What I'm Doing With My Life

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Ok well, its not that common to find a profile you really enjoy to read!

Its not easy to know something deep about a person just with a bunch of
pixels on a screen and some pictures..but you look to me like a very
interesting and funny person!
Im not looking for a job and..seriously somebody asked you that?
Im a musician, Ive studied philosophy but music has always been in my life so
now I dedicate my life (well, part of it!) to piano playing!
Sono una donna che molto musicale, artistica e creativa. Sono anche...
dorky (goffa?)
imperfettamente umana
romantica senza speranza
Mi piace viaggiare e conoscere culture diverse.
Also, my Italian is a work in progress. ;)

I have a BS degree in Science and MA in Sociology. I'm also continuing my
Ph.D in Psychology. In Europe, I'll be working for a colleague's startup as a
project manager and the head of marketing remotely, as well as, completing
my Ph.D remotely.
La mia azienda startup non sta assumendo in questo momento.
(It is not a weird statement as some of you have already asked or are thinking
about asking. ;P)

I'm a singer, a writer, a dancer and an artist at heart with a hunger for science
and innovative technology.


My family, friends, and Oliver

My books (make my brain grow)
Exercise (body & mind are one)
My piano (practice of creativity)
Technology (obsessed, but who isn't?)


Melodies in my head for writing new music. I express my emotions through

song and relieve stress through yoga and meditation. :O

I love the company of small groups and close friends. Which reminds me, this
is actually why I'm here...

My excuse for being single. I'm extremely selective and have no regard for
theoretical/biological "ticking clocks" or any of the other things that women
tend to care about.
I enjoy being alone almost as much as I enjoy being passionately in love. In
fact, I would be happier alone, than settling for someone I'm only "content"
with. You only live once. Why not make your life epic in every aspect (not just
in career, but in love as well)?

If you are open to meeting a non-typical American woman with a Taiwanese,
Korean, and Finnish ancestral background. Also, if you don't mind having to
speak a lot of English with me. ;)
I'm here to make friends as I will be living here soon and NOT necessarily here
just to meet my true love.
Pi importante:
I'm certainly not here to find a bed buddy. Mi dispiace :'D
Thank you for reading!

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