to the future student is gave their best and
patient to work their system to the success of futures system and also it improves
our possibility to use there mind faster and develop your own techniques how to
do a research really well. And it would help too, how to do the overall summary
of the system which connected to the other department if the system is integrated
knows also the flow of every system which connected.

Always have a good time and make an advanced research.

Dont hesitate to ask some question with your group mates.

Ask some advice to the adviser given and think first the moves
before doing the assign task.

Always take down notes for some updates and schedules.

Cooperate always in groups discussion.

Inventory Deployment System

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